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What are Your DB Fails? + (Added Bonus) Plus No Spending Money Rages

(climbs up on soap box)
Do to recent Db fails , i will no longer be spending money ($500-2000 per month) on this game in till such time that some game issues are resolved, i will be listing the fails below, i would recommend (@Players) if you have other fails not listed on my list to add them (but keep it short as we do not wanna over work the one mod we have)

I will also be adding reviews to Facebook,Steam, Google Play, and Apple Store concerning said fails, to inform new and incoming players of ongoing and chronic issues

P.S. No Hyperbole ,Mythical subjects, or Unicorns as this will cause Shan to rename and close the thread

1. Extreme lack on information on updates,upcoming changes, cause as to why for game changes to players
(very slight info increase on current event for event schedule)

2. Forum Mods- Need more then one,maybe two if you count black eye- to answer questions and provide info to your player base

3. Informing player base of upcoming upgrades/or changes with no dates or changes made, examples, event reward rework(unknown), upcoming honor hall change(lost in the swamps)etc.

4. Testing of updates /Changes before release to limit game bugs/server crashes

5. Nerfing game aspects without explaining reasoning- examples, Voyage Nerf, Jump start Nerf , etc
(if you want more money be honest and just say so )

6. Trouble Ticket Support/Responses - notice a major drop in non canned response and compensation in trouble tickets over last month with them taking 24 hours to respond or longer and then blowing you off,
(Q.A does it really exist or is like big foot you only "catch" glimpses of it)

7. Decrease in Art work Quality for Cards and Events this Month

8. Make it So - why does this exist if you are never going to use any of the idea`s
( if you do, tag a honorable mention on players that suggested things, really make them feel a part of the game )

i would say '' Do it Better DB" but way past that point now

So in closing , I am on no money Strike till someone does Something/Anything

P.S good job on replicator star base upgrade tho, only decent upgrade i have seen since started playing


  • Definitely #6 above. Currently i am waiting on unresolved matter where i was charged multiple times for unwanted purchase that then further failed to deliver the goods. How am i supposed to screenshot nothing? Because that's what i got: nothing. DB however still has not refunded my $$.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • It's safe to say that we all are in unbreakable junkie-drug dealer relationship with DB :)
    I got off with cold turkey last year for 6 months, but I eventually came back..
  • @Capt Ajamm what platform if its google play go to account and order history take a screen shot and send it to support, then wait for 24-72 hrs for a reply if lucku
  • @eXo | Frank ya i dont get it, it doesnt take that long to type people responses/explain or do a little bit of reading, i just dont understand why

    I have played other games that had bad support and lack of info

    But dang db is taking it to next level
  • @guest_672727247798272 ya mobile games are kinda the meth dealers of the gaming worlds, but if db dont get it together, there are always other dealers ready to give you your fix
  • That was 2016. It's 2018....and as I said - that's a nice list. It's the same list from 2 years ago. Get cozy, you're gonna be waiting a while.

    Quoting for truth. We all agree with this list. Every single player, probably. It's all points that have been already raised in the forums.

    Maybe this is the post that will break the camel's back. Probably not.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • My first response was... O man another rant that is going to go nowhere. But then I thought.. Hey the more people publicly complain the higher the chance something might possibly change. So hell you have my support.
    "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Definitely #6 above. Currently i am waiting on unresolved matter where i was charged multiple times for unwanted purchase that then further failed to deliver the goods. How am i supposed to screenshot nothing? Because that's what i got: nothing. DB however still has not refunded my $$.

    There is no reason to wait. DB will never issue you a refund because you didn’t buy anything from them. You made your purchase through Apple, Google, Facebook, steam or whichever. That’s who you purchased from. You can get a very quick refund directly from them. Apple is very good about this. The only contingency is that it has to be something you purchased in the last 90 days. They pay the companies after 90 days. They hold onto the money until then. That’s why it’s easy to get the refund within the 90 days. They will still refund you for purchases be on 90 days but you have to jump through several hoops to get it.

    A refund made in the first 90 days never even makes it to the company, in this case DB. And when the companies are paid, they are paid a lump sum amount, they are not paid for each individual. In this regard the company has no idea which players the money actually came from
  • Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Definitely #6 above. Currently i am waiting on unresolved matter where i was charged multiple times for unwanted purchase that then further failed to deliver the goods. How am i supposed to screenshot nothing? Because that's what i got: nothing. DB however still has not refunded my $$.

    There is no reason to wait. DB will never issue you a refund because you didn’t buy anything from them. You made your purchase through Apple, Google, Facebook, steam or whichever. That’s who you purchased from. You can get a very quick refund directly from them. Apple is very good about this. The only contingency is that it has to be something you purchased in the last 90 days. They pay the companies after 90 days. They hold onto the money until then. That’s why it’s easy to get the refund within the 90 days. They will still refund you for purchases be on 90 days but you have to jump through several hoops to get it.

    A refund made in the first 90 days never even makes it to the company, in this case DB. And when the companies are paid, they are paid a lump sum amount, they are not paid for each individual. In this regard the company has no idea which players the money actually came from

    didnt know that thxs for the info, i always like to learn new things
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That was 2016. It's 2018....and as I said - that's a nice list. It's the same list from 2 years ago. Get cozy, you're gonna be waiting a while.

    Quoting for truth. We all agree with this list. Every single player, probably.

    Data1001, always the outlier. o:) There are actually only two points on the list that I think are problems:
    4. Testing of updates /Changes before release to limit game bugs/server crashes

    7. Decrease in Art work Quality for Cards and Events this Month

    The rest doesn't really bother me. (I'm VIP14 x about 2½, btw.)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • @Data1001 how long you been around?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    That was 2016. It's 2018....and as I said - that's a nice list. It's the same list from 2 years ago. Get cozy, you're gonna be waiting a while.

    Quoting for truth. We all agree with this list. Every single player, probably.

    Data1001, always the outlier. o:) There are actually only two points on the list that I think are problems:
    4. Testing of updates /Changes before release to limit game bugs/server crashes

    7. Decrease in Art work Quality for Cards and Events this Month

    The rest doesn't really bother me. (I'm VIP14 x about 2½, btw.)

    I’m with you. I agree the art is frustrating but what is frustrating about it is that it was really good before. If it’s alwsys been this way then we get what we’ve always been getting but that is not the case. As far as the other stuff, meh. Everyone is affected equally. Take the faction event thing. Everyone is going down to 6 open missions per faction open so I’m not going to be behind everyone else, they are all right there with me. I’ll figure out the best kick start and go with it. Humans need to be adaptable. Need to respond to changes. If things didn’t constantly change there would be no universe. I may have to use my brain and figure something out. Sorry but I actually like that. Some people have been saying the game is getting stale and boring. This is a different thought pattern that switched things up, a cure for that boredom. That’s always good

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Data1001 how long you been around?

    About a year and a month. Still feel like a bit of a newbie, compared to a lot of youse guys. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    @Data1001 how long you been around?

    About a year and a month. Still feel like a bit of a newbie, compared to a lot of youse guys. ;)

    I hear ya Data. We will never catch up in experience to those who have been here since the beginning. I tip my hat to those who have. I go by the first event I remember which was quadrilateral, I believe that was April 2016.

  • @Data1001 only been playing for about two months so got you beat on newbie title lol
  • I am on no money Strike till someone does Anything

    I'll be doing something.

    I'm going to go into this event with a new strategy to test and see if the changes haven't helped me in my ranking.

    I don't see there'll be too many changes. Those with $125-500 a week to spend on dil will do better than me, those with over $500 a week to spend will do better still.

    At least I won't have to open 30 transmissions and send them out for ages.

    I was thinking about this only last time. DB might as well start everyone off at 4000VP and see how it goes. Though, I would have missed the quick influx of low-level faction only items.

    I was also going to send DB a lovely letter thanking them for the mega-event legendary Med, oh how I love that woman! And was thinking about writing them a nice letter on what I think they could improve, interspersed with what I enjoyed about the game and what I thought worked well.

    And then I'm going to have dinner with my family.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    only been playing for about two months so got you beat on newbie title lol

    Wow, I figured by what you said that you were one of the Ancient Ones. ;) Also, usually it takes a lot longer for someone to become so disenchanted, haha.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • @Data1001 Just ask my kids i really hate when people ignore me, or blow me off

    Really hate it when they do it and i am paying them, it like i am paying someone to treat me like crap, not really the thought process that you want your players to have, example -

    "your plumber comes over and you give him 200 bucks to fix your toilet , instead he throws poop at you and then walks out the door leaving the toilet still broke"

    Couple of bad tickets , zero feed back on forums,(only one guy) other then canned responses, and trying to make me even spend more money by doing shady nerfs, makes you disenchanted quick

    i mean if its a money issue, dam give the players a dollar amount you need to hire more people or updates and do a benefit event "Keep DB great event" and let us just give it to you and not do nerfs to keep the game good

    sadly i not the only new guy that`s starting to think this way
  • @BelleAnna

    I tried the nice way, like i do on most games that i like by offering tips, reporting bugs and generally trying to help

    I do love the thought of the game and really enjoyed playing the first month, then Db went and started changing things and ignoring their player base, i get some things are not cost effective or undo able, and yes your not always going to make everyone happy, but geez

    db seems to have a vision and do not seem to really care what anyone else thinks, at least its how they are coming across

    and trust me i hate being like this, it part of the reason i am so upset is that i hate being like this, makes me feel like a hater or troll and i really hate being that way

    but dang i just want some info , better trouble support , and improving events/content instead of taking away from them

    is that really to much to ask of a company that we are paying

  • I'm not saying DB are perfect, but I do think they listen though it takes a while for them to implement stuff. I think they key is to go the long haul, figure out where to spend your money best, and realise the game is a slow burner. And that you'll get immensely frustrated at times. Trust me, the game is heaps better than when I started 6 months ago, and it was better then than when it first came out. Join a cool fleet and spend your time joking and laughing with other Trek fans, that will take the edge off. My first fleets hardly ever communicated and it was terribly depressing. That's why I'm still on the forums a bit, came here to find people and learned a lot in the process. And have come to realise that I do this for fun, not to win. Because I ain't going to win. No-one wins. They just play.

    Saying that, feedback for any company is good. And if a player is angry it means two things:

    1/ they are invested
    2/ they aren't happy

    So there should be some kind of response, if you're being reasonable (and I'm sure you are, judging from the way you got back to me) so keep digging at them.

    But don't let it ruin your day! I've gotta sign off for now, but good luck and nice to meet you!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • @BelleAnna
    moneys not the big issue for me , i am at 70550 in vip so 14 + in 2 months, just do not like being ignored and noticed a lot of people on forum are ignored

    As for fleets ya i get that my first one was Ok but like you said not heavy talkers,
    stumbled my way into a great one now tho, good group of people that talk a lot and have a amazing setup(you go Mulez!! Great media guy does the web pages for us)

    Little plug here for my peeps in {ACE} lol

    And if DB is listening please take the time to read the first post and at least throw a hey we are listening respone out there, or give us a look at whats under the hood so we know whats going on
    The lack of info is the greatest killer of all

  • The biggest fail for me was spending 50 dollars to get my final copy of assimilated janeway...no janeway!!
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Voyages are so ugly any more only 2 purple and 1200ish chron

  • What is the jump start nerf ? I dont know what mean ?
  • I have reduced my real life chroniton spending on this game, and am now playing approx twice a week. Once more enjoying this game, not looking at ads or doing the daily chores. It really helps to play when you want to, not because you might lose some resource.

    One thing still annoys me a bit though:
    The lack of a search function in the cryostasis vault.
  • What is the jump start nerf ? I dont know what mean ?

    I wondered the same thing, then saw this:
    Important We are making a change to Faction Events, starting with this event there will only be 6 unique missions instead of the usual 10. This will also apply to Hybrid Events with a Faction Event. Edit: This change will not apply to Faction Events involving only 1 faction. This change is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.

    Although this doesn't have to mean a complete nerf. It's still useable.
  • bannar, you’ve spent $2000 in a single month? That’s hard core dude...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    The lack of portal updates with more recent crew on a more regular basis is keeping me from buying more 10x purple pull packs.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
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