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Voyage/Skirmish Event Notes Ye Olde Space Opera - 2024/09/19



  • Like others I am so confused by this event. The beta version was easy to get mad points on. This one, I just don't get it. I just can't figure out how to rack up the points on this one
  • More problems/bugs: too little VP given, in the beta event you could get maybe 500-600k with basically no effort and here I tuned up all cards and got 70k VP for a 17h voyage.

    Some encounters are bugged and I can't see the stat check. Do you need to pass a proficiency check of say 100-400 or 200-500 x2? That's a massive difference and I usually used boosts when it did get bugged because I didn't want to lose a 12h voyage because of a bug.
  • NoblemanDKNoblemanDK ✭✭✭✭
    And whats the point of skip encounters(For instance the skip 3) for overnighters.
    Lets say you start the event when it begins(At 6 PM CET), play untill 2 AM cet, have AM for 12 hours encounter, you will have to revive the "voyage" and still you have en skip left so it will take at least 2 hours before you reach an encounter to gain some better vps
  • NoblemanDK wrote: »
    And whats the point of skip encounters(For instance the skip 3) for overnighters.
    Lets say you start the event when it begins(At 6 PM CET), play untill 2 AM cet, have AM for 12 hours encounter, you will have to revive the "voyage" and still you have en skip left so it will take at least 2 hours before you reach an encounter to gain some better vps

    Exactly. There needs to be a boost that lets you auto revive overnight and skip encounters too
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyage auto recalled promptly at 5pm. No issues with it. I had a throwaway crew put on at 4:55 just in case.

  • No Auto-Recall. Used 8 Tokens, no Chrons, items and Crew in my inventory. Only Event-Points remain.
  • I was running a voyage when the changeover happened. Didn’t see the rewards right away however after I left the game and came back after about 35 minutes the rewards were there.
  • I was running a voyage when the changeover happened. Didn’t see the rewards right away however after I left the game and came back after about 35 minutes the rewards were there.

    You were right. After 30 minutes nothing, after 51 minutes rewards are there.
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    As currently laid out, there should never be a full voyage event. It just takes too long to get any meaningful amount of VP. It makes Faction events look quick. Hell, it makes Expedition events look simple. I am not a fan of this set up.

    I am also not looking forward to the eventual Voyage-Faction hybrid event. I think I’d rather spend my weekend watching paint dry.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: ÷ Battleship Yamato, Squad Leader & Fleet Officer; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1575 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I understand why they lowered the rewards after the beta test. But they lowered them far too much. They should be double what they are.

    Two ten hour voyages yield about 70K. This is not difficult for most of us who have been with the game for years. But it would be hard for many new players. I was trying to play around work appointments and managed about 80K for the first half. This is mostly because the first two hours have to be carefully babysat. I didn't use any boosts. So I know I could have done better, but not a bunch. The rewards really need to be doubled.
  • Agree 100% the rewards should be doubled. I didn’t like having to babysit the first 2 hours. When I ran my first voyage I was unaware of the timings of the first few challenges so I bled time that cost me points. I was more attentive with the next few voyages I ran and even used a couple of voyage extension tokens to get the higher rewards. At the halfway point I was able to accumulate around 100,000 points so I am doubtful that I would reach threshold by the end of a full weekend voyage event unless I use the extension tokens which I’m hesitant to do.
  • Lol, I've dropped from ~250 to ~1000 within the first three hours of skirmishing. Which I expected, to be fair. I spent a lot of Continuum resources and a couple of voyage tokens to try things out but I'm not sure I'll do that in future if it's always going to be part of a hybrid, I'll just bimble along and rack up the points in the other half.

    I do like that this new event style gives us something outside Continuum itself where Quipment etc. can make a significant difference, but as it stands it feels like it gives too big an advantage to people with deep rosters of immortal-plus-all-4-slots-unlocked cards. Perhaps increase the base VP levels as others have suggested, but flatten out the reward multiplier curve significantly after about 8 hours?
  • I like the concept of the voyage event (I like it more than the shuttle event or the build stuff event even if it's a very low bar) yeah we need to learn the new strategies for this and I wouldn't say no to tweaks and fixes to the formula but in large terms I'm ok with voyage events.

    I really like that I can use the gauntlet crew against something that is not the usual 5/5 stars arnus or locutus.

    I like the small text that are there for each battle explaining why we need a particular combo, imho I look forward to the devs using the same creativity they use on shuttle missions for those.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the event type, some things to learn of how to maximize everything on my end, but definitely add me to the calls of VP accumulation needing revisited. I wasn't the most attentive to times of events, but went into skirmish with what felt like a ridiculously low amount of VP for halfway thru the event.
  • GodzillaKaijuGodzillaKaiju ✭✭
    edited September 22
    Overall, I was glad to see they addressed the main UI problems that I'd raised. Seeing the tested stats in gold really helped to visualize how other crew could contribute to boosting other crew's stats. Seeing the Voyage event length as a separate purple box next to the normal voyage box used color and position effectively to keep tabs and keep them straight.

    There were also a number of gameplay improvements from the beta. Most notably, even with a vanished Voyage, my crew returned to be used in Continuum missions within 5 minutes after the phase change, and using crew that were trapped didn't kill the Continuum missions. I liked the more frequent Encounters at the start, but others' mileage may vary. The narrative text around the event's theme made the Encounters feel more like unified wholes, rather than individual Gauntlet bouts. The clarity of what the skill boosts bring to the Voyage event Encounters made those boosts readily usable; I'll likely use them far more in these kinds of events than Galaxy or Faction events.

    However, the VP drops decreasing by more than an order of magnitude from the beta event made the whole event feel grindy. The bonus crew only seemed to give bonuses to loot drops, not to any other aspect of the event. The ship bonus also only applied to antimatter, so the devs' prioritization of the presence of an antimatter bonus for ship sorting particularly puzzles me.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 22
    I echo the comments from others about the low event points and annoying need to babysit the event voyage. Every other event has ways for me to determine when I play and for how long, but this event really doesn’t, especially for the first couple hours of a voyage.

    I think this voyage event is better suited as a midweek mini event, with thresholds for things like VP earned, encounters faced, or gauntlet battles won.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I managed to send out a third event voyage before the phase change and I did even better than the second voyage. When I went to bed I had climbed into the top 300!

    Here is what I did: I sent Wizard Hemmer, a couple of strong Gauntleteers who gave me a "bonus", and then I filled the rest of the seats with strong voyage cards who gave me a "bonus", making sure I focused on the two feature skills. Basically, I made sure I had a couple strong Gauntlet cards but I prioritized bonuses and voyage strength.

    I then used a lot of those boosts that let you skip to the next Encounter (normally I might have waited since the first several Encounters happen in rapid succession but I was up against the timer for the phase change), I would quickly rush through the Gauntlet battles (occasionally using skill boosts to make sure my strong Voyage cards would win to keep my multiplier streak going), then use the next boost item to immediately get to the next Encounter, repeat.

    I did this from the 1 minute Encounter all the way to the 8 hour Encounter. All told, this took about 15 minutes. After completing the 8 hour Encounter I then used a gold 3 Encounter skip boost and went to bed...I did this so that I would auto complete the 10 and 12 hour encounters and then power on passed 13 hours when it would run out of AM and auto recall after the phase change. I woke up when phase 2 was under way and my voyage was back and processed while I slept. Super easy. Yes, it cost me a bunch of boosts, but all told it only took a few minutes, and had the phase change not happened I could have revived the voyage a few times in the morning and really wracked up a lot of VP since my starting AM was so high. I would not have been able to do much with Gauntlet passed 14 hours so I'd have to use more Encounter skips, but those exist and are really powerful.

    Once I understood the assignment, I had a lot of fun on that third voyage. I still am not entire sure how my cards were getting stronger during the Gauntlet nor am I really sure the best way to staff the voyage, but I feel like I got close to the best method by that third voyage as my VP totals were getting higher each time. I definitely think the VP these things award needs to be increased as even on my third run I was min/maxing pretty significantly and still not really doing enough to get much beyond thresholds, assuming a 4 day voyage event. But that can be changed in the future.

    More information on how to actually play it will be welcome, but I had a lot of fun on that third voyage. You need a lot of boosts to do this "right", so stock up on boosts now so you are ready next time.
  • We should also get proper loot from event voyages: chrons, honor, chances of purple crew after 6 hours. It's a voyage after all, and should be rewarded as such.
  • Greetings Captains, with the team we're in the process of improving this feature more and more everyday thanks to your feedback. Some changes that will to come on the next FULL voyage event are the following:

    --Featured crew VP multiplier changed from 20% to 30%
    --Featured trait VP multiplier changed from 10% to 15%
    --Increased amount of base VP rewards for passive voyage activities
    --Increased amount of base VP rewards for winning contests in voyage encounters

    Please let us know what do you think, and what would you like to see in upcoming updates. LLAP
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you for communicating with us. This is information I am happy to have.
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