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It's like they don't even want to make money.



  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    SpyOne wrote: »
    See... much more fun than complaining about not spending money... now explain:

    University of California, Berkeley
    vs. Berkeley Square, London


    University of Notre Dame (fighting Irish)
    vs. Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
    The first two: both are named for people and (presumably) pronounced the way those people pronounced their names. Factors at work explaining those differences include that several centuries back the pronunciation of Engligh vowels changed and that in the 19th century immigrants to America often either changed the pronunciation of their name to how it was spelled or changed the spelling to how it was pronounced.

    And the second reflects how the Americans inherited from the English the tendency to reject French pronunciation, except for things that are in actual France.

    You mean like the word cafe (with or without accent)? Or resume (wrong meaning and often with only one accent but pronounced reasonably close to the original. Or even entree (as found on so many American menus) even though it should be the appetizer and not the main course.

    Let’s just face it that it’s a mess one way or another and there is no simple or hard and fast rules... it just kinda is.
  • Us Americans can't even keep one pronunciation for the same word. If you wear a Stetson, you probably go to a rodeo (row-dee-o,) if you own a Jimmy Choo handbag, you may have bought it on Rodeo (row-day-o) Drive.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    To be fair... the Brits don’t make sense lot of the time as well... like how both of these use the same word when they are very different things...


    They do serve the same purpose though. One is just an advancement to the other
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    To be fair... the Brits don’t make sense lot of the time as well... like how both of these use the same word when they are very different things...


    They do serve the same purpose though. One is just an advancement to the other

    It's only an advancement I'd you want light. If you want to burn down a few houses to show your power, it is not an improvement at all. 😉 Toss a flashlight onto a troublesome villager's thatched roof and see what happens...
    Torches don't exactly 'flash' though as the Americanism pertains - A torch is a constant source of light .

    Either way both Torches are a portable source of illumination so the definition holds in my book. Of course I blame the French (Torche) - we just nicked the term from them...

    DB: Do Better
  • The Great GornholioThe Great Gornholio ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
  • 1oibaqucxxu1.jpg

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
    You think that's bad? I got the "Boost your game" offer, 15x10 shuttle boost packs. Why on Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, Andoria and Ceti Alpha V would I waste my money on that?
  • 1oibaqucxxu1.jpg

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
    You think that's bad? I got the "Boost your game" offer, 15x10 shuttle boost packs. Why on Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, Andoria and Ceti Alpha V would I waste my money on that?

    At least that one sounds new lol! I've never even heard of that offer! How much is it out of curiosity?
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    To be fair... the Brits don’t make sense lot of the time as well... like how both of these use the same word when they are very different things...


    They do serve the same purpose though. One is just an advancement to the other

    It's only an advancement I'd you want light. If you want to burn down a few houses to show your power, it is not an improvement at all. 😉 Toss a flashlight onto a troublesome villager's thatched roof and see what happens...

    I haven’t seen the STT forum mob raise pitchforks and flashlights about Mirror Picard... so a little more than just an advancement...

  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    To be fair... the Brits don’t make sense lot of the time as well... like how both of these use the same word when they are very different things...


    They do serve the same purpose though. One is just an advancement to the other

    Let's compromise:

  • 1oibaqucxxu1.jpg

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
    You think that's bad? I got the "Boost your game" offer, 15x10 shuttle boost packs. Why on Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, Andoria and Ceti Alpha V would I waste my money on that?

    At least that one sounds new lol! I've never even heard of that offer! How much is it out of curiosity?

    $12.99 CAD which is about $12.99 more than I would ever consider paying for it.
  • 1oibaqucxxu1.jpg

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
    You think that's bad? I got the "Boost your game" offer, 15x10 shuttle boost packs. Why on Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, Andoria and Ceti Alpha V would I waste my money on that?

    At least that one sounds new lol! I've never even heard of that offer! How much is it out of curiosity?

    $12.99 CAD which is about $12.99 more than I would ever consider paying for it.

    Oh yeah that's terrible!!! You could get 18x10 Shuttle Boosts on Thursday for 300 Dilithium worth of Cadet Tickets..... DB, for real, what are you doing? lol
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    I got a "Federation fleet - 1000 Voyager and 1000 Ent-D schematics for $10." Never seen it before . Hope to never see it again.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭

    Another week... another awful offer. DB please re-think the weekly offers. Most of these are garbage.

    I'm not spending money to finish the NX-01. No matter how hard you try.
    You think that's bad? I got the "Boost your game" offer, 15x10 shuttle boost packs. Why on Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, Andoria and Ceti Alpha V would I waste my money on that?

    At least that one sounds new lol! I've never even heard of that offer! How much is it out of curiosity?

    $12.99 CAD which is about $12.99 more than I would ever consider paying for it.

    Oh yeah that's terrible!!! You could get 18x10 Shuttle Boosts on Thursday for 300 Dilithium worth of Cadet Tickets..... DB, for real, what are you doing? lol
    Throwing **tsk tsk** at us and hoping that some will stick!!

    DB: Do Better
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    To be fair... the Brits don’t make sense lot of the time as well... like how both of these use the same word when they are very different things...


    They do serve the same purpose though. One is just an advancement to the other

    It's only an advancement I'd you want light. If you want to burn down a few houses to show your power, it is not an improvement at all. 😉 Toss a flashlight onto a troublesome villager's thatched roof and see what happens...
    Torches don't exactly 'flash' though as the Americanism pertains - A torch is a constant source of light .

    Either way both Torches are a portable source of illumination so the definition holds in my book. Of course I blame the French (Torche) - we just nicked the term from them...


    Much the same argument was made to me about the Eric Carl children’s book “The very Angry Ladybug” which I bought on Oxford Street at Waterstones to discover it was titled “The Ill-tempered Ladybird”. After pointing out it wasn’t a bird, the reply was it isn’t a lady either... 😝.

    Blaming the French is a time honoured British tradition which seldom leads you astray. However, I am left with nagging doubts that if only the Brits were better at fighting off the Normans in 1066, we wouldn’t be stuck with this polyglot mess where upwards to 60% of English words have roots to Latin via French.
  • I got "Patrol the Galaxy - 350 Defiant-, Constitution-, Intrepid- and Galaxy-class schematics + 1000 Dilithium for $10."

    Who wants anything-class schematics??
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I got the $24.99 offer for 15 of the 10-pull premium packs and 1500 DIL. I'm going to pass, because I was hoping for the $9.99 10x10-pull offer.

    Sorry, DB, right now I can't really stomach the idea of giving you $25.


  • You mean like the word cafe (with or without accent)? Or resume (wrong meaning and often with only one accent but pronounced reasonably close to the original. Or even entree (as found on so many American menus) even though it should be the appetizer and not the main course.

    Let’s just face it that it’s a mess one way or another and there is no simple or hard and fast rules... it just kinda is.

    Arrrrgh! If you are going to make the point about inflections, please use modifiers!

    Café, resumé, entreé. voilà!

    This message brought to you by the written language modifier police. ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I got the $24.99 offer for 15 of the 10-pull premium packs and 1500 DIL. I'm going to pass, because I was hoping for the $9.99 10x10-pull offer.

    Sorry, DB, right now I can't really stomach the idea of giving you $25.


    Every week I hope for that 10x10 offer, and every week I get something incredibly worse. We did get those special offer packs before New Year's, but a quick scan of my Google Play apps purchases history shows I haven't gotten the 10x10 offer since November (and I remarkably got that offer three times that month, because I spent a lot that month).

    Has anyone seen the normal 10x10 premium packs offer at all the last month? I know I've seen some new offers, like the shuttle boosts and the Federation ship schematics one, but I haven't seen the normal 10x10 in a while. Did they drop it to push the more expensive 15 and 30x10 offers?
  • "Has anyone seen the normal 10x10 premium packs offer at all the last month?"

    I've actually gotten it twice in the last month. Wish I could pass it off to somebody who wants it.
  • I got the $24.99 offer for 15 of the 10-pull premium packs and 1500 DIL. I'm going to pass, because I was hoping for the $9.99 10x10-pull offer.

    Sorry, DB, right now I can't really stomach the idea of giving you $25.


    Every week I hope for that 10x10 offer, and every week I get something incredibly worse. We did get those special offer packs before New Year's, but a quick scan of my Google Play apps purchases history shows I haven't gotten the 10x10 offer since November (and I remarkably got that offer three times that month, because I spent a lot that month).

    Has anyone seen the normal 10x10 premium packs offer at all the last month? I know I've seen some new offers, like the shuttle boosts and the Federation ship schematics one, but I haven't seen the normal 10x10 in a while. Did they drop it to push the more expensive 15 and 30x10 offers?

    I've been wondering the same thing.... I would buy the 10 for 10 every week, but instead I keep getting garbage ship schematic offers....
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    "Has anyone seen the normal 10x10 premium packs offer at all the last month?"

    I've actually gotten it twice in the last month. Wish I could pass it off to somebody who wants it.

    At least it's good to know it's still out there. Perhaps it's just a matter of bad luck and the number of new offers decreasing the odds it drops. I would simply like to get that offer a couple more times to push my VIP up a level and give me those delicious extra crew slots I so desperately need (I refuse to use my precious dilithium on that venture).
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭

    You mean like the word cafe (with or without accent)? Or resume (wrong meaning and often with only one accent but pronounced reasonably close to the original. Or even entree (as found on so many American menus) even though it should be the appetizer and not the main course.

    Let’s just face it that it’s a mess one way or another and there is no simple or hard and fast rules... it just kinda is.

    Arrrrgh! If you are going to make the point about inflections, please use modifiers!

    Café, resumé, entreé. voilà!

    This message brought to you by the written language modifier police. ;)

    You just made my point about resume. Either anglicise it because the accent aigu (acute) does not exist in English or keep the French in which case there are two accents; one on each e (résumé).

    Even though the French word does not mean what we take it to mean in America (ie, CV). Every time I saw one cross my desk with one accent, it got relegated to the circular fillng cabinet.

    I am a victim of the language police... and that’s no joke. A lot of taxpayers time and resources are spent on this. You can check it out at; Office québécois de la langue française. We must fight to “faire du shopping” on “le weekend” but the jack-booted language police will come for us if we do.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    HA! DB must be trying to appease me, I just got THIS from the SINGLE premium pull given out at the end of the event:

    I went with Gangster Spock. He's the only person I seem to always lose to in Gauntlet. I DO want Sulan too, but right now I've got enough med items to worry about with Katrina Cornwell.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    HA! DB must be trying to appease me, I just got THIS from the SINGLE premium pull given out at the end of the event:

    I went with Gangster Spock. He's the only person I seem to always lose to in Gauntlet. I DO want Sulan too, but right now I've got enough med items to worry about with Katrina Cornwell.

    So do you think I should start a thread asking DB why they don’t want to take my money before I do my free pulls 😇?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, for at least two weeks now I haven't bought the $9.99 offer because it was the ranked character, and I wanted the threshold character in order to FF them. These were all faction events, so that made sense, right? Note, both of those weeks, DB basically offered the same character in the $24.99 and the $9.99 offers.

    Now it's the threshold character. On a Galaxy event. Which, by the way, is not who they offered yesterday for $24.99. Why would I buy this? Coincidentally, how many players would be unable to get to 130k VP but are willing to shell out $10?

    Do you just not want people to buy your offers, DB?

    EDIT: Another great example of them not wanting to make money: not doing anything about the "Fully Fused Behold" problem makes me FAR less likely to buy packs. And I've got news for you, DB. At this point there are very few packs where I don't have at least one character FF. I can't remember the last time I bought a pack.

    They would probably sell both Packs if they offered both the 4* in a $9.99 Deal. I'm sure people did not get Stoner Tyler Fully Fused, if they are newer players. But, they might be newer players who could buy the Pack......


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    So do you think I should start a thread asking DB why they don’t want to take my money before I do my free pulls 😇?

    Actually in all seriousness, this account isn't even tied to my correct DB ID. Of course, I was joking, and I would be shocked if that were remotely true anyway. Coincidentally, would you have taken Gangster Spock over Sulan too?
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭

    So do you think I should start a thread asking DB why they don’t want to take my money before I do my free pulls 😇?

    Actually in all seriousness, this account isn't even tied to my correct DB ID. Of course, I was joking, and I would be shocked if that were remotely true anyway. Coincidentally, would you have taken Gangster Spock over Sulan too?

    Probably. phlox is fine for Gauntlet MED
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭

    So do you think I should start a thread asking DB why they don’t want to take my money before I do my free pulls 😇?

    Actually in all seriousness, this account isn't even tied to my correct DB ID. Of course, I was joking, and I would be shocked if that were remotely true anyway. Coincidentally, would you have taken Gangster Spock over Sulan too?

    Probably. phlox is fine for Gauntlet MED
    I probably would have taken Spock as well, I have Sulan and he's a nice card to beat Phlox with when its a MED/SCI gauntlet match-up, but Gangster Spock is also pretty awesome and has more utility when fused up for voyages.


    DB: Do Better
  • KTzKTz ✭✭✭
    So, for at least two weeks now I haven't bought the $9.99 offer because it was the ranked character, and I wanted the threshold character in order to FF them. These were all faction events, so that made sense, right? Note, both of those weeks, DB basically offered the same character in the $24.99 and the $9.99 offers.

    Now it's the threshold character. On a Galaxy event. Which, by the way, is not who they offered yesterday for $24.99. Why would I buy this? Coincidentally, how many players would be unable to get to 130k VP but are willing to shell out $10?

    Do you just not want people to buy your offers, DB?

    EDIT: Another great example of them not wanting to make money: not doing anything about the "Fully Fused Behold" problem makes me FAR less likely to buy packs. And I've got news for you, DB. At this point there are very few packs where I don't have at least one character FF. I can't remember the last time I bought a pack.

    Well done put situation with the portals, I am not buying for some time, same motive.
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