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Voyages Nerfed

DB please return voyages to the previous 4* drop rate. The current drop rate is too stingy. It also definitely has unbalanced voyages for newer players that were making the 4-6 hour marks.


  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    I don't think the 4* crew drop rate has changed ... it just fluctuates due to RNG ...

    Yesterday I had a Voyage finish that went over 8 hours and got zero 4* crew ... my next Voyage did not make it to 7 hours, and I still got two 4* crew from it ...

    ... RNG
  • I don’t buy it. It’s been very consistently bad for so many people lately. And I’m averaging about one four-star crew per week. I used to get one or two a day. I typically run two 6 to 8 hour voyages per day. One out of 14 ratio is pretty bad a lot of my fleet mates voyages are reflecting this as well.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t buy it. It’s been very consistently bad for so many people lately. And I’m averaging about one four-star crew per week. I used to get one or two a day. I typically run two 6 to 8 hour voyages per day. One out of 14 ratio is pretty bad a lot of my fleet mates voyages are reflecting this as well.

    Said it before, I'll say it again. I never consistently got 1-2 4s a day with two 6-8 hour voyages a day even from inception.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t buy it. It’s been very consistently bad for so many people lately. And I’m averaging about one four-star crew per week. I used to get one or two a day. I typically run two 6 to 8 hour voyages per day. One out of 14 ratio is pretty bad a lot of my fleet mates voyages are reflecting this as well.

    Did you used to extend voyages prior to the chron nerf?
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used to extend voyages pre-nerf. I did a couple times when I got good streaks of 4*s post nerf, but almost never. Now I literally never extend. I toss WAY too many 7:45-7:58 voyages away because I didn't get notification and there are no 4* crew and no rep-rats to mention.
    I can't say for sure, DB's RNG is trash, and post nerf is even worse for streaks, but voyages feel like they've had their 4*s nerfed again. I've seen one in the last week, and one the week before, and neither were useful to me.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, if you used to extend your voyages on a regular basis and never extend now, then it stands to reason you would see fewer 4* drops.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Didn't we just do this thread?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    For reference:


    Maybe we can just get a preemptive lock here too?
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just want to see how many people post screen shots of their voyages and show their crew choices are sub-optimal.

    Still I now believe that DB has nerfed Voyages because I've only gotten two 4*'s since Monday*.

    *-I got 4x 4*'s on Sunday, two of which I needed**. Its always better to trim stats to prove your point right?

    **-Undercover O'Brien is a dirty bastard and he ate all my Encoded Communiques.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • For reference:


    Maybe we can just get a preemptive lock here too?

    Yeah, they only thing DB has mastered, preemptive locks.
  • No I never regularly extended voyages.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, if you used to extend your voyages on a regular basis and never extend now, then it stands to reason you would see fewer 4* drops.

    You would think. But I only extended pre-nerf when I had at least 2 4* waiting to be collected. No, with the same method of play, 1*s were increased, and trainers were so ridiculously weighted that everything else was decreased.

    It's just one more diminished return that diminishes the amount of dil and money we're willing to spend.
    And with the chron nerf, it's more economic not to spend dil and recall and resend a voyage more frequently.
  • If anything I've been getting more 4*s recently
  • I agree, Voyages have been neffed again. Before the "official" nerf, 4star crew were dropping almost every Voyage at a rate of several per Voyage. After the "official" nerf, the number of 4star crew per Voyage declined but they still dropped at a consistant rate of a few per week. Now, without any official word from DB as to exactly when this latest nerf happened, 4star crew almost never drop on a Voyage less than 7+ hours.
    I keep hearing the excuse that it's due to a *streaky* RNG. I call "foul". A *streaky* RNG can be blamed gor some things but not everything and this is one of those things. When is the several week long (at least) "streak" going to end for the vast majority of players that have noticed it?
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • Once many players can do 8hr voyage without refill, 99% we can expect something going to change to voyage again
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    People think. "I've spent 80 Dilithium, I deserve a 4*"

    No, if you want a guaranteed 4*, spend 650 Dilithium on a 10x pack.

    If you want to spend 650 on voyages, and you get one 4*, you win. Because you have gotten a 4* AND have chron, credits, replicator rations, etc...

    If you are a monthly member, you get 100 Dilithium a day ( 700 a week ). Choose which one you feel serves you better.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    This thread again? So there are two camps of people

    1. Those that believe voyages have been nerfed for months and the returns are continually diminishing. Those people state the facts of what they have observed and are usually flagged as spam

    2. Those that adamantly insist that voyages are a treasure-trove of 4* cards and replicator rations. Those same people insist the people in group 1 have simply suffered months of RNG bad luck and then flag their post as spam.

    DB believes they can squeeze more dimes and nickels out of people by making them extend their voyages for higher gains. What has happened in reality is people simply accept the diminished returns at the 6-8 hour mark and recall the voyage before they have to spend any dilithium. From what I and others in group 1 have observed is that even at the 10 and 12 hour marks the same low returns hold true with the occasional 4* maybe every 10 days or so. So shan and pebble I know you skim these forums. This is what I propose to you as a compromise because these threads keep coming up which mean they are obviously a problem for players (your revenue stream). Reinstate the bountiful returns at the 10 hour mark which will actually give people incentive to extend their voyage. No seasoned player will extend to reach the 10 hour mark if at their dilemma they receive a 2* or 3* it simply isn't worth it.

    You missed a camp: those that would like to see some semblance evidence before burning the place down. No one has ever offered an analysis that 4* drops have decreased. Only one (small) analysis that showed they were the same.

    Until someone has evidence that they have decreased beyond your feelings and rose colored glasses, I will continue to be skeptical.
  • The demands of an actual life prevent me from making detailed spreadsheets but observational evidence has nothing to do with my feelings it is simply what I have observed here were we all are in reality. I am not alone with these observations. The number of threads about this topic is evidence that I am not the only one who has observed this. Why don't you do a chi squared test to see if the number of people who agree with you is statistically greater than the ones who agree with me?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pink Bebe wrote: »
    I agree, Voyages have been neffed again. Before the "official" nerf, 4star crew were dropping almost every Voyage at a rate of several per Voyage. After the "official" nerf, the number of 4star crew per Voyage declined but they still dropped at a consistant rate of a few per week. Now, without any official word from DB as to exactly when this latest nerf happened, 4star crew almost never drop on a Voyage less than 7+ hours.
    I keep hearing the excuse that it's due to a *streaky* RNG. I call "foul". A *streaky* RNG can be blamed gor some things but not everything and this is one of those things. When is the several week long (at least) "streak" going to end for the vast majority of players that have noticed it?

    Please show me the stats of 'vast majority'.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed about the Chron nerf, but I've never seen this bounty that others are claiming was there all the time pre-nerf. And I'm not alone either.
  • Pink Bebe wrote: »
    I agree, Voyages have been neffed again. Before the "official" nerf, 4star crew were dropping almost every Voyage at a rate of several per Voyage. After the "official" nerf, the number of 4star crew per Voyage declined but they still dropped at a consistant rate of a few per week. Now, without any official word from DB as to exactly when this latest nerf happened, 4star crew almost never drop on a Voyage less than 7+ hours.
    I keep hearing the excuse that it's due to a *streaky* RNG. I call "foul". A *streaky* RNG can be blamed gor some things but not everything and this is one of those things. When is the several week long (at least) "streak" going to end for the vast majority of players that have noticed it?

    This has been my experience exactly. The first nerf happened, and you could consistently still get 4*s on most 7+ hour voyages then I think it was after the last update it’s about 1 a week or a couple if you’re lucky. It was a consistently good return before, and now it’s a consistently bad return. The evidence is that why are all the sudden so many people hitting the forums about this at once?! And why have my fleetmates also shared this experience. All I can say to the doubters is that maybe you’re RNG is so lucky 🍀 it has delayed the effect for you. Be thankful because a dryspell is on it’s way. 🖖
  • This thread again? So there are two camps of people

    1. Those that believe voyages have been nerfed for months and the returns are continually diminishing. Those people state the facts of what they have observed and are usually flagged as spam

    2. Those that adamantly insist that voyages are a treasure-trove of 4* cards and replicator rations. Those same people insist the people in group 1 have simply suffered months of RNG bad luck and then flag their post as spam.

    DB believes they can squeeze more dimes and nickels out of people by making them extend their voyages for higher gains. What has happened in reality is people simply accept the diminished returns at the 6-8 hour mark and recall the voyage before they have to spend any dilithium. From what I and others in group 1 have observed is that even at the 10 and 12 hour marks the same low returns hold true with the occasional 4* maybe every 10 days or so. So shan and pebble I know you skim these forums. This is what I propose to you as a compromise because these threads keep coming up which mean they are obviously a problem for players (your revenue stream). Reinstate the bountiful returns at the 10 hour mark which will actually give people incentive to extend their voyage. No seasoned player will extend to reach the 10 hour mark if at their dilemma they receive a 2* or 3* it simply isn't worth it.

    I think that DB is acually really hurting their own pockets here. A lot of people forget to recall their voyage and run out of antimatter. They are far more likely to spend money on dilithium to restore it if there is already a 4* that has dropped. That was my philosophy. Now I never seem to get them so no more spending from me. I guess I should be happy about that? I guess my point is if they increase the return for ten hour voyages they’ll be missing a large group of people going 6-8 hours that aren’t going to refill unless they’ve seen some love in the 4* department.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    There is one key problem with collecting data now, even for anyone eager to identify what the current trend is, and that's that there's so little data to use as a baseline to compare any contemporary results against.

    I can provide the following info, though. Ever since I cashed in the 50k Honor for the fifth star for Prisoner Katrina Cornwell, I started keeping a list of all the crew I dismissed. The point was that a fleet mate reminded me of that list I posted about the ones I'd 86'd for the Honor for the Borg Queen on the old forum. Anyway, I hit that 50k mark on 19 March. When I did, I started a new tab.

    In that span, I've had a whopping four 4* and fifteen 3* crew drop from voyages. That's with a 6:00 voyage run daily, with more of them running closer to 7:00, and two of them breaking the 8:00 mark. Sometimes, because of my wonky sleep habit, I've had two 6:00 voyages straddle midnight, so effectively two voyages on some of those days.

    Again, though, I cannot place this in an empirical context. I could work out how many 4*'s dropped for me in the time it took to get Surak's 5th star, which would go back to the beginning of February, but that's not really far enough back that I suspect it would be meaningful.

    Edit to add: The fifteenth 3* to drop for me is in my currently active voyage. Here's where that voyage is right now.

  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've had bad weeks in Voyages, and good weeks in Voyages. Sometimes (rarely) I'll have two bad weeks back-to-back. Indeed, I'm reasonably sure I had (at least) a fortnight like that at the end of last month.

    But I didn't leap to the conclusion that Voyages had been nerfed, or start a forum topic with a misleading title like "Voyages Nerfed". If I had expected people to be so interested in my opinion on this that I should begin a discussion, it would have certainly been phrased appropriately - perhaps "Having Bad Voyages for a Couple of Weeks - Have They Been Nerfed Further?" or something similar - because, as RikerWasNumber1 has just reminded us, my reaction is simply based on unqualified observation. I haven't taken the time to record data or request data from others (and if I did, I'd have to be careful to make sure I was taking results correctly, rather than asking leading questions like 'has anyone else had no 4*s drop this week?!').

    But this week I've had two Professor Scotts, a Doc Crusher, a Dominion Dukat, a Mirral Torres, a Temporal Agent Seven and (yet another) Colonel Karr from my ~7-7.5-hour Voyages (those are just the ones I remember, and it may be from the last 8-9 days-ish). So I'm on a good week this week. And seeing someone who happens to be on a bad week this week insist on their conspiracy theory that Voyages have been nerfed... well, it makes for amusing reading. Or at least, it did, initially, several months ago.

    Seeing it getting hashed out again and again, despite explanation after explanation... well, it does get a little old.

    Now, let's move on from Voyages, and fix the serious issue in Gauntlet instead: why , when your opponent is Mirror Picard, does he get so many crits?! I swear, once I saw him get seven crits against me. :'(
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim, I completely agree.

    Except possibly that last bit. The serious issue here is obviously whether or not we are going to get Pink Sweater Sarek during this mega event. ;P
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the original nerf, drop rates were randomized significantly.

    But I'm not seeing 'good weeks' like Penguin Jim. I had a good voyage yesterday with 5 super-rares, the best I've had since I went on my 20 hour voyage. I went 12-14 hours to get that.

    Most weeks I just get a super-rare or two, and I run 7 1/2 hour voyages almost constantly.

    I wish I had good weeks like Penguin Jim. The reality is, is I get lucky once every couple of weeks or so. And when I get lucky, I extend my voyage.
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  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Those of you acting like committee members for a graduate research program asking for "statistics" and "data" need to get real. At the end of the day we all play this game and drop comments on this forum but this is not a research project for us. We report what we observe and what we don't. We do not have T test, chi squared, or F test statistics to back our claims because we are posting in a forum about a game not publishing in a peer reviewed journal. The above post by Travis is the typical voyage that I have seen for months where it goes beyond 6 hours and picks up one maybe no 3*s. When you spend months seeing screens like the one Travis just put up and then say "hey what happened to all the 4*s I use to get?" that is not a "feeling" or "rose tinted glasses" that is the reality of what you are observing. Am I going to screen capture each voyage and document every item received and then plot graphs of the data and compare trends over months? No because I am not working on a graduate study in STT, I am playing a phone game I enjoy. Those of you who think because voyages are free we don't deserve 4* cards...I would say this...if you are running a voyage with all FF/FE 5* cards (which you spent literally hundreds of dollars) on a maxed 5* ship, you deserve for those cards to shine and return something beyond 120 honor and sniper Reed (see above). So please Shan, Pebble please see my post above for the compromise I am suggesting.

    Wow, you just hit he nail on the head. All this condescending statistics snobbery is supposed to ridicule our observations that quite undeniably we are witnessing worsening results from our voyages....

    We know this game intimately and too many people are witnessing exactly the same phenomenon for this to be simply brushed aside by ‘lack of data’.
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