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Quit asking for crew slots

If you're going to ask for something, ask for something we don't already have. If you want crew slots, spend the dil and buy them. If you don't want to buy the slots, spend the chrons you've been throwing away on galaxy events on immortalizing and freezing crew. There are so many other things we could be asking for instead.

1 - more achievements
2 - more cryo collections
3 - more event types
4 - more special voyage crew
5 - more archers ;)


  • edited May 2018
    Hmm, is this post about crew slots? I agree we need more crew slots. DB should give us some. :)

    I second the motion! 😉

    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
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  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Everyone wants more of everything.... that’s the nature of the game... by limiting what we want, it becomes more valuable and then customers will be willing to spend in order to get what they want. That’s business. If nobody pays for anything, we don’t have a game. Choose what you want most and pay for it, would be my advice.
  • [S14] Bri wrote: »
    Everyone wants more of everything.... that’s the nature of the game... by limiting what we want, it becomes more valuable and then customers will be willing to spend in order to get what they want. That’s business. If nobody pays for anything, we don’t have a game. Choose what you want most and pay for it, would be my advice.

    That is a fair point Bri. Although I believe most that are asking for this do also purchase them. However, the cost IMO is quite unsatisfactory and unreasonable considering the nature of them and the fact that we will never stop needing more of them.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    FYI, for those who may have missed seeing this Comment, I am copying below what @Black Pebble recently wrote elsewhere in the forum:

    We are aware of that players as a whole would like more crew slots, both free and paid. However, there aren't any immediate plans to dramatically change the crew slot system, or the rate at which new tiers are introduced. This has less to do with fiendish plans and more to do with the current architecture.

    We understand that many of you would prefer an answer which involves crew slots falling from the skies (or at least trickling more regularly), but that's not going to happen in the short or long term. There are both strategic and technical reasons for the current system, but the gist of it is while we'd like to have a more flexible system, it's not something that's feasible.

    With that, I do know that the production team has plans to try and address some of the pain points in multiple ways, but I do not have details to share yet.

    Although we may not be able to deliver the answers you would like on this topic, this does not mean we are unaware of your concerns, or that we aren't trying to find at least incremental ways to improve things.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can’t y’all just manage it better?ro8lgawkbozy.jpeg
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Can’t y’all just manage it better?ro8lgawkbozy.jpeg

    If I had a crew of immortalized 5/5 like your screenshot shows, managing would be a lot easier. Then again, I could probably buy a lot of crew slots for the amount of money it took to get all those extra legendary stars. Most of the ones you show, I have at 1 or 2*. Other than a Romulan Data, i haven’t got much use out of any of them. If I had them FF, it would save a crew slot because inevitably, that means I could freeze a similar but weaker skill 4/4.

    The problem is all the non-FF 1/5 (and to a lesser extent 1/2/3 4*) waiting for the final star(s). Yeah, I could airlock them, but then what’s the point of playing as you inevitably get them again and there is no chance of FF unless you keep them around. To be clear, I don’t have a crew slot shortage right now but have in the past. I’m making due with 160 and doing OK managing it through immortalizing (now at 303).

    But I had to get here right? Plugging away at the game to get to this point, all the while managing crew slots

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spreading your resources over a huge crew will not get you there as focusing your resources on a small crew will. You can really only use what, about 20-24 at one time anyway.
  • Irial wrote: »
    FYI, for those who may have missed seeing this Comment, I am copying below what @Black Pebble recently wrote elsewhere in the forum:

    We are aware of that players as a whole would like more crew slots, both free and paid. However, there aren't any immediate plans to dramatically change the crew slot system, or the rate at which new tiers are introduced. This has less to do with fiendish plans and more to do with the current architecture.

    We understand that many of you would prefer an answer which involves crew slots falling from the skies (or at least trickling more regularly), but that's not going to happen in the short or long term. There are both strategic and technical reasons for the current system, but the gist of it is while we'd like to have a more flexible system, it's not something that's feasible.

    With that, I do know that the production team has plans to try and address some of the pain points in multiple ways, but I do not have details to share yet.

    Although we may not be able to deliver the answers you would like on this topic, this does not mean we are unaware of your concerns, or that we aren't trying to find at least incremental ways to improve things.

    My response to @Black Pebble

    This makes me


    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    Well, it doesn't hurt to ask........ however, I would be happy if they just reset the buy 5 so we could buy crew slots are for credits and at the cheaper price.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Spreading your resources over a huge crew will not get you there as focusing your resources on a small crew will. You can really only use what, about 20-24 at one time anyway.

    We need to use a lot more than 20-24 at a time if we are doing voyages, cadet missions and shuttles. Add in the 10+ you will need to have ready to be competitive in the weekly events that are worthless in any other situation, and also all the 1/5s and 3/4s you can't just throw away or freeze that will clog up your inventory for months or years before you have any hope of completing them.

    I don't feel like you are playing the same game we are.

    Most people are playing the F2P game ie dealing with a small selection of crew at a time, finishing them and moving on.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    12 on a voyage maybe 14 on shuttles and 10 for the entire week of cadet missions. Math was a little off I admit but I forgot about cadet missions. My bad. We are all playing the same game, we just approach it differently
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Spreading your resources over a huge crew will not get you there as focusing your resources on a small crew will. You can really only use what, about 20-24 at one time anyway.

    Sure you only “need” like 50-60 crew (of which 12-16 are sitting on shuttles and 12 on Voyages at any one time) but you do need a variety of skills to match the shuttles and Voyage properly. And another dozen for cadet missions and weekend cadet.

    Again, the problem is not that I don’t have decent crew, it’s that all the 1/2 5* (because if you do decent in events but don’t spend a tonne on extra stars, you inevitably end up with a lot of them) clogging up crew slots. At 1/5, a lot of crew are inferior to a good 4/4 which means they don’t get used and can’t be frozen.

    Yes, I could airlock the lot of them anyway but then what’s the point in playing if all I get is a 1/5 I always airlock and a 4/4 who automatically goes in the freezer. That also implies that this is not a “card collecting” game which DB have already admitted that it is. So if it is, why don’t they let us collect instead of airlocking... I’m tired of doing this:


    That was very well said and I’m gonna have to agree with you on many on the things you said, if not all 🙂

    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Can’t y’all just manage it better?ro8lgawkbozy.jpeg

    Oh and Mr. Banjo, obviously we all know you took the easy way out:

    Hey now, don't hate on the spenders. There's no need to get at each other's throats over this.
    Many of us want more slots, some don't, some just want a sale. We're all here together, just make the best of it. <3
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wasn’t the one who wrote the post and said stop asking for crew slots. I’m just making a case for not having to buy crew slots. If I win a Captain Nog from this event I will airlock him because even at 5/5 he will not be a voyage or shuttle improvement over what I already have and I’m not a fan of Ferengi. But I’m also not playing the event to win. I’m playing it for whatever honor I can get from the rewards. Only once in a great while do I see a 5* character in an event I want. Those events I play to win
  • Magisse wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Can’t y’all just manage it better?ro8lgawkbozy.jpeg

    Oh and Mr. Banjo, obviously we all know you took the easy way out:

    Hey now, don't hate on the spenders. There's no need to get at each other's throats over this.
    Many of us want more slots, some don't, some just want a sale. We're all here together, just make the best of it. <3

    Sorry, there’s nothing wrong with spending but it’s just all of us who don’t wanna spend a bunch of money that are asking for more crew slots cause if you haven’t seen, crew slots are outrageously expensive 😉
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My point Is that even when you do spend, you pick your moments. That is how you succeed at this game
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Spreading your resources over a huge crew will not get you there as focusing your resources on a small crew will. You can really only use what, about 20-24 at one time anyway.

    I was generally with you up to this point. At any given time you need 12 for voyages, 4-20 for shuttles, and 8-12 for cadet missions. But that doesn’t take into account the fact that you need different crew for different voyages and shuttle slots or that some crew might be bad at shuttles but good at the gauntlet. Unless your crew solely consists of immortalized legendary characters, even 30-35 crew isn’t going to cut it.

    Looking at who I use on a regular basis for one thing or the other, about 66 of my 190 crew are regularly featured in shuttles, cadet missions, voyages, or the gauntlet. Some of these overlap (immortalized Surak and Mirror Picard), some are gauntlet-only (1/5* Revolutionary Damar), some make it onto voyages but not shuttles or gauntlets (1/5* Captain Pike, 2/5* Orion Vina). And of those 66, only 11 are immortalized legendaries (with Cornwell being #12 as soon as I scrape up another 23,000 honor).

    The rest of my crew breaks down like so:

    -64 not FE’d, mostly at level 1 or 2 that I've never touched outside of dump slots at the beginning of Faction events or the first run-through on an Expedition ticket; only one of these is FF (Formal Wesley, 4th star pulled this morning from a Merit Rewards pack) and only one of which is level 100 (Moogie is still naked until I hit the next threshold).

    -60 FE crew that need anywhere from 1-4 stars to be complete or are inmortalized but in danger of being thrown in the freezer due to power creep; some of these may get usage in events due to bonuses (1/5* Admiral Kirk, immortalized Rakal Troi, and Ambassador Sarek, for example) or on shuttles if I’ve used up all of my best crew for a skill on a voyage (Commander Kelby is one of these).

    I may be VIP14 but I’m not that far past the threshold and I would have to spend a lot of money to cut back to even needing only 80-100 slots to fully enjoy everything the game has to offer.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    See there’s where you’re mistaken. I have 39 immortalized legendaries and they are all I need for every voyage and every shuttle. Only time Super Rares are ever used are as event crew. And even my worst skill matches get me a voyage well over 8 hours.
    This is what I mean. Say this was a Galaxy where I don’t want the 5*. I have 3000 chrons. I’m not going to use those chrons and rank to get a 1/5 of that crew to airlock. I’m going to take the weekend off and add to those chrons so when I do get a Galaxy event with the 5* I want, I rank to get 3,4, or 5 copies of that crew. If you use all your resources every week yes you will have 100 legendaries with one star. If you use my method you will have 10 legendaries with 5 stars.
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