The first time the event was run, it was single faction in phase 1 and 3 factions in phase 2. They've made the same mistake again for the rerun, not updating the event notification or the free transmissions they sent us.
I guess I have to submit a ticket to get back the 1000 merits I spent buying up factions....grrrrr oh to add...same mistake, again
Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
Hey all, our apologies for the error in communication.
The reference document for this event has been amended so it will not happen anymore should this event be used again. I am sending out some Merits and Federation transmissions.
I have two Augment factions. This is the 2nd one after Borg. The 1st is still in its proper position in the middle.
Fleet Admiral - Dazed & Confused 🤸🤸🙃 We are still waiting for Enterprise B, the Delta Flyer, and a Runabout! We should also have a TNG season 1 red shirt LT JG Worf, and a "Far Beyond The Stars" DS9 episode crew collection!
I know this is better suited for Chuft Captain, but should the slave have a little better results being a specific event crew? (even though stats aren't great)
I know this is better suited for Chuft Captain, but should the slave have a little better results being a specific event crew? (even though stats aren't great)
The 4* Orion Slaver is not one of the featured event crew; only the three 5*s and 4* Profiteer Vash are featured & receive the high bonus.
4* Orion Slaver has the Merchant trait and thus receives the small bonus. That card being in the solo ranked rewards has previously led to some confusion. 🖖
"In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
I guess I have to submit a ticket to get back the 1000 merits I spent buying up factions....grrrrr
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
Ya, its not like they had a week to see that something was wrong....
They didn't have a week. They had 8 months.
Ah, it's a Discovery event. They should have put that in the announcement too.
The reference document for this event has been amended so it will not happen anymore should this event be used again. I am sending out some Merits and Federation transmissions.
I have two Augment factions. This is the 2nd one after Borg. The 1st is still in its proper position in the middle.
On mine, it is a 2nd Cardassian.
4* Orion Slaver has the Merchant trait and thus receives the small bonus. That card being in the solo ranked rewards has previously led to some confusion. 🖖