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Quit asking for crew slots



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    what do those who don't have lots of money and do like to collect cards do about this?

    Simply accept the limitations of your budget, make the most of it and enjoy what you have. Something you also don´t do - as, for example, seen with your "so humble" wishes for the 100th event. I think if one user would not have mentioned the next event to be the 100th you would not even have been aware of it. Now you are and oc yet again you state your usual wishes to have the "world" for free.

    Personally I collect watches. For really beautiful, outstanding and Swiss Made ones my limit is around 1200 Euro. So while I would I like to have the one or other Rolex they are out of my range. And it is fine. I am very satisfied with my beauties.

    And I don´t go to the Rolex forum all the time. Complaining about the prices, being pissed about the Rolex watches some have, but not me. Or ask the creators to give me the pinnacle of their creations for free.

    I either fight for something I want or buy it. If neither isn´t posssible, my world will not shatter. But I keep my pride and selfrespect by not begging for freebies ;)

  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is my crew complement. I only keep legendaries that will be somewhat useful at 1/5 or are likely event crew. They are all lvl 100 FE as soon as possible.

    The vast majority are purples, I don't get enough $ to throw too much at this game, though I do chuck a bit in every fortnight. I've got 145 crew slots.

    Active Rares 4
    Active Uncommons 4
    Legendaries 15

    145 - 23 = 122 super-rares

    4/4 = 41 (active service)
    = 81 (in training)
    3/4 = 15
    2/4 = 24
    1/4 = 42

    Total = 145

    Every event I FF a new purple and they either replace someone in the active roster or go into cryo. If I can't FF them through gameplay or honor, unless they are exceptional they are reluctantly airlocked. I have two voyage exclusive crew that will probably sit there til the end of days. I still haven't finished my collection of Rares.

    I've literally got 80 crew slots filled just sitting there waiting. That gets slightly lower all the time as I pick up new legendaries or pick up a super-rare that adds something useful to the crew, and I'm unwilling to freeze an existing crew because traits/whatever.

    I could be more harsh, and every so often I have to let a rubbish purple go. But I don't want to. That's the collector in me, I suppose. And the more crew you have, the easier events become.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Me, stumbling into a thread with impassioned opinions coming fast and furious from all sides...


    Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    I wasn't going to comment on the "more crew slots" threads. It is what it is. However, an anti-more-crew-slot-thread. That is just uncalled for! I'll take more crew slots please! :#
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Can’t y’all just manage it better?ro8lgawkbozy.jpeg

    If I had a crew of immortalized 5/5 like your screenshot shows, managing would be a lot easier. Then again, I could probably buy a lot of crew slots for the amount of money it took to get all those extra legendary stars. Most of the ones you show, I have at 1 or 2*. Other than a Romulan Data, i haven’t got much use out of any of them. If I had them FF, it would save a crew slot because inevitably, that means I could freeze a similar but weaker skill 4/4.

    The problem is all the non-FF 1/5 (and to a lesser extent 1/2/3 4*) waiting for the final star(s). Yeah, I could airlock them, but then what’s the point of playing as you inevitably get them again and there is no chance of FF unless you keep them around. To be clear, I don’t have a crew slot shortage right now but have in the past. I’m making due with 160 and doing OK managing it through immortalizing (now at 303).

    I agree completely, I am VIP 14 and I only have 4 Inmortalized Legendary crew, and I have around 100 not FF but FE 1,2,3 or even 4/5 Legendaries, to add a little further, I might have around 6 or 7 4/5 Legendaries, most of them are from events and some are from packs or Gauntlet, your Inmortilized crew seems you've been investing a lot of bucks per week, and that is not a possibility for me, in Argentina Dollars are expensive!
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    “Karma Repair Kit Items 1-4.

    1.Get enough food to eat,
    and eat it.

    2.Find a place to sleep where it is quiet,
    and sleep there.

    3.Reduce intellectual and emotional noise
    until you arrive at the silence of yourself,
    and listen to it.


    — Richard Brautigan”
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • There are currently 538
    Hmm, is this post about crew slots? I agree we need more crew slots. DB should give us some. :)

    I second the motion! 😉

    I second the motion too!

    There are currently 538, we need just 12 crewmen for voyages, another 12-18 for transmissions plus 14 for Cadet Missions, that's not much of a crew quarter size, with only 44 slots should be more than enought, but... you ought to have a huge variety of crew to accomodate different races, skills, skills aptitudes for Gauntlet, and also add to that, crewmen traits to get better bonus for Gauntlets, Voyages, unlocking special nodes, etc., I believe 20 more crew space would be really nice.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    See there’s where you’re mistaken. I have 39 immortalized legendaries and they are all I need for every voyage and every shuttle. Only time Super Rares are ever used are as event crew. And even my worst skill matches get me a voyage well over 8 hours.
    This is what I mean. Say this was a Galaxy where I don’t want the 5*. I have 3000 chrons. I’m not going to use those chrons and rank to get a 1/5 of that crew to airlock. I’m going to take the weekend off and add to those chrons so when I do get a Galaxy event with the 5* I want, I rank to get 3,4, or 5 copies of that crew. If you use all your resources every week yes you will have 100 legendaries with one star. If you use my method you will have 10 legendaries with 5 stars.

    Except if everyone did that you'd still have limited number of people who would be capable of doing that since only top 25 each event get more than 1 star on the 5.

    It works for you because not as many people are doing what you do.

  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    How about a Collection or Achivement that adds crew slots as the reward?


    The House Always Wins - Purchase Crew Slots for Your Crew Quarters with Dilithium
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 1 set of 5 Slots - Slots +5, Max Chronitons Increase 3
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 3 sets of 5 Slots - Slots +5, Max Chronitons Increase 3
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 5 sets of 5 Slots - Slots + 5, Replicator Use +1
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 7 sets of 5 Slots - Slots + 5, Max Chronitons Increase 3
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 10 sets of 5 Slots - Slots + 5, Replicator Use +1
    Milestone Goal - Purchase 15 sets of 5 Slots - Slots +5, Max Chronitons Increase 3, Replicator Use +1

    This would really entice sales of crew slots since it would give extra slots, Chronitons and Replicator uses
  • :) my thread is popular! Anyways...if you are running out of crew slots 90% of the time you're doing something wrong. If you have any 1* crew in your crew quarters, that's a mistake. If you have more than six 2* crew and they aren't immortalized, you're doing something wrong. Do you have more than five 3* crew in your crew quarters? You need to PRIORITIZE. Instead of messing around with 4 and 5* crew or the current event, you should take the time to clear out your lower level crew. If you don't need them, freeze them. You only need 4-5 2* and 3* crew to do every cadet mission in the game. Once you have those lower star crew squared away you can focus on immortalizing and freezing bad 4* crew. And finally, if you are unable/unwilling to put the effort in on cleaning up your 1/2/3* crew...maybe you might have to consider sacrificing a 1/4 or a 1/5 to the airlock. Asking for free crew slots to make it easier to get around bad inventory management...

    You know DB isn't going to just GIVE US everything. But from time to time they give us SOMETHING. Let's instead ask for stuff that we can't get any other way than them giving it out...like new content.
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    See there’s where you’re mistaken. I have 39 immortalized legendaries and they are all I need for every voyage and every shuttle. Only time Super Rares are ever used are as event crew. And even my worst skill matches get me a voyage well over 8 hours.
    This is what I mean. Say this was a Galaxy where I don’t want the 5*. I have 3000 chrons. I’m not going to use those chrons and rank to get a 1/5 of that crew to airlock. I’m going to take the weekend off and add to those chrons so when I do get a Galaxy event with the 5* I want, I rank to get 3,4, or 5 copies of that crew. If you use all your resources every week yes you will have 100 legendaries with one star. If you use my method you will have 10 legendaries with 5 stars.

    This guy gets it.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    We would all buy lots of crew slots if they were a reasonable price or could be bought with credits or chrons or honor. I used dilithium and bought as many crew slots as I could when they were reasonably priced. But each I bought increased the next group's price. I got to 3500 dil and stopped. 3500 dil is an insane price for five crew slots. Crew Slots was the number one thing we asked about and Erin completely ignored it. Intentionally. It was very rude of her to do so. She knew that was our biggest concern and she decided to not only not take steps to rectify the problem but wouldnt even acknoweldge it as a problem. So yes people are frustrated and annoyed as well we should be. A good game company does not ask from input from the community and then ignore it.
    Let’s fly!
  • We would all buy lots of crew slots if they were a reasonable price or could be bought with credits or chrons or honor. I used dilithium and bought as many crew slots as I could when they were reasonably priced. But each I bought increased the next group's price. I got to 3500 dil and stopped. 3500 dil is an insane price for five crew slots. Crew Slots was the number one thing we asked about and Erin completely ignored it. Intentionally. It was very rude of her to do so. She knew that was our biggest concern and she decided to not only not take steps to rectify the problem but wouldnt even acknoweldge it as a problem. So yes people are frustrated and annoyed as well we should be. A good game company does not ask from input from the community and then ignore it.

    I'm still at the 3k. I didn't realize it went high than that. Good to know! :) At 3k, the crew slots are $1 per slot. I don't think that is impossibly unreasonable pricing. But maybe that's just me.
  • JoeSage2JoeSage2 ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    FWIW, The 1st 2 5_crew slots are 250k credits each, then Dilithium 350, 700, 1050, 1750, 2450, & 3000, which is the MAX cost per slot (max crew slots 370). https://stt.wiki/wiki/Crew
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    If DB coupled a half-price-slots sale with the dilithium overload a reasonably priced dilithium offer, I would be sorely tempted to purchase. Until that or something similar comes to pass, though, I will stick with what is working for me, as tedious as it sometimes becomes.

    After all, Uncle @eXo | Frank does teach us that this is not a race & to play our individual game as each of us best sees fit. :)

    LLAP, y'all !
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • :) my thread is popular! Anyways...if you are running out of crew slots 90% of the time you're doing something wrong. If you have any 1* crew in your crew quarters, that's a mistake. If you have more than six 2* crew and they aren't immortalized, you're doing something wrong. Do you have more than five 3* crew in your crew quarters? You need to PRIORITIZE. Instead of messing around with 4 and 5* crew or the current event, you should take the time to clear out your lower level crew. If you don't need them, freeze them. You only need 4-5 2* and 3* crew to do every cadet mission in the game. Once you have those lower star crew squared away you can focus on immortalizing and freezing bad 4* crew. And finally, if you are unable/unwilling to put the effort in on cleaning up your 1/2/3* crew...maybe you might have to consider sacrificing a 1/4 or a 1/5 to the airlock. Asking for free crew slots to make it easier to get around bad inventory management...

    You know DB isn't going to just GIVE US everything. But from time to time they give us SOMETHING. Let's instead ask for stuff that we can't get any other way than them giving it out...like new content.

    I find this hilarious!!!! Hello meet the forums mostly long time players all dedicated to strategy. You pretend like we don’t already do all of the aforementioned things lol. Of course we do! Yet 90% of us don’t know how to play this game 🤔doubtful.
  • :) my thread is popular! Anyways...if you are running out of crew slots 90% of the time you're doing something wrong. If you have any 1* crew in your crew quarters, that's a mistake. If you have more than six 2* crew and they aren't immortalized, you're doing something wrong. Do you have more than five 3* crew in your crew quarters? You need to PRIORITIZE. Instead of messing around with 4 and 5* crew or the current event, you should take the time to clear out your lower level crew. If you don't need them, freeze them. You only need 4-5 2* and 3* crew to do every cadet mission in the game. Once you have those lower star crew squared away you can focus on immortalizing and freezing bad 4* crew. And finally, if you are unable/unwilling to put the effort in on cleaning up your 1/2/3* crew...maybe you might have to consider sacrificing a 1/4 or a 1/5 to the airlock. Asking for free crew slots to make it easier to get around bad inventory management...

    You know DB isn't going to just GIVE US everything. But from time to time they give us SOMETHING. Let's instead ask for stuff that we can't get any other way than them giving it out...like new content.

    I find this hilarious!!!! Hello meet the forums mostly long time players all dedicated to strategy. You pretend like we don’t already do all of the aforementioned things lol. Of course we do! Yet 90% of us don’t know how to play this game 🤔doubtful.

    I find people so FIRED UP about having to have free crew slots in order to be able to play the game hilarious. We all had fewer crew slots at one point. We had to make tough choices and sacrifice crew to the airlock. Also, I feel like you are really twisting what I wrote here. I in no way waid 90% of the players don't know how to play the game. I said 90% of the time, if you have no crew slots and can't get anything done, there is something different you could do to fix your situation.

    I know from experience that you can make it work. Why beg DB to solve your problem when I know you can solve it yourself? Don't rely on THEM, rely on yourself. I believe in YOU. If you don't want to consider the advise above that I gained through years of experience, you don't have to. I believe there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. I wish you luck. I also hope that when DB has a decision to make to either give us new achievements/cryo collections or gift us some crew slots they choose the former over the latter. I'm sorry that we just don't agree on what is important.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Are we at least allowed to ask for a crew slot sale, then? Apparently, it's been a while...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Lol. Catcha later Banjo 1012.

    So, now we know that having lots of money and not collecting cards means you don't have a crew slot problem, what do those who don't have lots of money and do like to collect cards do about this?

    I have only a little bit of money and I don't have a crew slot problem.

    I do pass on 5* crew occasionally. This past weekend I was thinking of getting Nog. I had bought a pack to FF Moogie but ended up with a 5* Behold instead. I had a choice between Nog, Lore and Burnham. It was either a 2/5 Nog, Nog and Burnham or just Burnham. I took the last choice. Burnham is pretty potent even at 1/5, Nog not so much. Thing is maybe I'll get Nog at a later date when I have more space. I just did a head count of my partial 4*'s. Out of the 21 unvaulted 4*'s released in 2016, I have 18 of them partially fused. New 4*'s are almost always taken and then finished, so its just these old crew. Most of them are pretty weak but eventually I'll get them, vault them and then not have to worry about them.

    And before you say it, yes, I am well progressed in the game and have been playing a while. But there was a time when I wasn't and didn't have honour, starbases, gauntlet or voyages to help me out. My strategy hasn't changed since the vault was released in Fall 2016. Patiently acquire every 1-4* in game, carefully choose which 5*'s are helpful or that I like.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    The "collect all the cards" part is the biggest crew slot impediment. There is no work around for that. If you want to own all the cards (not purchase and delete with the ability to repurchase), it just doesn't work.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rowden wrote: »
    I just thought I would add my 2 cents for what it's worth.

    I believe the original suggestion was that people should not ask for crew slots and instead ask for other things instead. The list given was interesting in the sense that DB have already promised 1-4 "soon", and I assume 5 was a joke- although I would like more Archer's too. So there's no real point to ask for anything on that list. But more fundamentally, it's not the case where you are only allowed a fixed number of suggestions to DB, Admiral Prince was happy to answer a great number of questions on different topics just recently. So the idea that asking for crew slots, or (bringing up a different topic entirely) A FLEET LEADERBOARD, somehow affects other improvements the player base wants doesn't make sense particularly with how easy it is to implement.

    There's also been a lot of suggestions about how to manage your crew slots, with the clear insinuation that a) if you are supporting the idea of more crew slots then you must have bad crew management skills and from that b) rather than ask for more crew slots (or a crew slot sale) you should change your management style. The suggested changes I have read thus far actually require you to play from the point of view of maximising performance (and the requirement to rank highly in events) without any tolerance for other play styles such as collectors or keeping particular crew you like. There may be some useful tips in here for players wanting to rank higher in events, but fundamentally this game has to support a number of play styles, and spending points, including casual players. And I really believe that you can't tell someone how they should play a game.

    And the other thing I wanted to address was the idea that people aren't allowed a view because they have either spent money or haven't spent money. I can tell you that the shared screenshot of the crew quarters is very much not typical of a high spender, and that he has clearly done a strategic long-term strategy to minimise his number of crew. Again, this is not to do with money, more that he's simply air locking crew that he doesn't feel are useful to him, which he's entitled to, and can be done at any price point.

    And finally, DB have developed a pattern over the last year of adding new crew slots every so often. To not tackle the question at all in Admiral Prince's Q&A was disappointing, when so many people asked, so the crew slot issue is not just about crew slots, it's about are DB actually listening to their player base's needs and wants. And even if it's a no for certain issues, taking the time to communicate exactly why it's a no.

    Very well put, on all points.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    :) my thread is popular! Anyways...if you are running out of crew slots 90% of the time you're doing something wrong.

    Asking for free crew slots to make it easier to get around bad inventory management...

    Once again.

    The game is about collecting and developing crew, then using them. Which means keeping crew we get from events, voyages and packs, not airlocking them.

    I have a non-immortalised mirror Vic Fontaine. I had considered airlocking him, but it now looks like he will be useful in the next event. Inventory management is impossible if we don't know what is coming up, when a crew member will be useful. It also goes against the idea of this game, to collect as many crew as possible.

    Do you remember this old version of the Cryostasis Vault?

This discussion has been closed.