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You Value the Campaign

Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
I am interested in seeing the dollar value individuals place on the things you get from a campaign if they were broken down individually


  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    A couple of years ago, someone posted a conversion table of in-game currencies to U$D, but I forget the Ready Room thread title & author. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I dont think its a direct conversion. $10 dollars gets you the reward track, but you still have to log in and complete the dailies to qualify for the rewards, plus the get doled out over the course of a month.

    If you got all of the premium track rewards all at once, with no need to complete dailies or wait a month to get the legendary citation, i could see them charging $25-35 for it.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    A couple of years ago, someone posted a conversion table of in-game currencies to U$D, but I forget the Ready Room thread title & author. 🖖

    Not sure if it is still accurate, but always happy to help!

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Me [AUS]Me [AUS] ✭✭✭
    Three goats and my daughters hand in marriage...

    I rise with 5 camels :)
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we talking the total gained (free tier + premium tier)? or just premium tier

    if total ...

    1083 dil - $5
    1.2 million credits - $0.75
    12300 merits - $1
    800 chronitons - $1
    10x standard shuttle boost - $.75
    10x premium shuttle boost - $1.50
    34 shuttle tokens - $4
    5x 10 Premium Portal Pulls - $5
    10x 2x shuttle reward boosts - $2
    Super Rare crew x4 - $1
    Legendary crew x4 - $20
    Legendary Citation - $8
    7000 honor - $1

    not bothering with crates/trainers/rations
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we talking the total gained (free tier + premium tier)? or just premium tier

    if total ...

    1083 dil - $5
    1.2 million credits - $0.75
    12300 merits - $1
    800 chronitons - $1
    10x standard shuttle boost - $.75
    10x premium shuttle boost - $1.50
    34 shuttle tokens - $4
    5x 10 Premium Portal Pulls - $5
    10x 2x shuttle reward boosts - $2
    Super Rare crew x4 - $1
    Legendary crew x4 - $20
    Legendary Citation - $8
    7000 honor - $1

    not bothering with crates/trainers/rations

    Just the premium track as i am wondering what people think they are getting for $10

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    It should just be the premium track. You get the the free tier for free already. So the $10 is only buying you the premium track.
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Again, you don’t get the rewards instantly when you buy the track. You have to log in to complete dailies, or you end up having to spend dilithium to complete the tiers, so its not worth its face value as there are qualifying conditions that have to be met after the purchase.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Again, you don’t get the rewards instantly when you buy the track. You have to log in to complete dailies, or you end up having to spend dilithium to complete the tiers, so its not worth its face value as there are qualifying conditions that have to be met after the purchase.

    Most people did the dailies before this. If you weren’t logging in and doing stuff you wouldn’t even be playing the game in the first place

  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Again, you don’t get the rewards instantly when you buy the track. You have to log in to complete dailies, or you end up having to spend dilithium to complete the tiers, so its not worth its face value as there are qualifying conditions that have to be met after the purchase.

    I get everything on the Premium Track at once.

    For me, it is right up there with the $3.99/3000 Dilithium Daily Card. If you are logging in any way, do the chores. All can be completed in three hours, if you do not accelerate Shuttles/Scans.

    You are getting 4/5 🌟 on a Legendary for $10. As opposed to 1 🌟 on a Legendary for the same price. Also, the new Shuttle Doublers that do not add time can be dropped from Boost Packs. The Rental Tokens cannot. So, the Premium Track Rental Tokens are an often overlooked Bonus.

    I know people are arguing in other threads that some of the Legendaries are not Tier One. And that we should "boycott" the weaker ones. They cannot {and should not} give out Tier One Legendaries every month. There have been quite a few good ones.....

    Reverend Phlox. {I started a second copy}
    Queen Po
    High Roller Sisko
    Mirror Picard was good for anyone who started after the Mega he was in. And even worth a second copy, if you already had him Immortalized.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Meh. It started so good but I have not bought it for a few months now. It keeps being people I do not want or were good so I already had used packs and citations to get them 5/5.
    Let’s fly!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ok so, let's do this again

    premium tier only
    • 822 dilithium - $4
    • 700k credits - $0.50
    • 8800 merits - $0.75
    • 800 chronitons - $1
    • 10x premium shuttle boost - $1.50
    • 23 shuttle tokens - $2.50
    • 5x 10 Premium Portal Pulls - $5
    • 10x 2x shuttle reward boosts - $2
    • Legendary crew x4 - $20
    • Legendary Citation - $8
    • 4000 honor - $0.50

    Added up, that's in the $45 neighborhood.
    I would go higher on some things, lower on others, and the legendary crew would depend on who it is, but that's personal preference. This looks like a fairly solid evaluation. Thanks, @SSR Barkley .
    Farewell 🖖
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    I compare these values to what I think is the absolute best value prop out there, which is the steam DLC, where you get almost 900 dil, 10 prem packs and 250k (i think) credits for $10.

    Legendaries could certainly go higher, but i'm basing my value for 4 legendary crew based on what the average value should be for just one copy of a legendary, given most of the golds out there aren't very good. Would I pay more for HR Sisko? yes But comparing him to other potential golds, like the drunk troi we got, or other awful copies of golds, i think they're about $20-25. This is just an on average of what I'd be willing to pay, no matter what the card.

    think of it as a blind box. you have no idea which card is in this box, but you know you get 4 copies. what would you pay? Not knowing who could show up any given month, I'm comfortable with $20

    I also *could* bump up the gold cite to $10 but i felt $8 was a good economic value.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    Bummer for the current campaign choice this month. 2nd copy of rev phlox and admiral forrest make occasional voyages for me which am happy about and many other great cards from previous campaigns. They can't be winners every month. If you were going to pick a not so great 5* for campaign this month, I would have loved to see a diplomat or vulcan to see the reaction. I think you'd get quite a few more thumbs up even if not top tier.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I compare these values to what I think is the absolute best value prop out there, which is the steam DLC, where you get almost 900 dil, 10 prem packs and 250k (i think) credits for $10.

    Legendaries could certainly go higher, but i'm basing my value for 4 legendary crew based on what the average value should be for just one copy of a legendary, given most of the golds out there aren't very good. Would I pay more for HR Sisko? yes But comparing him to other potential golds, like the drunk troi we got, or other awful copies of golds, i think they're about $20-25. This is just an on average of what I'd be willing to pay, no matter what the card.

    think of it as a blind box. you have no idea which card is in this box, but you know you get 4 copies. what would you pay? Not knowing who could show up any given month, I'm comfortable with $20

    I also *could* bump up the gold cite to $10 but i felt $8 was a good economic value.

    You could also equate the four legendaries to four Tuesday crew offers of $10 each, that would cancel out the credits as they are included in ghat deal and you came away with more chrons than campaigns so perhaps $8 would be about right for each of the four legendaries.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    The campaign is unquestionably the best value offer in the game. It's certainly better than the best LTO. After a monthly card or two to get enough DIL for the extra shuttles, if you are spending any money on this game it should be the campaign. Any other LTO should only be purchased after purchasing the campaign.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    My personal feeling is that if you are going to spend money on STT, your first $10 every month should go on the campaign, it is such a glorious win-win for both the company and player, it has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of the game.

    Most definitely
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Shuttle boosts tokens, I have said the shuttle boosts tokens alone are worth $10. They are not I figured if you need two hundred shuttle boosts tokens to make top 15 (also plenty of bonus crew) then it's worth two legendaries (better not be rerun or flashback). The event legendaries can be bought at $50 to get 1 guaranteed and 5 event packs For a 0.635 chance. ($50/1.635) x 2= $61 is what those two legendaries are worth in dollars. Divide it by 200, you get $0.305.

    So I say shuttle boosts tokens are worth $0.3.
    23 of them on premium track make it $6.9.

    Edit: keep in mind you can value them at less, but I do not believe you can value them more than this. I like discounts, so I would want to see more value than the dollar amount I think it is worth. A discount for me, 23 shuttle tokens and a legendary citation are worth $10 to me. I value a legendary citation at $10.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    $4 for a Monthly Card and $10 for the Premium Track isn't a bad deal really. I play heavily, but I don't "pay to win" like some players tend to.
    A little extra from the Campaign here in there is a nice thing. A few more chrons to spend on getting an item, etc. I had FIVE direct equippables in my last premium crate, one a 5*! I love the crates as much as the portals, maybe more. I don't have to worry about having room for the equipment. Most will go straight to the crew or will within a day or two, making no difference even if you are over capacity. Last basic crate had a 3* uniform and 2 2* Andorian Commando Uniforms. So it was basically used up instantly. (Probably use the other commando uniform by the end of the day, when Commando Shran hits lvl 50.) I'd like to see crates added elsewhere - New levels, event rewards, mini-events, collections,... -there is a lot of potential.
    So far, the 5* is new to me after 14 months of play. When it finally isn't, well, I have a lot of 1/5*s and it would probably still be worth it.
    Whenever someone complains about who we get, I also think of the people who complain about expanding the collections of even adding new ones. Most crew will likely end up in a collection eventually and people will complain about not having them. Here's your chance.
    When whatever collection the Bashirs end up in appears, mine will either be immortalized or close to it. When they get bumped down by skill creep and new additions, I can freeze them. Save your money now, if you want - it's your money, but please don't whine if the time comes and you wish you had them. I wouldn't doubt an event with the "Caregiver" trait at some point this year and I will have at least one 5* for it.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.

    I can certainly get that. I scaled back crew leveling to just enough to clear dailies; I currently have 42 legendaries between 1/5* and 4/5* at level 1 (plus another I’m working on and Compromised Airiam that I mistakenly leveled up to 30 a few weeks ago) and four 1/4*s also at level 1 to give me a higher chance at getting useful equipment from campaign and gauntlet drops, but do not assign cash value to those drops because I could build those items just as easily from functionally valueless chronitons and credits.

    That leaves the following:

    -5* citation: $10 (still a bargain as it is far more valuable than the usual 1/5* LTO because it can be used on anyone)

    -4* citation: $2-3 (I no longer consider the 5/$25 deals as worth it, though it’s not $0 for me because it is nice to either be able to finish voyage/Tuesday pack 4* crew over time or save on event packs for Skirmish/Faction event crew)

    -5 premium 10-pulls: $5 (the 10 for $10 is still my personal baseline value for a good deal here, as $10 of dil at normal prices only really buys you 1 pack)

    -4/5* legendary: depends on the crew...$20+ for someone like HR Sisko or Rev Phlox, $5-10 for someone like Drunk Troi

    -4,000 honor: $1 (I don’t buy LTOs that offer straight honor, while 10 for $10s usually drop around 7-8k depending on RNG)

    -822 dil: $5 (half of the list value for the best normal dil package)

    -everything else: $0, because I would never pay for them anyway

    Even with the low estimates for each of these, that’s still $28 in value I derive from a $10 purchase. As a result, I’ve only skipped one campaign, and that was to make a point about the Mirror Picard campaign’s awful choice of crew. Even though adding a citation would only make The Bashirs my 4th-best current DIP/SCI voyage crew (and only 7th-best someday in the future when Prophet Sarah, the Xindi Insectoid, and Mambo Picard are fully fused), they do have one thing none of the others have: that MED tertiary. There are as many COM tertiaries as there are combined SEC and ENG tertiaries out of the potential top nine DIP/SCI crew I have, and having a different tertiary skill means more flexibility when optimizing voyage skill distributions.

    However, should I put no cash value on them whatsoever (I can technically get these three skills together in different orders from many other crew) the other premium track rewards are still more than double in value compared to the purchase price. I could airlock all four copies of The Bashirs, place no additional value on that 2,200 honor, and still feel as if I come out well ahead.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.

    That's all cool. But that's not what your point has been up 'til now. You want *us* to not buy it to incentivise TP to put in better legendaries, and you berate us for being ok with the campaign as is. Our response has been to try to reason out (at length) how we value the campaign, to illustrate that the legendary is in fact not that big a deal in our choice to buy the campaign.

    Just to conclude that I feel that The Bashirs might in fact be a very good choice. If you put in the best legendaries then you risk a lot of your players having the legendary fully fused already. The Bashirs were hard to get as they were in a Tuesday pack AND because of their status as being kind of between 3 stools (not enough proficiency to be Gauntlet relevant, too much to be shuttle relevant and decent but not great overall for Voyages) it is highly likely that most of the player base don't have them or if they have, haven't cited them. Only TP knows the data they are looking at but maybe that's why there were chosen.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.

    That's all cool. But that's not what your point has been up 'til now. You want *us* to not buy it to incentivise TP to put in better legendaries, and you berate us for being ok with the campaign as is. Our response has been to try to reason out (at length) how we value the campaign, to illustrate that the legendary is in fact not that big a deal in our choice to buy the campaign.

    Just to conclude that I feel that The Bashirs might in fact be a very good choice. If you put in the best legendaries then you risk a lot of your players having the legendary fully fused already. The Bashirs were hard to get as they were in a Tuesday pack AND because of their status as being kind of between 3 stools (not enough proficiency to be Gauntlet relevant, too much to be shuttle relevant and decent but not great overall for Voyages) it is highly likely that most of the player base don't have them or if they have, haven't cited them. Only TP knows the data they are looking at but maybe that's why there were chosen.

    I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of what I said. It definitely isn’t what I meant. In fact, I even said twice that people who think it’s a good deal, and want to spend their money on it, should do that. I certainly don’t think I berated anyone. What I WAS saying is that if people are willing to buy it, even when they AREN’T thrilled about the chars in it, then TP has ZERO incentive to EVER put good chars in it, which I don’t think is an inaccurate assessment in the least. Do you?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.

    That's all cool. But that's not what your point has been up 'til now. You want *us* to not buy it to incentivise TP to put in better legendaries, and you berate us for being ok with the campaign as is. Our response has been to try to reason out (at length) how we value the campaign, to illustrate that the legendary is in fact not that big a deal in our choice to buy the campaign.

    Just to conclude that I feel that The Bashirs might in fact be a very good choice. If you put in the best legendaries then you risk a lot of your players having the legendary fully fused already. The Bashirs were hard to get as they were in a Tuesday pack AND because of their status as being kind of between 3 stools (not enough proficiency to be Gauntlet relevant, too much to be shuttle relevant and decent but not great overall for Voyages) it is highly likely that most of the player base don't have them or if they have, haven't cited them. Only TP knows the data they are looking at but maybe that's why there were chosen.

    That is a great point I didn’t consider

  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It could be shinzon or the changeling founder and I would still buy it.
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