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Would you buy the 10 packs for $9.99 every week?



  • Sometimes
    Sometimes. Like others, I want to finish some crew in progress before buying again. I would love a crew only pack offer even if the number was a little smaller say 7-9 crew with 1 4* or 5* guaranteed. My max single purchase buy would be $25-30 so 30 for $50 is a no-go for me
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sometimes. Like others, I want to finish some crew in progress before buying again. I would love a crew only pack offer even if the number was a little smaller say 7-9 crew with 1 4* or 5* guaranteed. My max single purchase buy would be $25-30 so 30 for $50 is a no-go for me

    Thing about regular premium packs is that they don't expire. I've bought the 10 for 10 before and just let them sit knowing I might not get the offer later but working on freeing slots before opening.
  • No
    I already receive this offer every week
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it would be fantastic for this to be offered weekly for all players.

    I personally am unlikely to buy any more of them, though. I bought one yesterday. Out of all ten packs, I kept almost nothing. The most exciting thing was that I pulled enough Lursa and B'Etor to finish fully fusing The Duras Sisters.

    Worse: There wasn't a single 5* Behold in the lot.

    I've hit, and even passed, the point of diminishing returns having diminished too much for me to justify future purchases. Again, though, I wholeheartedly endorse making the offer available weekly to all players.
  • Sometimes
    More often then the $50 and $100 offers of verious types that I get every week. This week it was 11,500 Dilithium for $100.

    Sometimes I wonder if DB actually wants to make money. They should make their algorithm much more sensitive to repeated offer rejections. Which would also help shipyard pack people.
  • Other
    I don't mind throwing $10 here or there, someone once pointed out no different than dropping coins in old arcade game.
    To date I have yet to receive the Honor/ Chroniton offer for $9.99 in the random pop up offer. Pre Voyages this may have been useful. Now I really don't need it, though I still have yet to see it. I am sure something like that would be helpful for new players.
    Playing since April 2016

    Waving dead chickens while using Voodoo in Star Trek Timelines since Jan 2017 (forum comment from another user)

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181490765563427/

  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Update the loot tables with cards I need and I'll buy it twice.
  • No
    I don't see myself buying any of the offers, ever.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Sometimes
    At this point, paying for premium pulls isn't worth, and frankly not even the Elusive Treasures was particularly great for me.
    Even today's pack is worthless to me, I have M-113, Fesek, Stranded Odo all fully fused. I'm not going to spend dil to 90% airlock my guarantee.
    So for me, generally, only event packs are worth it.
    Having said all that, the 10 for 10 is the cheapest packs get, so I'd probably buy it regularly, on the basis of buying on average 1 legendary plus maybe a few other useful things. But, I don't get it offered regularly.
  • No
    I use to buy it whenever it was offered but I stopped because DB refuses to update the portals in timely manner. The last 2 times I bought it was 100% airlocks. The pitiful amount of honor received makes it not worth it for me.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    I'd pay for a 30 for $30 monthly, if it gave one 10 pack each day and 100 Dilithium like current monthly log in.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Certainly not every week, but I'd be up for a monthly purchase of it - with rare exception it's the only pack I'll purchase.

    I would prefer some tweaks were made to it though - if I'm paying for 10 pulls at once I'd like a guarantee of at least one 5* behold in the bunch. 1 out of 100 isn't asking for a lot - but I've done 3 or 4 purchases of the 10/10 pack with not a gold in sight.
  • Sometimes
    I would not buy it every week, but I would buy is sometimes, which is more often than I'm going to buy any of the other offers (never).
  • No
    I pass on them every week. Why spend 10$ when I know all it’s going to do is annoy me with airlock fodder that I have to dump. One at a time. Slowly. Each time I think I’m my head, “dB just got another 12 cents from me” as I airlock 80 freaking crew that I already have immortalized.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I still spent money on the game then this would probably be something I'd go for ... well, maybe 4-6 times.

    I did buy one the first time we ever got offered these, but have since not purchased a thing ... it was great for me back then.

    Now, I've immortalised all 3*s and have a decent amount of 4*s immortalised too ... but I have many more that are missing one or two stars, so it would be great to get a chance to open some more packs ... the catch-22 being that I know I'll quickly start getting doubles, I mean, I already do when opening up the Community Reward packs that trickle in (pretty much my main source of new 4* crew, with the odd one on a Voyage).

    I know there are other games out there that have it that you can't get double of a certain card until you've got them all (e.g. Hearthstone and legendary cards) ... so if they made it that you couldn't get more cards (say 4* and 5*) of those that you have immortalised ...
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd pay for a 30 for $30 monthly, if it gave one 10 pack each day and 100 Dilithium like current monthly log in.

    I would do that if the pull each day could be used on the 650 dilithium portal of your choice. No interest if it was only the premium portal. If they could be used on event/limited portals, then yes.

  • No
    Nope, Never - just not worth it. Don't get taken in by the 400% value quote, its not true.

    Only way I perhaps would consider it, would be if each one came with +10 crew slots
  • No
    The price point is right but the return isn't. Normally you get a duplicate 4* and a bunch of schematics and 3*s for honor. The honor isn't work it, neither are the schematics.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did this offer once and didnt get a single legendary. I was disappointed. There are so many crew in the portal it is much better to just buy event packs with the crew you want.
    Let’s fly!
  • edited February 2018
    Pretty sure I voted monthly in this poll. Would like to change it to never after buying the offer today.

    It really is a complete waste of money. I got so many useless ship schematics, 3*s that I already have and not one single 5* character. I got nothing worthwhile in the whole 10 packs, to be honest.

    The worst thing is that I haven't even been playing that long. It was absolutely useless for me. I may as well have thrown away my £10.

    I don't want to feel so disappointed again so I think that I'm done with the 10 for 10 deal. Everything else seems way too expensive to me so I think I'm done with buying deals completely now.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    The last 15 pack offer I bought was a waste. I thought it would be worth it if I got just one legendary. All honor.
  • edited February 2018
    For me the 9.99 10 for 10 offer is like grabbing a scratch card. It scratches an itch, and I don't feel cheated out of my money, even though I expect at least 7 duplicates. My fleet members, two of them closing in to 500k VIP points, stopped spending because they felt cheated out of their money through various weird offers.
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    As stated above I'd do it every time it was offered if you could use it on any portal pulls except the elusive treasures or if they updated the premium portal more than once a year.
  • No
    I used to look forward to every variant of this offer because it gave me a chance to get a BUNCH of FFs, but now, I'm lucky if I get 50% of the packs to yield something useful. Too many duplicates, tons of beholds where all the characters are FF (what's the bloody point of beholds if they don't at least offer you a real choice?), and the honour for dismissing them is beyond paltry. 90 dismissed purples to buy ONE? Get out of here.

    Every behold should offer the option of a citation. Plain and simple. Otherwise, they're useless.
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