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Seriously? Two Different New 5* Crew on Tuesday in Different Packs?



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    There are players who buy the Tuesday packs each week. You are requiring those players to double the amount of money they spend this way.

    You often said you are no fan of the tuesday packs so that doesn´t go for you most of the time. There is also an offer every monday. And many buy it only if they like it/see value. Many times not at all.

    Same goes for the tuesday offer. If the content is appealing, maybe. Variety of choice is always good.

    And if anyone should buy every offer like you said that is a personal choice. DB doesn´t stand with a pistol behind us, saying you have to buy all offers we throw at you or we will kick you out of the game...

  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    And next week they will do three of them😈

    Edit: I have to add, DB is wasting no time filling are crew slots.
    They are going to make me regret stopping at 310 crew slots from the 250 I had before free and sale.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess I don’t really see what the issue is. While they usually only do one new crew a week in theme packs (these aren’t best chance packs) it’s not the first time they’ve done so.

    I don’t recall for sure if they’ve done two new 5s in separate packs on the same day or not (maybe last year?) they did the Q pack with Marshal Q and another pack with Timicin on the same day earlier in the year and I don’t recall anyone complaining (other than the complaints there always are about anything they do). Yes Q was a 4 and not a 5, but...

    DB has always experimented with different offers and the timing of them. Sometimes successfully sometimes not, but I don’t see how this is really any more “greedy” than anything else.

    No one has to buy any of these. No one is requiring anything of any player. For myself I generally skip the theme packs as chances of getting stuff I already have immortal are too high, but occasionally I pull a few knowing the “risks”. Completely my choice.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    This is par for the course, nothing radical or out of sort here. Theres fundamental issues with how they release packs anyhow. Most experienced players have a lot of the 4* crew immortalized.

    Why dont we have more event pack reruns anymore? Im glad the dread “best chance” packs have seemed to fade into oblivion.
  • I'm just not feeling the outrage here. New packs are always a one new/two old split. I don't see how it is suddenly outrageous do simply do the same thing twice in one week. The value of each pack is no worse than their normal Tuesday structure, the only disadvantage is it puts a higher per-week outlay on those who feel compelled to purchase everything. Whereas putting two new crew in one pack is dramatically more efficient for new-Legendary chasers, which if implemented would likely end up being DB shooting themselves in the foot financially since there are players who chase the one-new-Legendary packs on a weekly basis already.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought they did this sometime in February or late January, too, with two golds in two different six packs?

    It wasn't long before we started getting two new & one existing featured crew in events- which I am a huge fan of- because we were really feeling the crunch with all of the incoming crew when it was like 5 per week. -shrug- could be wrong.

    Either way, I kinda liked the way this one worked out.

    My strategy with these six packs is generally that I'll buy them if I don't have the 4*s maxed, or if I really really must have one of the 5*s, and I can justify any losses to myself afterwards. I bought several of the Gorkon pack- looking for 4*s or DangerDrake's prefered avatar (5* Wrathful Khan).
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Themed Packs During DS9/Augment Mega-Event That Aren't DS9/Augment Themed
    We voted for who to put into these packs on the same survey where we voted for the mega-event and the Arena rewards. This is one big Player's Choice Month. Makes perfect sense to me, particularly as I voted for everything except the Augments (I went with the Dominion).

    Re: Two Themed Packs in One Week
    Doesn't faze me, but then, I'm not chasing everyone in the game. I take a pass most weeks on the themed packs and event packs.

    Re: Voyage-Exclusive Crew in Themed Packs
    I'm well past this nonsense of "Oh, DB should never do something different because some time a year ago, someone made a decision based on the expectation they'd never change". That's absurd. I don't understand where anyone got the idea that business decisions must remain static ad infinitum, but they didn't get it from observing what any business in the entire world ever actually does.

    There are three Voyage-exclusives I've wanted: Colonel Worf, Lucien, and Thot Gor. I've managed to snag Lucien and Thot Gor. I'd be thrilled if they were added to packs! I can use stars on them, for one thing.

    Also, while I enjoy that I have them, my experience with having Locutus of Borg and Bartender Guinan have made me feel guilty at times that I've lucked into something that other players didn't, and maybe they wanted those things more than I did. I'm probably the only player who actively wanted Lucien, but in the unexpected event there's a second, I'd love for them to have another means of possibly getting him!
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