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You Value the Campaign



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It could be shinzon or the changeling founder and I would still buy it.

    Same here

  • I would buy it even if/when the Legandary is FF, and I have done so. Last one immortalized Admiral Forrest and the citation went to immortalize someone else. This one will immortalize the bashirs, and the citations will go to someone else.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gold crew + cite: 10
    The rest: 0.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apparently, I value the campaign at $10.

    I suppose that is the going rate

  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I value the premium track as something that keeps me logging in by rewarding to do so. Without it I might not bother during the week and forget about the game at some point altogether. Smart move to introduce campaigns imo.

    The value of the content exceeds 10 $ if I personally sum up the parts, but as they make us work for it I would not pay more.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the reason I’m at odds with people over the value of campaigns, is that many of you are parroting what DB/TP claims their value is, and not what they personally value the items at. For example, I would never buy credits, merits, or chrons at any price. I’m not saying they aren’t a nice bonus, but would I buy them on their own? No. Would I buy 23 shuttle tokens for $2.50? Again, no. Would I buy 10x premium shuttle boosts for $1.50? No. Do I think 10x premium portal pulls (700 honor, schematics I haven’t needed for 2 years, and nearly inevitable disappointment) are worth $1 each? Not to ME.

    All my crew have been fully equipped for a year and a half or longer, so equipment crates are just items to hunt for and remove from my inventory. Again, zero value there for ME. Would I buy 822 dil for $4? Why would I when I can get 3000 for for the same price with a little patience? I’m not saying there’s NO value there, just not $4 worth (to me.) Is a legendary citation worth $8 to me? No. The truth is, I’m not sure what monetary value I would place on that. I just know $8 doesn’t tempt me.

    All that being said, this is just how I personally value these items at the stage of the game that I’m at. If I was newer to the game, I might place a higher value on these things (I PROBABLY would.) But none (or all) of these things add up to $10 worth of value to me. I tend to look at consumables (shuttle tokens, boosts, etc.) as basically zero value for money spent. It’s ok if you disagree. That’s just how I see it.

    I mostly agree with you. I put 0 value in most of the things the premium campaign offers. That's also why I wouldn't spend money on any of the other offers they have. To me the only thing worth it in the premium campaign is the 4/5 + 5* citation. For a really good 5* I'm willing to spend that. For any other card or offer I won't spend the money. It just doesn't make a difference to my gameplay so I don't see the value in spending the money.
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