Key information about the event: A Stitch Saves Nine - 12/17 - ME #3
Event Name: A Stitch Saves Nine
Event Type: Faction Event (shuttle missions)
Event Crew: Mirror Saru 5* (New), Mirror McCoy 4* (New), and Section 31 Philippa Georgiou 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/17 until Monday 12/21 at noon (17.00 UTC)
Ranked Reward 5*: Adira (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 12/24.
Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Courier Burnham 5* (Existing)
Event Faction: Terran Empire
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew, and Courier Burnham
• small bonus: variants of Saru, McCoy, Georgiou, and crew with the Mirror Universe trait.
Event Type: Faction Event (shuttle missions)
Event Crew: Mirror Saru 5* (New), Mirror McCoy 4* (New), and Section 31 Philippa Georgiou 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/17 until Monday 12/21 at noon (17.00 UTC)
Ranked Reward 5*: Adira (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 12/24.
Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Courier Burnham 5* (Existing)
Event Faction: Terran Empire
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew, and Courier Burnham
• small bonus: variants of Saru, McCoy, Georgiou, and crew with the Mirror Universe trait.
I'm happy he is 4* since I need a few more.
It is a full faction mission so yes, there should be a faction winner bonus.
Than someone joined with a trill, giving them lifetimes of knowledge including a star fleet admiral and brilliant engineer?
It‘s more about the importance and impact on the Star Trek universe.
McCoys legacy is way bigger than Adiras, so far.
Not saying she doesn t deserve to be a legendary card, but i assume a
McCoy Legendary would sell more packs. And that‘s what it‘s all about.
Given Mccoy is one of the original 4 mirror characters that were swapped and that episode spawned all others, in this case yes. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty mirror cards should be 5*s. That is not saying this week's card should not be, just that I wish McCoy was.
McCoy has four 5* variants already. This is specifically Mirror McCoy. Adira has already been in more episodes of Star Trek and had more screen time than Mirror McCoy.
I think all us long time players know 'screen time" means nothing when determining who is a 5* card....
Ok, great! I just ask because the last full faction event with only one Faction did not have the Faction Winner Bonus.
He had pivotal lines in Star Trek First Contact. All hope was lost. The battle with the Borg was sure to end in catastrophe. The Defiant, heavily damaged, was preparing to ram the Borg cube in a futile effort to stop it...
Picard and the Enterprise save the Defiant from destruction, counter attack the Borg cube and destroy it!
I stand corrected, this is a full faction event yes - but with only one faction and as such there will not be a faction winner bonus afterwards.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I think next year will be better suited to expand on Section 31 crew. I know he has only been in 1.5 episodes, but I so want to see a Legendary Cronenberg!
It is what it is, there will be lots of non-disco stuff as well in the months to follow I am sure.
I hope for this format when ST Strange New Worlds starts.
May as well put up a big sign saying Whales only, please!
And we didn’t even get all Disco crew having bonus for the month. If anyone has a right to complain about the mega it is the Disco fans who have collected all the crew. But I am still enjoying it cause of all the cool Disco crew we are getting even if some of my Disco crew are sad cause they are staying in the freezer.
Just to put things in perspective, here's the last 2 years of mega events, and the predominant series for each.
Feb '19 - Empire Reforged (DSC)
Apr '19 - Captive Intent (Mixed)
Jun '19 - Month of Hell (VOY)
Aug '19 - Desperate Times (Q)
Oct '19 - Mudd Amuck (DSC)
Dec '19 - Dreams of Utopia (TOS)
Feb '20 - Forever as One (Mixed)
Apr '20 - Double Jeopardy (PIC)
Jun '20 - Ripples and Waves (VOY)
Aug '20 - The Capitoline Wolf (ENT)
Oct '20 - Spocktober (TOS)
Dec '20 - The Cosmic Divide (DSC/Mirror)
It's pretty clear that If anyone has a right to feel aggrieved it's DS9 fans! Nothing for 2 years, apart from Thrax in Captive Intent. Closely followed by TNG, but they got a good share of 'Desperate Times' and 'Forever as One'.
DS9 in February please TP!