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Idea for all of those 1/5 star crew taking up space



  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    For the average you also have to include the spikes that events give, and the gauntlet drops, merit reward pulls from honor pulls etc. 4200 still feels high, but depending on how common skirmishes are, I can see the possibility of it.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I never calculated on a monthly basis or so but over my entire STT career:

    As it is not even a year that I started playing I could easily remember each citiation I used when I set this calculation up.

    So I counted the citations I used (currently 23, not considering the one we got for free recently) and subtracted those obtained from campaigns (8) and multiplied the result by 50k. On top goes the honor I know I spent otherwise (2 golden beholds and a few 4* and 3* citations) and the honor on stock. Then I divide the result by my days played which are calculated dynamically. And here we go:


    Whenever a character gets a citation it is entered in this spreadsheet, as well as citations from campaings, so it is always up to date.

    Since I started this the daily average increases slowly but it does, like I mentioned before due to increasing numbers of 4* crew I can airlock as duplicates.

    Of course this also includes honor from achievements and collections. If all is done this source runs dry of course but I am not there by far.

    But I do not only buy the monthly card. My monthly spendings are:

    1. Monthly card -> 4 $
    2. Campaign -> 10 $
    3. 2x the superpack with 15 packs, 3000 dil and 3000 chrons -> 50 $

    Very rarely I buy the LTO crew (5 times so far afair) but apart from the VIP dil it does nothing to this calculation anyway.

    I also bought Elusive Treasures once (what a waste, never again) and for example the 20x10 + 2250 dil pack a few days ago. On average I think I use to spend like 75 $ per month on the game (VIP 13) which is less in Euro though (like 60).

    On average 750 dil per month usually go to crew slots (one purchase every second month when there is an offer), about 2000 to voyage extensions, up to 1200 on cadet tickets (Thursday and Saturday, depending on my time at work and my ability to double only 6 or 12 missions per day) and the rest on packs, mostly on the mega wrapup packs which of course provide the best honor per dil ratio.

    Hope this helps.

    /edit: Oh, and I spend hardly any merits on the Gauntlet but mostly for packs (and transmissions of course). I do not spend credits on basic pulls yet though as I rather use them for replications. As soon as credits will become an overflowing resource I will stop my spendings on Saturday's cadet tickets and start buying basic pulls. This will again increase my average daily honor harvest.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • I never calculated on a monthly basis or so but over my entire STT career:

    As it is not even a year that I started playing I could easily remember each citiation I used when I set this calculation up.

    So I counted the citations I used (currently 23, not considering the one we got for free recently) and subtracted those obtained from campaigns (8) and multiplied the result by 50k. On top goes the honor I know I spent otherwise (2 golden beholds and a few 4* and 3* citations) and the honor on stock. Then I divide the result by my days played which are calculated dynamically.


    But I do not only buy the monthly card. My monthly spendings are:

    1. Monthly card -> 4 $
    2. Campaign -> 10 $
    3. 2x the superpack with 15 packs, 3000 dil and 3000 chrons -> 50 $

    It's a dubious conclusion to draw from redeemed citations what your average daily quantity of Honor is, when the lion's share comes not from game play, but spending so much money. As one of my professors was fond of saying, that's so reductive that it's wrong.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    It's a dubious conclusion to draw from redeemed citations what your average daily quantity of Honor is, when the lion's share comes not from game play, but spending so much money. As one of my professors was fond of saying, that's so reductive that it's wrong.

    I only talked for myself. I (!) make 4200 honor on average per day and I (!) would not go all in on an event for 10k honor only due to that. I never said that this is the average of every player.

    For me both statements are absolutely true though.

    As a mother of two teenagers and having a well paid full time job I can always ask myself which of those two do I have more: time or money. And so far the answer was always money. ;)

    The only event type I really take time for is skirmish. I made 14k honor from the last one.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • It's a dubious conclusion to draw from redeemed citations what your average daily quantity of Honor is, when the lion's share comes not from game play, but spending so much money. As one of my professors was fond of saying, that's so reductive that it's wrong.

    I only talked for myself. I (!) make 4200 honor on average per day and I (!) would not go all in on an event for 10k honor only due to that. I never said that this is the average of every player.

    For me both statements are absolutely true though.

    As a mother of two teenagers and having a well paid full time job I can always ask myself which of those two do I have more: time or money. And so far the answer was always money. ;)

    The only event type I really take time for is skirmish. I made 14k honor from the last one.

    That's fair, and reasonable. I apologize for my brusqueness.

    I thought about Skirmishes after I posted, and how those are likely also a source of Honor. We've had one monthly (or thereabouts, including hybrids), making that a fairly steady supply. In any event, choosing to spend your time on your kids instead of this little game is definitely the most prudent decision. I envy you that.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
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