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Inventory update!



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    so same principal, same process, same result, only now you pay twice?

    That's why I hope it's an oversight. Because it would only be twice if you made and used one ration this way. But most of the time, we use multiple rations. Typically 10-30 for me. So more like paying 12 times.

    DB, can we please eliminate the cost in credits or bring it down into the hundreds instead of the thousands?

    But I mean, it's just a dumb alternative that nobody should ever consider using. If you put single items in there to create replicator rations, you still have to add them in until you reach 100%, click on Replicate, then check the names to see if they're what you really want to get rid of — in other words, exactly like replicating any item has been in the past. And like SilverRose said, there's an additional cost. So there's absolutely no reason to ever use this alternative. The way I see it, either just use the replicator the way we've always used it, or just employ the discard button.

    You gave me a lot of my early guidance in this game. And I pretty much agree with you (this time, and nearly always :) ). But I will play devil's advocate since DB put in some effort to help the players.

    If I were a VIP 0 player and used my daily replications, then this new tool would be helpful in clearing some inventory without using extra replication allotments. Then I could use the replicator ration tomorrow.

    I don't know how VIP 0 players do on credits, but even in my made-up scenario, I doubt they would pay the credits over just discarding the item as you say. But if the credit hurdle were removed or set very low, I could see the tool getting a bit more use.

    So I still have items I need to clear out of my inventory, but you say I used all my replications and did not do that already. Are you sure you have not been smoking something that is becoming legal in bunch of states.

    I thought that too. I would have burned what I could in the replicator. It takes a wheelbarrow full of individual items to replicate a 5* or even a 4* item. Anyone who can’t burn enough items with 8 replications is doing something really wrong

  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Part of me wants to be grumpy because this isn’t really as much help as we were hoping for, but then I remember two things: that comment from someone (Nod? JazzRiker?) that there were parts of the original game code that are somewhat of a mystery to the current dev team, and that DB is splitting resources between maintaining Timelines and building the new Archer game. As long as it has been, maybe this really is the best they could do without making things worse? Of course it would be nice to have a completely rebuilt item inventory interface, where there is a separate area that displays the title of a selected item instead of needing a quantity slider or partially-hidden tooltip-like feature. But baby steps are okay and this is a step in the right direction.

    So, half-rectuming this game to devote time to developing a new game? Way to encourage me to give them money........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Shan wrote: »
    Thanks to those of you who understand and appreciate that the intent is really a first pass at improvements, especially to address the fact that players are being taken by surprise by the inventory cap and its consequences.

    I am bringing up your concerns about the cost and I will relay again the pain point that is the lack of item name.

    A million thanks!!! :)
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    What if instead of converting items into replicator rations, we could convert them into honor? Doesn't even need to be a lot of honor, just some. I'd spend credits on that process.

    +1 on this suggestion

    As for the new replicator feature as it is now, I agree that it missed the point, but to me the discard option and the notification in case I should reach 1000 items already solve the problem. I guess that for most players who are close to 1000 items discarding a few single 0* items instead of tossing them into the replicator wouldn't be a great loss, so this isn't such a bad solution.
    The replicator feature currently looks like a waste of time and resources, but maybe it can be improved and turned into something that's actually useful. If not, I still think that the other changes they made are big improvements.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Thanks to those of you who understand and appreciate that the intent is really a first pass at improvements, especially to address the fact that players are being taken by surprise by the inventory cap and its consequences.

    I am bringing up your concerns about the cost and I will relay again the pain point that is the lack of item name.

    Thank you. This is much appreciated. Personally, I'm happy with the new changes. But then, I have more rations than I'll ever use and well over 15 million credits. So the other parts are less of an issue. I'll see how it goes once the changes go live on android.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Part of me wants to be grumpy because this isn’t really as much help as we were hoping for, but then I remember two things: that comment from someone (Nod? JazzRiker?) that there were parts of the original game code that are somewhat of a mystery to the current dev team, and that DB is splitting resources between maintaining Timelines and building the new Archer game. As long as it has been, maybe this really is the best they could do without making things worse? Of course it would be nice to have a completely rebuilt item inventory interface, where there is a separate area that displays the title of a selected item instead of needing a quantity slider or partially-hidden tooltip-like feature. But baby steps are okay and this is a step in the right direction.

    So, half-rectuming this game to devote time to developing a new game? Way to encourage me to give them money........

    As badly as the Walking Dead game flopped, I don’t know that I can blame them for keeping the payroll on the small side. I imagine that was an awful hard lesson to learn, one that mirrors what happened to my last employer a few years before I started there: they put too many eggs in one basket, grew to an unsustainable size, and had to cut over 50% of the workforce when their main customer almost entirely stopped buying stuff. Since then, they’ve been smarter about how they grow the business and not putting themselves in such a precious position.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Thanks to those of you who understand and appreciate that the intent is really a first pass at improvements, especially to address the fact that players are being taken by surprise by the inventory cap and its consequences.

    I am bringing up your concerns about the cost and I will relay again the pain point that is the lack of item name.

    Thank you for keeping the lines of communication open, Shan. If you could bring up the secondary issue of the credits, that would would be... sprinkles on the cake. You know, not essential, but it would look nice. :)
    (It always comes back to cake in 10F. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Does that emoji look like Spock to anyone else? It does to me, so I'm rolling with it.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Thanks to those of you who understand and appreciate that the intent is really a first pass at improvements, especially to address the fact that players are being taken by surprise by the inventory cap and its consequences.

    I am bringing up your concerns about the cost and I will relay again the pain point that is the lack of item name.

    Thank you for keeping the lines of communication open, Shan. If you could bring up the secondary issue of the credits, that would would be... sprinkles on the cake. You know, not essential, but it would look nice. :)
    (It always comes back to cake in 10F. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Does that emoji look like Spock to anyone else? It does to me, so I'm rolling with it.)

    It's SpockTacular

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know how VIP 0 players do on credits, but even in my made-up scenario, I doubt they would pay the credits over just discarding the item as you say. But if the credit hurdle were removed or set very low, I could see the tool getting a bit more use.

    I wouldn't. I would just keep using the current method: delete all 0* and 1* clothing that I only have one of and replicate 4 faction-only items every day.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • 1v3kr4wxpboc.jpg

    I am curious about the defaults for discarding stuff. Looking at my own inventory, it is going to discard my 0/1/3* casings but not my 2*.

    I also feel as if I don't have a real grasp on what is actually contributing to the 1K cap. Why would 0* casings be on that list?
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    My central concern with inventory is spending it. I can usually replicate enough 3* Champagne to keep my current inventory under control. These fixes really don't help with the former problem. I have 1000's of inventory rations and trainers and schematics and other garbage that just sits there.

    I'd cheerfully sell large swathes of my inventory to the most miserly Ferengi trader for any form of in game currency.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Wait if you have to pay 225,000 credits to turn an item into one gold ration, I think you’d be better off just going through and dumping useless items into the replicator instead like we have been doing. It would be nice if we could see all the item names though
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t have the update yet to see for myself but it looks good. Currently, using items in the replicator to remove them works but it costs you credits. Credits that could be being turned to honor by 90k credit packs and airlocking the crew. But now looks like I can just airlock items or turn me into rations. That is a definite improvement.
    Let’s fly!
  • Yes, an improvement of a sort, but why would I want to toss out 3* casings by default? I'm not getting the prioritzation of auto-deletion yet.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    This might be an insight into why we don't have much development of this game at all. They're not able to do it anymore. Either because they don't want to (don't want to pay the staff) or because they are no longer able to because they lost (either in rounds of layoffs or through natural attrition) the human resources that built the game.

    Either way it bodes very poorly for the longterm survival of the game.

    I disagree. I believe this has to do with not wanting to tax the system by changing inventory cap but trying to find ways to mitigate it and as Shan has said this is just the start of changes.
    Let’s fly!
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Common all they have to do is break all items down until they cannot be broken down anymore. Basically reverse build. No more item cap. But they rather have us pay or get nothing for the items we have earned though events, built by mistake (and not always are mistake, duplicate item build), or paid for DABO or campaign.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I'm always short on credits, so this fix won't help me too much, but at least I can discard single items that take an unnecessary spot in the inventory. If the conversion to replicator rations were for free (no credit cost), I would certainly not just discard them, but turn them into gold replicator rations. I would however pay credits for conversion if the result item was not replicator rations, but merits or honor.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Earlier today, a few hours after posting here, I discarded about a hundred unneeded items from my inventory, bringing me into the 800s for the what must be the first time in many a moon.

    Was sort of cathartic, like bringing a bunch of old clothing to the thrift shop. Now to go and fill up that closet again. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    You will get a ton of those 0* and 1* specific equipment back with the campaign drops and they won't even serve any of the crew on Level 10 or 20 ... I just wonder why. If there was no crew that would require 0* or 1* equipment, I'd totally understand (same with Dabo), but I actually do have some crew such as Gary Seven requiring a 1* outfit (which also requires a 0* film roll that I currently don't have).
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • 12345678 of 12345678912345678 of 123456789 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Of course the obvious solution is remove the item cap, but the prior implications of game performance or complex code seems to indicate that this fundamental infrastructure change isn't going to happen.

    It is what it is.

    As designed, this seems like a solution for late stage players that have immortalized most of their crew and accrue useless items due to regular game mechanics. If a player doesn't have at least one crew around for replication purposes, there's no way to avoid the 1000 item cap.

    Theoretically you shouldn't need to keep crew around just for replication or item farming. Now players that are full up on their crew slots with no unleveled crew have a replication outlet or can dump their choice of inventory.

    There's also a warning about the limit and some transparency into what RNGesus is planning to 86.

    This is progress.

    For players not in this later stage, or who manage their slots and inventory, it's an expensive curiosity slightly worse in implementation than the Vault. Seems fully in line with the punitive incentivization employed elsewhere in the game. 🤷

    As for displaying item names, I don't see how that happens without a radical change in the interface. Given that we still have components with the same icon (and in some cases, same name) that are completely different for the purposes of crafting recipes, I won't hold my breath for development resources along these lines.

    The most elegant remaining solution is for the item quantity selector to always pop up, even when there's only 1 of an item. From the quantity selector, you can tap the icon to get the name. Sure, it's another couple of taps. As is, those extra taps are selecting the item in inventory and trashing it.
  • You will get a ton of those 0* and 1* specific equipment back with the campaign drops and they won't even serve any of the crew on Level 10 or 20 ... I just wonder why. If there was no crew that would require 0* or 1* equipment, I'd totally understand (same with Dabo), but I actually do have some crew such as Gary Seven requiring a 1* outfit (which also requires a 0* film roll that I currently don't have).

    There seems to be a minimum unequipped item amount that must be maintained in order to avoid getting random junk, say 10 unique items for each rarity level.
  • Glenn FiddichGlenn Fiddich ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    @ Shan a really helpfull addition for me would be an extra inventory cat. With super rare items from galaxy events. Those are useless after events but count to the 1000 cap.

    (The items that drop because of crew %)
  • Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    Couldn't we just have a button that automatically converts all items for fe characters into replicator rations?
  • Many of us have 2 of some crew...
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have duplicates too. If a button existed to dump all items for FE'd crew, I would be happy. And careful.
    Farewell 🖖
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