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Let's all please use the SPOILER tag for any Discovery discussion

Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2018 in The Bridge
Hi folks — just caught the latest episode of Discovery, and I'm sure there will be people wanting to discuss elements and crew and whatnot here in the forums. But I hope we can be kind to those people who haven't had a chance to see the show yet (many of whom haven't even watched the very first episode).

There is a "spoiler" option built-in to these forums, and it'd be great if everyone could use it for anything that could possibly spoil things for the as-yet uninitiated. Here's how: Select the text you want to mark as a spoiler, then click on the ¶ icon in the toolbar above your post...

...select "Spoiler"...

...and click it.

It looks like this

Then any forum user can just click that if they want to see the spoiler. Also, it should go without saying that we should try to refrain from putting any spoilers in the subject of the threads, as well. Someone already did this tonight, alas, so if there's any doubt, I think it's best to err on the side of caution.

Let's please all be cognizant of everyone's situation and allow them the freedom to experience Discovery without having anything ruined beforehand — at least not by anyone on this forum (whether or not they will be able to avoid spoilers on the rest of the Internet is another question).

Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"


  • Thank you yes. It doesn't air in Australia til tomorrow and I often can't watch it straight away. Thanks also for explaining how to make it work Data1001 because I didn't know. Cheers everyone!
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  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the reminder Data and also...
    Remember to check the title as well as the body of potentially spoilery topics
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for this guide! I had no idea how to code spoilers on this forum. I dunno how it works here, but on another forum I've used, when someone is subscribed to email notifications, the spoiler formatting doesn't come through, so that text is displayed without any indication that it was designated as a spoiler. I've taken to prefacing spoiler text with a disclaimer, "SPOILER ALERT WARNING FOR ANYONE READING EMAIL" on that forum.

    As I said, I dunno if that's even an issue here since I don't receive email notifications of thread posts, but something I thought I'd throw out there.

    Regarding the discussion of DIS, it's a fair and legitimate request you make. I've been reluctant to talk about episodic specifics on the forum so far for that very reason. I will note, though, that in the instance of the thread you alluded to, that information was already thrown out in a .gif in a tweet from the official @StarTrekCBS feed right around when it could have been seen by anyone who started streaming at the earliest possible moment tonight. I'm not saying it's not still a spoiler--it is one--but it's one for a plot point that's already being publicized officially. To my mind, that mitigates the damage done here.
  • Awesome Function!! Will use it, but i gotta watch the new episode first
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I will note, though, that in the instance of the thread you alluded to, that information was already thrown out in a .gif in a tweet from the official @StarTrekCBS feed right around when it could have been seen by anyone who started streaming at the earliest possible moment tonight. I'm not saying it's not still a spoiler--it is one--but it's one for a plot point that's already being publicized officially. To my mind, that mitigates the damage done here.

    Yeah, true... some of that info will likely be disseminated, even by official sources. But them being an official source of course doesn't necessarily mean that the info they release is not still spoilery — we just have to look at all the movie trailers from the past several years which basically spoil major plot points of films, often much to the film directors' chagrin.

    And it's also entirely possible that DB will end up "spoiling" some big plot developments merely by the introduction of certain new DSC crew members. But just wanted to try to get ahead of things, since this is one thing we do thankfully have a bit of control over. B)

    Edit: Just checked out the Twitter feed you referenced, and though you're right that they've been posting a fair bit of stuff that I would hate to see posted willy-nilly here, I thought I'd add that anyone who is following the official Star Trek: Discovery Twitter account probably should expect to be spoiled. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I will note, though, that in the instance of the thread you alluded to, that information was already thrown out in a .gif in a tweet from the official @StarTrekCBS feed right around when it could have been seen by anyone who started streaming at the earliest possible moment tonight. I'm not saying it's not still a spoiler--it is one--but it's one for a plot point that's already being publicized officially. To my mind, that mitigates the damage done here.

    Yeah, true... some of that info will likely be disseminated, even by official sources. But them being an official source of course doesn't necessarily mean that the info they release is not still spoilery — we just have to look at all the movie trailers from the past several years which basically spoil major plot points of films, often much to the film directors' chagrin.

    And it's also entirely possible that DB will end up "spoiling" some big plot developments merely by the introduction of certain new DSC crew members. But just wanted to try to get ahead of things, since this is one thing we do thankfully have a bit of control over. B)

    I concur entirely about the importance of exercising thoughtful manners on our own regardless of what the promotion department does. But then, I believe strongly in exercising thoughtful manners regardless of what anyone else does just in general. My point was merely that in this specific instance, I felt any damage done by that one thread's title was negligible and more helpful simply as a model to look at than as a crime to prosecute in itself, which I'm pretty sure is the whole reason you cited it originally anyway.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just a friendly reminder to please keep using the spoiler tag (and for putting the word "Spoiler" in your thread title if you create a new thread specifically meant for talking about Discovery), since the latest episode dropped even more incredibly spoileriffic plot twists. B)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does Mirror Sarek having a goatee like his Mirror son Spock count as a spoiler?
  • Great idea!
    Discovery **tsk tsk**.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Watching as every single comment related to Disco has now been placed in spoiler tags got me wondering...just who are we protecting, anyway? So I started a poll, which had 34 votes last I looked. Shan moved it to the Strange New Worlds sub-forum so it will almost certainly never be seen again or get a 35th vote. It's a small sample size, and unfortunately unlikely to get any larger thanks to its banishment, but it's still a sample.

    19 respondents (55%) view each episode within the first 24 hours. Another 10 (29%) watch each new episode, but don't necessarily get to do it in those first 24 hours. Most of these are our friends who don't live in the U.S.

    There were another 2 votes (5%) from people who have already bailed and 1 more (2%) from someone who simply wanted it known that they airlock every character from the show and need the world to know when they do it. Clearly, these aren't people to worry about spoiling.

    That leaves 2 respondents who are waiting for the end of the season to watch it all. I get it, there are plenty of reasons for that and I don't begrudge anyone for waiting whatever their reasons may be. At the same time, though, it's unreasonable to expect discussions to dance around preserving for 5% of our community what they're postponing for months.

    It would be one thing if we were only talking about the show. That could be easily contained elsewhere. But it's increasingly annoying--and increasingly impossible--to discuss Disco content in the game without openly discussing key plot points.
  • Or you know if you are that concerned about a "spoiler" that you are going to get that upset... don't read anything... anywhere... ever. It doesn't matter if it is Star Trek, or Game of Thrones, or a sporting event. If you don't watch it "live" then it is on you to take precautions, not everyone else around you.

    If you don't watch Star Trek until Monday evening, by choice or because of a delay of when it becomes available to you, and get upset about spoilers - don't come on the forums until after viewing...

    If you are "saving" it and planning to binge watch it that's a personal choice and you must act how you feel necessary to "protect" yourself from spoilers...

    And if saving a season is acceptable, then where is the line? I have watched every episode of TNG (my favorite) multiple times and each TOS at least once, but I was not a devoted watcher of the other series. I had watched them out of order, at random, when clicking around. Since beginning play on this game I decided I would work through them in order (although I have been jumping through series) - but should I be able to demand spoiler tags if someone makes reference to Worf in relation to DS9, since he hasn't appeared? Or that Mirror Worf is canon even though TNG did not have a true mirror episode?

    If you are that concerned about spoilers for whatever reason approach with caution.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here’s a double spoiler for you... but you wouldn’t have a clue what it spoiled unless you watched it.
  • For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    It's not my intent to sound flippant. I'm fine doing it. I just want to be clear on the expectation.
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  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    It's not my intent to sound flippant. I'm fine doing it. I just want to be clear on the expectation.

    It's no different than if you were on a gaming forum and spoiled the ending to the latest Zelda game on launch day before others can get there. You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling
  • NeemsNeems ✭✭✭
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    It's not my intent to sound flippant. I'm fine doing it. I just want to be clear on the expectation.

    This is a valid question, and I think it points out a certain elephant in the room: Some people are under the impression that they should be able to wait until the end of the series to try to stream it for free, and still never have the plot spoiled. I think they're going to have a hard time with that if they want to play this game, because we've already got details just in the character cards, like the admiral being imprisoned.
    And I suspect we'll have Mirror Disco crew shortly.
  • eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Yateball wrote: »
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    It's not my intent to sound flippant. I'm fine doing it. I just want to be clear on the expectation.

    You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling

    I'm fine doing it. I just want to know for how long. If I want to talk about Trip dying do I have to use a spoiler tag?
    Proud member of eXodus
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  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    Until a new show airs. Which means Enterprise has now been declassified.
  • Dralix wrote: »
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    Until a new show airs. Which means Enterprise has now been declassified.

    Proud member of eXodus
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  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling

    While this is true there are people around here that complain about Enterprise spoilers more than a decade after the show ended so it's a reasonable question, and he didn't say it was aggravating he asked what peoples expectations were.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lol should DB start putting spoiler tags on the characters in-game?

    I really think if the character's been released with artwork that it should be fair game.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling

    While this is true there are people around here that complain about Enterprise spoilers more than a decade after the show ended so it's a reasonable question, and he didn't say it was aggravating he asked what peoples expectations were.

    My apologies to @eXo | Cadet Matt then. Contrary to what you said Matt, I did read your post, but I guess I assumed aggravation where there was none! Again, sorry bout that

    I also wasn't aware people would consider Enterprise stuff a spoiler... that's insane
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling

    While this is true there are people around here that complain about Enterprise spoilers more than a decade after the show ended so it's a reasonable question, and he didn't say it was aggravating he asked what peoples expectations were.

    My apologies to @eXo | Cadet Matt then. Contrary to what you said Matt, I did read your post, but I guess I assumed aggravation where there was none! Again, sorry bout that

    I also wasn't aware people would consider Enterprise stuff a spoiler... that's insane

    Well we did have the 'don't spoil DS9' moment as well earlier as well, lol
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still don't know who shot J.R., so nobody mention it until I finally get around to watching that. Thanks!
  • Yateball wrote: »
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    You can't assume that everyone is able to watch on air-date and the fact that that you find it aggravating to click one button to avoid grief for people is fairly baffling

    While this is true there are people around here that complain about Enterprise spoilers more than a decade after the show ended so it's a reasonable question, and he didn't say it was aggravating he asked what peoples expectations were.

    My apologies to @eXo | Cadet Matt then. Contrary to what you said Matt, I did read your post, but I guess I assumed aggravation where there was none! Again, sorry bout that

    I also wasn't aware people would consider Enterprise stuff a spoiler... that's insane

    Oh, @Yateball don't worry about it. It really isn't that big of a deal. I'm not always the best at wording things and know how people on forums can be. No apology necessary.
    Proud member of eXodus
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  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Neems hit on the point I was trying to establish with my little poll. The majority of forum users who even care about Disco are already watching it actively, and most of those who are watching it actively are streaming within the first 24 hours of an episode going live. Those who aren't streaming in that window tend to be our friends who live in international markets where there's a 24 hour delay that obviously they can't help.

    So, yes, it does seem that the only demographic that we're being asked to protect here are those who are delaying watching until the end of the season, and that does strike me as a bit unreasonable.

    It was Kristin.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭

    It was Kristin.
    Well, that's one show I can cross off my to-do list. Looks like next up is some movie called Fight Club. Nothing to know there, right?
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »

    It was Kristin.
    Well, that's one show I can cross off my to-do list. Looks like next up is some movie called Fight Club. Nothing to know there, right?

    Hi... my name’s Paund Skumm...
    I’m addicted to STT... it’s been less than a week since my last premium portal pull...
    “Thanks for sharing”
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    Until a new show airs. Which means Enterprise has now been declassified.

    I agree with this, with the codicil that "airs" should refer to a show airing on a non-exclusive, non-premium service. Or, after a period of 2 years from the date originally shown (on whatever service, premium or not), if a more public broadcast of the show has not taken place in that time. Now, that may sound extreme to some, but the fact that this forum is specifically made up of Star Trek fans means that a majority of people who visit here will have some investment in that show — or, at least more than a forum on a site devoted more broadly to sci-fi shows or just to TV shows in general. So I think that here, at least, we should be a bit more cognizant of not wanting to sully the experience for our fellow Trekophiles.

    Regarding Travis' poll in another thread that he referenced here, 9% of people responding to the poll said they'd wait until the end of the season, get the free All Access trial and then binge-watch. Now, let's assume 10,000 people regularly read this forum (which I think is a reasonable guess, though I could be way off in either direction, I realize). That's 900 people who don't want to see spoilers. Add in the people who are just waiting and hoping that it shows up on Netflix in the States at some point (a choice which wasn't offered by that poll), and you could have another 500-1000 people. Of course, those poll numbers aren't at all scientific, and my guesswork is even less so, but the point remains that there are friends here who should have a right to experience the show in the same way we did, at least within a reasonable amount of time (as suggested in my paragraph above.

    Shows like Enterprise and DS9 should be fair game at this point, although I may occasionally still put spoiler tags around something from an older show (or even movie... e.g. "who is Keyzer Soze?"), if I know it's a huge plot point that will effect a major change within the series. At some point, though, I guess even those considerations become arbitrary — after awhile, you have to assume that certain things have made their way into the collective consciousness. Like this one...


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Dralix wrote: »
    For how long? One week? One month? Until the end of the season? How long do I need to use a spoiler tag to discuss Star Trek on a Star Trek forum?

    Until a new show airs. Which means Enterprise has now been declassified.

    I agree with this

    It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. I guess I should have included a comment about blue shading.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. I guess I should have included a comment about blue shading.

    Oops, my bad...

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
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