Burnt through all my dilithium and only pulled three O'Brien's, three T'Mirs and a Mudd which I have all immortalised. Not even a substantial amount of honour for all that dilithium.
TP really need to think through why established players would want to spend to purchase these junk packs.
Oh, but at least they gave us two free supply kits to add to the other 35 we had knocking around. :Roll:
The assumption is 10% chance of the guaranteed 5*. You bought 7 packs. I wouldn't even expect a 5* with that many packs.
I guess I just don't understand exactly how much money one should expect be spending to get the dilithium in order to bag one of these 5*s. I presume Byloband was exaggerating slightly with his million numbers, but just how much dilithium/cash can one expect to stump up to be in with a shot at these cards?
As someone that is only missing a couple of 4* there is absolutely nothing of interest for me in these packs. Even when they do contain a new 4* all they seem to produce
for me is the two 4*s that have been around for years.
I dipped my toe into the Tuesday Gamble pack market this week - despite promising not to do it again - so more fool me. But is that really TPs selling point? "Have a gamble, you know you'll be disappointed"?
As I stated earlier, in the three times I have done it it has taken me an average of 25k dilithium to get one copy. So if you go by the basic dilithium store prices, at VIP14 that comes to about $234 for one star. Again, I add that this is MY experience. Others will be different. That is my disclaimer so others don’t start jumping all over my statement
Yeah Tuesday packs be crazy, mine cost 16,900 dilithium and with that I was lucky she dropped when I finally broke down and bought a 6500 pack to get a legendary with a 1/3 chance of her. Luckily I had bought that dilithium deal a while back with all the dilithium and had saved my monthly cards. But I got her and have her immortalized so I am happy.
That is way too rich for my blood. No way I could ever justify spending that kind of money on pixels.
I'm only a VIP 10 and a first day player if that gives any indication of my spending habits.
It sounds like you are like me: careful with your spending and looking for good deals. I'd recommend you take the approach of looking at Tuesday Packs as a slot machine; set how much you're willing to spend in your head and then walk away if you don't get what you want. It's frustrating and annoying, but it protects your pocket. And only pull Tues Packs if there is a card you REALLY want (and, ideally, there are other cards in the pack that you need; not always possible when you reach a certain level).
I set myself a one or two pack limit with this and got lucky off one pull. Other times with Tuesday packs I was not so lucky. For example, last week I used ~5000 dilithium (half of what I'd built up) aiming for the Android Kirk 4* and one star for EMA; only walked away with a FF Android Kirk (which is already frozen) and a lot of honor.
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
Burnt through all my dilithium and only pulled three O'Brien's, three T'Mirs and a Mudd which I have all immortalised. Not even a substantial amount of honour for all that dilithium.
TP really need to think through why established players would want to spend to purchase these junk packs.
Oh, but at least they gave us two free supply kits to add to the other 35 we had knocking around. :Roll:
The assumption is 10% chance of the guaranteed 5*. You bought 7 packs. I wouldn't even expect a 5* with that many packs.
I guess I just don't understand exactly how much money one should expect be spending to get the dilithium in order to bag one of these 5*s. I presume Byloband was exaggerating slightly with his million numbers, but just how much dilithium/cash can one expect to stump up to be in with a shot at these cards?
As someone that is only missing a couple of 4* there is absolutely nothing of interest for me in these packs. Even when they do contain a new 4* all they seem to produce
for me is the two 4*s that have been around for years.
I dipped my toe into the Tuesday Gamble pack market this week - despite promising not to do it again - so more fool me. But is that really TPs selling point? "Have a gamble, you know you'll be disappointed"?
It costs more than is reasonable. But that's also why I never go chasing 5* crew in packs. It's like a casino, the house always wins.
Personally, if the pack has a 4* I have FF I won't buy it. I've made a exception for a mega discount pack where only one 4* was FF and everyone else I needed. Otherwise I save my DIL until I find a pack with no one FF. Then I can buy knowing I'll get something more than honor.
Burnt through all my dilithium and only pulled three O'Brien's, three T'Mirs and a Mudd which I have all immortalised. Not even a substantial amount of honour for all that dilithium.
TP really need to think through why established players would want to spend to purchase these junk packs.
Oh, but at least they gave us two free supply kits to add to the other 35 we had knocking around. :Roll:
The assumption is 10% chance of the guaranteed 5*. You bought 7 packs. I wouldn't even expect a 5* with that many packs.
I guess I just don't understand exactly how much money one should expect be spending to get the dilithium in order to bag one of these 5*s. I presume Byloband was exaggerating slightly with his million numbers, but just how much dilithium/cash can one expect to stump up to be in with a shot at these cards?
As someone that is only missing a couple of 4* there is absolutely nothing of interest for me in these packs. Even when they do contain a new 4* all they seem to produce
for me is the two 4*s that have been around for years.
I dipped my toe into the Tuesday Gamble pack market this week - despite promising not to do it again - so more fool me. But is that really TPs selling point? "Have a gamble, you know you'll be disappointed"?
It costs more than is reasonable. But that's also why I never go chasing 5* crew in packs. It's like a casino, the house always wins.
Personally, if the pack has a 4* I have FF I won't buy it. I've made a exception for a mega discount pack where only one 4* was FF and everyone else I needed. Otherwise I save my DIL until I find a pack with no one FF. Then I can buy knowing I'll get something more than honor.
I also {usually} avoid Tuesday Packs with one {or more} FF four 🌟. But, Stranded Reno, and she was even wearing the goggles. I used my built up Dilithiums to do a Ten Pull, and three Single Pulls. The Ten Pull actually gave me a 🌟 for the one four 🌟 who was not FF. {O'Brien}
And a Behold for the second 🌟 on Richard Grayson's descendent, Amanda.
EDIT: Pre-Pull status of Featured Crew.....
Toilet Paper Chakotay {0 🌟}
Torpedo Surgeon McCoy {0 🌟}
Stranded Reno {0 🌟}
Time Loop Mudd 4 🌟/💯/1 of 4 Gear}
T'Mir {3 🌟/80/2 of 4 Gear}
Undercover O'Brien {1 🌟/40/ 3 of 4 Gear}
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the 490 dilithium discount packs that will be running next week and the two weeks after that.
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the discount packs.
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
I prefer the 490 dilithium cyberneticist packs if you are looking to get legendaries because there are only three crew in them and just one legendary so better odds of getting multiple of the legendary you need. The 390 dilithium wrap up packs are great for finishing the super rares.
I prefer the 490 dilithium cyberneticist packs if you are looking to get legendaries because there are only three crew in them and just one legendary so better odds of getting multiple of the legendary you need. The 390 dilithium wrap up packs are great for finishing the super rares.
I forgot about the 490s. Good option, as well as the Recaps. Especially if seeking a specific featured Trait from the Packs.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
Amen to that my friend. I think we need you to be in a good state of mind.
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
I am sorry that stinks. There is no excuse for people to behave that way and put your health in danger.
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
Dude, **hat tip** you earned that treat!
BTW, to put your mind at ease: if you live in even a halfway civilized state, the police won't do anything worse than give you a lecture about being out (and if even that). That's because arresting you would makes things worse for them.
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
People in essential jobs here get some kind of pass, apparently. Someone mentioned it on the bus Monday.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
People in essential jobs here get some kind of pass, apparently. Someone mentioned it on the bus Monday.
We do. We have a letter from our employer, kinda like a hall pass in case we get stopped. But in my town, going to work every day, there is no noticeable difference in traffic. It’s as if nothing is going on. Now whether they are going to work, I can’t say
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the discount packs.
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
My point is, I'm not a new player, so the packs are absolute garbage other than the new card which never seems to drop. Do TP not want established players to spend?
Also, as an aside, since when did we add an 's' to pluralise dilithium?
@[CH] OsirisSonOfGeb since you were too polite to ask directly (and I respect the hell out of that, so thank you), I will tell you.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
Respect Bylo, sir.
I have a similar story myself. I have been given a letter and pass though - perhaps you could speak to your directors about issuing something? Some of the conspiracy theories I've been hearing are nothing short of bat-sh¹t (the irony) crazy. 5G masts anyone?!
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the discount packs.
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
My point is, I'm not a new player, so the packs are absolute garbage other than the new card which never seems to drop. Do TP not want established players to spend?
Also, as an aside, since when did we add an 's' to pluralise dilithium?
There's 650 of them.
Did not mean to imply my comment in response to the advice meant it implied to any specific person. Only that it was helpful advice for anyone it did apply to.
I apologize if you felt it specifically meant you, and was taken as insulting in some way.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Just to follow up, I have been wearing my badge when I drive and I have not one but TWO letters from our superitendent sitting on my passenger seat ready to hand any officer who pulls me over, I'd just rather avoid the entire situation because at best it will take 10 minutes to sort out leaving me less time to get to work without being late, and let's just say I have some priors with regard to various car-related ticketable offences, and I never really want to invite anybody to dig too deep into my record just because I was driving to work.
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the discount packs.
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
My point is, I'm not a new player, so the packs are absolute garbage other than the new card which never seems to drop. Do TP not want established players to spend?
Also, as an aside, since when did we add an 's' to pluralise dilithium?
There's 650 of them.
Did not mean to imply my comment in response to the advice meant it implied to any specific person. Only that it was helpful advice for anyone it did apply to.
I apologize if you felt it specifically meant you, and was taken as insulting in some way.
Ha ha, not at all. No need to apologise. We're all in this together.
It is definitely '650 dilithium' though. No need for an 's'
Yeah Tuesday packs are brutal. I only tried with this one because I love Reno, need a Med-Eng, had dilithium to spend, and the mega crew are not as good. For starting people your best bet is the discount packs.
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
My point is, I'm not a new player, so the packs are absolute garbage other than the new card which never seems to drop. Do TP not want established players to spend?
Also, as an aside, since when did we add an 's' to pluralise dilithium?
There's 650 of them.
Did not mean to imply my comment in response to the advice meant it implied to any specific person. Only that it was helpful advice for anyone it did apply to.
I apologize if you felt it specifically meant you, and was taken as insulting in some way.
Ha ha, not at all. No need to apologise. We're all in this together.
It is definitely '650 dilithium' though. No need for an 's'
I just do it as a lark, mostly. I also call the grocery store where I get my prescriptions filled "Krogers", but almost everyone in our area does.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
@Bylo Band All the best for you! Your co-workers are real **tsk tsk**. Guys like these are the reason why this lock-down will take way longer than it had to otherwise, with much more victims.
Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
@Bylo Band I’m so sorry to hear that you are having to work in that environment. I hope you stay safe and this passes soon. It’s so sad that some people are not able to understand the situation and can’t do their bit in keeping please safe.
Finally, the version of Reno everyone hoped for when her first card came out.
“A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
That is way too rich for my blood. No way I could ever justify spending that kind of money on pixels.
I'm only a VIP 10 and a first day player if that gives any indication of my spending habits.
Yeah Tuesday packs be crazy, mine cost 16,900 dilithium and with that I was lucky she dropped when I finally broke down and bought a 6500 pack to get a legendary with a 1/3 chance of her. Luckily I had bought that dilithium deal a while back with all the dilithium and had saved my monthly cards. But I got her and have her immortalized so I am happy.
It sounds like you are like me: careful with your spending and looking for good deals. I'd recommend you take the approach of looking at Tuesday Packs as a slot machine; set how much you're willing to spend in your head and then walk away if you don't get what you want. It's frustrating and annoying, but it protects your pocket. And only pull Tues Packs if there is a card you REALLY want (and, ideally, there are other cards in the pack that you need; not always possible when you reach a certain level).
I set myself a one or two pack limit with this and got lucky off one pull. Other times with Tuesday packs I was not so lucky. For example, last week I used ~5000 dilithium (half of what I'd built up) aiming for the Android Kirk 4* and one star for EMA; only walked away with a FF Android Kirk (which is already frozen) and a lot of honor.
It costs more than is reasonable. But that's also why I never go chasing 5* crew in packs. It's like a casino, the house always wins.
Personally, if the pack has a 4* I have FF I won't buy it. I've made a exception for a mega discount pack where only one 4* was FF and everyone else I needed. Otherwise I save my DIL until I find a pack with no one FF. Then I can buy knowing I'll get something more than honor.
I also {usually} avoid Tuesday Packs with one {or more} FF four 🌟. But, Stranded Reno, and she was even wearing the goggles. I used my built up Dilithiums to do a Ten Pull, and three Single Pulls. The Ten Pull actually gave me a 🌟 for the one four 🌟 who was not FF. {O'Brien}
And a Behold for the second 🌟 on Richard Grayson's descendent, Amanda.
EDIT: Pre-Pull status of Featured Crew.....
Toilet Paper Chakotay {0 🌟}
Torpedo Surgeon McCoy {0 🌟}
Stranded Reno {0 🌟}
Time Loop Mudd 4 🌟/💯/1 of 4 Gear}
T'Mir {3 🌟/80/2 of 4 Gear}
Undercover O'Brien {1 🌟/40/ 3 of 4 Gear}
Yes. This right here is Ready Room quality advice for newer players. Those cheap discount Packs are a good way to build up higher Rarity Crew, if someone has the Dilithiums. Especially Mega's like this one, that is going to have three out of four that cannot be FF off the Thresholds.
I forgot about the 490s. Good option, as well as the Recaps. Especially if seeking a specific featured Trait from the Packs.
In total, I spent $225 on this this morning, buying two $100 dilithium bundles and a $25 DYC for Chakotay. I had never done anything anywhere close to that before, and I have zero regrets. In fact, when it was over, I felt happy. Here is why...
...I work in a total confinement facility, which means I'm still reporting to work every night and have to share a workspace with many other people, some of whom are, let me say this diplomatically, are of the belief that COVID-19 is a myth being spread to discredit the current POTUS. As such, they are not only not complying with the order of our superintendent to disinfect hourly, but they are also making a point of not washing hands, cleaning their work areas, or observing a social distancing protocol.
So every night I head out (I work nights) passed the soft curfew wondering if tonight is the night a cop is going to pull me over for being out passed 10:00 PM, enter a building that was SUPPOSED to be cleaned every hour but has not been, and then I share a workspace with a couple of slobs who come to work sick, leave the place a mess, and do not care at all that some of us have families to protect.
I come home every morning through the garage, not the front door, and I strip down to nothing, leave my clothes in sealed garbage bags, run to the shower to make sure I'm not bringing COVID-19 home, and then I try and relax for 45 minutes before trying to sleep in a house with two kids who are no longer in school for the rest of the year and a wife who is now working from home and going crazy from having two kids home every day.
When I heard that we are officially getting a stimmy check next week I just had an impromptu "Treat Yo Self!" (Parks and Rec reference) moment and decided to go HAM on this Tuesday pack because like I said, it was a perfect storm for me; I had a 2/5 copy of McCoy and wanted him immortalized, had a 1/5 copy of Chakotay and wanted him immortalized, and in my brief analysis I decided that Medic Reno is arguably on the Locutus level of greatness and was determined to get at least one copy to work on. Plus, after three weeks of basically constant stress from trying to protect my family from COVID-19 while being forced to report to a facility almost perfectly designed to spread it to everyone, I just felt like I needed to do it for my own mental wellbeing.
Amen to that my friend. I think we need you to be in a good state of mind.
I am sorry that stinks. There is no excuse for people to behave that way and put your health in danger.
Dude, **hat tip** you earned that treat!
BTW, to put your mind at ease: if you live in even a halfway civilized state, the police won't do anything worse than give you a lecture about being out (and if even that). That's because arresting you would makes things worse for them.
People in essential jobs here get some kind of pass, apparently. Someone mentioned it on the bus Monday.
We do. We have a letter from our employer, kinda like a hall pass in case we get stopped. But in my town, going to work every day, there is no noticeable difference in traffic. It’s as if nothing is going on. Now whether they are going to work, I can’t say
My point is, I'm not a new player, so the packs are absolute garbage other than the new card which never seems to drop. Do TP not want established players to spend?
Also, as an aside, since when did we add an 's' to pluralise dilithium?
Respect Bylo, sir.
I have a similar story myself. I have been given a letter and pass though - perhaps you could speak to your directors about issuing something? Some of the conspiracy theories I've been hearing are nothing short of bat-sh¹t (the irony) crazy. 5G masts anyone?!
Stay safe and I'm glad you treated yourself.
There's 650 of them.
Did not mean to imply my comment in response to the advice meant it implied to any specific person. Only that it was helpful advice for anyone it did apply to.
I apologize if you felt it specifically meant you, and was taken as insulting in some way.
Ha ha, not at all. No need to apologise. We're all in this together.
It is definitely '650 dilithium' though. No need for an 's'
I just do it as a lark, mostly. I also call the grocery store where I get my prescriptions filled "Krogers", but almost everyone in our area does.