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Do you care which Faction wins a Faction Event?



  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    Ill do which ever missions fit my crew the best. and only those missions.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've already answered that I go for Gameplay Reasons and what components I need most.

    But I will admit I feel a little bad in this event, since I loved Gillian's character in ST:IV. And to start the event today she said "We need to protect these animals which have been thrown out of their own timeline from the exploitation of Section 31 or from being honoured (read: sacrificed) for the Bajoran gods"

    It's like oops, sorry to disappoint Gillian but I am going hard for S31 items. Bye bye animals I guess.
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  • [VA] NATE[VA] NATE ✭✭✭
    I do not tend to choose the faction that helps me the most in the game, I flat out always choose the faction that will help me out in the game.
  • [BL] C6pilot[BL] C6pilot ✭✭✭
    It's difficult to "care" when there is no perceivable difference between "winners" and "losers". How does each outcome change the game? I remember having a choice of crew after completing episodes, but not after an event.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    C6pilot wrote: »
    It's difficult to "care" when there is no perceivable difference between "winners" and "losers". How does each outcome change the game? I remember having a choice of crew after completing episodes, but not after an event.

    Back in the day the winning faction would determine who was added to the game, though there was usually some delay. Augment Riker and COP Picard are two examples IIRC.
  • [10F] NewtonianQBalls[10F] NewtonianQBalls ✭✭✭✭✭
    Totally gameplay reasons. I have 10+ crew at level 100 FF that are waiting on Case Files, Security Codes, Holoprograms, Covert Contacts and Tactical Alerts. Section 31 right now is my largest hold up to immortalizing my crew. Once I get the Section 31 items needed from this event I am sure credits will be the bottleneck once more.
  • Not a lover of faction events, I know I wont rank anywhere high enough to get a chance at the 5*, not willing to drop many £'s on rapid recall of shuttles, and not getting up in the middle of the night to run shuttles.

    I run them, usually for the daily bonus, if I rank ok, well YAY me but the rewards are just not good enough for the effort

    YAY I get a 3/4* character at the max best, one which will never be seen again so no chance of throwing in the freezer, No one really wants to airlock 3/4* character but we do
  • I run the faction I most need drops from at that time (not necessarily faction exclusive), last week I ran exclusively Klingon events because I had a huge need for 3* power cells.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've already answered that I go for Gameplay Reasons and what components I need most.

    But I will admit I feel a little bad in this event, since I loved Gillian's character in ST:IV. And to start the event today she said "We need to protect these animals which have been thrown out of their own timeline from the exploitation of Section 31 or from being honoured (read: sacrificed) for the Bajoran gods"

    It's like oops, sorry to disappoint Gillian but I am going hard for S31 items. Bye bye animals I guess.
    Agreed, that's sad. I hate mistreating these poor creatures, but damn I need security codes so out into the cold they go!
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always vote for the Dominion. ^^
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Normally I go for components if I'm in need but damn this one hit a lil close to home. Gotta run the Fed shuttles. But then I am a sucker for a lost cause.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    It makes little difference to the game so no, I pick the faction I need to harvest most, or occasionally the one I have the most transmissions for.
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  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually found it really tough this event.

    Section 31 seems like it's being even worse than usual (story-wise), but I badly needed holoprograms. So I'm running Sec31 missions, but if I ever read the description text I actually feel terrible.

    After an initial group of Sec31 I just switched to Fed shuttles because Hortas need saving and I'm pretty sure everyone else will make Sec31 win, so I'll run the "boosted" shuttles after the even ends.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

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  • [TFA] Celeres[TFA] Celeres ✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    I think that the issuing of free and compensatory faction mission tokens spoils the event for some players.

    For example I think that the lead faction sometimes tends to have the easiest missions. I support them for the tactical advantage. This is spoiled by free and compensatory tokens issued.

    Sometimes however I support a Faction for the components and equipment. This is not spoiled by free and compensatory tokens issued.

    I just want people's thoughts on the matter.

    As others have already said, the 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of any given event. Only the greenest of players would treat these as anything other than the rounding error that they are, and those aren't the people responsible for nearly all of the VP total. Given the availability of cheap and unlimited transmissions, established players are making decisions based on faction item needs, or if somewhat newer to the game, possibly based on reputation. But nobody who's been around for more than five minutes looks at 10 faction transmissions and thinks "this changes everything."

    If you are actually playing a faction event, you're opening all 10 missions for each faction right off the bat. Heck, many players will burn 10 transmissions in a shuttle cycle or two just to sort through missions and choose the ones that work best for their crew. In any case, from a resource perspective, it's like adding a teaspoon of gasoline to your tank.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Current standings at the not-quite-24-hours mark:
    Section 31: 227 million
    Federation: 163 million
    Bajoran: 107 million
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I play the faction I need the components from. This event is section31, last event was maquis for me. The free transmissions I get at the start are of zero influence on what missions I run.
  • NeemsNeems ✭✭✭
    I pick which Faction using the following criteria, in order: Does one faction have an item I need? (Like S31 this event.) Does one faction's missions seem to fit my top crew better? (I had this last event, Maquis seemed to do the best). Is there interesting enough flavor text that I actually want to champion one of these factions? Then, assuming none of those trip an obvious answer, I'll just use up all three sets of transmissions and then buy more semi-randomly.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 27
    SMM wrote: »

    As others have already said, the 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of any given event. Only the greenest of players would treat these as anything other than the rounding error that they are, and those aren't the people responsible for nearly all of the VP total. Given the availability of cheap and unlimited transmissions, established players are making decisions based on faction item needs, or if somewhat newer to the game, possibly based on reputation. But nobody who's been around for more than five minutes looks at 10 faction transmissions and thinks "this changes everything."

    If you are actually playing a faction event, you're opening all 10 missions for each faction right off the bat. Heck, many players will burn 10 transmissions in a shuttle cycle or two just to sort through missions and choose the ones that work best for their crew. In any case, from a resource perspective, it's like adding a teaspoon of gasoline to your tank.

    The others are wrong. The 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of most events, but not all.

    I would say that "sometimes make a difference" and "this changes everything." are virtually polar opposites which most people who have been around for more than five minutes would realise.

    Having been playing two accounts for about 2 years I have seen races lost because vehicles have run out of fuel, where literally a teaspoon of fuel would have had them cross the line.

    There is a fleet mate who is ranked about 65,000. I assume they have just entered to claim the participation achievement point. But if we assume that there are 65,000 playing the event with 10 tokens at 4000vp per token then the result is 2.6 thousand million vp. This is obviously much higher than the actual quantity attributable because of the mission success rate, the start up climb to 4000 vp missions, the numbers (of the 65000) not actually playing and so on. Currently Section 31 has 332 million vp with Fed at 239 M. In this case the freebies have not had an effect on the result.

    Did the Bajoran tickets help the Bajoran faction win the last event. I don't know. Is it possible? Yes. It is a fact that if faction transmissions are not issued after an event is announced then the result cannot be affected. No debate. No argument.

    8 faction transmissions costs 75 merits. instead of gifting transmissions, 10 being the normal amount, 100 merits could be gifted instead. Players would then be able to choose which transmissions they wanted to buy. The event would then proceed according the actions of the players without the possibility of corruption.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    I choose factions where I need the parts. When there is no difference then I choose the lead faction because either these missions are easier or other people need the parts and so I might run short in the future. Stock up now.
  • Marakith DaxMarakith Dax ✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    Sometimes however I support a Faction for the components and equipment.

    For multi-faction shuttle events, I do this 100% of the time. The faction that drops the most useful, in demand items is the faction I use. I couldn't care less about storyline reasons for selecting a faction.

    If they wanted to truly make the game so people selected factions based on favorites or for storyline purposes, they would have to eliminate the concept of faction exclusive loot.

    I personally cannot stress how important this is.

    The factions store could use a reboot, and shuttle loot during faction events should be drawn from one pool, otherwise players (usually what I do) pick the faction that is most useful for them.

    The reason Section 31 will win this event is because their faction specific items (primarily 0* holoprograms and case files) and the components of isoliner chips and sensors are used heavily by all crew in the game.

    The bajoran faction stuff is very faction specific and it seems only the borg need interlinks. Federation is okay with 0* ancient film and federation uniforms, but I got enuff white robes to start a hotel chain.

    That said, because a lot of people don't read the missions, or don't care to roleplay, the reprehensible nature of some factions and/or mission content will win some events.

    I am a roleplayer, and I am disappointed with what I see from Sec 31. From my personal perspective and interpretation of the canon, I would expect the attitudes expressed in the Sec 31 missions to come from just the Dominion/Klingons/KCA/Augments/Romulans/Hirogen/Cardassian/Ferengi/Terran Empire
  • V. wrote: »
    by gameplay reasons i meant the story. but it never matters because the one closest always wins or fed.

    Snort. Story. That's a good one.

    And does anyone actually run the winning faction "bonus" shuttles after running them all weekend?

    I do, because I still need as many trainers as I can get my hands on.

    Task Force Pike: We are recruiting!

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  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    by gameplay reasons i meant the story. but it never matters because the one closest always wins or fed.

    Snort. Story. That's a good one.

    And does anyone actually run the winning faction "bonus" shuttles after running them all weekend?

    I do, because I still need as many trainers as I can get my hands on.

    Same. Trainers and reputation. And free chronitons.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »

    As others have already said, the 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of any given event. Only the greenest of players would treat these as anything other than the rounding error that they are, and those aren't the people responsible for nearly all of the VP total. Given the availability of cheap and unlimited transmissions, established players are making decisions based on faction item needs, or if somewhat newer to the game, possibly based on reputation. But nobody who's been around for more than five minutes looks at 10 faction transmissions and thinks "this changes everything."

    If you are actually playing a faction event, you're opening all 10 missions for each faction right off the bat. Heck, many players will burn 10 transmissions in a shuttle cycle or two just to sort through missions and choose the ones that work best for their crew. In any case, from a resource perspective, it's like adding a teaspoon of gasoline to your tank.

    The others are wrong. The 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of most events, but not all.

    I would say that "sometimes make a difference" and "this changes everything." are virtually polar opposites which most people who have been around for more than five minutes would realise.

    Having been playing two accounts for about 2 years I have seen races lost because vehicles have run out of fuel, where literally a teaspoon of fuel would have had them cross the line.

    There is a fleet mate who is ranked about 65,000. I assume they have just entered to claim the participation achievement point. But if we assume that there are 65,000 playing the event with 10 tokens at 4000vp per token then the result is 2.6 thousand million vp. This is obviously much higher than the actual quantity attributable because of the mission success rate, the start up climb to 4000 vp missions, the numbers (of the 65000) not actually playing and so on. Currently Section 31 has 332 million vp with Fed at 239 M. In this case the freebies have not had an effect on the result.

    Did the Bajoran tickets help the Bajoran faction win the last event. I don't know. Is it possible? Yes. It is a fact that if faction transmissions are not issued after an event is announced then the result cannot be affected. No debate. No argument.

    8 faction transmissions costs 75 merits. instead of gifting transmissions, 10 being the normal amount, 100 merits could be gifted instead. Players would then be able to choose which transmissions they wanted to buy. The event would then proceed according the actions of the players without the possibility of corruption.

    Other factors will always be bigger than 10 transmissions. Your hypothesis is simply wrong and serves as an example of "people will complain about anything".
  • Post event bonus doubles my motivation for a faction to win based on components.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »

    As others have already said, the 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of any given event. Only the greenest of players would treat these as anything other than the rounding error that they are, and those aren't the people responsible for nearly all of the VP total. Given the availability of cheap and unlimited transmissions, established players are making decisions based on faction item needs, or if somewhat newer to the game, possibly based on reputation. But nobody who's been around for more than five minutes looks at 10 faction transmissions and thinks "this changes everything."

    If you are actually playing a faction event, you're opening all 10 missions for each faction right off the bat. Heck, many players will burn 10 transmissions in a shuttle cycle or two just to sort through missions and choose the ones that work best for their crew. In any case, from a resource perspective, it's like adding a teaspoon of gasoline to your tank.

    The others are wrong. The 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of most events, but not all.

    I would say that "sometimes make a difference" and "this changes everything." are virtually polar opposites which most people who have been around for more than five minutes would realise.

    Having been playing two accounts for about 2 years I have seen races lost because vehicles have run out of fuel, where literally a teaspoon of fuel would have had them cross the line.

    There is a fleet mate who is ranked about 65,000. I assume they have just entered to claim the participation achievement point. But if we assume that there are 65,000 playing the event with 10 tokens at 4000vp per token then the result is 2.6 thousand million vp. This is obviously much higher than the actual quantity attributable because of the mission success rate, the start up climb to 4000 vp missions, the numbers (of the 65000) not actually playing and so on. Currently Section 31 has 332 million vp with Fed at 239 M. In this case the freebies have not had an effect on the result.

    Did the Bajoran tickets help the Bajoran faction win the last event. I don't know. Is it possible? Yes. It is a fact that if faction transmissions are not issued after an event is announced then the result cannot be affected. No debate. No argument.

    8 faction transmissions costs 75 merits. instead of gifting transmissions, 10 being the normal amount, 100 merits could be gifted instead. Players would then be able to choose which transmissions they wanted to buy. The event would then proceed according the actions of the players without the possibility of corruption.

    Other factors will always be bigger than 10 transmissions. Your hypothesis is simply wrong and serves as an example of "people will complain about anything".

    It doesn't matter if all factors are bigger than the 10 transmissions. It is sometimes the least factor that tips the balance. Your reply is simply ill considered and serves as an example of "people will be contrary without presenting a rationale or justification."
  • garnergarner ✭✭✭
    Free transmissions are irrelevant, the faction with the best gear always wins.

    Thankfully this week, section 31 have the best gear and a great mix of missions. So it is a no brainer to run them.

    But I won't run say Klingon for the sake of it, if my crew align better with someone else, but Sec31 and Augments are just too good to not run.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »

    As others have already said, the 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of any given event. Only the greenest of players would treat these as anything other than the rounding error that they are, and those aren't the people responsible for nearly all of the VP total. Given the availability of cheap and unlimited transmissions, established players are making decisions based on faction item needs, or if somewhat newer to the game, possibly based on reputation. But nobody who's been around for more than five minutes looks at 10 faction transmissions and thinks "this changes everything."

    If you are actually playing a faction event, you're opening all 10 missions for each faction right off the bat. Heck, many players will burn 10 transmissions in a shuttle cycle or two just to sort through missions and choose the ones that work best for their crew. In any case, from a resource perspective, it's like adding a teaspoon of gasoline to your tank.

    The others are wrong. The 10 extra faction transmissions are a drop in the bucket and realistically have no influence on the outcome of most events, but not all.

    I would say that "sometimes make a difference" and "this changes everything." are virtually polar opposites which most people who have been around for more than five minutes would realise.

    Having been playing two accounts for about 2 years I have seen races lost because vehicles have run out of fuel, where literally a teaspoon of fuel would have had them cross the line.

    There is a fleet mate who is ranked about 65,000. I assume they have just entered to claim the participation achievement point. But if we assume that there are 65,000 playing the event with 10 tokens at 4000vp per token then the result is 2.6 thousand million vp. This is obviously much higher than the actual quantity attributable because of the mission success rate, the start up climb to 4000 vp missions, the numbers (of the 65000) not actually playing and so on. Currently Section 31 has 332 million vp with Fed at 239 M. In this case the freebies have not had an effect on the result.

    Did the Bajoran tickets help the Bajoran faction win the last event. I don't know. Is it possible? Yes. It is a fact that if faction transmissions are not issued after an event is announced then the result cannot be affected. No debate. No argument.

    8 faction transmissions costs 75 merits. instead of gifting transmissions, 10 being the normal amount, 100 merits could be gifted instead. Players would then be able to choose which transmissions they wanted to buy. The event would then proceed according the actions of the players without the possibility of corruption.

    Other factors will always be bigger than 10 transmissions. Your hypothesis is simply wrong and serves as an example of "people will complain about anything".

    It doesn't matter if all factors are bigger than the 10 transmissions. It is sometimes the least factor that tips the balance. Your reply is simply ill considered and serves as an example of "people will be contrary without presenting a rationale or justification."

    Dozens of rationale have been presented. The fact that you use my post (which didn't bother to copy paste others responses) does not discount that.

    If you want to actually give credence to your idea, you should track individual faction performance relative to each other as well as if their transmissions were offered as a gift.

    You could create a dummy account to send a single shuttle to ballpark event participation to control for that.

    Compiling the actual data for this one wouldnt even take a whole lot of effort. Then you would have a lot more than simple conjecture.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Tracking faction performance;

    The Honor of Andoria event factions were Terran Empire, the Augments, and Maquis.
    Maquis transmissions presented as a free gift.
    Maquis Faction win.

    Conjecture is an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

    The logic is that a factor can affect a result. If the factor is removed then it cannot possibly affect a result.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 12
    In your tracking, you should also include which faction was leftmost.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 12
    Dralix wrote: »
    In your tracking, you should also include which faction was leftmost.

    tap tap tap tap ... rage against the machine
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
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