this was my guess but i thought weirdly that we already have him. if not then it's my hope anyway.
Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
Surak hopefully
Graduation or Prospect Burnham probably covers that.
And my spidey senses say that this is a clue to our April Mega recurring 5*.
So... anyone have any Romulan theories?
Doesn't this image kinda Mirror the one of Cornwell last Mega Event?
Actually it's closer to how they introduced
"Stop in the name of love Sarak"
I'm thinking Search for Spock Sarek.
Perfect time to finally bust out a Legendary Captain Spock. I'm not saying that's who THIS is, I'm just sayin' it'd be a perfect time.
If this is indeed Surak (I doubt it, though), I’d say “Mega Event Recurring Legendary”.
That said, I would love for it to be Captain Spock as a Mega-Event Legendary.
Please make it so!
DB: Do Better.
Member of Starship Trista.
So maybe Romulans, Vulcans, Mintaken, and Reman will count as bonus?
Would love to know if I need to level Shinzon lol
this was my guess but i thought weirdly that we already have him. if not then it's my hope anyway.
Task Force Pike/Garrett's Giants, Founder
Task Force April, Fleet Founder Emeritus
Newfie Central, Squad Founder, In Memoriam