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What should devs work on next?

Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
Devs will be fine tuning Crew Retrieval and squashing bugs in the short term. But @WRG Ben asked a question that may and may not have been idle chit-chat. I think they have an eye on their next big project. What would you like to see them work on next? I listed a few broad ideas. Feel free to comment what you want specifically, especially if I didn't list a good category for your idea.
Farewell 🖖

What should devs work on next? 126 votes

In-game chat improvement
Bresus 1 vote
Fleet management tools
Captain_WhoAggeCFOHSilverknightGib - Admiral MarinersInspector34 Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Captain P (ESB)Drago MusevniKermit the BorgCaptain IdolSven Lundgren 11 votes
Revamp and bring back Expeditions
Sabine of AthenseXo | das411KaiRoCMO ZoidbergJayBeezy[S47] ELiL.•°rÅTT°•.MiT SanoaChaosChildCalhoun 10 votes
Bug fixes
WaldoMagThis Sisko1(10F)GeekgirlOdo Marmarosacmdrworf[SSR] BaragashTP:ToPetter ~SE~Primus[DCC] bebe has BadgeyJanewayRocks2Me [AUS](A) Traveling ManUhtred of BebbanburgYarnekBentina (Captain Me) Cpt. Tribble 15 votes
New chapter or distress call
[QH] OxmyxHaBlackDittokvafyguest_757423444811776marcuscatWebberoniDavideBooksKayJay47TarisProontJoeSage 2[CH] 76 suitedStephLovesVoyagerArnieIneffyble 16 votes
New game mode or feature
Warrior WilloAviTrekV.Nick the friendly ex borgNad Haldext74PhotonKim~peregrine~Sovinoxsexy_lady[Deleted User]TP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)ThurthoradShy KhanMirror CartmanSelene 7UebermindDirk GundersonXanatosIshmael Marx 33 votes
New event type
JeanLucKirkSSR BarkleyCaptain DurfMidspeed[CFOH] Khaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!SoupKitchen Riker(HGH)ApolloBlast Hardcheeserobownage[7TW] Attack Eyebrowstytlal[10F] gobolts07 [PFV] GrifterKatlaPrime LorcaVeterinary PhloxOesorEnderW[10F] Unnarguest_838550259167232 25 votes
Other (please clarify below)
Zombie Squirrel DScottHewitt*Nomad* {PoF}NoblemanDKBylo Band[10F]risky Dingo Bri-{Punisher}-[BAD]BarnBurnerMr. Hobbs°fish°Admirable Bernaby(10FH) ExHackguest_672906404196352guest_1163669350342658 15 votes


  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Bring back Expeditions WITHOUT a revamp. 😜

    Haha! Fair enough.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Bring back Expeditions WITHOUT a revamp. 😜

    What if the "revamp" was adding skirmish-style loot boxes at the end of each expedition node?
    Farewell 🖖
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    I'm going with new event type, hoping it can give us a way to get more use out of our mass amounts of crew.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    New chapter or distress call
    1. undo/revise the manifest button
    2. new single-player content (chapters, distress calls, real features like voyages, etc...)
    3. long-time bug fixes that aren't annoying band-aid solutions or an unnecessary convoluted mess
    4. new type of event
    5. revamp squad rewards and add fleet rewards for events
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    My voyage event idea wasn't terribly popular when I first posted it. One criticism was that folks didn't like the crew being unavailable for other things like shuttles. Sentiment about that seems to have shifted. Not sure how I could tweak the rest to make it more popular, though. I'll have to think about that and make a Voyage Event Idea 2.0 thread. I invite any input that anyone wants to offer. Especially on things like:
    Should voyage events be a lot like voyages, or should they be different enough to give a sense of freshness?
    Should voyage events be pay to win (p2w)?
    If not p2w, how could we avoid it or at least minimize the money impact on VP while still giving TP a way to make money?
    Farewell 🖖
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    New chapter or distress call
    Drawing on a post I saw in another thread, I like the idea of expanding voyages. It would be cool to have 5 voyages running simultaneously, with one for each ship rarity level. The 1-3* ships might only have half the crew slots, with just one crew member for each of the six skills. Lower level ships wouldn't go as far/long and likely wouldn't return quite the same amount of rewards. It would be fun to not only have something to use more of our crew & ships for, but also to strategize in order to staff multiple voyages of differing lengths.

    We have the crew, we have the ships, we have the structure already developed for the voyage feature... why not make more use of them?

    EDIT: I would think any crew could be used on any ship, since we don't want to cause a crew management issue like we have with arena battles, which 'requires' a minimum number of 1-3* and 4* crew to always remain active in your crew.

    Another option would simply be to allow for multiple voyages using any ship/crew. It could be capped at 2, 5, or whatever. Maybe a second voyage slot gets added for free, then we could use dilithium to add another slot(s), just like how all players could purchase a 3rd and 4th shuttle for running faction missions.
  • ArnieArnie ✭✭✭✭
    New chapter or distress call
    Allow multiple voyages, using different crew types (so a 2* ship using 1* and 2* crew). It would enable people to use lesser crew, but would probably require an easing of crew limits, or an allowance of so many 1/2/3* crew separate from the cap.
  • Bound2FateBound2Fate ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    New game mode or feature
    I will copy what I recently posted in a thread in the Make It So section:

    "Rather than freezing crew into cryostasis, I rather have some other game mode, such as a colony, where I can exile these frozen characters to and put them to use. Perhaps some kind of passive, trait-based system, similar to voyages, but without the antimatter limit and emphasis on skills/proficiency scores, where you need to assign crew into teams and maybe with "dilemmas" where you need to reassign crew. I recall in some of the older Civilization games that when your townspeople were unhappy, you needed to do modify something to please them. So, perhaps in this colony idea that I am imagining, you could do something similar to keep various aspects of the colony functioning efficiently and producing items and currencies for you to use elsewhere in the game. I would like a way to use my frozen crew without having to pull them out of a freezer to use and to just be able to use the many crew that inevitably will get neglected. Then if you want a colony crew for an event, you can recall them with merits as if they were frozen as it is now.

    Also, some type of ship collections that can boost ship abilities in the arena and skirmishes."

    I also want to see new event types and episodes/distress calls.
    Admiral of Historians of Starfleet Join! Looking for daily players.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    #1 New Game Mode
    #2/3 Expedition/new event.

    Give us something new to do with our crew and a reason to think about valuing different crew. Don't just give us a new way to get crew.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    The first thing that came to mind for me was Bylo’s idea for Patrols - that would be an ideal way to give us more things to do with the crew we have, which is something that few other things on this list could provide.

    While that’s the top thing on my list, having fleet management tools is probably #2 and introducing a new event type would be #3. A new distress call would be appreciated as well.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    New Game MODE but not new game feature. I want more things in the game that I can do -- from the sounds of it, people who have gone back and made new accounts are enjoying the game a lot more because they have missions to be completing and the inherent challenge.

    It's a mobile game, I want to play, but where's the content for players who have finished these out already.

    I'd love some sort of a "mission randomizer" where like Voyages, it selects a random set of traits and skill numbers and then creates a new series of missions based on that selection. Let us play it a couple times a day, make it challenging but with attainable and valuable rewards.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Other (please clarify below)
    Something people actually want!!!!!!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Bug fixes
    New features are great but when the bugs are the features, not so much.

    Also, when are fleet management tools going to be one of the things that gets worked on?
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    New game mode or feature
    I still think we need a maze that leads us into the Beta quadrant.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • CalhounCalhoun ✭✭✭✭✭
    Revamp and bring back Expeditions
    Bring back Expeditions! Galaxy is a dull and mostly unrewarding grind, and Faction is an absolute pain to manage - they need something other than Skirmish to break up the routine.

    I'd love to see new content, something to add strategy and depth to crew (eg bonuses for duos or themes when they work together - eg a bonus of X% when you have Gangster Kirk and Gangster Spock together on a shuttle) and something, ANYTHING to make Gauntlet fresher rather than constantly facing a wall of the same character.
  • New event type
    New Event type either voyage related or mix up everything together to make it a grand tour 😅
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    New Event type either voyage related or mix up everything together to make it a grand tour 😅

    I really like that idea. Like you could get points from gauntlet, arena, voyages, and other aspects of playing the game and they all add up to your final score.
    Let’s fly!
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    I'd like a Poke-battle system with the cards, please, but in a Bard's Tale-style dungeon crawl. Thanks.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Admirable BernabyAdmirable Bernaby ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Other (please clarify below)
    We need new events or something else new to use our crew and ships on. The endless rounds of skirmish, faction and galaxy are getting old hat and boring. What's the point of collecting crew without something exciting for them to do.
  • Other (please clarify below)
    Add crew to my above comment
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    Tossing out another idea -- I remain shocked that there's no live way to battle other players in the arena or otherwise.
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    New chapter or distress call
    I want more chapters released. After that bring back expeditions!
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bug fixes
    I'd like to see expeditions, but this is most important
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Drawing on a post I saw in another thread, I like the idea of expanding voyages. It would be cool to have 5 voyages running simultaneously, with one for each ship rarity level. The 1-3* ships might only have half the crew slots, with just one crew member for each of the six skills. Lower level ships wouldn't go as far/long and likely wouldn't return quite the same amount of rewards. It would be fun to not only have something to use more of our crew & ships for, but also to strategize in order to staff multiple voyages of differing lengths.

    We have the crew, we have the ships, we have the structure already developed for the voyage feature... why not make more use of them?

    EDIT: I would think any crew could be used on any ship, since we don't want to cause a crew management issue like we have with arena battles, which 'requires' a minimum number of 1-3* and 4* crew to always remain active in your crew.

    Another option would simply be to allow for multiple voyages using any ship/crew. It could be capped at 2, 5, or whatever. Maybe a second voyage slot gets added for free, then we could use dilithium to add another slot(s), just like how all players could purchase a 3rd and 4th shuttle for running faction missions.

    I love this idea. Not only does it address a big issue (nothing for our crew to do), it also introduces an element of strategy on how to staff each voyage. These are two things a lot of people seem to think is missing from most of the game.

    Do you put all your top guys on the first voyage? Balance each ship with different strengths? Do you recall each at the same point so you can reset your ships on the next set of voyages? Stagger voyages and risk not being able to use helpful crew as a result?

    Most mid to late game players have an abundance of rarely used crew just collecting dust. A big complaint when new crew is released is that they aren't as strong as current crew, and won't be used. This would address at least part of that problem.
    Bound2Fate wrote: »
    I will copy what I recently posted in a thread in the Make It So section:

    "Rather than freezing crew into cryostasis, I rather have some other game mode, such as a colony, where I can exile these frozen characters to and put them to use. Perhaps some kind of passive, trait-based system, similar to voyages, but without the antimatter limit and emphasis on skills/proficiency scores, where you need to assign crew into teams and maybe with "dilemmas" where you need to reassign crew. I recall in some of the older Civilization games that when your townspeople were unhappy, you needed to do modify something to please them. So, perhaps in this colony idea that I am imagining, you could do something similar to keep various aspects of the colony functioning efficiently and producing items and currencies for you to use elsewhere in the game. I would like a way to use my frozen crew without having to pull them out of a freezer to use and to just be able to use the many crew that inevitably will get neglected. Then if you want a colony crew for an event, you can recall them with merits as if they were frozen as it is now.

    Another great idea based on the same principle of finding something, anything, for our second string crew to do. Other than collect dust on our active rosters or their best Han Solo impression in cryostasis 😆
    Bound2Fate wrote: »
    Also, some type of ship collections that can boost ship abilities in the arena and skirmishes."

    I also want to see new event types and episodes/distress calls.

    These are great as well. A constant criticism is that a lot ships are essentially useless, and there is no incentive to work to get them. Ship collections not only address this, but also makes so much sense, and are so similar to what we already have for crew. I don't know why this isn't already a thing.

    And I will never say no to new event types, episodes or distress calls. Something that would challenge us to think and not do the same actions on autopilot would be nice.
    Something people actually want!!!!!!

    Respectfully, this isn't helpful and doesn't add to this discussion. Why not specify what it is you want instead?
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