My HMS Bounty's cloak is broken
I went up against a fully leveled T'Ong, but even while cloaked, they managed to deal significant damage to my ship. The weird part is, from what i could see no phasers or torpedoes were fired from them while i was cloaked, their abilites did go off but the only way it showed was in the major loss of all shields and hull strength. I might submit a ticket but it really isnt worth bothering CS's time to only get probably one extra arena ticket. Just hoping it gets fixed.
No, the T'Ong can't board, though i never understood how you still lost Hull strength from boarding when cloaked, if the enemy cant see your ship, then they shouldnt be able to board your ship...makes no sense!
If they are already on your ship being cloaked is not going to stop them from messing with the warp core or blowing out a bulkhead
But even if i have the cloak already engaged, they still manage to 'beam over' before it its shut down.
I haven't looked too closely at how the T'ong works, but I've always assumed that it's got some sort of weird shot that takes longer than normal to finish. So if it fired before the cloak is hit, it still registers after the fact. That's how it looks anyway.
Thanks...i think
I've noticed that it's more prevalent when going against Killy, but that could just be my imagination.
Most of the time they just keep shooting when I cloak, but once I saw them stop shooting and then start shooting again a full second and a half before the cloak ended.
I think that has to do with the fact that Killy's initialization matches the cloak's. So when there's that extra hit that the T'Ong gets after you cloak, it's a massive one, and that is indeed more noticeable.
Also stop talking about the T'Ong having boarding damage. It does not.
The accuracy ship ability has instant damage. The ship also has cloaking. The final evasion ability is hull repair with two three uses.
I almost never lose a battle against it. How? I cloak just before it's accuracy ship ability.
Wait... are you telling me this game has sound effects?
EDIT: I submitted a CS ticket. Now I wait.
“We have yet to receive widespread reports of this issue, however based on your report we will monitor for data specific to this issue, and submit any findings to the QA Team for investigation.
In the meantime, I recommend restarting your app if you have not already, as this can alleviate a variety of minor issues.
I would also like to add 10 Arena Ticket to your account to apologize for the inconvenience. Kindly relaunch the STT game to view this as an in-game mail.”
Yep. Basically, restart your game and have some Arena tickets. That’s it. Apparently CS people don’t talk to each other because I know at least one other person has submitted a similar ticket, but oh well. There’s not a lot we can do for now but hope that the issues somehow resolves itself.
Edit: the cloak on my 2* BoP also seems to work fine. Forgot to mention.
I got hit way after cloaking and this only happens when I'm facing that ship.
I see your're fighting against TWO ships =P
Only thing active on his Bounty is the Cloak. Cloak is still active because the Cloak icon is displayed above his ship stats.
2 seconds displayed on cloak and hit by T'Ong Shields down.
It's a bug that happens when I'm playing using the T'Ong as the main ship. Sometimes the model vanishes from the screen but when I'm on space battles in the arena the model reappears near the enemy. XD
Or the fact that, even before the bug, it was the strongest ship for burst strategies. I mean, that might be a reason too.
... and practicing for Skirmish events. 🖖🏻