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Father of Logic Offers - bring them back



  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Every freaking time i start looking forward to something in this game something gets borked, nerfed or imbalanced. Obviously you won't reverse the purchases. But you should put the offers back up. This is no different then the error that gave failures more points then successes. Now set A of players have an advantage and group B , can.. degeneration X it.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I concur with the above. I was hoping to get a 9.99 jump on Amanda to get her leveled. Some folks got her at that price. It's now 24.99 for me because I missed that 5 minute window.

    Thus I may use a citation rather than money 'cause I'll get my first star during the event.

    And if that was the original intent, cool. But others received that advantage.
    That's what's not cool.

    And oopsie, well, I'm sorry doesn't make me feel better about it, no matter how sincere.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actions prove sincerity.
    Words and an empty sack is worth an empty sack.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are there now.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are there now.

    I do not see a $10 Amanda offer..
    Are you sure ?
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I bought it earlier, but $25 Amanda and $10 McCoy are back.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    A peek inside DB HQ........


    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I bought it earlier, but $25 Amanda and $10 McCoy are back.

    ?? They've been here for hours.. they never left.. I'm not trying to attack it insult but I am genuinely curious.. have you actually read this thread at all ?

    Did you have no offers at all for the last 3 hours ? I'm very confused
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I bought it earlier, but $25 Amanda and $10 McCoy are back.

    ?? They've been here for hours.. they never left.. I'm not trying to attack it insult but I am genuinely curious.. have you actually read this thread at all ?

    Did you have no offers at all for the last 3 hours ? I'm very confused

    Well, all the packs showed up this morning at once. At that time, I bought the $10 Amanda pack. Sometime later, they all disappeared except the 72/650 DIL pack. Then an hour or so ago I restarted the game and all of the event packs are there again except the one I bought this morning. Maybe it happened differently for you.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I bought it earlier, but $25 Amanda and $10 McCoy are back.

    ?? They've been here for hours.. they never left.. I'm not trying to attack it insult but I am genuinely curious.. have you actually read this thread at all ?

    Did you have no offers at all for the last 3 hours ? I'm very confused

    Well, all the packs showed up this morning at once. At that time, I bought the $10 Amanda pack. Sometime later, they all disappeared except the 72/650 DIL pack. Then an hour or so ago I restarted the game and all of the event packs are there again except the one I bought this morning. Maybe it happened differently for you.

    So you then see 5 different offers ?

    I now, and have already only seen 3
    2 Spock 130$
    2 Amanda $33 cnd
    1 Bones $12 cnd.

    The offer you bought, I want.
    They aren't putting it back up until the timer ends, giving you an advantage over me.

    Here is an economics lesson oh mighty pack God's.
    I pulled a 650
    I got Amanda.

    If the pack goes back up tonight, I have a reason to pay you the $12 still as I don't have more then one star of her.

    Once the event begins, I have no reason to buy her as I will get all the rest in short order.
    Think about it.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    So then, we've got two or three different sets of issues here..

    Group 1, who never got a chance to buy half of the offers that some players did

    Group 2 who may or may not have seen all offers and may or may not have purchased it, then lost all ability to see any offer at all for 5 hours while

    Group 3 has always had the ability to see the three offered now.

    (Meantime group 4, is missing packs and Dilithium, but that ain't my fight.. Yet)

    Soooo.. something needs to be done about this

  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They will be back up. I do need another copy but Amanda is so weak not sure I'll use her this event.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    ... Not in time to prevent this from being an unfair advantage for those who got it during the window they were open this afternoon
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I saw it, tried to buy it, it didn't let me. I doubt Amanda being up for 5 minutes will have a single effect on the leaderboard. Besides the 25 dollar pack is a vastly better deal.

    Her base at 1/4 is basically a 3 star level.
  • Would have definately bought the 10$ Amanda pack. I’ll definately NOT buy it towards the end of the event. Amanda wil be 600 honors from me since xhe doesn’t have the Vulcan/romulan trait and is quite useless after this week’s event.

    Just like the not-so “Special” offers I’ve been getting every week (Dil, Honors, ship schems), DB is losing money from me on a weekly bases.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    ... Not in time to prevent this from being an unfair advantage for those who got it during the window they were open this afternoon
    I saw it, tried to buy it, it didn't let me. I doubt Amanda being up for 5 minutes will have a single effect on the leaderboard. Besides the 25 dollar pack is a vastly better deal.

    Her base at 1/4 is basically a 3 star level.

    Except that $25 is $33 Dollars in Canada and in my home $33 is actually $66 because I play with my wife.

    I'm going to leave it phrased that way, because it's true. And that's true too.

    So when I buy, she buys and because we're on a limited budget, our entertainment dollars are limited and we like to be about even.
    It is more fun opening packs together and root each other on.

    The $13 Dollar deal for the 1* of the 1 character we would want to buy (so we can Immortalize then freeze) with 2 chances at a legendary is perfect for our budget & our game goals.

    So while the $25/$33/66cnd for both of us deal is the better deal in terms of value to dollar (perhaps)
    It's absolutely not the best deal for us and whether it was up for 5 minutes or 5 hours..
    Whether our inability to buy it prevents us fromm reaching top 1000 or not..

    We have been put at a disadvantage
    And it has frankly urinated over the excitement we had going into this event because DB again needs to do a review of policy..
    Or have a discussion first thing Monday morning
    Or .. (shrug) what ever glib brush off go away and stop holding us accountable statement they make for the next oppsy sure to come with in (looks at watch) 7 days.
    (My bet, not all bonus characters will give bonus in the Galaxy but there are just sooo many ways I could be wrong about that)

    Even playing field.
    Sincere accountability and reparations fitting errors.

  • RaphillonRaphillon ✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I feel a little ashamed of myself, but I can't really see this as a big deal. So someone got the pack earlier then supposed... Good for them. How much disadvantage do I get from this? Am I loosing thousands of position because someone took Amanda earlier? maaaaybeee, but I don't really feel so and I can't really see anything to be angry about. Sorry.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I agree that now some people may have an advantage over others, but honestly...the packs were up for everyone during those 5 minutes, not just a couple of people. Sure circumstances may have meant that not everyone was able to be in the game for those five minutes, but that's life. If my favourite store has a surprise sale and I only find out about it after the fact, I don't go into the store and yell at the manager - I save my money for something else, or I bring my money somewhere else.

    They made a mistake, and there was a small window for a few people to take advantage. Most of us are sitting in the same disadvantaged boat, and I imagine are good enough at the game that we can find ways to overcome our slower starts.
  • I was on the game waiting for the packs to go live & didn't see the extra offers for even 5 min
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Shan wrote: »
    As with any events there will be various offers presented over the length of the event

    So does this mean those offers no longer there will show back up, and it's just the timing that will differ?

    Or have event offers become like the random special offers with everyone not having equal opportunity to buy?

    ~ seeking out new life
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In 1 day and a tad under 3 hours, the current offers will expire and the other ones that appeared yesterday will show up. It was that way last time also.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    In 1 day and a tad under 3 hours, the current offers will expire and the other ones that appeared yesterday will show up. It was that way last time also.

    I'd actually be fine with that... EXCEPT for the folks who got to take advantage of the mistake.
    That's my singular issue with this.
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just put them all out at the beginning and let people buy what they want.
  • JassadaJassada ✭✭✭
    Is having one more copy of an event character really going to be that much of an advantage in a faction event? Especially one with weak stats?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jassada wrote: »
    Is having one more copy of an event character really going to be that much of an advantage in a faction event? Especially one with weak stats?

    1) Its an event character so they are 3x bonus, so even weak sauce stats will pass up many other not as weak in other circumstances characters.
    2) You can level the character up before the event starts if you have the first star, so that's a pretty good time jump.

  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Jassada wrote: »
    Is having one more copy of an event character really going to be that much of an advantage in a faction event? Especially one with weak stats?

    1) Its an event character so they are 3x bonus, so even weak sauce stats will pass up many other not as weak in other circumstances characters.
    2) You can level the character up before the event starts if you have the first star, so that's a pretty good time jump.

    Not to mention that it's very very possible in the two accompanying packs that you could (and I've seen people say that they have) gotten Spock. Yeah it's not the rule that everyone that bought the deal in question would get the Spock.. but some have.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would have bought the 1x Amanda offer ... well, got 2 Spocks now, so I guess I'm gunna go all in after not needing a single replication for Surak who's now 2/5 FE. :D
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Oh come on !
    I would have bought the $10 Amanda pack, and my wife too !

    DB, bring em back.
    I bought the 10$ Amanda Grayson pack. Got Two McCoy plus one more Amanda plus an extra behold which put another star on the Klingon Obama!
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