New Cornwell clearly shows graphics quality degradation
in The Bridge
I remember someone did more comparsions and show differences between good and poor graphics.
And I remember they said they listened.
And nothing has changed.
I'd guess Cornwell and much of the crew we'll see for a while has been in the pipeline for a while so even if they are changing anything...
Look at the hair in the original post again.
You're not looking at the same pictures we are. There is a very clear degradation in quality and detail.
It is painfully obvious.
This is not true. Im not complaining. I simply compared two images and conclude that quality degradation is obvious.
I also didnt wrote that someone promised any improvement.
What do you want? That I say that image quality is perfect, when a crewmember does not even look like him (like Mirror Vic Fontaine)? Or when image is clearly wrong (like Klingon O'Brien's moustache)? Or when detail quality is clearly decreased (like new Cornwell)?
...but that does not mean I wont buy the fifth star of her
My Cryostasis Vault
It's serviceable and probably mid-way: we can all name dozens of characters that have worse art than this. She also doesn't suffer from the laziness of the recycled Mayweather and Archer artworks, which is also a plus.
And I'd rank her higher than some day-1 crew such as Ensign Crusher (incoherent light, dumb expression, unnatural pose). Is it degradation if the problem was already present on day one?
Meh. I've always found that the art has always been a mixed bag - good on average, sometimes rushed, sometimes just bad. This a bit rushed.
Ha! Same here. Lousy artwork but still like the show character so I’ll drop the $25 to get her FF
and as long as mediocre is acceptable to the player base, then mediocre is what we will get ....
I really don't see how complaining about a drastic drop in quality is complaining too much. The art on the initial 150ish crew at launch was amazing. The art recently has been adequate at best and horrible at worst. I can't say any of the crew released recently would even qualify as good.
For me, on a 10 point scale where 1 is the worst and 10 is the quality of the art in the beginning, all the recent crew are in the 3-5 point range for their art.
On a phone it's not horrible, but on a bigger screen like an iPad, it's very noticeable how bad it actually is.
Maybe as a prisoner of the Klingons The Admiral didn’t have access to a sonic shower.
Really? O_o
Look at Ensign Crusher and tell me he's amazing.
Oh, I do understand the desire to say that the initial art was consistently amazing and now it's a mixed bag. If we can agree on that we can say that there has been degradation.
But if there were horrible characters at day one, this is nothing new.
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Well I guess I could get used to the zombified look with 8 bit coloring, lol
Why even bother with color? Just go full Captain Proton.
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Yes, I agree that could be the issue, different people, HOWEVER, style vs proper use of tools may just be something we have to disagree with.
Why? New Admiral looks like you took a pic on your monitor and changed the color depth to 256 colors (8-bit) getting rid of most gradiations.
That in an art class doesn't get you 'hey you've got a different style' points, it gets you a lower letter grade.
Capt. Proton is a much more black and white issue...
Then what would you suggest? Even Black Pebble has come on here and acknowledged our dissatisfaction by telling us to please go back to insulting the art versus insulting each other. They have never expressed any intentions to address it
A pox upon the House of Q
Thanks to showing the enlarged head of the good Admiral
I can now only see the HUGE zit on her chin.
Poor girl can't catch a break.
Hey... who’s smoking a pipe to pose for 10 year olds... someone call child services !!!