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What should devs work on next?



  • Revamp and bring back Expeditions
    I vote!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Interesting little note: I put these in the reverse order that I thought people would pick them (except for "other" because that kind of has to go at the end). I got a couple things switched, but I feel like I'm at least a little in touch with what the community wants. :)

    I started to think "why are they picking 'new game mode or feature'? It'll just turn into a daily chore after a while." I was expecting 'new event type' to win. Then I realized... events are my favorite thing. For others, the new event type will become old hat after a few iterations.

    Regardless, I find the results fascinating. Forum folks are a small subset of players, of course. And we don't have the normal 100-130 votes yet. I wonder how much different this will be from the player survey that the devs will do in June (if this question is on there).
    Farewell 🖖
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    Other (please clarify below)
    I’d like to see admirals given the ability to appoint/ remove squad leaders as they do officers.

    I don’t care too much about the in game chat. Most fleets use discord etc and even if they improved game chat, it wouldn’t function as well.

    For the wider STT community away from admirals, just doing these kinda things regularly:
    Add to new cryo collections more often.

    Introduce new gauntlet crew maybe twice a year.

    Biannual honour sales.

    Changing the damned start screen once in a blue moon. If it were changed regularly, as I’ve said before, it would at least let the players know the lights are on and tangible things are being done by the devs.

    If all of those things happened, I reckon a lot of players would enjoy the game more and maybe some old whales would come back.

    Keep it fresh WRG, coz it’s stagnating for more people than I’ve witnessed since I started playing three years ago.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Bug fixes
    It makes me sick that voyages can get stuck.
    One easy fix, is to end the voyage with the last dilemma. They should award something for the left over AM and return the vogage automatically on completion of the last dilemma.

    However, there is a bug that does skip dilemmas. One of the engineering posts was for a dilemma that clearly awarded Jannar and showed the dilemma as part 3 of Champion of the People ( I think) The person only had two dilemmas left they were trying to get colonel Worf (I think). They got the 2nd part of a life alone and got Jannar. But, it was displayed as part 3 Champion of the People and showed Jannar as the crew awarded. They got stuck with the running out of AM bug when no dilemmas are left. They were hoping that they still would be getting Part 3 of Champion of the People.

    This skipping dilemmas, would mean ending a voyage should make sure all dilemmas were hit. Which complicates the fix. People would be filing tickets though if they did not get dilemmas they were expecting to get. A little harder to prove (maybe) if they end the voyage before a response from CS.
  • “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Not only are more bases maxed, but with increased emphasis on fleet activity via Crew Retrieval, fleet management will become a more regular task for admirals.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    New game mode or feature
    Aside from the “all of the above” option that wasn’t included...

    A game mode that allows/requires the use of crew from every rarity. Perhaps this is already part of some of the ideas put forth above - apologies if I’m preaching to the choir. As we all know, as rosters improve, the lower rarity cards eventually go into the vault and are never seen again. I would hate to use crew slots on them, but it might be interesting to assemble a rarity-specific gauntlet or voyage or thingamabob that yielded reduced but decent prizes. Maybe the prizes could be tailored to the rarities (e.g., credit-heavy for 1* mode, merit-heavy for 2*, ISM/honor for 3*, chronitons for 4*) so we could focus on desired resources (if you didn’t want to run all of them). Maybe it should be specifically limited to frozen crew - no active roster crew can participate; this could actually give duplicate cards something to do while waiting for their once/year faction events to appear.
  • New event type
    A new event style would be nice. Or, new content on the map. Hell, anything “new” that enhances actually playing the game.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • New event type
    The upcoming feature makes it easier to obtain the crew we want.

    So, it seems to me, the next big thing should expand what we do with our crew. A new event type seems especially useful, even if it builds off of existing voyage and gauntlet functions.

    (This being said, the upcoming feature is large enough to require a multi-release deploy, so I figure they'll probably focus on smaller, simpler content for a while.)
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    New game mode or feature
    An ability to reset all of the single player missions and replay them for the exact same rewards (this would include things like Quinn). I imagine this would also mean loosing your ability to warp a mission until you crit it, again, on epic. This would give us something to do, without the devs needing to build all new material.[/quote]

    I like the idea, but I would like to see it tweaked. Why not trait lock each node to add a level of difficulty and add fresh rewards. Trait locking nodes could tie in well with the new Crew Retrieval feature. You could even look at things like making each level (normal, elite, epic) only available to crew of a certain level, eg normal - common/uncommon/rare, elite -super rare, epic - legendary.

    TP could monetise unlocking of each mission and rewards could be designed to suit likely level of player, eg normal level mission rewards would be tilted towards new players who are short on trainers, credits and component/equipment, whilst at epic level it could be more focused on honor, chrons etc.

    I have absolutely no knowledge of programming/coding so what I am suggesting may be out of the question, but doesn’t hurt to ask.

    Apologies to Spiff, Spaceman for stuffing up his quote (first paragraph).
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    New game mode or feature
    "New Game +"

    An ability to reset all of the single player missions and replay them for the exact same rewards (this would include things like Quinn). I imagine this would also mean loosing your ability to warp a mission until you crit it, again, on epic. This would give us something to do, without the devs needing to build all new material.

    I like your idea, but I think there would be a couple of issues.

    1) If you've beaten it once, you will unquestionably do it again. There's nothing to really challenge you there.

    2) Certain rewards are crew, and that could cause some issues. Two instances I can think of are the rewards at the end of episodes where you have to choose a faction, and Quinn in episode 10 I believe. They probably aren't going to want people to be able to FF those crew so easily.

    If they can tweak the rewards/difficulty somewhat, maybe they'd be willing to do it. I like your idea in principle, for sure.
    An ability to reset all of the single player missions and replay them for the exact same rewards (this would include things like Quinn). I imagine this would also mean loosing your ability to warp a mission until you crit it, again, on epic. This would give us something to do, without the devs needing to build all new material.

    I like the idea, but I would like to see it tweaked. Why not trait lock each node to add a level of difficulty and add fresh rewards. Trait locking nodes could tie in well with the new Crew Retrieval feature. You could even look at things like making each level (normal, elite, epic) only available to crew of a certain level, eg normal - common/uncommon/rare, elite -super rare, epic - legendary.

    TP could monetise unlocking of each mission and rewards could be designed to suit likely level of player, eg normal level mission rewards would be tilted towards new players who are short on trainers, credits and component/equipment, whilst at epic level it could be more focused on honor, chrons etc.

    I have absolutely no knowledge of programming/coding so what I am suggesting may be out of the question, but doesn’t hurt to ask.

    Apologies to Spiff, Spaceman for stuffing up his quote (first paragraph).

    These tweaks are good, and give some extra challenges for players. The only issue is the monetising, IMO. This will only create further disparity between F2P and whales.

    I wonder how feasible it would be to create a new level of difficulty, above Epic. This could also create some new challenges, especially with the increasing power creep. It also probably wouldn't require too much coding, as the basic foundation is already done.

    EDIT: to fix quote issues
  • Bug fixes
    only thing i want is --> voyages getting stuck being fixed, before thats fixed i dont see any reason to develop anything else. such a complete gamebreaking bug, now with it being monetized is just simply appalling....
  • Other (please clarify below)
    @IceCat and @Warrior Willo
    I don't disagree. However, the reason I'd like a "New Game +" is because I don't think it would be that hard, comparatively speaking, to put into the game. It would add, essentially, an infinite loop of game play. I also don't think getting extra copies of things like Quinn would be game breaking. While, yes, once you beat it you can beat it again, some of those nodes are hard and you only pass by the skin of your teeth. Plus you'd have to decide if giving up warp is worth the trouble of getting the rewards a second time.

    While I'd love new game content, I think a "New Game +" is something that could be done, relatively easily, sooner rather than later.
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  • Other (please clarify below)
    Since I voted other I am going to also add to the voices about fleet management tools.

    Why these problems don't get more attention is beyond me. A new feature is put into the game that requires a majority of member participation in a fleet for a fleets survival. Yet the Admiral doesn't have the tools to properly organize a fleet to it's full potential.

    You have to ask and beg people to do what you want them to do, and if they don't then you either have to remove them, or just deal with it.

    The fleets need to be fixed. Or this new feature is going to do a lot of harm to many fleets.
  • Fleet management tools
    Oh gawds no, not Expedition. They should kill off expedition entirely. Everyone gets all nostalgic about Expedition events, until one actually rolls around, and then we all remember how much time they require for so little a return on the investment of that time.
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  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Oh gawds no, not Expedition. They should kill off expedition entirely. Everyone gets all nostalgic about Expedition events, until one actually rolls around, and then we all remember how much time they require for so little a return on the investment of that time.

    For the record, my revamp idea is something to make it worthwhile.
    Farewell 🖖
  • New game mode or feature
    Oh gawds no, not Expedition. They should kill off expedition entirely. Everyone gets all nostalgic about Expedition events, until one actually rolls around, and then we all remember how much time they require for so little a return on the investment of that time.

    For the record, my revamp idea is something to make it worthwhile.

    I like your idea :wink:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • New game mode or feature
    Something people actually want!!!!!!

    I am amazed that the development team have convinced themselves that Crew Retrieval is a long requested 'feature'. It is not.

    It either shows that they don't understand what's been asked for or that they've decided to do something anyway and dress it up as being asked for.
  • edited February 2021
    New game mode or feature
    Something people actually want!!!!!!

    I am amazed that the development team have convinced themselves that Crew Retrieval is a long requested 'feature'. It is not.

    It either shows that they don't understand what's been asked for or that they've decided to do something anyway and dress it up as being asked for.

    It may not be how we envisioned it working, but I think it solves a couple player requests. The pool of crew in portal is pretty diluted now. Getting a specific crew is very improbable. For those who have a "white whale" in there, this helps. For those who just want a way to cite crew faster, again, this helps. For those who wanted something new, that's not just a re-skin of an existing feature, this fits the request.

    One thing that is worth noting from the poll results is that it seems players are looking for something more engaging. This feature has kind of a slow burn. You spin the hamster wheel for a while, then you get the treat. The comments that I've seen are describing a new game mode or feature with a more immediate payout - instant gratification, if you will. Mostly though, it seems like they want something to play and not just wait for resources to drop.

    That's why I like these polls. It's kind of a window into what is driving the community. :)

    I do genuinely enjoy your thoughtful posts, responses and all-round positivity, Lorca. :smile:
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New event type
    Something people actually want!!!!!!

    I am amazed that the development team have convinced themselves that Crew Retrieval is a long requested 'feature'. It is not.

    It either shows that they don't understand what's been asked for or that they've decided to do something anyway and dress it up as being asked for.

    It may not be how we envisioned it working, but I think it solves a couple player requests. The pool of crew in portal is pretty diluted now. Getting a specific crew is very improbable. For those who have a "white whale" in there, this helps. For those who just want a way to cite crew faster, again, this helps. For those who wanted something new, that's not just a re-skin of an existing feature, this fits the request.

    One thing that is worth noting from the poll results is that it seems players are looking for something more engaging. This feature has kind of a slow burn. You spin the hamster wheel for a while, then you get the treat. The comments that I've seen are describing a new game mode or feature with a more immediate payout - instant gratification, if you will. Mostly though, it seems like they want something to play and not just wait for resources to drop.

    That's why I like these polls. It's kind of a window into what is driving the community. :)

    I do genuinely enjoy your thoughtful posts, responses and all-round positivity, Lorca. :smile:

    Thank you! I do also appreciate your posts. I don't think you're wrong at all in how devs missed the mark on how their game mechanics to deliver something we want were not quite how we wanted to earn it. :)
    Farewell 🖖
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