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Terrible Voyage Runs



  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are the lack of replicator rations really that bad, though? I'd rather have honor/crew/chrons. I have plenty of fodder to throw into the replicator. I would much sooner run out of credits than replicator fodder.

    How long do you play? I guess not long cause you will get everything in time. Good fleet where you ll recieve around 500 honor daily + 100 chronitrons, from pulls or events will you get good crew ( not that we are privilaged as players that play 2 years - diffrence can you see in their frozen crew as well in gaunlet ) , you will recieve enough trainers and you can get them in all metioned above. What can you NOT get? Replicator rations. What will you do when you can replicate 7 or 8 times daily? And can happen, eventually...nothing. Replicators 6x4* ( which not cover basic - 90 K item - you ll need 11 ) in cadet challange 1x weekly , in honor hall 750 honor - 5x4* so for one purple item you need 11 + credits so thats 1500 honor...and voyages..where, except some of you, 2 or 3, noone getting those rations any more.....so...regarding credits....you can do saturday challange and if you upgrade crew and get dill ( if you not buying it ) several time and you will have weekly credit needs covered ( with litlle planing ). And where you ll get rations? Nowhere...as rest of us except players that play 1+ year and had time to get rations till kingdoom come. See the problem?

    The replicator was introduced when I was a pretty new player. I have never struggled to have enough fuel. I have thousands of trainers. Thousands of unused equipment. Thousands of schematics. Thousands of starbase components. Fuel never has been and (unless something dramatically changes) never will be an issue.

    I haven't actually used a replicator ration in quite some time. Since replicator rations are the most efficient way to use the replicator, I would actually prefer to use equipment that takes of inventory space so I can free up a few dozen slots from time-to-time so it doesn't get airlocked away.

    So, no, I don't see any problem at all.
  • [So, no, I don't see any problem at all.

    Yes, I am sure you do not....btw. interesanting how you manage to keep balace between all this tousends of items, trainers and chronitrons ( that in best case scenario you recieve 250 daily )...you must play very very long but math still does not end up...

    As I said, yes, I do not believe you do....stay happy!

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    [So, no, I don't see any problem at all.

    Yes, I am sure you do not....btw. interesanting how you manage to keep balace between all this tousends of items, trainers and chronitrons ( that in best case scenario you recieve 250 daily )...you must play very very long but math still does not end up...

    As I said, yes, I do not believe you do....stay happy!

    250 chrons daily?

    You get 240 from normal regeneration, 60 from the 3 "check-in" rewards, and 50 from doing Cadet challenges.

    So, even before voyages or fleets, you get 350 chrons per day.

    100 from fleet daily quests
    150 on MWF cadets

    Voyages are the variable point. Sometimes only 300/day, but I've been as high as 6-800 total across two of them.

    I don't particularly care if you believe me. It is very easy to "keep balance" when the in-flow of "replicatable stuff" is so high.
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited 2018 27

    250 chrons daily?

    You get 240 from normal regeneration, 60 from the 3 "check-in" rewards, and 50 from doing Cadet challenges.

    So, even before voyages or fleets, you get 350 chrons per day.

    Normal regeneration? well you mus be is some kicker fleet....but lets say its true. for those 60 you get from cadet and arena. Still if you wish to collect honor, you need to spend min, 15 away mission ( 60 ) and 10 space battles ( 40 ) and thats minimal I even will not consider higher value items. and you get 150 3x weekly...cadet challanges.

    + those 100 , from fleet. So you can flip it as you wish but maybe better on weekly base ( without voyages)

    - 50x7 - 350 ( from check in )
    - 150 x 3 - 450 ( cadet )
    - 7x100 - 700 from fleet

    and your famous regeneration ( mine is 190 but OK lets say 200) though for full charge is more the 12 h needed.

    Thats total surplus 1800 / weekly / 7 some 255 daily - without spending - if you go for min ( 700 / weekly ) so you end up with some 135 chrons daily.....

    And this is so, so oprimistic cause if you have 1 4* you will seek better items, more expencive.

    100 from fleet daily quests
    150 on MWF cadets

    Voyages are the variable point. Sometimes only 300/day, but I've been as high as 6-800 total across two of them.

    I don't particularly care if you believe me. It is very easy to "keep balance" when the in-flow of "replicatable stuff" is so high.

    Yes , I am sure you are...and my sentance was in context that I dont believe that YOU see where is a problem....nothing personal...

    I just wish that I and other players can manage so well with 350 chronitrons daily and not rations but ...someone can, someone can not.

    So math is flawlish and still I do not believe that you see the problem. Nevertheless, I wish you happy and satisfiying game. Cheers!

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Can someone explain to me why you need Replicator Rations from Voyages?

    I don't even spend the ones I get from events and cadet missions. The massive surplus of trainers and starbase components the game gives me seems to fill ration needs nicely.
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    10hrs, 0 Purple Crew, 350 Chronos.. Thanks for the Nerfbat @DB

    That's bad. Now go post your best voyage.

    My current voyage is 7h10m and has 390 chrons and 3 4* Crew. And that's with only 3 common dilemma's. Thanks DB!

    Of course I did abandon a weak voyage last night that had no good crew but it still had 400+ chrons after 7.5hrs.

    I've got a 4/5 Guinan. I've gotten her from rewards and streaks. Still the best two-roll gauntlet character although not so strong that I can ignore traits.

    I also have a 2/5 Locutus.

    I do the Gauntlet every day. Yes, its always annoying to get trainers but its still a decent source of chrons, packs, merits and credits. Oh and 5* Equipment. The Gauntlet just saved me 8 Basic Holoprograms yesterday.

    Only 6303 fites left till I get my next Locutus! Did you know even if you lose a round it still counts towards the achievement? A fascinating strategy for dealing with walls.

    PS Get Kahless before he leaves the Hall. He's pretty good too. Yes, you do have enough Honour to buy him. Stop wasting it on trainers and citations.


    And you play like what - from October 2017 - or then you enlist in forum. And you have such a crew...well if you do, we all know how the player can achieve that, right?

    Umm October of 2017 was when the new forums came online, so nice lil dig there, but I don't think your shovel has teeth.

  • 250 chrons daily?

    You get 240 from normal regeneration, 60 from the 3 "check-in" rewards, and 50 from doing Cadet challenges.

    So, even before voyages or fleets, you get 350 chrons per day.

    Normal regeneration? well you mus be is some kicker fleet....but lets say its true. for those 60 you get from cadet and arena. Still if you wish to collect honor, you need to spend min, 15 away mission ( 60 ) and 10 space battles ( 40 ) and thats minimal I even will not consider higher value items. and you get 150 3x weekly...cadet challanges.

    + those 100 , from fleet. So you can flip it as you wish but maybe better on weekly base ( without voyages)

    - 50x7 - 350 ( from check in )
    - 150 x 3 - 450 ( cadet )
    - 7x100 - 700 from fleet

    and your famous regeneration ( mine is 190 but OK lets say 200) though for full charge is more the 12 h needed.

    Thats total surplus 1800 / weekly / 7 some 255 daily - without spending - if you go for min ( 700 / weekly ) so you end up with some 135 chrons daily.....

    And this is so, so oprimistic cause if you have 1 4* you will seek better items, more expencive.

    100 from fleet daily quests
    150 on MWF cadets

    Voyages are the variable point. Sometimes only 300/day, but I've been as high as 6-800 total across two of them.

    I don't particularly care if you believe me. It is very easy to "keep balance" when the in-flow of "replicatable stuff" is so high.

    Yes , I am sure you are...and my sentance was in context that I dont believe that YOU see where is a problem....nothing personal...

    I just wish that I and other players can manage so well with 350 chronitrons daily and not rations but ...someone can, someone can not.

    So math is flawlish and still I do not believe that you see the problem. Nevertheless, I wish you happy and satisfiying game. Cheers!

    If you're sitting on your chronotons trying to rack up thousands using voyages: that is so last year. Aggressive players spend.
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited 2018 08
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Umm October of 2017 was when the new forums came online, so nice lil dig there, but I don't think your shovel has teeth.

    Comment moderated ˜Shan. Good day!
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited 2018 27

    If you're sitting on your chronotons trying to rack up thousands using voyages: that is so last year. Aggressive players spend.

    But ofc...my point was that the claims stated by some of other players have serious logic and math flaw.
    Any normal player will use crons to upgrade him/herself - but crons are mentioned by other discutants in sence that there is sooooo much , items, ship shematics and other things so rations are really not necessary and they are not a big problem....

    I would not say - agressive players but ALL players - I think we can agree on that.

    In short you are apsolutly right and problem are voyages all together but main issue are rations. Good day to you Sir.

  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited 2018 27
    Yes, if you're a new player and your chron cap is lower than say, 100, then you'll get less because you probably also enjoy sleeping at night. However, once you get to a higher captain level, you will be able to expand that more.

    Really not , you brought that up though chron drop rate is fallen on 1/2 from earlier ( before changes).
    I was discusing about rations and that was. Everything else is just a pointer how voyages has changed and what problems they produces.

    As I stated, my chron cap is 190 but its irrelevant, the fact is that chron drop rate has fallen from changes. You ( and several others ) said it is a cause of bad luck, bad crew low level....( like that guy that play 6 month and have Guinan 4/5 and Locutus 2/5 and mother or a lawyer...)

    Once more, chrons are not ( and are ..cause it would be better having them more ) issue. Issue are rations that you can not get any other way except in cadet challange 1Xweekly and in honor hall where they cost 5*x5 - 1500 honor , 4*x5 - 750 honor.

    And for 1 yellow item you know how much you need. And this talkabout items and schematics and treiners...you can not get so much of them to sustain player need for longer period, thats all.

    So as title state - voyages **tsk tsk**, not cause of crew or levels but for drop rates ( not to mention that you can only once get some of those characters and then 30/30 honor/chron becam 80% of dillemas ).

    That s my point.

    Chrons just came by :)

  • Marakith DaxMarakith Dax ✭✭✭
    I don't think the reduction in voyage awards is worth complaining about. I had over 1000 blue replicator rations at one point, with me using a 100 some a day for replication. I was able to save up to 30,000 (partly because I work a lot in December and didn't have time for much besides popping in to press 3 buttons every two hours).

    Sometimes I have a 6 hour voyage that gives me three 2* crew. Sometimes I get a 4*, which it seems half of the time is a FF duplicate. I don't keep track of the chronos and honor. And remember, every 4 items you get is at the minimum 4 chronos spent. Some of it useful, some not, but it is free stuff.

    The reward rate was silly. If the game gives you everything, then this leads to complaining about having nothing to do.

  • eYcEoMa.png

    Yep, that's right, a 3* Kruge as the reward for a 12 hour dilemma. Already had Q ff so he was useless. This one came back after 14 hours with about 500 chrons and no more crew than you see there. I haven't bothered to run one since.

    My last 3 have been absolutely abysmal. They're not worth spending dilithium on. They're not worth recovering because there's nothing to bother saving, so I just abandon them if I miss it. And since they're such a pain to babysit I just haven't been bothering at all.
  • The reward rate was silly. If the game gives you everything, then this leads to complaining about having nothing to do.

    I can agree with you, to a point....and it is refreshing getting some argumented opinion, like yours though we are a dissagrement but again to a point.

    Let me conclude with wishes that your voyages go well.

  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    Had a long streak of voyages dropping 1-3 SR in 6-7 hr. Even managed to get Lucien to drop at the 6 hour mark on one. Been SR-free for about 2 weeks now, even with a coupke if extensions to the 8hr mark.
    I have the dil to go after the 20 hr achievement, but want to try to max the number of SR I get. Does the SR drop rate hold in a voyage? In other words, would a voyage that dropped 3-4 SR by the 8hr mark have a higher total of SR at 20hr than one that only dropped 1-2? Or does RNG make the final number a complete crapshoot?
  • KTzKTz ✭✭✭
    about 10 runs of 7-8H and no 4* crew, something was changed for sure...
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Had a long streak of voyages dropping 1-3 SR in 6-7 hr. Even managed to get Lucien to drop at the 6 hour mark on one. Been SR-free for about 2 weeks now, even with a coupke if extensions to the 8hr mark.
    I have the dil to go after the 20 hr achievement, but want to try to max the number of SR I get. Does the SR drop rate hold in a voyage? In other words, would a voyage that dropped 3-4 SR by the 8hr mark have a higher total of SR at 20hr than one that only dropped 1-2? Or does RNG make the final number a complete crapshoot?

    While I can't say for sure, it does seem to have been the case in my experience that a Voyage which is dropping 4* crew fairly decently by the 8-hour mark will continue that trend as you go on. (I've done quite a few 20-hour+ Voyages.) By the same token, if I'm getting awful chroniton returns from one of my 6-8 hour Voyages, I'll often not bother to extend it, even if my skill stats are decent, since when I have done so, the returns have been more meager than usual.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regarding super-rares from Voyages. Its streaky. I've gotten days of nothing. I've gotten more 5x4* voyages post nerf. /shrug

    Yep, that's right, a 3* Kruge as the reward for a 12 hour dilemma. Already had Q ff so he was useless. This one came back after 14 hours with about 500 chrons and no more crew than you see there. I haven't bothered to run one since.

    My last 3 have been absolutely abysmal. They're not worth spending dilithium on. They're not worth recovering because there's nothing to bother saving, so I just abandon them if I miss it. And since they're such a pain to babysit I just haven't been bothering at all.

    So you complaining about how your voyage gave your more honour and chronitons than what the game would normally give you on a day-to-day basis?

    First, learn how to construct a voyage. Your stat distribution is poor.

    You need to stack your skills on the two main skills for the Voyage. Notice how much higher my two primary skills are. That means I'll be succeeding hazards up to about 7.5h mark. Since your proficiency matters, I can potentially pass hazards after 8 hours. This particular Voyage lasted 8h40m without extending. It netted me 577 Chrons. I've had better, I've had worse. I didn't get a super rare dilemma.

    I've no idea what your starting AM was. AM is important but not worth sacrificing a lot of stats over. The ship is the important part and it **tsk tsk** if the ship trait is something you don't have. Stop giving us the Fighter trait DB you cold bastards.

    Extending your voyage is a strategy by itself. Obviously its always worth spending DIL if you want to preserve a needed 4*. Otherwise only do it if:
    1 - Your loot is unusually good.
    2 - You know it will get you two dilemmas. This happens if you face plant with 5-10 min to go before the next dilemma. If you're AM is 2750 or more, you can get two dilemma's out of this situation. Yes, it **tsk tsk** if they're both common but sometimes they're not.
    3 - You're farming Voyage only characters.

    Remember your voyage loot roughly breaks down like this:
    0-2h: Basic components, 1* crew
    2-6h: 1* components, 3* crew (this section is important, it give useful loot and its your honour farm)
    6h+: 4* Crew Land. Don't presume you'll get tonnes here. You won't. You'll mostly get 2* components you already have a surplus of. If you want to gamble that's fine but make no mistake, you're gambling with real money at this point. I don't recommend going past 10 hours for that reason. Many long time players should be able to 10 hours with only one extension.

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • NeemsNeems ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    Edit: Hadn't scrolled enough, someone had already said what I said. :)
  • @Data1001 Thank you. I'll bide my time and go for it when it looks good.
  • I went on a 10 hour Voyage and all I got was a crap load of trainers, replicator rations and a few 2* crew. Need to scale back on all the trainers we get. And if I'm spending dilithium on extending a Voyage it would be nice to see something more than 2* crew.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went on a 10 hour Voyage and all I got was a crap load of trainers, replicator rations and a few 2* crew. Need to scale back on all the trainers we get. And if I'm spending dilithium on extending a Voyage it would be nice to see something more than 2* crew.

    I just recalled a voyage at about 9 and a half hours and, yes, I did get a mountain of trainers (94 gold, 78 purple, and 44 blue) but it happened to be a crew-heavy set of rewards otherwise: a second star for GI Chakotay and Rianna Mayweather, a fourth star for Toby Russell (after star #3 from a voyage yesterday), a day’s worth of purple and blue rep rats, and nearly 600 chrons. Maybe the rewards will **tsk tsk** tomorrow but it’s not an everyday occurrence.
  • •RIVIN••RIVIN• ✭✭✭

    This was my best haul yet and it happened AFTER the nerf. No dil spent either. Granted, this is DEFINITELY the exception, but it still goes to show that you can STILL have a really good voyage, post-nerf.

    Hats off to you!
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 08

    This was my best haul yet and it happened AFTER the nerf. No dil spent either. Granted, this is DEFINITELY the exception, but it still goes to show that you can STILL have a really good voyage, post-nerf.

    Hats off to you!

    I call Troll / Photoshop. NO WAY that is real AFTER the nerf. Sorry. No way. You're either lying or playing a completely different game. I typically get maybe 1 3* or maybe maybe sometimes 1 4* not 7 4*s. No way.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 08
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Regarding super-rares from Voyages. Its streaky.

    It is, but then so is almost everything about voyages.

    Sometimes you'll get no crew but the ones from dilemmas, and often they'll be 2*'s, while others you'll get multiple 4's. Sometimes you'll be lucky to get 300 chrons from an 8h voyage and others you'll get double that. Same with rep rations. Last voyage I got 20 purple and 1 blue ration, voyage before that 12 purple and 54 blue.

  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭

    This was my best haul yet and it happened AFTER the nerf. No dil spent either. Granted, this is DEFINITELY the exception, but it still goes to show that you can STILL have a really good voyage, post-nerf.

    Hats off to you!

    I call Troll / Photoshop. NO WAY that is real AFTER the nerf. Sorry. No way. You're either lying or playing a completely different game. I typically get maybe 1 3* or maybe maybe sometimes 1 4* not 7 4*s. No way.

    It happened, dude. No lie. January 28th. I also ran a 23 hour voyage and I think I came back with 1. Some days are good, and some days aren't. Like I said, that was my best haul ever. That's definitely not typical.
  • I didn't take the screen shots, but I just finished my 20hr voyage. Not sure I'll try that again with the voyage daily requirement.
    FWIW, I had 3 4* at the 10hr mark. I didn't get another one until one dropped randomly between 14-16 hours. I finished with 6 total at the 20 hr mark. Honor vs. Dil wise, a 20 hr voyage should pay better than 2 10x pulls at 650dil/ea. 3 of the 6 4* were honor along with 3 3* and 4 2* + an additional 666 honor dropped.
    If I were to try again, I would definitely wait until I had 3 4* at the 10 hr mark. There are too many posts here with people having no 4* at 10 hr and getting none all the way to 20.

  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭

    This was my best haul yet and it happened AFTER the nerf. No dil spent either. Granted, this is DEFINITELY the exception, but it still goes to show that you can STILL have a really good voyage, post-nerf.

    That's more purples than i ever saw pre-nerf!
    ~ seeking out new life
  • I'll let my picture speak for itself...
  • I'll let my picture speak for itself...

    You can not help it, there will allways be people that will claim otherwise. Btw. can you share with us how much replicator rations you aquired on such a voyage? Thanks!
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