Latest Timelines Talks for those that missed it, in which we talk about Kay Eaton Kira, Grebnedlog and argue about Gary 7 probably for a bit too long...:
So guys have some very exciting news for next weeks Timelines Talks Wednesdays stream. Me, Auto and Stars are going to be joined by the Lead QA Manager at Wicked Realms! Yes part of the dev team is joining us live to talk about Timelines and field some questions. Very exciting!
If you want to submit a question for him to answer please message them to me and I will review and pass it on. I cannot guarantee that your question will be answered but I will do my best.
I am beyond psyched about this!!!
Cutoff for all questions is Monday so get them in.
So guys have some very exciting news for next weeks Timelines Talks Wednesdays stream. Me, Auto and Stars are going to be joined by the Lead QA Manager at Wicked Realms! Yes part of the dev team is joining us live to talk about Timelines and field some questions. Very exciting!
If you want to submit a question for him to answer please message them to me and I will review and pass it on. I cannot guarantee that your question will be answered but I will do my best.
I am beyond psyched about this!!!
Cutoff for all questions is Monday so get them in.
Wow! Not only is your stream much appreciated by the community, but the game developer's themselves took notice. Congratulations, that is well deserved and very exciting!
I’d like to know if they ever plan on making mini events a regular thing like they implied before they ran it. I’d also like to know what, if any, new content, they have in store for us (new event types, achievements, new collections, Gauntlet/Honor Hall chars, etc.)? I’d also like to know what aspects of the game THEY aren’t happy with, and would like to change/improve.
Questions are now closed, thanks all that submitted. We won't be able to ask them all (because otherwise the interview would be 200 hours long) but we will get through some of the more pressing ones.
Cheers and see you Wednesday!
Finally caught the last stream. Great job as always!
I've still got your question in the bank, we will get round to it I promise!
We've actually done a recorded segment with a special guest answering several of Picard Loves Reds' questions, but we've got so much content and so many special guests coming up that we're not sure where to slot it in! Somewhere in the dusty Timelines Talks archive room there lies a forty minute recording dedicated to him.
Finally caught the last stream. Great job as always!
I've still got your question in the bank, we will get round to it I promise!
We've actually done a recorded segment with a special guest answering several of Picard Loves Reds' questions, but we've got so much content and so many special guests coming up that we're not sure where to slot it in! Somewhere in the dusty Timelines Talks archive room there lies a forty minute recording dedicated to him.
We've only been doing this three weeks! Did you bring your own dust?
Guys, thanks to all that submitted questions, thanks to those who popped in stream, thanks to our mods in the chat.
Most of all thanks to WRG Ben for joining us and giving us a proper interview. I am over the moon in how well that went and it was a great chat to have!
Replay will be up soon, I forgot to hit record my end so I'm having to download the twitch version. Shouldn't be too long.
I just watched it, and first of all, Ben is great and mostly forthcoming with answers! Kudos to you guys for starting this! I will be tuning in live as much as I can from now on.
Some tidbits that I got from the stream.... (I am sure I may have missed a few things, but I am listing the most important things I remember that might be useful/noteworthy to us on the forum)
• Gauntlet change of character coming "very very soon"
• New Distress Call coming in the fall
• "Larger feature" to be released this fall
• working on Mini Episodes for sometime this summer
• new achievement reward(s) coming in June
As for the rest, you will have to watch the video, and tune in live when you can. In summary, it gives me great joy to see how much is planned for the future of the game.
Also it should be noted, that many of the changes for the positive we are seeing here in the last few weeks did not just happen on a whim, they were carefully planned out, as everything DB/TP/WR is doing. The main reason for a lull earlier this year seemed to stem from the merger/takeover.
It was interesting (but not particularly surprising) to find out that everyone that works there are also players, so of course they know the frustrations of the problems we all have, because they have them too.
Could it be reasonable to assume a similar skill set to the Caretaker? ENG/SCI/MED? I wouldn't be upset with that. I could use another ENG-primary crew, especially with a MED tertiary.
Could it be reasonable to assume a similar skill set to the Caretaker? ENG/SCI/MED? I wouldn't be upset with that. I could use another ENG-primary crew, especially with a MED tertiary.
Something about Suspiria in that episode screams CMD primary to me... which is extremely meh sounding
Assuming it is Suspiria, I would like it to be as close to a clone of the Caretaker as possible. Seeing as they disagreed/fought in the ST universe, I think it only makes sense for them to fight in the Gauntlet as well.
And, yes, I realize this is about the Mega recurring, not the new Gauntlet card, but I want something that can take on the Caretaker and I want it now!
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1652 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
If you want to submit a question for him to answer please message them to me and I will review and pass it on. I cannot guarantee that your question will be answered but I will do my best.
I am beyond psyched about this!!!
Cutoff for all questions is Monday so get them in.
Wow! Not only is your stream much appreciated by the community, but the game developer's themselves took notice. Congratulations, that is well deserved and very exciting!
Good question. This has been on my list as well.
Cheers and see you Wednesday!
I've still got your question in the bank, we will get round to it I promise!
We've actually done a recorded segment with a special guest answering several of Picard Loves Reds' questions, but we've got so much content and so many special guests coming up that we're not sure where to slot it in! Somewhere in the dusty Timelines Talks archive room there lies a forty minute recording dedicated to him.
We've only been doing this three weeks! Did you bring your own dust?
I will as always be joined by @Automaton_2000 and StarsAndGarters. We're looking forward to it!!
This means you guys are big time now - no added pressure!
Most of all thanks to WRG Ben for joining us and giving us a proper interview. I am over the moon in how well that went and it was a great chat to have!
Replay will be up soon, I forgot to hit record my end so I'm having to download the twitch version. Shouldn't be too long.
Please note that it is likely not a tree, as we guessed on stream. Watch the replay for several other spoilery goodies and announcements!
Some tidbits that I got from the stream.... (I am sure I may have missed a few things, but I am listing the most important things I remember that might be useful/noteworthy to us on the forum)
• Gauntlet change of character coming "very very soon"
• New Distress Call coming in the fall
• "Larger feature" to be released this fall
• working on Mini Episodes for sometime this summer
• new achievement reward(s) coming in June
As for the rest, you will have to watch the video, and tune in live when you can. In summary, it gives me great joy to see how much is planned for the future of the game.
Also it should be noted, that many of the changes for the positive we are seeing here in the last few weeks did not just happen on a whim, they were carefully planned out, as everything DB/TP/WR is doing. The main reason for a lull earlier this year seemed to stem from the merger/takeover.
It was interesting (but not particularly surprising) to find out that everyone that works there are also players, so of course they know the frustrations of the problems we all have, because they have them too.
Skill set speculation?
Could it be reasonable to assume a similar skill set to the Caretaker? ENG/SCI/MED? I wouldn't be upset with that. I could use another ENG-primary crew, especially with a MED tertiary.
Something about Suspiria in that episode screams CMD primary to me... which is extremely meh sounding
And, yes, I realize this is about the Mega recurring, not the new Gauntlet card, but I want something that can take on the Caretaker and I want it now!