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Now that I see Kestra in-game...



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    RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    If I can't see what is offensive about this crew does that make me
    Sexist / Racist / Ageist or just a bad person ?
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Roxton wrote: »
    If I can't see what is offensive about this crew does that make me
    Sexist / Racist / Ageist or just a bad person ?

    Seeing as how the OP never said what bothered him or her, it makes you prudent for not jumping to conclusions based upon too little information.
    Farewell 🖖
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    RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    Please show me what to be offended by and I will be happy to go get my pitchfork and torch and join the other villagers.
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

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    Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Regarding „child soldiers“(she’s a Teenager anyway)it‘s not like we have 1 to 1 crew avtar fights in this game where they slaughter each other. Yes when u put her up as bridge crew for arena or skirmishes, she is kind of fighting on ur ship...but please....really? 🙄

    And if you dislike a crew for whatever reasons, just airlock and move on and cover ur eyes if you see the crew on a arena/skirmishes/gauntlet battle. 😉
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
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    time for me to watch "lord of the flies" again as a comparison to sending a teenager on a voyage in this game, that should put things in context.
    “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – Mark Twain?
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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    senoufo wrote: »
    time for me to watch "lord of the flies" again as a comparison to sending a teenager on a voyage in this game, that should put things in context.

    Now that you bring it up, I watched an anime called Infinite Ryvius a while back. It reminded me of a more mild Lord of the Flies in a sci-fi outer space setting. Just in case you're interested. :)
    Farewell 🖖
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    Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can totally understand being uncomfortable with the idea of having a real child (Suspiria’s childlike avatar or Balok’s true form don’t count) go on away missions, man a bridge station during a battle, or run a gauntlet round against a living embodiment of hatred and evil thoughts. And I definitely would not really want to see the kids from Captain Picard Day, Deputy Alexander, or Kadis-kot Naomi Wildman end up as in-game crew...but Kestra is in the same age range as Wesley, Jake, and Nog, so not sure why it’s only a problem now.

    It's because she is a she!!!!!

    That's sexist.....


    An interesting test would be to introduce that girl Wesley liked from the time he sort of got kidnapped on that one planet. (A terrible description
    Roxton wrote: »
    A new thought occurs to me whilst 're reading some of these posts.
    Those of you offended by "child soldiers" and glorifying such violence.
    Think on this.
    You happily take part in skirmish events and arena battles where you destroy ship after ship full of familys and children without a second thought !
    Just because you can't put a face on it you ignore it.

    I’m curious, which ships in Skirmishes are full of families? I don’t recall any Skirmish where you’re hunting down Federation vessels or any others known to routinely carry children on board...the Reliant is a routine member of the Skirmish rotation and there were no civilians aboard during its first life in Federation service nor after being commandeered by Khan.

    And I have never taken the Arena to be actual battles as with Skirmishes or episodes and distress calls, I’ve always seen them as battle simulations run by ship’s captains for war game and training purposes. If you run the minimum five battles a day and lose them all, you have blown your ship up five times (plus whatever number of defensive battles you may lose) and it’s a little hard to believe that the ship and crew aboard was reconstituted from debris that frequently when it takes so much effort to acquire schematics and crew in the first place. (Of course, if you really did lose your ship and bridge crew every time you lost a “real” Skirmish or regular ship battle it would probably be immensely frustrating, but it‘s a game and the line has to be drawn somewhere.)
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    RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    Take it any way you like. At least I have made you think.
    Borg ships have whole maternity sections.
    Do you know the Romulus , Vulcans And others don’t have children on board ?
    Is ignorance an excuse for a uneven attitude.

    Either way I think it reflects more on the attitude of those who appear to be spoiling for a fight.

    We all seem to be happy to overlook the parts of Star Trek that should make us think.

    Nuff said.

    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

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    RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    USS Saratoga a Miranda class ship.
    Ben Sisko had his family aboard
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

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    EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    Somedays, I have to think the world has simply gone insane.... the images of the Star Trek actors are not even pictures...they are cartoons.

    Now I can understand that if they were actual pictures, some peoples' belief system might lead them to believe that we are stealing their souls.

    Beyond that, I don't see what the problem is ?
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I messaged Darxide and hopefully we will get more information as to the original poster’s thoughts.
    Let’s fly!
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    I'm even more uncomfortable at children being included in the game. Please stop this.

    So, let's decompose this.

    1. "I'm even more uncomfortable at children being included in the game." This is a descriptive statement. O.k. The OP is, of course, at liberty to be discomfited by any number of experiences that others find unobjectionable.
    2. "Please stop this" is prescriptive and IMO, problematic, because it assumes that (a) a majority share the aforementioned discomfort and (b) that the discomfort warrants these actors being excluded from the game.

    The child actors that appeared throughout ST's various incarnations have enriched our lives by participating in the creation of a franchise that we hold dear (it is both valued and valuable to us). If this were not the case, we wouldn't be on this forum or playing this game.

    But their inclusion isn't merely of benefit to us, it also helps them, at the very least, to the extent that they're compensated for their inclusion (a probably trivial but non-zero amount).

    Spite is defined as "a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; or malice". But spitefulness can also be expressed as the desire to deny others a good (benefit) that comes at little or no cost to others.

    I respectfully submit that it is spiteful to exclude child actors from Timelines.
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    Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I'm more uncomfortable with her Hyphenated Last name lol.

    It is sort of amazing they're still doing that in the future. But at that point, with all the current name hyphenations we have now, they probably should have descendants that have surnames made up of something like 36 ancestors.

    This thought occured to me too. Did Tom's and B'Elanna's child have a hyphenated last name? When the child eventually grows up and chooses a mate, do they also have to narrow it down to one family name? Maybe there's some futuristic process for streamlining.

    It's curious, but in Spain, Portugal and Latin America countries, all of us we have two last names (paternal and maternal). When you inscribe a child in the registry of civil status, you need to do it with the two last names. In Portugal and Brazil the usual is to put first the maternal last name, in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries is the opposite (since a couple of years, in Spain the parents could choose the order of the last names of the child too).

    And by the way, and sorry for the offtopic, but here the women don't lose her last names when they married. So here, Beverly Howard would have remained Beverly Howard after her wedding with Jack Crusher, and Wesley would have been Wesley Crusher Howard or Wesley Howard Crusher.
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still waiting for feedback, with details, from OP about his/her discomfort. To me, it's just pixels on a screen. Maybe it is more for the OP. But, it would be nice to know what the "more" is.

    I played MAA. They actually had a Heroic Battle where ten year old mutant Molly Hayes had to fight the Punisher.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Sulu's HusbandSulu's Husband ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regarding „child soldiers“(she’s a Teenager anyway)it‘s not like we have 1 to 1 crew avtar fights in this game where they slaughter each other. Yes when u put her up as bridge crew for arena or skirmishes, she is kind of fighting on ur ship...but please....really? 🙄

    And if you dislike a crew for whatever reasons, just airlock and move on and cover ur eyes if you see the crew on a arena/skirmishes/gauntlet battle. 😉

    Wouldn't it be cruel to airlock anyone, let alone a child?
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regarding „child soldiers“(she’s a Teenager anyway)it‘s not like we have 1 to 1 crew avtar fights in this game where they slaughter each other. Yes when u put her up as bridge crew for arena or skirmishes, she is kind of fighting on ur ship...but please....really? 🙄

    And if you dislike a crew for whatever reasons, just airlock and move on and cover ur eyes if you see the crew on a arena/skirmishes/gauntlet battle. 😉

    Wouldn't it be cruel to airlock anyone, let alone a child?

    Tell her it is a Diznee ride?
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    edited June 2020
    I messaged Darxide and hopefully we will get more information as to the original poster’s thoughts.

    Thanks, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone have an issue like this so I’m genuinely curious to know more. Making assumptions and reaching for the stars to project our own interpretations onto OP’s brief statement isn’t getting us anywhere.

    Though considering some of the responses they’ve received, I wouldn’t really blame them for not wanting to follow-up.
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    NoneNone ✭✭✭
    I personally don’t have any problem with having her in the game. I see them more as memories of a show that I enjoy. But I can definitely see why some might be uncomfortable.

    The only thing that has me wondering about their choice for this character in the game is why does a teenager require so much alcohol for her outfit?
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    None wrote: »
    I personally don’t have any problem with having her in the game. I see them more as memories of a show that I enjoy. But I can definitely see why some might be uncomfortable.

    The only thing that has me wondering about their choice for this character in the game is why does a teenager require so much alcohol for her outfit?

    Do you not know where the Troi & Riker in her name come from?!?!? We actually have a card for Troi in-game where she is falling down wind-sheeted!!!!!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    1. The title of this thread is "Now that I see Kestra in-game..." This is open to a WIDE range of possibilities and does nothing helpful to focus the discussion. I clicked on this thread to be adventurous but had no clue what it was going to be about other than a vague notion that it may be about Kestra.

    2. The only other text from the OP is "I'm even more uncomfortable at children being included in the game. Please stop this." Nothing else to go on. Is the OP making commentary about children soldiers? Is the OP just upset that Kestra brought a bow and arrow to a phaser fight? Who knows?

    So anyway, I do not think it is up to TP/WRG to worry about this. These child actors have parents/guardians who were consulted when these various shows tried to cast these children and once that paperwork is signed, that is where it needs to end. Expecting a company that makes a game based around collecting characters from these various shows to NOT include children from the show is in my opinion unreasonable, and dishonors their contributions to both our lives and the culture we celebrate.

    And if the inclusion of Kestra is REALLY the straw that broke the camel's back, how exactly? I think a strong case is to be made that the company did this respectfully, by introducing Kestra during a Skirmish event inside a Mega where she was not needed at all to participate in the event.

    Logical. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    1. The title of this thread is "Now that I see Kestra in-game..." This is open to a WIDE range of possibilities and does nothing helpful to focus the discussion. I clicked on this thread to be adventurous but had no clue what it was going to be about other than a vague notion that it may be about Kestra.

    2. The only other text from the OP is "I'm even more uncomfortable at children being included in the game. Please stop this." Nothing else to go on. Is the OP making commentary about children soldiers? Is the OP just upset that Kestra brought a bow and arrow to a phaser fight? Who knows?

    So anyway, I do not think it is up to TP/WRG to worry about this. These child actors have parents/guardians who were consulted when these various shows tried to cast these children and once that paperwork is signed, that is where it needs to end. Expecting a company that makes a game based around collecting characters from these various shows to NOT include children from the show is in my opinion unreasonable, and dishonors their contributions to both our lives and the culture we celebrate.

    And if the inclusion of Kestra is REALLY the straw that broke the camel's back, how exactly? I think a strong case is to be made that the company did this respectfully, by introducing Kestra during a Skirmish event inside a Mega where she was not needed at all to participate in the event.

    Logical. 🖖

    A most unfair way to debate.......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Who else thinks it's great that they touched upon this topic in the Event-dialogue?
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who else thinks it's great that they touched upon this topic in the Event-dialogue?

    I noticed that.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who else thinks it's great that they touched upon this topic in the Event-dialogue?

    I took screen shots in case no one else posted them.


    In case it isn't obvious, I picked the middle option because of this thread.

    Farewell 🖖
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who else thinks it's great that they touched upon this topic in the Event-dialogue?

    I took screen shots in case no one else posted them.


    In case it isn't obvious, I picked the middle option because of this thread.


    I did, as well.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    She was only playing at being a "soldier" in the episode.
This discussion has been closed.