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  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    After seeing this live, new feedback. If some objective events can run in parallel and others are sequential, make it clear in the UI which is which so we don't have to wait till the event starts to test which it is.
  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    EnderW wrote: »
    HaBlack wrote: »

    Just note: USS Discovery is awful in arena

    But it's great at Klingon Empire Distress Calls Mission 1. Normal! :D

    Especially after running a voyage to bulk up on some extra chrono-thingies.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    HaBlack wrote: »

    Any order yay!

    It si great that one part is not required for other parts of objective


    Just note: USS Discovery is awful in arena

    I mined the red rods from the mission that drops them with 25 ten runs.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    After seeing this live, new feedback. If some objective events can run in parallel and others are sequential, make it clear in the UI which is which so we don't have to wait till the event starts to test which it is.

    The only one that require waiting is the Fuse one. Since you can't do it until you have a copy to Fuse. So, that one waits each time for the next copy from another Objective.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why launch this before a shuttle event? Seems odd that we will have to wait to finish the first objective, which has to be completed before we are able to move onto the others.

    I have just discovered that they are mutually exclusive, unlike the test event. Confusing, much.

    They did specify that as a bug in the beta test, but they really only mentioned it in passing, once or twice.

    It was a very easy point to miss even if you hang around here a lot, so I can only imagine the confusion for casual players right now.

    I, personally, will gently suggest to @Shan and the crew that a separate in game communication clarifying that the issue has been resolved would be a fantastic and peachy keen thing. 🙂

    The bug was a display issue, the intent in the beta was that the objectives be done in order. The intention is that objectives can depend upon other ones.

    The issue for me, is that it's not clear, there is a lack of communication on this.
    You could also level the new Tilly from the campaign.

    Already levelled.
    Too bad this weeks event doesn t feature Federation Shuttles 😆

    I suspect that is intentional. It would be easy to do a hundred or so shuttles at 1 minute at the beginning of the event, followed by time boosted shuttles for the next few days.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Forgive me if I am missing something but I am unclear as to what the confusion is here, yesterday was a long day and it is early still ^^

    Some Objective Events will have objectives with pre-requisites, meaning some objectives will be locked until the pre-requisite objective is complete.

    That will however not always be the case for all Objective Events.

    The display issue with locked objectives last time, was the fact that it didn't correctly display all the milestones from the pre-requisite objective.

    This specific month long Objective Event has no pre-requisites, it was intended that way.

    Future Objective Events will see variable set ups, with/without pre-requisites or a mix of both.

    I think maybe people were assuming that it would be like the last one. One Objective at a time.

    Ming is not happy.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭


    The first objective event, the objectives were sequential, and had to be done in order.
    This was different to how the game had previously worked with temporary achievements, and unexpected. There was no warning that this would happen.

    This event hub showed us the objectives last night, about five hours before it started.
    The objectives can be done at the same time, but again there was no indication that this was different to the previous objective event.

    It was natural to assume it would work in the same way, hence the confusion. There was also no communication, or instructions in the event that it would work any different way.

    I think the real issue is about communication. There needs to be something in game that tells us which objectives depend upon others, as soon as the event hits the hub, so that we can plan what to do.

    Thank you for the new Burnham.

    While I understand that it is easy to think something will be like something else, this is a new feature with its own specificities.

    The display issue from the previous event created some unfortunate confusion but the goal is for the Objective Event interface to provide the information that you need, that's why there is a descriptive info text on each objective.

    Some events will allow you to work on all objectives at the same time, some will not, and for some it will be a mix.

    There are limitations with what we can do with the interface but I will continue to bring up feedback and concerns for further tweaking.
  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »


    The first objective event, the objectives were sequential, and had to be done in order.
    This was different to how the game had previously worked with temporary achievements, and unexpected. There was no warning that this would happen.

    This event hub showed us the objectives last night, about five hours before it started.
    The objectives can be done at the same time, but again there was no indication that this was different to the previous objective event.

    It was natural to assume it would work in the same way, hence the confusion. There was also no communication, or instructions in the event that it would work any different way.

    I think the real issue is about communication. There needs to be something in game that tells us which objectives depend upon others, as soon as the event hits the hub, so that we can plan what to do.

    Thank you for the new Burnham.

    While I understand that it is easy to think something will be like something else, this is a new feature with its own specificities.

    The display issue from the previous event created some unfortunate confusion but the goal is for the Objective Event interface to provide the information that you need, that's why there is a descriptive info text on each objective.

    Some events will allow you to work on all objectives at the same time, some will not, and for some it will be a mix.

    There are limitations with what we can do with the interface but I will continue to bring up feedback and concerns for further tweaking.

    Awesome, thank you for the explanation!
    Honestly, I like the idea, at least in theory.
    Ideally it will keep things a bit fresh and avoid predictability and staleness…
    The team needs to toot their own horn a bit on that goal, if I might make a suggestion.
  • Enjoying this, although I wish it was “Start faction missions” and not “Complete faction missions” :wink:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I came to vent bile and fury but after discovering you can do the objectives at the same time I say OK. This is a fine event (especially if “Problems of the Present” is federation shuttles).
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    Btw, if you equip USS Discovery as ur bridge crew / screen ship,
    warping ship battles count towards the goal.

    Had ISS Discovery equipped and wondered why it didn t work at first. 😅🙈

    Great tip.
    Makes that objective very easy.

    All are easy to do. Just need to make sure I can use the equipment correctly.
    I will fuse her first before leveling up.
  • ArnieArnie ✭✭✭✭
    Only "minor" gripe is Burnham is another crew with Com, Dip & Sec. Like Sahil, and Luau Q. Would have been nice to see some Sci/Med/Eng somewhere!
  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Forgive me if I am missing something but I am unclear as to what the confusion is here, yesterday was a long day and it is early still ^^

    Some Objective Events will have objectives with pre-requisites, meaning some objectives will be locked until the pre-requisite objective is complete.

    That will however not always be the case for all Objective Events.

    The display issue with locked objectives last time, was the fact that it didn't correctly display all the milestones from the pre-requisite objective.

    This specific month long Objective Event has no pre-requisites, it was intended that way.

    Future Objective Events will see variable set ups, with/without pre-requisites or a mix of both.

    A introduction is on the forum and was send through in game mail : https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/18660/introduction-to-objective-events#latest
    Also the ? contains all the info.

    I think you already did a good job in explaining it.
  • Cool, now I just need the USS Discovery...
  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    Cool, now I just need the USS Discovery...

    After 100 Shuttles you get 600 ship schematics, enough to get it.
  • Cool, now I just need the USS Discovery...

    You are rewarded by 600x U.S.S. Discovery ship components when completing the objective "Complete 100 Shuttle Missions for the Federation".
    Hopefully, it could be enough to unlock the ship.
  • Oops, I totally missed that schematics are a reward for one of the other objectives. Thanks!
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    tyllanthor wrote: »
    Cool, now I just need the USS Discovery...

    You are rewarded by 600x U.S.S. Discovery ship components when completing the objective "Complete 100 Shuttle Missions for the Federation".
    Hopefully, it could be enough to unlock the ship.

    It is enough for Level 1/10:

    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »


    The first objective event, the objectives were sequential, and had to be done in order.
    This was different to how the game had previously worked with temporary achievements, and unexpected. There was no warning that this would happen.

    This event hub showed us the objectives last night, about five hours before it started.
    The objectives can be done at the same time, but again there was no indication that this was different to the previous objective event.

    It was natural to assume it would work in the same way, hence the confusion. There was also no communication, or instructions in the event that it would work any different way.

    I think the real issue is about communication. There needs to be something in game that tells us which objectives depend upon others, as soon as the event hits the hub, so that we can plan what to do.

    Thank you for the new Burnham.

    While I understand that it is easy to think something will be like something else, this is a new feature with its own specificities.

    The display issue from the previous event created some unfortunate confusion but the goal is for the Objective Event interface to provide the information that you need, that's why there is a descriptive info text on each objective.

    Some events will allow you to work on all objectives at the same time, some will not, and for some it will be a mix.

    There are limitations with what we can do with the interface but I will continue to bring up feedback and concerns for further tweaking.

    However, the problem is that there has been exactly one previous Objective Event to consult for precedent. A clear explanation in the announcement mail would have avoided much of the confusion. "This Objective Event has Tasks that can be completed concurrently" or "This Objective Event has Tasks that are sequential and can only be done in order". I know you have to type the announcements, IIRC what you said a few days ago. But, one sentence extra would have avoided a now two page discussion mostly about the confusion.

    No offense. Just a suggestion for the team to consider. Just offering feedback.

    Also, thanx for the new Burnham!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about an honor sale?

    Yep, that would be good to include in festive celebrations.
  • MicrohopperMicrohopper ✭✭✭✭
    HaBlack wrote: »

    Any order yay!

    It si great that one part is not required for other parts of objective


    Just note: USS Discovery is awful in arena

    Yes it is.........

    Well, at least there will be a lot of us in arena having the awful ship, together?

  • Well, at least there will be a lot of us in arena having the awful ship, together?

    Equip it as your ship on the main screen and warp missions - it counts toward the objective
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about an honor sale?
    I've been planning as though the pattern will hold. We all know the cliche about assumptions, but I'm just going to leave this here:
    March 2021
    June 2021
    Sep 2021
  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    December just started, I have hope!
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