USS Roddenberry
A nice tribute, and even nicer to see an update to the Arena rewards.
A nice tribute, and even nicer to see an update to the Arena rewards.
This is going to make September Arena battles a lot more brutal than normal...looks like I'll be getting even less sleep.
Did someone say Halloween?
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
However, since I can get them from arena for several months, I like it. It will be brutal in the arena, but I still like it.
After that, it will take about 55 days at 120 schematics a day or about 65 days at 100 schematics a day to fully level the ship. Those estimates are with rounded up numbers, so they're likely to be off by a day or so. Bottom line: at least two months of heavy fighting in the Arena. This is all wrong; I did my math completely wrong. See my comment below.
On the pointless critique front: what do people think about them using the Constellation class as the body type? After thinking about it for a bit, I wish they had gone with a TOS Constitution class or, even better, a Galaxy class body. The Galaxy would have been more ideal, as we have a couple of Constitutions (ISS Enterprise and Pike's Enterprise) at 5 stars but no Galaxy class at that level.
True. But for people that do their dailies, the 20 space battles you have to do will already get you to 140. 10 extra over 7 days is nothing...building any crew will certainly require you to do a few ship battles to get items.
The achievements run 7 days. Daily missions require 20 battles per day. That's 140 battles. The top achievement is 150 battles. That means you need to do the dailies plus 10 battles. That's not exactly a steep hill to climb, imo. During the skirmish would ha e made it go super fast, but even outside skirmish, this isn't a high price.
As to the design... there's a lot of silhouettes that look like the constitution class in the game. I do like how they made the Roddenberry more distinct. I'd probably lean more toward the original Enterprise if it were me designing it, but I do understand the functional element.
The stats are decent but the abilities make it very interesting.
I want to know if it will have enough hull and shields at 10/10 to last 7 seconds. My instinct says no, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
At Max-Lv., this ship might be worthy.
If I understood correctly, she is the reward for 123 days, so players in the top 15% should get her by the end of December. There should be no rush.
Andorian Battlecruiser Kumari
Federation Fighter
Pike's Enterprise
Warship Voyager
Pike's Enterprise
Andorian Battlecruiser Kumari
Pike's Enterprise
Krenim Weapon Ship
The Artifact
It's a fun vanity ship, and I'll be happy to add it to my collection, but the traits are all covered. I don't see a need for a massive rush in arena to get it quicker. Until I get it 10/10 I'll use one of the other ships I have for the bonus trait.
The big thing with her, is she is an easy to get and level ship. She will be fantastic for newer players.
I believe I have suggested before that players should be given a free 5* very shortly after starting to play, just for voyages.
It would be like the Phoenix having the Federation trait. This is going to bug me now.
I guess that sounded harsher than I intended. I was just making note of it. Most Achievements lately that use a task that is in an Event overlap. It's entirely doable anyway. I'll be done in a couple days. But, some people might have benefitted from the extra Space Battles. I do occasionally think of others, despite evidence to the contrary.
I still stand by my comment that the first month will likely be brutal, as everyone will try to level up the ship as fast as possible. Still, nice to know that we have four months to do this leisurely and that my credit collecting in the Arena can continue.
Update: I ended up farming for 20 0* Science Experiments ("Not a Drop to Drink"). That actually did get me all three tiers of achievements.