Event Discussion thread: Galaxy Event "Baby Boom" - (03/11)

in The Bridge
Event notes: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/17864/galaxy-event-notes-baby-boom-2021-03-11/
2 things :
- yes, there will be a faction winner - this is not a typo
- the switch to DST will happen on Sunday March 14 in the USA, for the states observing it
2 things :
- yes, there will be a faction winner - this is not a typo
- the switch to DST will happen on Sunday March 14 in the USA, for the states observing it
Why not more variety. Like Faction/Hybrid/Skirmishes/Galaxy?
You have managed it before and now ur sadly back to old behavior.
Instead we now have/had: Faction/Galaxy/Faction/Galaxy. Soooo boring! 🥱
I’d have galaxied hard for that and I hate tapping.
Very interesting. Can you share some of the thought process there? Nice little generous experiment.
Also, how is Worf not a caregiver (or nurse?!) especially given how few traits he has been given.
Nope, you are correct. New Culber is well worth voyages wise.
Midwife Worf! This event is gonna be awesome!
Worf would protest this you calling him that 😂😂😂😂😂
Thanks, letting the team know!
I have a dearth of SEC crew I've wanted to spent citations on, so Culber is doubly welcome.
Each poll makes clear that we dislike full Galaxies the most. And still...
New event types anyone?
All fine he just wore a black shirt. Black only. 😆
He's definitely going to be a solid addition to almost any roster. Even if his overall Voyage score isn't amazing, it's also nothing to sneeze at. More importantly, SEC/MED is a very shallow field, and MED/SEC ain't much deeper (numbers shown without potential starbase/collection bonuses).
There's that, and also the fact that he just looks freaking cool in that deep red uniform.
Me too; I think I'll have to just spend the minimum on dailies and hoard* the rest for the next week. If I can get above rank 2500 again and get the la Forge card 4/4 too I'll be very pleased!
And some of us can't stand skirmish events and much prefer Galaxy events. So maybe don't take your own opinion and claim it represents all the players.
I don’t remember any polls? Did I miss something? I love to exercise my right to vote
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
That is a good one. My mind went to the movie when I saw the event title, but I can't do Photoshop.
(It was my turn to ask that).
This was my first started discussion on the forum ever.
It has been quite some time in between - feel free to start a new one if you think the result is not accurate any more.
/edit: In the thread an earlier poll was mentioned too, if I remember correctly with the remark that the outcome was similar.
/edit2 @AviTrek: I admit that Hybrids including Expedition and Skirmish got even less votes than pure Galaxies. I could not remember and apologize.
Least voted for favorite != Disliked the most.
To say nothing of the issues with plurality vs majority and first past the post voting.
The poll was also from August 2019 before changes were made that we currently have today.
I am not aware of any improvements to Galaxies (or Factions) which made them more likeable, apart from the very new (and perhaps one-time-only) Faction Bonus.
The changes to Skirmishes had a very positive resonance. Do you think they get less love by the players now than before the change?
Like I said... If you think the outcome is not valid any more just go ahaid and make a new poll, or if it is significant to you an opposite poll about which event type the forum dislikes the most.
So, I love polls. I try to use neutral wording and make them as fair as I can and all that good stuff. The problem is that every poll on the forum is conducted among a small, vocal minority of STT players. No poll will really be accurate. That's quite unfortunate because I wish the results could represent all players so we could have a better understanding of what the community did and didn't like.
This is to say that either side could be right. We don't really have any way to know. Maybe a large group of spenders want a break between faction events or hybrids with a faction component. Maybe this break from hybrids is so that we'll appreciate the next one more. Maybe I'm completely and there's other factors at play. Whatever the case is, I'm ready for a hybrid faction/skirmish soon.