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Voyages Nerfed



  • My fleet has come to the same conclusion.

    Same conclusion that links charting voyages and recording all data with celibacy? Our fleet is all in agreement and will publish the results in the next STT peer reviewed journal.
  • So I guess those of us that never saw regular or significant numbers of 4* drop pre or post nerf are what.... liars? shills? bad strategists? poor statisticians? unlucky? hated by rngesus? secret romulans?

    We fit into no one's filter bubble, it seems. But we exist.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    My fleet has come to the same conclusion.

    Same conclusion that links charting voyages and recording all data with celibacy? Our fleet is all in agreement and will publish the results in the next STT peer reviewed journal.

    I like how it's gotten to a point where wanting evidence before believing a wild claim made on the internet apparently means we can't get laid...
  • [STJ] Wendell[STJ] Wendell ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    My fleet has come to the same conclusion.

    Same conclusion that links charting voyages and recording all data with celibacy? Our fleet is all in agreement and will publish the results in the next STT peer reviewed journal.

    Lol well perhaps not that conclusion but the conclusion that there has been a consistent reduction in 4* crew drops at least for us over the past few weeks.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Those who stated that things have changed in the last few weeks... here's one persons report from December:
    Cloud_1 wrote: »
    I can assure you that no matter what you graph out we have indeed seen a crew Nerf to the point that at 6 hrs there are still no crew outside of dilemmas, those being 2* crew for the most part. I have participated in at least 6 voyages of extended duration(10 to 19) after the patch , and the story is a carbon copy no crew, even at 12 hrs where the 3*and 4* should be dropping like flies there are no crew. As a newer player I came to depend on voyages to enhance my crew roster, but alas that has all changed now. Thanks DB


    Back in October there was this same claim of a 4* Nerf


    Ivanstones experience during that discussion


    11 Hour no 4star on voyage from Cap Jello


    There may be behind the scenes thing happening with DB.
    There might be nerfs and buffs happening, however, stating that just because this thread is here and a bunch of people are just talking about it now making it something new is utterly false. The perception of a nerf on 4's whether real or not has been going on for a long time.

  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I may inject a bit of marriage wisdom into this conversation; "it's not you vs me, it's us vs the problem". A lot of insult slinging in here, it might be more productive to focus on the issue (or lack thereof).

    Considering the shady percentages in other areas of the game, it's entirely possible that DB routinely tweaks voyage rewards not in favor of the player. It's also possible that they haven't. I'm in the camp that sometimes feelings > facts in video games. If something feels terrible to encounter, it shouldn't matter if it's perfectly balanced or not.

    But in this case, facts should be the basis of any future action or inaction by DB. One can then proceed to discuss the validity of DB's approach to reward balancing. If there are entire fleets of players who are willing to validate each others' feelings and guesses, there should be no shortage of players to provide hard numbers, which no one can argue with.

    "I think" and a bag of chips will get you a bag of chips. Gather the numbers and *then* you have the right to hand wave away those who disagree with the cold, hard facts.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    More from September - October 2017

    "My last 6hr voyage didn't even drop a 3"


    This one hand't got a purple drop in 5 calendar days.


    "3 4stars in a week is pretty good"


    Other places in those threads you'll see folks getting tons of 4's or at least more frequent ones.

    Was there a nerf in 2017 that only targeted some users but then somehow went to others this past month?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jello did a spreadsheet of his voyages from Sept to end of Year


    You can see some really interesting variance here, for instance looking at his first 30 Voyages the ones that go over 6hr have very very few 4* drops, yet he has a 3-4* drop on voyage 25.
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