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Founders at War- How many of these cards do you care about?



  • Don’t want any
    Landry because she’s a free FF.

    The 5 star is so completely unappealing
  • I want 1
    I got Landry because of being Threshold and the best art of the 3.
  • I want 1
  • I want 2
    I hate Galaxy Events, and I really want to bail already now that I've cleared the thresholds. I would, however, still like to end this with a 4/4 Time Loop Mudd. Now that we know next week's event will mercifully be a Faction rerun, and I have no one I have to work on in preparation for it, I do feel a little less pressure to return to my backlog.

    However, a FF Mudd requires a top 2000 finish, and I've only ever done that thrice in a full Galaxy before. I'm almost always thresholds-and-out, so I have no real concept of how to read my chances of hitting that ranking. Ugh.

    (Have I mentioned that I hate Galaxy Events? Because I do. I really hate them.)
  • Usually I prefer galaxy events, this one I am not bothered by getting any crew with the exception of getting my final star on Cromwell, which I did, not even bothering to threshold this week, which has meant I have worked on crew instead, have immortalized 7 characters, 3 in the freezer which included both 3*'s Winn and Vorik which have been taking up crew spaces forever, so I have been really pleased by this weeks event
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