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What's your response to the 72 Hour Ban?

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What's your response to the 72 Hour Ban? 114 votes

I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
AviTrekAmphistaffNad HalAntasileXo | RamzaKaiRo(10F)GeekgirlBeratis Kesla Redjac[Deleted User]YateballCaptain_JanmanDesmaniacSky Cap 18eXo | RodenberryPieursine cotcherBarnBurner=j= JC Ravel°fish°bennyNoNameNamer 23 votes
I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
Captain_WhoMuadDaveeXo | Cadet Matt[SSR] GTMET·§ë· For the ManyLocutus_of_Borg_Drone_oneCaptain Harlockguest_757423444811776TP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)Torias327ThurthoradDScottHewittMagpieShy KhanrobownageEhrenStrangeNavarch PuknutiKanon 60 votes
I'll keep playing and I'll keep spending money in the game
Warrior WilloV.Jim SteelecmdrworfCaptain Murphysexy_lady[TNS] Prince ValiumLt. GambolAutomaton_2000KurppanaPurplMonkiVerzweigterTarisBylo BandProontVeterinary PhloxCaptain SMRPallas_SolOesorMiT Sanoa 31 votes


  • I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    The only thing that might bring me back is a MASSIVE and PROFUSE apology from TP, perhaps including firing whatever idiot thought this was a good idea. I don't want anything to do with a company that is this morally bankrupt and/or inept, and I won't be giving them another minute of time or another penny unless they make this right quickly.
  • BarnBurnerBarnBurner ✭✭✭✭
    I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    **tsk tsk**
  • I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    Meant to vote for 'uninstalling'. Damn.
    Only if WRG make this right will I reconsider and even then I'm done spending money . .
  • I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    The only thing that might bring me back is a MASSIVE and PROFUSE apology from TP, perhaps including firing whatever idiot thought this was a good idea. I don't want anything to do with a company that is this morally bankrupt and/or inept, and I won't be giving them another minute of time or another penny unless they make this right quickly.

    can you sort your name out rather than being guest75billion or whatever it is?
  • I ceased playing Timelines about a year ago (I play Fleet Command now), but Ive kept up on the forums. This was was my first mobile game, and its a shame to see it go this way.
  • I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    I am also waiting to hear their response before I make any rash decisions 🖖
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • PavelHPavelH ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    I was at work during the time so missed it but it seems like A) people are overblowing it - a 3 days ban is such a minor inconvenience and B- What constitutes an exploit and what is a 'feature' is hard to tell. Remember when they gave everyone a Survivalist Kirk because some people that shouldn't have received it, got it?
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    I would be playing, 'cause I'm not directly affected by this (to my knowledge), but in solidarity with those who have, and also because I can't trust them with money after this, I won't be spending anything on this game. I'll probably won't even watch ads. This is, until an apology statement is made.

    I quit this game from mid 2019 to late 2020, not sure why I came back, but I won't have any problems quitting again if I must.
  • I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    definitely enough time to request refunds for every single penny I've ever spent on the game
  • I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    This is too much. I dropped out. Almost five years and a ton of time and money gone. Never doing business with this company again.
  • I'll keep playing and I'll keep spending money in the game
    The developers don’t care about what you think - but they do care about money. If you spend any on here recently, then request a refund.
  • I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    Even if the next campaign is Dark Empath Troi..... no money from me for a looooong time 🖖
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    Vid wrote: »
    The only thing that might bring me back is a MASSIVE and PROFUSE apology from TP, perhaps including firing whatever idiot thought this was a good idea. I don't want anything to do with a company that is this morally bankrupt and/or inept, and I won't be giving them another minute of time or another penny unless they make this right quickly.

    can you sort your name out rather than being guest75billion or whatever it is?

    I've tried changing it multiple times to JC Ravel, but for some reason, it doesn't transfer here. I wish I could figure out why, but so far no luck.
  • I'm uninstalling this game and never playing it again
    Received my refund for this month's monthly card. Haven't heard back about the hundreds of pounds of other refunds I've requested now that the company have violated our contract and the purchases are worthless as I will not be opening the game again.
  • ChaosChildChaosChild ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll keep playing, but WRG won't see a single penny from me going forward
    Calhoun wrote: »
    Received my refund for this month's monthly card. Haven't heard back about the hundreds of pounds of other refunds I've requested now that the company have violated our contract and the purchases are worthless as I will not be opening the game again.

    That’s not how refunds work, and is a ludicrous reaction. You cannot seriously expect to get all your money back after you stop playing a game.

    When the other party (TP) are in breach of contact (their own TOS) then it seems like a reasonable request. But not one that they're likely to honour any time soon.
  • CalhounCalhoun ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll keep playing and I'll keep spending money in the game
    They've locked me out of a game I have spent a large amount of money to progress in, due to their error, and I have not violated any terms. I do not have access to what they were supposed to provide on their side of the contract we made every time I made a purchase.

    For three days. After that, you have it all back. It’s purely your choice not to return.
  • Cpt dxCpt dx ✭✭✭
    A lot depends on what they do next. I'm leaning toward taking up a new hobby, though.

    This isn't sour grapes. The game has always been a questionable time vortex (and money vortex to some extent) to me. It would be difficult to continue making excuses when the proprietor treats me in this way.

    100% agree. If I don’t get an apology and find that any of my items are gone, I’m out.
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