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Surak, the Gauntlet Beast



  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    The number of times I have gotten salty because of a Locutus, especially back in the day when he didn't have any contenders, has been many. So it is very refreshing for me to actually be able to compete on Locutus' skill level. Before now, my best shot (a shaky best shot at that) was Benny Russell if he had a 25+% bonus.
    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.

    I have to agree with this 100%. And even though I have high gauntleteers like Guinan and Caretaker myself where I know I am having a strong advantage over others since they are harder to get, I'm not unhinged that there's a new widely-had gauntleteer in everyone's grasp now. What would be the point of me tilting over that? You can be as salty as you want, perhaps that's to be expected, but bemoaning constantly won't change a single thing.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Admiral_MorakAdmiral_Morak ✭✭
    edited April 2018
    There's 15 different 2 skill combos.

    Having 1 character dominate 3 or more is bad. If several do that it leaves you with 5 gauntlet characters the top players all use.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. and yes, you might as well airlock Yarnek at this point too.

    I don't understand this mindset whatsoever. I have Locutus of Borg. I lucked into him. It wasn't some hard-earned reward that was promised to remain invincible ad infinitum. Why shouldn't he be invincible, for that matter? I've gotten an entire year of dominance out of him. If he should be dethroned, so be it.

    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    Also, it's not like he's been rendered wholly worthless here, for that matter. Here are the instances of their respective traits to date, with a notation of how many times that combination has occurred in Schedule A

    Communicator x8
    Cultural Figure x10

    Borg x17
    Brutal x15
    Cyberneticist x15
    Diplomat x10
    Duelist x5
    Human x12

    65% Gauntlet - 1 [Borg, Brutal, Human x4]
    45% Crit Chance Gauntlets - 0

    Desperate x21
    Hero x4
    Inspiring x8
    Telepath x6
    Vulcan x8

    45% Gauntlets - 2 [Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Klingon x6; Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Villain x2]

    Gauntlets where each has one of the three skills that the other does not have:

    Brutal [Locutus], Desperate [Surak], Villain [neither] x3
    Desperate [Surak], Duelist [Locutus], Klingon [neither] x1

    Ever since Locutus was removed from the gauntlet, his presence in every gauntlet thereafter has been gradually declining, thanks to each group of 200 players being diluted by newer players that never had the chance to "luck into him". This slowly, but surely alleviated the abundance of Locutus Walls for his 3 pairs, and out of 6 offered opponents for those pairs we were getting at least a couple that weren't him lately. And lucking into him by playing the original gauntlet religiously isn't the same as getting him in a mega event. He wasn't free like Surak, and certainly didn't flood the gauntlet within a week, like Surak will. The walls just got new fuel. Welcome to the year of hell.

    "Year of hell"? Please. At worst, all this has done has Spackled some Surak over the gaps that had opened in the Locutus wall. At best, though, it's a much needed respite for all the players who have been aggravated this whole time that not only did some of us have Locutus and they didn't, and that there was no way for them to get him except through pure dumb luck, but there was also no real viable alternative or countermeasure. Now they have one, and hopefully that makes going into the Gauntlet not as demoralizing as it was before. That's a positive thing, and I'm all about it.

    And to reiterate, luck was the only thing involved in getting Locutus, Guinan, or now The Caretaker. I picked up two Locutii and three Guinans. I certainly did not, and do not, play the Gauntlet "religiously". My longest streak for any of those five was a run of 15. That's it. Nothing extraordinary. Not even anything notable. I check the Gauntlet when I'm poking around the game already, and if my team has refreshed. Otherwise, I put in no effort. I've never once spent any dilithium to save a streak or revive anyone. Maybe there are players who did go to all those lengths who got Locutus/Guinan/Caretaker, but I can attest that it's neither a guarantor or even necessary. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any of those dropped for me and not someone else. At least everyone with Surak earned him by racking up 25k Victory Points this weekend.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Mirror Picard was bad enough for the gauntlet. Now Surak is on par with Locutus, better than Yarnek, and EVERYONE will bring him! Walls, walls, walls!

    CMD+SEC = walls of Picard
    MED+DIP = walls of Guinan
    And now...
    SCI+CMD = walls of Surak
    SCI+DIP = walls of Surak

    Not to mention Mirror Phlox. Refresh, refresh, refresh. Thanks for making the gauntlet even more unplayable, and even more of a merit sink, DB.

    I don't think that walls are a bad thing. If you have that crew member then there is a 50 50 shot at beating them. Go with the wall member that brings the greatest reward. Everyone else will be doing the same and the top players will be dropping. Correspondingly if you are in the lower rankings you are safer.

    Bring on the Wall.

    50-50 shot the first time, then comes exhaustion. So really does limit how long you can 'play'....

    Yes, but so what? A 50 50 shot at winning 250 nets on average 125. This is better that an 100% chance of winning 65, say. Either way the crew member is reduced by 1 fatigue. The average return on hitting the top of the wall is often better than a sure bet and subsequent successes with that crew member. When you loose the 50 50 that's ok too because your not wasting merits by refreshing and time by only completing a number of sure bets. Walls tend to happen towards the end of the gauntlet so the there is still plenty of streak gathering earlier in the gauntlet.

    im seeing walls sometimes as soon as 8-10 hours in.

    And only offense is decreased by fatigue. Next time youre not a full strength but the wall is.

    Just means less time in gauntlet or DB getting their wish of more DIL spent.

    Either way the 'so what' I say... WHAT! to.

    I'm not sure what you are saying. If your crew are low they are low irrespective of whether you are hitting a wall or not.

    Best advice I can give is 'Do not care.' Seriously. If you want get the max out of the gauntlet then that is by far the best strategy. Results vary. That the point. The skill or strategy is to maximise the average, not maximise every gauntlet.

    I've never spent dil in the gauntlet.

    Ill try smaller words this time,

    Wall is only 50-50 first time.
    Wall after that not 50-50. Offense fatigues.
    You say "So what?" I say.. Irritating and not as fun.

    The "Stop caring" leads to apathy and less play in general if more aspects of the game get to the 'stop caring' angle.

    If you find it irritating and not fun then stop playing. In every competitive event everyone looses apart from the winner. You can blame the ball, the ref, the other competitors, funding, the weather and so on.

    "Stop caring" does not lead to apathy. It leads to the psychological effect of being less stressed and frustrated. It reduces the inclination to use (or waste) merits and dil. It increases the enjoyment.

    I sometimes hit 1 and 2 in a gauntlet. (I have two accounts and enter at the same time.) I don't beat myself up if I perform badly. I don't blame the rng or the wall or the traits. I say oh well bring on the next gauntlet.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    What irritates me is using my mirror Picard against someone else's mirror Picard that has much lower swing stats and get beaten by a long shot. This turns Gauntlet into a coin toss game without a lot of strategy. Either you flush all your merits by cycling through walls of Mirror Picard, Locutus or some other common Gauntlet card or you do the 50/50 coin toss and throw your mirror picard up against another and hope the RNG critical are in your favor.

    Don't let it irritate you. It shouldn't. It is the nature of the game. You will loose rounds. You will loose rounds when you are by far the favourite. The point is to use skill and strategy so that in the long term you are slightly more successful.

    In a game of poker the cards are dealt at random. Poker is absolutely a game of skill and strategy. Sometimes 4 of a kind gets beaten. What matters is how often you win or your average score.

    Bridge is a card game where cards are dealt at random. After being dealt, and the round played, the cards are placed in a container and passed to the next table. The next and all groups play the same hand. You can be absolutely thrashed on a particular hand. The point is using skill and strategy to loose slightly better then everyone else that played the hand.

    There are a lot of people that have a chip on their shoulder about the gauntlet. If you can get over that there are many areas which can benefit from good strategy.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Personally I'd like to see a negative trait in addition to the 3 positives. That would mean that every now and again the wall candidates would be disadvantaged. I think that would be fun. This is not a criticism of the wall rather adds variety to the game.

    If your Locutus or Phlox (or whoever) was hit with a -25% who would you choose instead?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    Personally I'd like to see a negative trait in addition to the 3 positives. That would mean that every now and again the wall candidates would be disadvantaged. I think that would be fun. This is not a criticism of the wall rather adds variety to the game.

    If your Locutus or Phlox (or whoever) was hit with a -25% who would you choose instead?

    Depending on your crew, a -25% Locutus might still be worth it.
  • p377y7h33f wrote: »

    . . .
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. . . .

    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.
    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    The number of times I have gotten salty because of a Locutus, especially back in the day when he didn't have any contenders, has been many. So it is very refreshing for me to actually be able to compete on Locutus' skill level. Before now, my best shot (a shaky best shot at that) was Benny Russell if he had a 25+% bonus.
    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.

    I have to agree with this 100%. And even though I have high gauntleteers like Guinan and Caretaker myself where I know I am having a strong advantage over others since they are harder to get, I'm not unhinged that there's a new widely-had gauntleteer in everyone's grasp now. What would be the point of me tilting over that? You can be as salty as you want, perhaps that's to be expected, but bemoaning constantly won't change a single thing.

    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. and yes, you might as well airlock Yarnek at this point too.

    I don't understand this mindset whatsoever. I have Locutus of Borg. I lucked into him. It wasn't some hard-earned reward that was promised to remain invincible ad infinitum. Why shouldn't he be invincible, for that matter? I've gotten an entire year of dominance out of him. If he should be dethroned, so be it.

    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    Also, it's not like he's been rendered wholly worthless here, for that matter. Here are the instances of their respective traits to date, with a notation of how many times that combination has occurred in Schedule A

    Communicator x8
    Cultural Figure x10

    Borg x17
    Brutal x15
    Cyberneticist x15
    Diplomat x10
    Duelist x5
    Human x12

    65% Gauntlet - 1 [Borg, Brutal, Human x4]
    45% Crit Chance Gauntlets - 0

    Desperate x21
    Hero x4
    Inspiring x8
    Telepath x6
    Vulcan x8

    45% Gauntlets - 2 [Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Klingon x6; Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Villain x2]

    Gauntlets where each has one of the three skills that the other does not have:

    Brutal [Locutus], Desperate [Surak], Villain [neither] x3
    Desperate [Surak], Duelist [Locutus], Klingon [neither] x1

    Ever since Locutus was removed from the gauntlet, his presence in every gauntlet thereafter has been gradually declining, thanks to each group of 200 players being diluted by newer players that never had the chance to "luck into him". This slowly, but surely alleviated the abundance of Locutus Walls for his 3 pairs, and out of 6 offered opponents for those pairs we were getting at least a couple that weren't him lately. And lucking into him by playing the original gauntlet religiously isn't the same as getting him in a mega event. He wasn't free like Surak, and certainly didn't flood the gauntlet within a week, like Surak will. The walls just got new fuel. Welcome to the year of hell.

    "Year of hell"? Please. At worst, all this has done has Spackled some Surak over the gaps that had opened in the Locutus wall. At best, though, it's a much needed respite for all the players who have been aggravated this whole time that not only did some of us have Locutus and they didn't, and that there was no way for them to get him except through pure dumb luck, but there was also no real viable alternative or countermeasure. Now they have one, and hopefully that makes going into the Gauntlet not as demoralizing as it was before. That's a positive thing, and I'm all about it.

    And to reiterate, luck was the only thing involved in getting Locutus, Guinan, or now The Caretaker. I picked up two Locutii and three Guinans. I certainly did not, and do not, play the Gauntlet "religiously". My longest streak for any of those five was a run of 15. That's it. Nothing extraordinary. Not even anything notable. I check the Gauntlet when I'm poking around the game already, and if my team has refreshed. Otherwise, I put in no effort. I've never once spent any dilithium to save a streak or revive anyone. Maybe there are players who did go to all those lengths who got Locutus/Guinan/Caretaker, but I can attest that it's neither a guarantor or even necessary. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any of those dropped for me and not someone else. At least everyone with Surak earned him by racking up 25k Victory Points this weekend.

    To all three of you...

    This massive release of Surak for FREE has made both Locutus and Surak irrelevant from now on. You won't be enjoying any long awaited advantage because the entire player base now has the exact same thing! How do u not get that???
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Mirror Picard was bad enough for the gauntlet. Now Surak is on par with Locutus, better than Yarnek, and EVERYONE will bring him! Walls, walls, walls!

    CMD+SEC = walls of Picard
    MED+DIP = walls of Guinan
    And now...
    SCI+CMD = walls of Surak
    SCI+DIP = walls of Surak

    Not to mention Mirror Phlox. Refresh, refresh, refresh. Thanks for making the gauntlet even more unplayable, and even more of a merit sink, DB.

    I don't think that walls are a bad thing. If you have that crew member then there is a 50 50 shot at beating them. Go with the wall member that brings the greatest reward. Everyone else will be doing the same and the top players will be dropping. Correspondingly if you are in the lower rankings you are safer.

    Bring on the Wall.

    50-50 shot the first time, then comes exhaustion. So really does limit how long you can 'play'....

    Yes, but so what? A 50 50 shot at winning 250 nets on average 125. This is better that an 100% chance of winning 65, say. Either way the crew member is reduced by 1 fatigue. The average return on hitting the top of the wall is often better than a sure bet and subsequent successes with that crew member. When you loose the 50 50 that's ok too because your not wasting merits by refreshing and time by only completing a number of sure bets. Walls tend to happen towards the end of the gauntlet so the there is still plenty of streak gathering earlier in the gauntlet.

    im seeing walls sometimes as soon as 8-10 hours in.

    And only offense is decreased by fatigue. Next time youre not a full strength but the wall is.

    Just means less time in gauntlet or DB getting their wish of more DIL spent.

    Either way the 'so what' I say... WHAT! to.

    I'm not sure what you are saying. If your crew are low they are low irrespective of whether you are hitting a wall or not.

    Best advice I can give is 'Do not care.' Seriously. If you want get the max out of the gauntlet then that is by far the best strategy. Results vary. That the point. The skill or strategy is to maximise the average, not maximise every gauntlet.

    I've never spent dil in the gauntlet.

    Ill try smaller words this time,

    Wall is only 50-50 first time.
    Wall after that not 50-50. Offense fatigues.
    You say "So what?" I say.. Irritating and not as fun.

    The "Stop caring" leads to apathy and less play in general if more aspects of the game get to the 'stop caring' angle.

    If you find it irritating and not fun then stop playing. In every competitive event everyone looses apart from the winner. You can blame the ball, the ref, the other competitors, funding, the weather and so on.

    "Stop caring" does not lead to apathy. It leads to the psychological effect of being less stressed and frustrated. It reduces the inclination to use (or waste) merits and dil. It increases the enjoyment.

    I sometimes hit 1 and 2 in a gauntlet. (I have two accounts and enter at the same time.) I don't beat myself up if I perform badly. I don't blame the rng or the wall or the traits. I say oh well bring on the next gauntlet.

    lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I, for one, welcome the new Gauntlet Overlord.

    Sick of seeing walls of Locutus I can never break because I haven't been in the game for over 18 months.

    It's taken me 9 months to build up a half-decent gauntlet crew, in that time the whingers here have hammered me over and over and over again.

    Now I'm getting decent streaks and a reasonable rank without enormous effort.

    I'm sorry if that offends the whingers, well I'm not really because Locutus is great for more than just Gauntlet and I may never get him anyway.

    More cards with top skills will only help the gauntlet, to break up the monotony AND the monopoly that some players have long had and become entitled to.

    Surak brings a better balance, and he's accessible by all players. It's long since past the time we had someone who could take out Locutus.
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  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »

    . . .
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. . . .

    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.
    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    The number of times I have gotten salty because of a Locutus, especially back in the day when he didn't have any contenders, has been many. So it is very refreshing for me to actually be able to compete on Locutus' skill level. Before now, my best shot (a shaky best shot at that) was Benny Russell if he had a 25+% bonus.
    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.

    I have to agree with this 100%. And even though I have high gauntleteers like Guinan and Caretaker myself where I know I am having a strong advantage over others since they are harder to get, I'm not unhinged that there's a new widely-had gauntleteer in everyone's grasp now. What would be the point of me tilting over that? You can be as salty as you want, perhaps that's to be expected, but bemoaning constantly won't change a single thing.

    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. and yes, you might as well airlock Yarnek at this point too.

    I don't understand this mindset whatsoever. I have Locutus of Borg. I lucked into him. It wasn't some hard-earned reward that was promised to remain invincible ad infinitum. Why shouldn't he be invincible, for that matter? I've gotten an entire year of dominance out of him. If he should be dethroned, so be it.

    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    Also, it's not like he's been rendered wholly worthless here, for that matter. Here are the instances of their respective traits to date, with a notation of how many times that combination has occurred in Schedule A

    Communicator x8
    Cultural Figure x10

    Borg x17
    Brutal x15
    Cyberneticist x15
    Diplomat x10
    Duelist x5
    Human x12

    65% Gauntlet - 1 [Borg, Brutal, Human x4]
    45% Crit Chance Gauntlets - 0

    Desperate x21
    Hero x4
    Inspiring x8
    Telepath x6
    Vulcan x8

    45% Gauntlets - 2 [Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Klingon x6; Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Villain x2]

    Gauntlets where each has one of the three skills that the other does not have:

    Brutal [Locutus], Desperate [Surak], Villain [neither] x3
    Desperate [Surak], Duelist [Locutus], Klingon [neither] x1

    Ever since Locutus was removed from the gauntlet, his presence in every gauntlet thereafter has been gradually declining, thanks to each group of 200 players being diluted by newer players that never had the chance to "luck into him". This slowly, but surely alleviated the abundance of Locutus Walls for his 3 pairs, and out of 6 offered opponents for those pairs we were getting at least a couple that weren't him lately. And lucking into him by playing the original gauntlet religiously isn't the same as getting him in a mega event. He wasn't free like Surak, and certainly didn't flood the gauntlet within a week, like Surak will. The walls just got new fuel. Welcome to the year of hell.

    "Year of hell"? Please. At worst, all this has done has Spackled some Surak over the gaps that had opened in the Locutus wall. At best, though, it's a much needed respite for all the players who have been aggravated this whole time that not only did some of us have Locutus and they didn't, and that there was no way for them to get him except through pure dumb luck, but there was also no real viable alternative or countermeasure. Now they have one, and hopefully that makes going into the Gauntlet not as demoralizing as it was before. That's a positive thing, and I'm all about it.

    And to reiterate, luck was the only thing involved in getting Locutus, Guinan, or now The Caretaker. I picked up two Locutii and three Guinans. I certainly did not, and do not, play the Gauntlet "religiously". My longest streak for any of those five was a run of 15. That's it. Nothing extraordinary. Not even anything notable. I check the Gauntlet when I'm poking around the game already, and if my team has refreshed. Otherwise, I put in no effort. I've never once spent any dilithium to save a streak or revive anyone. Maybe there are players who did go to all those lengths who got Locutus/Guinan/Caretaker, but I can attest that it's neither a guarantor or even necessary. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any of those dropped for me and not someone else. At least everyone with Surak earned him by racking up 25k Victory Points this weekend.

    To all three of you...

    This massive release of Surak for FREE has made both Locutus and Surak irrelevant from now on. You won't be enjoying any long awaited advantage because the entire player base now has the exact same thing! How do u not get that???

    Well, they will go from a disadvantage to parity. That IS and improvement of their situation, yes?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB could do some things to spice up gauntlet. Find ways to make other guys useful in gauntlet. Maybe add more traits per gauntlet so more guys would be 45% and 65%. Have Two days a week where you cant use legendaries in gauntlet. Have a week where all rares get 65% bonus. Variety would make gauntlets much more fun.
    Let’s fly!
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    Personally I'd like to see a negative trait in addition to the 3 positives. That would mean that every now and again the wall candidates would be disadvantaged. I think that would be fun. This is not a criticism of the wall rather adds variety to the game.

    If your Locutus or Phlox (or whoever) was hit with a -25% who would you choose instead?

    I don't have Locutus so that one's out for me. But if my Phlox was hit with a -25% penalty, I'd run my Gladiator McCoy and Inquisitor Troi a whole lot more, and Guinan likely would become one of my more run crew for MED as well.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »

    . . .
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. . . .

    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.
    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    The number of times I have gotten salty because of a Locutus, especially back in the day when he didn't have any contenders, has been many. So it is very refreshing for me to actually be able to compete on Locutus' skill level. Before now, my best shot (a shaky best shot at that) was Benny Russell if he had a 25+% bonus.
    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.

    I have to agree with this 100%. And even though I have high gauntleteers like Guinan and Caretaker myself where I know I am having a strong advantage over others since they are harder to get, I'm not unhinged that there's a new widely-had gauntleteer in everyone's grasp now. What would be the point of me tilting over that? You can be as salty as you want, perhaps that's to be expected, but bemoaning constantly won't change a single thing.

    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. and yes, you might as well airlock Yarnek at this point too.

    I don't understand this mindset whatsoever. I have Locutus of Borg. I lucked into him. It wasn't some hard-earned reward that was promised to remain invincible ad infinitum. Why shouldn't he be invincible, for that matter? I've gotten an entire year of dominance out of him. If he should be dethroned, so be it.

    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    Also, it's not like he's been rendered wholly worthless here, for that matter. Here are the instances of their respective traits to date, with a notation of how many times that combination has occurred in Schedule A

    Communicator x8
    Cultural Figure x10

    Borg x17
    Brutal x15
    Cyberneticist x15
    Diplomat x10
    Duelist x5
    Human x12

    65% Gauntlet - 1 [Borg, Brutal, Human x4]
    45% Crit Chance Gauntlets - 0

    Desperate x21
    Hero x4
    Inspiring x8
    Telepath x6
    Vulcan x8

    45% Gauntlets - 2 [Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Klingon x6; Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Villain x2]

    Gauntlets where each has one of the three skills that the other does not have:

    Brutal [Locutus], Desperate [Surak], Villain [neither] x3
    Desperate [Surak], Duelist [Locutus], Klingon [neither] x1

    Ever since Locutus was removed from the gauntlet, his presence in every gauntlet thereafter has been gradually declining, thanks to each group of 200 players being diluted by newer players that never had the chance to "luck into him". This slowly, but surely alleviated the abundance of Locutus Walls for his 3 pairs, and out of 6 offered opponents for those pairs we were getting at least a couple that weren't him lately. And lucking into him by playing the original gauntlet religiously isn't the same as getting him in a mega event. He wasn't free like Surak, and certainly didn't flood the gauntlet within a week, like Surak will. The walls just got new fuel. Welcome to the year of hell.

    "Year of hell"? Please. At worst, all this has done has Spackled some Surak over the gaps that had opened in the Locutus wall. At best, though, it's a much needed respite for all the players who have been aggravated this whole time that not only did some of us have Locutus and they didn't, and that there was no way for them to get him except through pure dumb luck, but there was also no real viable alternative or countermeasure. Now they have one, and hopefully that makes going into the Gauntlet not as demoralizing as it was before. That's a positive thing, and I'm all about it.

    And to reiterate, luck was the only thing involved in getting Locutus, Guinan, or now The Caretaker. I picked up two Locutii and three Guinans. I certainly did not, and do not, play the Gauntlet "religiously". My longest streak for any of those five was a run of 15. That's it. Nothing extraordinary. Not even anything notable. I check the Gauntlet when I'm poking around the game already, and if my team has refreshed. Otherwise, I put in no effort. I've never once spent any dilithium to save a streak or revive anyone. Maybe there are players who did go to all those lengths who got Locutus/Guinan/Caretaker, but I can attest that it's neither a guarantor or even necessary. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any of those dropped for me and not someone else. At least everyone with Surak earned him by racking up 25k Victory Points this weekend.

    To all three of you...

    This massive release of Surak for FREE has made both Locutus and Surak irrelevant from now on. You won't be enjoying any long awaited advantage because the entire player base now has the exact same thing! How do u not get that???

    Oh I get it, I'm just...not bent out of shape about it???
    At worst, it just means I'll deal with a relatively two-toned wall of Locutus and Surak. And I'd rather have that than just a monochromatic wall of Locutii. I will always prefer the situation to be strong but different character walls than just strong but the same one character wall.

    It's really not that bigga deal, just sayin'. <3
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I the only one who sings the subject line of this thread like a jaunty little tune from some kids TV show?

    "Surak, the Gauntlet Beast — the friendliest beast in town!"

    No…? So… just me, then? Alllriiighty…

    [slowly backs out of the room, hoping nobody was paying any attention]

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »

    . . .
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. . . .

    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.
    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    The number of times I have gotten salty because of a Locutus, especially back in the day when he didn't have any contenders, has been many. So it is very refreshing for me to actually be able to compete on Locutus' skill level. Before now, my best shot (a shaky best shot at that) was Benny Russell if he had a 25+% bonus.
    As someone who played gauntlet everyday since it was created, often placing in the top 10, but never won a copy of Locutus, I'm thrilled to finally have access to a character that can compete on one of those skill combinations. Anyone who has had Locutus for the last year has had a huge advantage in gauntlet for a long, long time. Be grateful for the time of dominance you had, and stop whining.

    I have to agree with this 100%. And even though I have high gauntleteers like Guinan and Caretaker myself where I know I am having a strong advantage over others since they are harder to get, I'm not unhinged that there's a new widely-had gauntleteer in everyone's grasp now. What would be the point of me tilting over that? You can be as salty as you want, perhaps that's to be expected, but bemoaning constantly won't change a single thing.

    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Surak also holds the #2 spot DIP+SCI, only slightly worse than Locutus, which is still an unobtainable character, other than a rare Borg pack or the 20,000 round gauntlet reward. he was available in the first 6 months of the gauntlet, of course.

    all the people that have been around that long and enjoyed getting a few solid wins by bringing Locutus to the gauntlet are slapped in the face by a FREE character that's nearly an exact match. and yes, you might as well airlock Yarnek at this point too.

    I don't understand this mindset whatsoever. I have Locutus of Borg. I lucked into him. It wasn't some hard-earned reward that was promised to remain invincible ad infinitum. Why shouldn't he be invincible, for that matter? I've gotten an entire year of dominance out of him. If he should be dethroned, so be it.

    I certainly don't feel slapped in the face by Surak being released and made available to pretty much the entire player base. On the contrary; I suspect a large part of the player base has instead felt slapped in the face every time they've run afoul my Locutus that I didn't deserve any more than they did, but I got and they didn't.

    Also, it's not like he's been rendered wholly worthless here, for that matter. Here are the instances of their respective traits to date, with a notation of how many times that combination has occurred in Schedule A

    Communicator x8
    Cultural Figure x10

    Borg x17
    Brutal x15
    Cyberneticist x15
    Diplomat x10
    Duelist x5
    Human x12

    65% Gauntlet - 1 [Borg, Brutal, Human x4]
    45% Crit Chance Gauntlets - 0

    Desperate x21
    Hero x4
    Inspiring x8
    Telepath x6
    Vulcan x8

    45% Gauntlets - 2 [Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Klingon x6; Cultural Figure, Inspiring, Villain x2]

    Gauntlets where each has one of the three skills that the other does not have:

    Brutal [Locutus], Desperate [Surak], Villain [neither] x3
    Desperate [Surak], Duelist [Locutus], Klingon [neither] x1

    Ever since Locutus was removed from the gauntlet, his presence in every gauntlet thereafter has been gradually declining, thanks to each group of 200 players being diluted by newer players that never had the chance to "luck into him". This slowly, but surely alleviated the abundance of Locutus Walls for his 3 pairs, and out of 6 offered opponents for those pairs we were getting at least a couple that weren't him lately. And lucking into him by playing the original gauntlet religiously isn't the same as getting him in a mega event. He wasn't free like Surak, and certainly didn't flood the gauntlet within a week, like Surak will. The walls just got new fuel. Welcome to the year of hell.

    "Year of hell"? Please. At worst, all this has done has Spackled some Surak over the gaps that had opened in the Locutus wall. At best, though, it's a much needed respite for all the players who have been aggravated this whole time that not only did some of us have Locutus and they didn't, and that there was no way for them to get him except through pure dumb luck, but there was also no real viable alternative or countermeasure. Now they have one, and hopefully that makes going into the Gauntlet not as demoralizing as it was before. That's a positive thing, and I'm all about it.

    And to reiterate, luck was the only thing involved in getting Locutus, Guinan, or now The Caretaker. I picked up two Locutii and three Guinans. I certainly did not, and do not, play the Gauntlet "religiously". My longest streak for any of those five was a run of 15. That's it. Nothing extraordinary. Not even anything notable. I check the Gauntlet when I'm poking around the game already, and if my team has refreshed. Otherwise, I put in no effort. I've never once spent any dilithium to save a streak or revive anyone. Maybe there are players who did go to all those lengths who got Locutus/Guinan/Caretaker, but I can attest that it's neither a guarantor or even necessary. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any of those dropped for me and not someone else. At least everyone with Surak earned him by racking up 25k Victory Points this weekend.

    To all three of you...

    This massive release of Surak for FREE has made both Locutus and Surak irrelevant from now on. You won't be enjoying any long awaited advantage because the entire player base now has the exact same thing! How do u not get that???

    What's your actual problem, anyway? That there have been and will continue to be walls (formerly Locutus, now Locutus/Surak), or that the masses have something nice? Either way, it's not a legitimate problem unless your world view is built around exclusivity being important. Mine isn't.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who sings the subject line of this thread like a jaunty little tune from some kids TV show?

    "Surak, the Gauntlet Beast — the friendliest beast in town!"

    No…? So… just me, then? Alllriiighty…

    [slowly backs out of the room, hoping nobody was paying any attention]

    I just heard Burl Ives singing this to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” in my head.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who sings the subject line of this thread like a jaunty little tune from some kids TV show?

    "Surak, the Gauntlet Beast — the friendliest beast in town!"

    No…? So… just me, then? Alllriiighty…

    [slowly backs out of the room, hoping nobody was paying any attention]

    I just heard Burl Ives singing this to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” in my head.

    The cadence is better for Rudolph, actually.

    Surak, the Gauntlet beastie.
    Has tough science and command.
    And if you ever face him, you'll have losses most unplanned...etc
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    oi, the walls of repetitive recursive quotes.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    oi, the walls of repetitive recursive quotes.

    Open your profile, preferences (gear icon), then quote settings. You can set how many levels deep to display.


  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    There's 15 different 2 skill combos.

    Having 1 character dominate 3 or more is bad. If several do that it leaves you with 5 gauntlet characters the top players all use.

    Reading the above Comment, the implication seems to me to be that it would be possible for 5 characters to be created who would be able do 'dominate' all 15 of the different 2-skill combos. (If I am misinterpreting your meaning @Admiral_Morak , then I apologize.)
    For the purpose of this conversation, let's keep things really simple and just assume that to 'dominate' an individual 2-skill combo, all that is required is for a character to be ranked first for that combo, and not worry by how much they are superior to the next best character for the combo.
    Again to keep things simple, let's also exclude the aspect of Traits and Crit Chances, and assume all that matters is unadjusted Proficiency Rolls.
    The question I ask you then is the following: Is it theoretically possible to create 5 characters who 'dominate' all 15 different 2-skill combos?

    It may come as a surprise to some that - despite it being true that 15 divided by 3 is in fact equal to 5 - it is not possible to create 5 characters who will dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos. This is in fact the hidden (until now ;) ) genius of the Gauntlet where no matter how hard you try, you cannot put together a crew of 5 characters who will be the very best in all 15 different 2-skill combos, and there will always be at least a couple of combos where someone can choose a character for their crew that is better than yours.

    I can explain in detail why it is true you cannot come up with a "Super Gauntlet Crew" that 'dominates' all 15 different 2-skill combos, but before sharing this, I figure I will first give any doubters out there a chance to try to prove the opposite. If you still think it is possible to create 5 characters who dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos, then please go ahead and share with us in detail what 3 skills you would give to each of the 5 different characters.
  • Irial wrote: »
    There's 15 different 2 skill combos.

    Having 1 character dominate 3 or more is bad. If several do that it leaves you with 5 gauntlet characters the top players all use.

    Reading the above Comment, the implication seems to me to be that it would be possible for 5 characters to be created who would be able do 'dominate' all 15 of the different 2-skill combos. (If I am misinterpreting your meaning @Admiral_Morak , then I apologize.)
    For the purpose of this conversation, let's keep things really simple and just assume that to 'dominate' an individual 2-skill combo, all that is required is for a character to be ranked first for that combo, and not worry by how much they are superior to the next best character for the combo.
    Again to keep things simple, let's also exclude the aspect of Traits and Crit Chances, and assume all that matters is unadjusted Proficiency Rolls.
    The question I ask you then is the following: Is it theoretically possible to create 5 characters who 'dominate' all 15 different 2-skill combos?

    It may come as a surprise to some that - despite it being true that 15 divided by 3 is in fact equal to 5 - it is not possible to create 5 characters who will dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos. This is in fact the hidden (until now ;) ) genius of the Gauntlet where no matter how hard you try, you cannot put together a crew of 5 characters who will be the very best in all 15 different 2-skill combos, and there will always be at least a couple of combos where someone can choose a character for their crew that is better than yours.

    I can explain in detail why it is true you cannot come up with a "Super Gauntlet Crew" that 'dominates' all 15 different 2-skill combos, but before sharing this, I figure I will first give any doubters out there a chance to try to prove the opposite. If you still think it is possible to create 5 characters who dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos, then please go ahead and share with us in detail what 3 skills you would give to each of the 5 different characters.

    Are you suggesting that the 13 out of 15 pairs that can be covered well by 5 crew should be cycled through by spending merits until you hit the 2 pairs that are not?

    I'll reiterate again that walls of Locutus weren't nearly as bad as Surak walls will be this week. Locutus was awarded to the luckier players gradually, while player pools were gradually diluted by newcomers that havent had the chance to win him. These forums were raging with Locutus Walls posts though.

    Surak will flood all gauntlets massively and instantly. There's 3 more weeks with a chance to earn him. 90% of each 200 player pool will bring him. This will last for a while, probably all through 2018, until there's enough new players in the gauntlet that have no idea who Surak is. It all starts this week. Brace yourself.
  • I've recently changed my gauntlet strategy. I feel like gauntlet is tailored to be abusive to the player. It constantly gives you the matches you don't have crew for, especially the exact skills of the character who just lost a match. So i "redshirt", and i think about my locutus, and i save my merits for something else.
  • Irial wrote: »
    There's 15 different 2 skill combos.

    Having 1 character dominate 3 or more is bad. If several do that it leaves you with 5 gauntlet characters the top players all use.

    Reading the above Comment, the implication seems to me to be that it would be possible for 5 characters to be created who would be able do 'dominate' all 15 of the different 2-skill combos. (If I am misinterpreting your meaning @Admiral_Morak , then I apologize.)
    For the purpose of this conversation, let's keep things really simple and just assume that to 'dominate' an individual 2-skill combo, all that is required is for a character to be ranked first for that combo, and not worry by how much they are superior to the next best character for the combo.
    Again to keep things simple, let's also exclude the aspect of Traits and Crit Chances, and assume all that matters is unadjusted Proficiency Rolls.
    The question I ask you then is the following: Is it theoretically possible to create 5 characters who 'dominate' all 15 different 2-skill combos?

    It may come as a surprise to some that - despite it being true that 15 divided by 3 is in fact equal to 5 - it is not possible to create 5 characters who will dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos. This is in fact the hidden (until now ;) ) genius of the Gauntlet where no matter how hard you try, you cannot put together a crew of 5 characters who will be the very best in all 15 different 2-skill combos, and there will always be at least a couple of combos where someone can choose a character for their crew that is better than yours.

    I can explain in detail why it is true you cannot come up with a "Super Gauntlet Crew" that 'dominates' all 15 different 2-skill combos, but before sharing this, I figure I will first give any doubters out there a chance to try to prove the opposite. If you still think it is possible to create 5 characters who dominate all 15 different 2-skill combos, then please go ahead and share with us in detail what 3 skills you would give to each of the 5 different characters.

    In fact you have misunderstood. It isn't about the two skill combos as much as the single 800+ stat which covers 3 or 4 of the 5 possible 2 stat combos, such as bringing Phlox.

    Pick a non-Phlox character, he wins 4 of the 5 med combo matchups.

    Same has gone for Picard. I have a pretty damn big roster, but there's a very short list of crew that have a command skill combo better than his stand alone 780+. If it's not a command or engineer themed gauntlet, assimilated Laforge stays home.

    It's why Guinan is so lukewarm with top gauntlet players, because her med and diplomacy aren't quite good enough separately.

    Personally, IMO, Surak won't be as bad because he's more like Guinean except his 3rd stat is still decent. 650 isn't as overwhelming in his off pairs.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Locutus of Borg:

    Not entirely a useless beast now Surak is in the ring

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • The game designer hasn’t done a good job obviously with what’s going on with Gauntlet. Or there might be conspiracy theory that they live in different timeline altogether.

    How about we change gauntlet similar to dabo.
    Just pick any characters, who cares about the stat.
    Press Spin and everyone has 50/50% chance to win.
  • I'll be taking him for sure. Right now my gauntlet team is Kahless (sometimes Mirror Picard if traits better), Guinan, Caretaker, Gangster Spock and Daystrom. I take this set up pretty much every round and do ok, not chasing Caretakers anymore but just using the gauntlet for merits and the occasional free chroniton boost.

    Surak will be taken as a replacement for Daystrom. Daystroms science score may be higher but Surak looks to be more versatile.
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