Bajoran Lightship

in The Bridge
I see the ship. How do we know the stats? And at that price, how much for a full ship? And more important: will it ever come into the regular pool?
It has attack speed and cool down and hull repair. Nice features. I have no idea how the completed unit would be as far as hull total when built up. Would it be a contender for the Artifact spot of supremacy? And at what cost?
The question wasn't how much to buy it for once. The question was how much honor would it cost to buy it enough times to max it out to 10/10.
47 purchases to get enough to level 10 (this is a rough estimate of just dividing all the rank requirements by 150 and rounding up; since all levels aren't easily divisible by 150, it may be a few less).
Total: 51 x 20,000 = 1,020,000 Honor
***Please feel free to correct my math...but politely.***
Everybody was expecting the Bortas to be a beast. It turned out it wasnt. I am expecting the same for this
I only have 1 issue, that's not a Bajoran Lightship
This is!
Edit: apologies, if I'm going to be pedantic I should properly commit. It's a R'ongovian solar sailship.
Thank you. 1 million. That will never happen. Sorry. I would be tempted at half that. I would certainly do it at a quarter of the price. If it is a good ship. That is 25 gold beholds and citations with an honor sale. I hope they realize that we are not stupid. A few whales will buy it and good for them. But how is a million honor any kind of a deal? I imagine a whole bunch of people will buy it a few times and then immediately regret it when they realize the cost to complete. This will just make people mad at the company. Apparently they like people mad at the company, or they would publish the actual cost.
Yep. It's the fundamental probablem with the entire ship schematic economy. It takes only 5 copies of a legendary to FF. But it takes 47 drops to FF a ship. Yet they're priced too similarly. Either the price needs to be reduced so you can get more purchases for the same honor/dil, or the schematic amounts need to increase so you need less drops to finish the ship.
Way more people would have artifact at 10 if you didn't need it to drop 47 times in a pack. And people would have spent more on that ship pack if the price to complete the artifact wasn't so sky high.
Here is the memory alpha article with a picture of both ships.
Since the R'ongovian ship is the larger ship, I'm going to assume that's what was intended for the honor hall. In that case I hope it's a simple process to rename the ship.
"If it's a good ship"? You've never heard of the Bajoran Lightship? It's the ship that either flew the Emissary to Cardassia Prime or was in SNW for like 5 seconds.
And it made the Kessel run in under 12 parsects.
I nominate this for post of the week.
This happened to me too (android). I tried twice, the app hanged both times.
I disagree. I like the fact that it only costs 80k honor to say I have the ship. I'm not looking to finish it off.
However, similar to what you posted, I think going in sets of 150 is annoying when 51 sets is easily divided by 3.
I’ve found the Bortas isn’t effective when attacking on auto, but manually I almost never lose. I imagine the new ship, like with any ship, will have its pros and cons.
There was a response on a different thread.
I suspect some players decided the cost was worth it to maintain their position. I don't really have a personal issue since 1. I don't need the schematics and 2. This is temporary and they wasted a bunch of honor for a minor "advantage".
Part of me doesn’t care for the same reasons you state. Then, the other part of me thinks it’s a *tsk.tsk* move to knowingly use that advantage.
One, there are already many ample distractions for honor purchases, this feels more like an additional burden, honor for the large part has been and for many players was about gaining citations or begolds so that they can benefit from more immortalised cards or freezing and freeing up slots.
Second will/could it be part of any future honor sales, I know I won't necessarily get an answer on this one it will be a wait and see but either way whether it does or doesn't would still frustrate players depending on those that have splurged and those who have waited patiently in vain hope.