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Idea for all of those 1/5 star crew taking up space

What if once a 1/5 was at level 100 and FE it could then be turned into 10k honor (1/5 the way to legendary citation to match the 1/5 crew since some effort was put into that specific crew).

This would give some recourse for all of those 1/5 star crew from just languishing around forever.


  • This is a nugget of a good idea. I do think the effort of equipping the card is worth extra honor. The exchange rate is probably too high, but I really like the concept.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    10,000 is a bit much
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everyone (almost) agrees that the honor cost is ridiculous. I think that is a part of the game that should be broken. I like the idea. I really don't see any terrible downside. It may make some people fight for top 1500 when they may not otherwise, but then, the top 1500 can be changed, too. The problem is that the game has been broken for too long that no one who put in the special effort wants to change it since they would think they were cheated. Also, DB doesn't want to change it since people keep paying.
  • I don't have any thoughts about the logistics, but I definitely support a dismissed FE/100 crew member fetching more honor than a level 1 with nothing equipped.
  • 10k is too much but around 2 to 3k I think would be a good idea... But what would a 2\5 Fe be worth then? Would it go from 3k to 6k? I doubt db would ever do something like this as to them the current system brings them profit just fine but we can still dream.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    10k is too much but around 2 to 3k I think would be a good idea... But what would a 2\5 Fe be worth then? Would it go from 3k to 6k? I doubt db would ever do something like this as to them the current system brings them profit just fine but we can still dream.

    I'm now envisioning a new system whereby players airlock a 1/5 FE crew, get a game token, and then use that token to spin an Honor Wheel with a varied amount of Honor awarded depending on the spin :p
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    10k is too much but around 2 to 3k I think would be a good idea... But what would a 2\5 Fe be worth then? Would it go from 3k to 6k? I doubt db would ever do something like this as to them the current system brings them profit just fine but we can still dream.

    I'm now envisioning a new system whereby players airlock a 1/5 FE crew, get a game token, and then use that token to spin an Honor Wheel with a varied amount of Honor awarded depending on the spin :p

    Intriguing idea.... But I wonder if it would be as rigged as dabo?
  • I'd like to see some challenges (perhaps a new weekly thing) that focuses on different ranks and levels of character (e.g. a challenge where you could only use 3-* or less characters of any sort). Or stratified challenges where you could enter the 5/5-* challenge and/or the 4-* challenge.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think we can all agree that 550 honor is way too low. Personally I don't think 10k is too high in principle. The real issue (as always) is that after you've immortalised your 50th Legendary what are you going to do with it? There are massive diminishing marginal returns on the usefulness of immortalised legendaries. Once you have a decent number there will currently be nothing you can't do in the game, from run 10hr Voyages regularly to knock out every node in the story campaigns to put together a decent arena ship. Immortalised Legendaries are a nice to have for events but certainly aren't going to make much of a difference unless you are marginal for getting over the line.

    What's going on here is that DB are giving a pittance for your legendary because a) they want you to buy crew slots and b) they don't have much for you to do with all of these characters anyway. The game is desperately in need of a new system or something that will force us to stretch.

    Regular 12hr Voyages without refreshes are currently not really possible but are something that could be put on the table. Maybe something like the Duty Officer system from Star Trek Online where we send out crew for longer periods of time without needing to interact with them (unlike Voyages). Basically a system where having 100+ immortalised legendaries gives some benefit.

    Pretty much every other game I have played regularly pushes out what can be achieved and what is needed to achieve it to encourage players to stick with the game. I am not saying that this process should be relentless, but it should be present in some form which it isn't here at all.
  • What about Swap a 1/5 for a 4 star citation directly.....is that too game breaking??

    Its not helping the 5 star squeeze per se but would help free up space for those who would want it without devaluing the 5 star cards.

    Equally...swap a 1/4 star card for a 3 star citation.

    (Quietly Mumbles.....) a voyage token for 1 5 star citation???
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    Would Bylo and Banjo rage-quit because of all the legendaries that they've dismissed for just 550 honor when they could have spent a few chronitons and turned it into 10k? Would events become so competitive and pay-to-win that many others rage-quit later?

    I'm with all the others who say that a smaller step is a good idea, but such a large step will break the game.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    Would Bylo and Banjo rage-quit because of all the legendaries that they've dismissed for just 550 honor when they could have spent a few chronitons and turned it into 10k? Would events become so competitive and pay-to-win that many others rage-quit later?

    I'm with all the others who say that a smaller step is a good idea, but such a large step will break the game.

    If the OP dumped 100 of those legendaries for 10k honor each they would get 1 million honor. I have dumped way more than that, even when we were given trainers for airlocking before honor was even a thing. My 100 airlock would have given me 55,000 honor. I believe that is what you would call a SERIOUS game changer!

  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Ren~ wrote: »
    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    This! I even doubt that the improvement on voyages would be that massive. To the point on those 2 crew maybe 20 minutes, for other skill combos far less. 550 is just ridiculous, and 5 to 10k were reasonable. The shame is that it were 550 in the first place.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    What would be game-breaking is the mad rush by 3,000-5,000 players trying to squeeze into the top 1,500 every single week. You may recall the major VP inflation that occurred when the rank rewards were extended...this would happen again, but instead of attracting a larger but still limited subset of players that want a particular crew (for collection purposes or for help in events or on voyages), you’ll have everyone who wants 1/5 of a citation helping drive an even bigger wedge between new players and those who can afford to go all out on a regular basis.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    What would be game-breaking is the mad rush by 3,000-5,000 players trying to squeeze into the top 1,500 every single week. You may recall the major VP inflation that occurred when the rank rewards were extended...this would happen again, but instead of attracting a larger but still limited subset of players that want a particular crew (for collection purposes or for help in events or on voyages), you’ll have everyone who wants 1/5 of a citation helping drive an even bigger wedge between new players and those who can afford to go all out on a regular basis.

    100% this. People continue to forget the large number of players who don't rank because they don't want to not because they can't. They think tweaking rewards just gives extra things to the players currently ranking and not massively changing the number of players trying to rank.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Hmmm I currently make around 4200 honor per day, tendency increasing as more and more purples are FF. I would not waste my time and ressources on 10k of honor in comparison. Just for fun I went through my roster and counted the stars I would ditch for 10k each. Ended up with 10 on 9 crew, so 2 citations...

    /edit: OMG I forgot Shinzon, so 13 stars.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    What herd of purples? I was talking about new captains joining the game. It'll be a huge bar against retention if they have no shot at top 1,500 in their first year of play. At that point, they're falling 10k honor behind every week or every other week if I keep half of the legendaries.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Would Bylo and Banjo rage-quit because of all the legendaries that they've dismissed for just 550 honor when they could have spent a few chronitons and turned it into 10k?.

    I've rage quit over less ;)
    What herd of purples?

    I choose to read that as 'herd of turtles' :p
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    What herd of purples? I was talking about new captains joining the game. It'll be a huge bar against retention if they have no shot at top 1,500 in their first year of play. At that point, they're falling 10k honor behind every week or every other week if I keep half of the legendaries.

    Would you say that about campaigns too? Because we're talking about a similar level of progression.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    That would break the game. Maybe 650 or 750, but 10,000? Yikes.

    It wouldn't. 10k would let you get a legendary citation a month assuming you rank in every single event and dismiss all crew (no one does that). Hardly game-breaking. I can't think of any amount of honour that would truly break the game, it's that much of a slog.

    I have 80+ legendaries at 1/5. If I traded half of them for 10k honor each, then I could get 8 citations. I would use them on crew with the highest event potential. How is a new player going to compete with that? How will they even break into the top 1,500 to become competitive?

    We're merely discussing ideas here, I don't think DB listens to that kind of suggestions anyway. No, 8 citations wouldn't be a game changer for events, that's a drop in a bucket. You get two crew to max, so what? All you need for events are purples, legendaries are just a bonus, and your two legendaries vs their herd of purples wouldn't do much of a difference.

    The only part of your game that would massively improve is your voyages.

    What herd of purples? I was talking about new captains joining the game. It'll be a huge bar against retention if they have no shot at top 1,500 in their first year of play. At that point, they're falling 10k honor behind every week or every other week if I keep half of the legendaries.

    Would you say that about campaigns too? Because we're talking about a similar level of progression.

    You don't have to make top 1,500 to benefit from campaigns. Apples and oranges.
    Farewell 🖖
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be happy if they'd just let me freeze them...
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Boy, when the honor system was first introduced, all of us thought 550 for dismissing was too low. Now look at where we are. People are thinking that 10k honor for dismissing a FE level 100 crew is too much.

    I think the solution is more on the side of reducing the cost of citations and honor beholds. But, there still needs to be some compensation for the leveling and equipping of crew. It does not have to be in honor. Some Chron. compensation would be fair considering the cost of farming to get the items as well as faction missions sent to get items.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmmm I currently make around 4200 honor per day

    That seems impossibly high, would you be willing to write up a guide detailing how you achieve this, I think it would help a lot of people.
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    Hmmm I currently make around 4200 honor per day

    That seems impossibly high, would you be willing to write up a guide detailing how you achieve this, I think it would help a lot of people.

    I was also thinking that, in 12 days that's one gold citation. I usually average one every 30 days or so so this sounds very interesting.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Hmmm I currently make around 4200 honor per day

    That seems impossibly high, would you be willing to write up a guide detailing how you achieve this, I think it would help a lot of people.

    I was also thinking that, in 12 days that's one gold citation. I usually average one every 30 days or so so this sounds very interesting.

    Indeed. My napkin math comes up way short:

    -480 (max) from daily targets
    -200 from daily missions completion
    -0-200 from daily portal purchases (assuming airlocked crew from three single basic pulls, a 10x basic pull, or a merit pull)
    -107ish (on average) from basic campaign track honor drops
    -161ish (on average) from premium campaign track honor drops (assuming it’s purchased)
    -300-800 per day from voyages (real rough estimate)

    That’s less than 2,000 per day at best, maybe a little more if my wild guess about voyage honor is low. That doesn’t count airlocking event/campaign/monthly reward duplicate crew, honor from campaign/event/gauntlet premium portal pulls, or results from any other pack purchases, of course, but a steady 4,200 honor per day sounds awful high without spending more dil than comes with the monthly card.
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