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Festive Season Dabo sale and give aways

Dabo sale doesn’t really interest me, but I am looking forward to the other festive season activities. Gather this announcement will hit in game messages shortly:



  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Resourceful collection, no significant ship ability.

  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    First complaint about the Objective event.

    If the tasks have to be done in order, then I cannot start levelling up Resistance Burnham, and fusing her, until near the end of the Objective.

    If I level and fuse her before, then I am stuck.

    End of complaint.

    200 Federation Shuttle missions, that's 7 per day, and nullifies my 30s Borg Faction.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    First complaint about the Objective event.

    If the tasks have to be done in order, then I cannot start levelling up Resistance Burnham, and fusing her, until near the end of the Objective.

    If I level and fuse her before, then I am stuck.

    End of complaint.

    200 Federation Shuttle missions, that's 7 per day, and nullifies my 30s Borg Faction.

    And you need to hold all the copies you earn along the way until you get to the fuse objective. This is a really poor design. Did anyone play test this before launching it?
  • edited December 2021
    I do hope that each objective isn't locked by the prior one: on thursday a Faction event starts, that means not sending Federation Missions for 4 days, 10 days later. by mid december we get to finish that objective off, and we get our second copy of burnham, the one that is a gift and the one that comes by completing the first objective but, we can't level/fuse them to be able to progress on the objective event later! That is crazy! We use 4 spaces for Burnaham for almost a month! What about people that don't have that space...

    Ok, all of these objectives are simultaneous, forget what it's written above.
  • Well the fuse Objective is just items as rewards, so it doesn t matter much.
    Except for folks with low chrons stack, of course.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • I'm a bit lost on the complaint about the fuse objective - do you mean the leveling objective? My event info says "Level up Crew from Star Trek: Discovery x times".

    You win a 2* Desert Burnham from the first shuttle objective milestone, so my understanding is that you can potentially level that card if you wish (after completing 200 Fed shuttles...) to satisfy the leveling objective. Those with deep chron wallets would probably equip & level up the new 5* Burnham but for newer players the 2* card might be the better option.
    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    You could also level the new Tilly from the campaign.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope this isn’t a spoiler (for those that haven’t seen the episode) to ask about: why is Resistance Burnham dressed in a full uniform and holding a weapon... but is also barefoot?
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm a bit lost on the complaint about the fuse objective - do you mean the leveling objective? My event info says "Level up Crew from Star Trek: Discovery x times".

    You win a 2* Desert Burnham from the first shuttle objective milestone, so my understanding is that you can potentially level that card if you wish (after completing 200 Fed shuttles...) to satisfy the leveling objective. Those with deep chron wallets would probably equip & level up the new 5* Burnham but for newer players the 2* card might be the better option.

    Scroll to right. There are objectives to level Resistance Burnham, and then objectives to fuse resistance Burnham. Also, remember we are getting a free Burnham tomorrow.

    We then have to complete 200 shuttles. Assuming 6 rounds of 4 shuttles per day, that's 8.3333 days. Plus 4 days of a faction event where we're not running Federation shuttles. So players will need to sit on the Burnham at level 1 for 13+ days.

    Then after completing the shuttles, players will get a second Burnham. But they can't fuse the two.

    They'll need to level up another Discovery crew 90 times. Better not do Burnham here or they'll be stuck later. Now players will be sitting on 3 Burnhams in their roster.

    Then they have to complete 250 ship battles to get a 4th Burnham.

    Now they get to level Burnham.

    Then finally they get to fuse Burnham 3 times. The reward for those fusions, crew specific items that they will already have built in completing the previous objective.

    How many players won't pay attention and will level or fuse Burnham early? If they level Burnham they won't even get the last Burnham. If they only fuse, then they won't complete the last objective(not the end of the world at least).

    Experienced players will be able to level the DIS crew, run the 250 battles, and level Burnham quickly. So at least that won't take a lot of time. But for newer players, they'll need to be able to do all of that in the correct order squeezed into the end of the month. All while holding 4 copies of Burnham. Hope they don't have a crew space shortage.
  • I hope this isn’t a spoiler (for those that haven’t seen the episode) to ask about: why is Resistance Burnham dressed in a full uniform and holding a weapon... but is also barefoot?

    It's from Season 3, episode 12:
    A baddie chasing her down in a Jefferies tube grabs onto her boots; Burnham tethers herself to the tube and then vents it, so the baddie gets sucked out into space while holding the boots. I believe it's a Die Hard reference? idk I haven't seen it *ducks*

    I don't believe it gives away any major plot points.
    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
  • Why put 3* and 4* items in the fuse achievement for Burnham when you need to level her to 90 to unlock the fuse achievement?
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks @Steph loves Voyager! That's helpful, and I think sufficiently vague to not spoil anything. But as for the reference you mention...
    It sounds more like Aliens with Sigourney Weaver (when she ejects the alien queen into space) than Die Hard to me.
  • RW_Eagle wrote: »
    Why put 3* and 4* items in the fuse achievement for Burnham when you need to level her to 90 to unlock the fuse achievement?

    Nevermind, the objectives are parallel.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Oh, God. I hope that my Kindle doesn't lock me out of everything like it did during the last one or I'll have to crawl under the plant tables to hook up the new router early. [crosses fingers]

    Edit: Locked out of the whole game. Guess I'll be crawling, cursing, and dosed with Benadryl in the morning.

    Edit 2: Decided to hook up now, so I could medicate before bed... Living room coaxial jack was wet. (That will be a fun conversation with the landlord.) Bedroom jack is male...and so is my router. I will be buying an adapter tomorrow. For those keeping score, I've had to buy a Kindle 8, switch internet providers (hope that fixes it), and buy an adapter just to keep playing. Yesterday ended with a dead kitten and today started like this. :'(
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    First complaint about the Objective event.

    If the tasks have to be done in order, then I cannot start levelling up Resistance Burnham, and fusing her, until near the end of the Objective.

    If I level and fuse her before, then I am stuck.

    End of complaint.

    200 Federation Shuttle missions, that's 7 per day, and nullifies my 30s Borg Faction.

    They fixed that. However, the Shuttle Missions have to be Federation. Guess who is NOT in the Faction Event starting tomorrow?

    Either poor planning, or a tacky move......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    First complaint about the Objective event.

    If the tasks have to be done in order, then I cannot start levelling up Resistance Burnham, and fusing her, until near the end of the Objective.

    If I level and fuse her before, then I am stuck.

    End of complaint.

    200 Federation Shuttle missions, that's 7 per day, and nullifies my 30s Borg Faction.

    Too bad this weeks event doesn t feature Federation Shuttles 😆

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    First complaint about the Objective event.

    If the tasks have to be done in order, then I cannot start levelling up Resistance Burnham, and fusing her, until near the end of the Objective.

    If I level and fuse her before, then I am stuck.

    End of complaint.

    200 Federation Shuttle missions, that's 7 per day, and nullifies my 30s Borg Faction.

    And you need to hold all the copies you earn along the way until you get to the fuse objective. This is a really poor design. Did anyone play test this before launching it?

    Objectives run concurrent.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Well the fuse Objective is just items as rewards, so it doesn t matter much.
    Except for folks with low chrons stack, of course.

    The Items are for her. Helps leveling her. I did the double up to have the fifth Star. But, anyone who does not do that will put her Equipment to use. The 5* Equipment especially helps.

    EDIT: Just expanding on the Equipment being for her.

    Burnham at 100, with her Uniform and Weapon from the Event:


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Btw, if you equip USS Discovery as ur bridge crew / screen ship,
    warping ship battles count towards the goal.

    Had ISS Discovery equipped and wondered why it didn t work at first. 😅🙈
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭

    Any order yay!

    Congrats! I just saw that when I was looking her over!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Well the fuse Objective is just items as rewards, so it doesn t matter much.
    Except for folks with low chrons stack, of course.

    The Items are for her. Helps leveling her. I did the double up to have the fifth Star. But, anyone who does not do that will put her Equipment to use. The 5* Equipment especially helps.

    Yes, that‘s what i said/meant. Most ppl sit on plenty chrons and items,
    so it doesn t matter much if i build the items or get them for free. 😉
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    How many players won't pay attention and will level or fuse Burnham early?


    Clearly "lost" was a pertinent choice of word in my previous comment.
    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well the fuse Objective is just items as rewards, so it doesn t matter much.
    Except for folks with low chrons stack, of course.

    The Items are for her. Helps leveling her. I did the double up to have the fifth Star. But, anyone who does not do that will put her Equipment to use. The 5* Equipment especially helps.

    Yes, that‘s what i said/meant. Most ppl sit on plenty chrons and items,
    so it doesn t matter much if i build the items or get them for free. 😉

    I was just expanding on the equipment being for her specifically. Did not mean for it to read as a criticism or any such.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • edited December 2021
    Why launch this before a shuttle event? Seems odd that we will have to wait to finish the first objective, which has to be completed before we are able to move onto the others.

    I have just discovered that they are mutually exclusive, unlike the test event. Confusing, much.
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭

    Any order yay!

    It si great that one part is not required for other parts of objective


    Just note: USS Discovery is awful in arena
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • HaBlack wrote: »

    Any order yay!

    It si great that one part is not required for other parts of objective


    Just note: USS Discovery is awful in arena

    Yes it is.........
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