Events are getting boring.
![[STJ] Wendell](
in The Bridge
I am getting bored with some of these events lately. Especially galaxy. I tend to under perform because I sit there and click click click click clickety clickety clickety snore.. Shuttles are alright because I can just pop in and send them. I’m not saying this to hate on galaxy events or hybrids. I just think a lot of people including myself are looking for more event types. Especially something that requires some thought and strategy. Is anyone sharing these sentiments?
I really don't think DB is going to add more event types, which is a true shame, but I hope they do. If not for my sake (dàmn am I bored), but for theirs, as the monotony is NOT good for player retention.
It would be a nice change of pace and if done right wouldn't be a annoying nasty grind ie have 6 attacks and be able to attack as many times as you want 1 attack regeneration per hour.
They require more writing, planning and coding due to their uniqueness I'd imagine.
Also they make less money.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Galaxies need to up the number of items needed per build. I don't mind them but the tapping has gotten too monotonous.
I would like to see a new kind of event but my limited imagination is incapable of thinking of one. That's why I give DB my sweet, sweet monthly card money.
When the expedition is run over 4+ days, where you need to replay the exact same missions 30 or more times each, and then something gets screwed up and the rules change midway through, it is enough to never make you want to do an expedition again.
Give us 1 day expeditions. Just one. Not 4 or 5. One.
Yeah, a space battle-centric event would be fun.
It could be a marathon-type thing where you defend a planet/outpost/space station for as long as possible using your ship (or maybe a line-up of 3 or something), and event crew used as bridge crew have a multiplier applied to their stat boost (or decreased charge/cooldown time, or both). Then you can get VP for every ship you take out, higher level ships give you more VP, so lasting longer (ie, making it to the higher level ships) within one "refresh" will give you more VP. You could then refresh your ship a set amount of times per day, with extra refreshes being purchasable (like in Expedition events).
And you could still have the concept of factions, depending on whom you choose to defend, and there could even be strategic choices regarding whom you defend/battle (ie, choosing to take on the Borg instead of the Romulans, because your ship and crew are better at dealing with low evasion, high attack ships than high accuracy + cloaking ships or something).
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Maybe a smidge more planning, but writing, pre shuttle nerf wouldn't have been much more..
Especially in an Expedition because most of the writing can simply be filler "____ completed/failed __task__ much to the delight/dismay of his/her fellow crew"
"The crew watched in awe/shock as
achieved complete success/nothing but failure for their valiantly/poorly conceived plan
About 35 maybe 40 blurbs
Versus shuttles which at there peak had 30 blurbs.
The tapping is definitely monotonous. For the Cadet Sylvia Tilly event, I actually had to dig out my wrist brace for the weekend, because my wrist started hurting so much. Whether that's dedication, addiction, insanity, or some combination of the three, I'll let the viewer decide.
It would be great if you could hold down the Build button and get a popup like the Crew Trainer screen and build multiples at once.
I know that multi-build causes problems because each successive build where a rare doesn't drop adds an increased chance for the rare to drop from the next build, and you can also use shuttle boosts for an increased chance at the rare to drop. However, even if DB coded it so that multiple builds ignored the shuttle boost (or only applied it to the first build), and calculated rare drops at the base percentage of the crew being used, I'd still probably take advantage of a multiple-build button just from the time and clicks saved.
(Yes, they could code multi-build so that it does a build one at a time to correctly determine the chance of a rare dropping, but when it comes to multi-build, I'm not picky).
Me, me, me, wholeheartedly!
It’s an illusion. Expedition events are repetitious, just like galaxy events.
The one benefit that expedition events have over galaxy events is that expedition events have nostalgia goggles.
Task Force Pike/Garrett's Giants, Founder
Task Force April, Fleet Founder Emeritus
Newfie Central, Squad Founder, In Memoriam
I'd be game for a new event format, too, so long as it doesn't bear any resemblance whatsoever to a Galaxy Event.
They are repetitive and they really aren’t a challenge. I can put my best crew on a Voyage, second tier on shuttles, and still easily pass all expedition nodes
And don't leech chrons.
A four day event that ran over two weekends is another possibility, a two day faction one weekend with a galaxy the following, each weekend only lasting two days. Allowing time in between to level crew etc.
To be honest it's more about 4 days out of every seven that does my head in. If I'm doing well in faction, I feel pressured to keep going. If I'm doing galaxy, it can be over in a few hours. Whereas if it ran for a day, or even two, I might really go for the battle.
Also, factions would be more interesting over two days with the new limited shuttle missions, the 'quickstart nerf' really making it difficult to get to 4000VP quickly. They'd have to change the rewards table but it would be a lot more fun imo.
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In an Expedition, we each get three one-hour tickets to use on each of the four days of the event, for a cumulative twelve hours (tops). There have been additional five tickets in the thresholds, allowing up to 17 hours of event play throughout 96 hours of the event.
In a Galaxy Event, in order to chase rank, you have to either commit every chroniton you have for four days or hope like hell the standings remain more or less accurate at the end and that a zillion players sitting on piles of Super Rares don't cash them all in at the last minute and zip past you.
Oh, and no fair claiming you don't have to do that if you pre-farm and stockpile chronitons; you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul by forfeiting your non-event resources to help during the event.
The whole ship battle mechanism need to be redesigned.
My Main Gripes about them are:
1) Only 2*, 4* and 5* ships are of any use in the Arena
2) Only 5* ships are of any use in voyages
3) Some 4* crew is better than FF 5* crew in Admiral division
4) They are over too quickly
Personally I would like to see more multiple ship battles;whereby smaller ships can be directed to harass bigger ships, implement some kind of tracking (so bigger ships don't insta-pop the smaller ones) give it more of a strategy element
I'm thinking turn based where each player plays ships special abilities in order to counter/attack their opponent. The game was marketed as a RPG, but the game play doesn't really reflect this.
I outlined a similar space battle event idea on the old forums Idea for new event: Survival Space Battles. There could be multiple attack, defend, and escort type of scenarios. There have also been other space battle types of events suggested elsewhere but I don't have the links. Point is, there has been ongoing support for some version of the space battle idea
It would be cool for there to be some sort of exploration type of event, perhaps in the form of a voyage, maybe with mechanics as mentioned above and discussed in the thread How to implement a voyage event.
I'd also like to see shorter events over 2 or 3 days rather than 4. Alternatively, perhaps something like having two day events with a rolling event start (as proposed in Rolling event start/end time) such that the whole event still lasted 3 or 4 days, but each captain only played for 2 days. Some details to work out there, but this would reduce event fatigue and be more fair to players from various timezones around the world and those with inconsistent work schedules.
Instead of reducing events to every other week, just do more re-runs. Re-runs give greater access to existing crew for new players and those who may have missed it the first time around. For those who have already run the event, already have the crew immortalized or don't care about those characters, then that gives those players more incentive just to take a break, or threshold and out, for that re-run.
Figuring that re-runs take less development time than new events, perhaps emphasizing re-runs for awhile would free up development time to work on a new event type, fix, or implement other game systems and new event types. This might also allow more time for more robust QA testing on the new events.
Additionally, perhaps a change in the reward structure, something such as Threshold:Crew and Ranked:Honor, would make existing event types and re-runs more interesting and worthwhile?
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Gauntlet uses proficiency and to a lesser degree traits, but only using 5 crew means it's hard to keep up demand for new Gauntlet crew and the inherent wild RNG of the format means a lot of similar crew are essentially the same from a strategy perspective.
Shuttles use base skill solely, so anything that doesn't involve power creep is useless to even a semi developed roster.
Voyages use base, proficiency and traits and 12 crew so are much more demanding and for me at least have been the main lense through which I have viewed characters for a while now, so in general 2 skill characters that don't have an epic proficiency or base stat are just junk (from a gameplay perspective).
Perhaps we need a format that more heavily emphasises traits or ship battles to allow us to value crew along a different vector again. And that uses lots of crew, so that we have a deep demand.
It's definitely high time there was a Voyage based event, though I can see that any event of that nature would heavily advantage long time players, unless the event crew bonus was extraordinary. I can think of a few ideas though...