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Permanent Solution for Starbases?



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    The level increase is now live.

    Awesome, We see it now in my fleet.
  • Amphistaff wrote: »
    What is the new max level?

    Do you really want someone to tell you what 6+1 is?
    "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Whoot they are! We maxed our 2 days ago and had the blues already
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    What is the new max level?

    Do you really want someone to tell you what 6+1 is?

    Level increase doesn't necessarily mean that it's only a single level. There could have been additional levels added.
  • Amphistaff wrote: »
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    What is the new max level?

    Do you really want someone to tell you what 6+1 is?

    Level increase doesn't necessarily mean that it's only a single level. There could have been additional levels added.

    It could, but but since Shan said they're doing what they did last time, it means +1.
    "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
  • Each of these new levels that is added makes it that much harder for new players to be competitive. When new players can't catch up, you put a big noose around your game's growth.

    Each of these "fixes" reeks of a lack of planning. I really hope DB gets this figured out before they dig the hole deeper.
  • At some point a star base is finished and well done to those who pushed fast to get it first, but you know what that means? It's finished... so no more chrons.

    I fail to see the big issue here, do a voyage and you'll have enough sooner or later.

  • Has there been any progress on a permanent solution, new rooms, etc....
    Admiral Timeless Warrior
    LINE ID: Timeless_Warrior
    Packer Backers Fleet
  • Hope_FHope_F ✭✭✭
    Has there been any progress on a permanent solution, new rooms, etc....

    Never gonna happen! It's three lines of code to let us at least donate into the void, but that's obviously too much to ask.
  • DB, are we any closer to a permanent solution?
  • Oh hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that the starbasepocalypse is once more nigh for many fleets.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Understood, and not forgotten - hang tight there will be some news soon :)
  • Wouldn't it be nice if we could build/enhance our Ships with some kind of Starbase rewards? Or at the very least, build rare schematics? (Drydocks, starship maintenance/repair/refit, starship design and construction have all been areas of Starbases discussed/observed in the TV shows & movies.)

    A good place to introduce new ships as well, and exclusive to Starbase/Starship construction.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    Is it me or new rooms made holoemitter shortage worse? Because 0>1 nothing, 1>2 alu, 2>3 he most likely means 3>4 alu, 4>5 he, 5>6 alu and 6>7 he. And with increasing cost each level it means that we need to spend like twice as much holoemitters than transparent aluminum or at least 1.5 times as much. Or at least if they wouldn't add lv8 (or any other even-level cap instead of odd-level cap) rooms.
  • For months our fleet has been purposefully holding back donations at the 1100 threshold so as to extend daily chronitons since that's what most of our captains value most. We're purposefully dragging out completion of a project (and sacrificing bonus power) to earn more from it. That's not the best 21st century business tactic to have to employ in a game set in a future where Starfleet has endeavoured to leave things like that behind.

    I'm not a programmer, but its seems like the solution is simple and easy. Just make a bottomless pit room (like an arboretum) we can indefinitely toss components into for its upkeep to earn 100 chrons per day, or even easier - as has been suggested in this thread, have the completed Starbase automatically generate the 100 chrons to be collected at any point in the day.

    If we know about what's coming in the future, then our fleet will feel free to donate as much as we like to upgrade rooms and benefit from the bonuses faster.

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regardless of whether you think it is difficult or not, it will take a non-zero level of time from developers, qa, product, and art. This means that something else that they wanted to bring to the game will not make it.

    Seeing as DB has been pretty willing to introduce additional tiers to make sure people can keep going, I suspect the "stick to 1100" strategy will not pay off in the long run as well as getting your upgrades faster.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regardless of whether you think it is difficult or not, it will take a non-zero level of time from developers, qa, product, and art. This means that something else that they wanted to bring to the game will not make it.

    Seeing as DB has been pretty willing to introduce additional tiers to make sure people can keep going, I suspect the "stick to 1100" strategy will not pay off in the long run as well as getting your upgrades faster.

    I disagree and think the stick to 1100 might be the better course? Why? DB keeps coming in with upgrades but seems to only deliver them when a groundswell has hit of folks who's fleets have hit there max points.

    We got the 2 minor upgrades to 6 and 7 for the first rooms to show for it.
  • Regardless of whether you think it is difficult or not, it will take a non-zero level of time from developers, qa, product, and art. This means that something else that they wanted to bring to the game will not make it.

    Properly dressing a gaping wound is more efficient long-term than re-applying bandaids. (Why not put the time that is spent on each additional Starbase bandaid room, on the permanent room/solution instead?)

    + I'm good with holding off on adding more things (which will require more fixing) to the game if it means first fixing things which already exist.

    For DB adding rooms in time for us to keep donating - if we hadn't been limiting ourselves, we'd have maxed each time or hit holocalypse before they got around to it. Other fleets who didn't hold back found themselves in the holocalypse a few times, but have slightly higher boosts a bit faster. It's a trade-off, and we've collectively decided to prioritize chrons until we know more.
  • Hi @Shan just wanted to let you know that our base is 3 rooms away from being maxed out. It would be great to know if new rooms are planned or not.
    I think we have one of the highest bases in the game, but this question should start to get relevant for more and more fleets in the next 1 to 2 months.
    Even if there is nothing planned if would be great to know.
    And I am not sure, if additional level for prof. rooms are an intermediate solution as I feel +6% or even +7% might be too overpowered for gauntlet. Better to just add levels to the chron max if you want to allow further resource spending.
  • I only have a little fleet, with no maxed rooms on my starbase, hopefully one day, I will have this problem

    Congrats to those who have achieved this level
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    Hi @Shan just wanted to let you know that our base is 3 rooms away from being maxed out. It would be great to know if new rooms are planned or not.
    I think we have one of the highest bases in the game, but this question should start to get relevant for more and more fleets in the next 1 to 2 months.
    Even if there is nothing planned if would be great to know.
    And I am not sure, if additional level for prof. rooms are an intermediate solution as I feel +6% or even +7% might be too overpowered for gauntlet. Better to just add levels to the chron max if you want to allow further resource spending.

    Max Chrons is a great place to just add a bunch of levels to buy time if DB was so inclined....
  • I agree with the chronitons max level being improved, let's say 3 levels more, 20 chronitons each, as these new levels use increased resources.
    Another rool I already posted on a different thread, what about a room called "Barracks" or something like that, 3 tiers of it, each tier add 10 crew room space.
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    What about a daily increase for the next day once the Starbase is maxed. You add the required items and depending upon how many, it would give you annaddedbbonus for the following day. One day chrons, one day base stats, one day proficiency etc in addition to the existing starbase adds, and....make it different for each fleet on each day so it balances out for everyone....


    *this idea is free, the next ones will cost lol*
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have all rooms go to 100 and be done with it
  • I want out of the holoemitter anomaly. Increase the holoemitter rater please. Also, can we get a replicator usage increase to get rid of those extras.....
    Admiral Timeless Warrior
    LINE ID: Timeless_Warrior
    Packer Backers Fleet
  • [BL] Q wrote: »
    Have all rooms go to 100 and be done with it

    Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the whole problem. Our fleet recently hit a wall where all the rooms needed holoemitters. We maxed out donating all other required items, but no one had any holoemitters left. "luckily" the number of holoemitters required was "only" 10,000. It took us several days of 0 daily starbase bonus chronitons (right before and continuing into the galaxy event) which put our fleet at a 100 chrontion/day disadvantage compared to other active fleets that haven't maxed out their rooms (or are also stuck at a holoemitter wall).

    even with actively farming for galaxy event items, we didn't even collect 20 chroniton bonus due to the lack of holoemitters.

    Our fleet also took active steps to maximize the number of days being able to collect some daily starbase bonus chronitons until we hit the holoemitter wall. Note, this also meant selecting days where we would only collect 20 or 50 daily starbase bonus chronitons. We didn't always collect 100. but nonetheless, the inevitable happened. Just our bad luck that it happened during a (hybrid) galaxy event.

    the issue is clear: holoemitter drop rates. DB did not take the time to run resource-balancing simulations of how the drop rates would affect players/fleets.

    note, this is not the same problem as basic science experiment, ds9 hyperspanner, encoded communiques, etc drop rates being horrible - none of those items are directly tied to daily rewards, let alone chronitons.

    this has a direct impact on players' ability to compete in events.
  • My suggestion to solve this is have some sort of "daily power distribution node" that requires donations to keep the stat bonuses active the following day. It should require some number of nanopolymers/tritanium/transparent aluminium (NOT holoemitters).if the fleet doesn't donate to that power node, then the bonus is either reduced or eliminated for the following day.

    it gives incentives for fleets to participate daily.
  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Will there be an official response? Or do we just have to hope that something will happen "soon"?
    Only 26.000 Holoemitter and a few tritanium missing for our fully upgraded base.
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