[Resolved]Unable to access the game on FB Gameroom

I am creating a dedicated thread for this. We do not know why this is happening yet, and as it is not affecting everyone on Gameroom, it makes it more difficult to track the issue down.
If you are affected please submit a ticket about it. http://sttsupport.disruptorbeam.com
In the meantime you should be able to play on Facebook itself via a browser.
Update 01/25
We got words from Facebook that this was solved with a minor issue remaining regarding sound. And they are working on that as quickly as they can.
Please note that if you are using Windows 7 you might need to install .NET 4.5 if you do not already have it.
If you are affected please submit a ticket about it. http://sttsupport.disruptorbeam.com
In the meantime you should be able to play on Facebook itself via a browser.
Update 01/25
We got words from Facebook that this was solved with a minor issue remaining regarding sound. And they are working on that as quickly as they can.
Please note that if you are using Windows 7 you might need to install .NET 4.5 if you do not already have it.
Have you tried on FB itself? And have you tried reinstalling Gameroom?
Yes, it works through the browser, but not in the Gameroom (which I did un-install and re-install). Maybe it's just Gameroom?
What operating system are you using?
You mean it worked again for you and then not anymore?
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Gameroom, but it's the same even after that.
Correct. It was down Wednesday, but the browser was ok. The outage yesterday hit the browser, gameroom and android, but I was able to access all three after the fix. This afternoon gameroom went down and wouldn't load, but I can play on Android. I dunno what's going on @Shan , but I think Gameroom is having some major issues with something.
Mac OS X Sierra (Tried on 3 different computers), latest Chrome and Opera browsers, and even tried an Adobe Flash browser. My iPad & iPhone STT app work fine on the same network.
Tried to reinstall Gameroom but it didn't work. I tried other games and they are working.
I don't know if this can help, but the game "4 images 1 word" is the only one that doesn't log in either.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
This might be less frustrating if Distributor Beam would post updates on what is going on. Some of us have payed plenty of money to support this game. It would be nice if we got better answer then "summit a ticket" (which has been ignored for 2 days) or "try via Facebook with Chrome or Firefox". These are unhelpful suggestions, and are just making player angry.
even reinstalled facebook!
game will not load or even show made with unity
steam take a month to load lost patience with it after 3 hrs
used chrome and Edge
would appreciate some techinical advice and spend way too much time on this game for
"i don't know from tech support