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Longest Voyage without DIL



  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dinoss wrote: »
    20-35 hrs or more without dil.
    Sorry but I call malarkey on a 20-35 hr voyage with no refreshes.

    I also call shenanigans on that claim. If SilverRose can't do more than 10 hours without a refill (and only occasionally, according to her), then I don't believe anyone else is getting a whole lot further than that.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • ... I mean, and I have everyone. Who is this and can I talk to them and can they help me figure out how to voyage because I'm doing something wrong.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • KTz wrote: »
    Which is more important Gold or Silver skill? Or it's good to maintain a balance between them?

  • 43.5hrs with 35k skill gold 28k skill silver with a special unlisted ship (easter egg) ;-)

  • 43.5hrs with 35k skill gold 28k skill silver with a special unlisted ship (easter egg) ;-)

    You have lost all credibility
  • I have basically every 5*. 10 hours is MAX i can think of
  • I usually skid across the 6 hour mark, but never with more than enough to make it a few minutes beyond that. Yesterday I limped across the 6 hour mark with 3 anitmatter.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • I managed 6 hrs. 47 mins. on the 12.5 hr. voyage I recalled before retiring last night. I have a pretty strong crew that went out with over 8k on the primary, and 6 on secondary. Had to refuel three times, but the return on chrons was better than buying extra tickets for the Weds. cadet challenge. I cannot conceive that it is possible to get to twenty hours without refueling. I can consistently reach 6 hrs., but 8 hrs.? Maybe the players who have everyone maxed out can get there, but in my experience, once you hit the 8 hr. point, all missions fail. Then again, my crew, while strong, still has significant upside for improvement. Maybe one day, they can reach omnipotence, but not quite yet...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Sorry to say guys but this is all peanuts.

    The players w 40-70 or more gold immortals can go 20-x35x hrs or more without dil. [Correx 20-25 hrs]. Hit 20k or more skill targets And bang 3000+ antimatter. The refills are expensive. The dilithium calculation formula is on wiki. They have certainly earned it with their crew they acquired and deserve every reward they can earn.

    Sorry to break the collective hearts, but I have asked such players and they told me. The rest of us do what we can with our budget play. All is good, I am super duper grateful for everything I earn on voyages.

    I'd love an example of one of their voyage crew setups. If nothing else, to line up citations if I have some of the same crew.

    Im also somewhat skeptical if they can make it twice past Silver Rose, as I believe she's got quite an gold collection.
  • 3u9d8xzggxks.png

    Today, I recalled at the 6 hour 30 minute mark with 132 anti-matter remaining. Somedays maybe somewhat better an hour or so and of course worse on others.
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • KantKant ✭✭✭
  • My longest is about 8 hrs 20 min. I believe it was SCI (pri) at about 9800 and DIP (sec) about 9000. The rest of the stats were all pretty high and i had almost a full set of slot traits. There are occasions where all the stars line up just right.
  • 12 slots, about 1500ish per slot, would ballpark a max of under 20k. could even say 20k for argument, still, 35,000 is definitely a screenshot or it didn't happen level.
  • degkyh1wgi7g.png

    This is my best voyage without refill 😊
  • 43.5hrs with 35k skill gold 28k skill silver with a special unlisted ship (easter egg) ;-)

    Pfft. Big deal. I can do that twice on Sundays with a 1* ship.
  • According to the wiki the best voyage command skill for any character (without bonuses) is 1650 and it is lower for other skills. I've not got time to sit down and manually add up the top 12 for each skill and add on the maximum available starbase bonuses but maybe someone with a spreadsheet would care to work out the maximum currently possible?
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    We did that some weeks ago, I'll have to dig it up. Assuming you have all the crew in the game immortalized, you have a maxed Starbase, you have all the 5* ships maxed and you happen to hit the jackpot on the best traits -

    The absolute mathematically best you can hit is 10hrs48mins before it dies.
  • I'm sorry but this is all peanuts and a tad amateurish.
    When I send out a voyage the crew don't even leave. They just give me 50,000 chronitons and a 6/6 FE crew member without even going anywhere.
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    My best I have ever done is 8 hours and like 1 minute. Everything has to line up perfectly for me for that to happen.
  • elemntee wrote: »
    I'm sorry but this is all peanuts and a tad amateurish.
    When I send out a voyage the crew don't even leave. They just give me 50,000 chronitons and a 6/6 FE crew member without even going anywhere.

    Ok. You win.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    With 7% Starbase bonuses to base and proficiencies:

    CMD: 11592
    DIP: 6857
    ENG: 7294
    SEC: 9206
    SCI: 6643
    MED: 2053

    Plugging those values (along with 2900 starting AM) into Chewable C++'s voyage tool gives us an estimated duration of 9:29 with CMD primary, SEC secondary.

    If I modify SEC to be 11206 and take away 2000 from ENG, I get an estimated time of 9:45.

    Note, these are averages. Times over 10 hours are surly possible with normal skill-choice variance.
  • Thanks, exo | Frank and Peachtree Rex :-)
  • My crew have partners, kids, animals, second and third jobs and secret lovers.... We do not like to go on long voyages.
    "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
  • I just squeaked by the 8 hour mark ONCE "pre-nerf" without reload w/Dils. I have only been able to get to about 6-1/2 hours since then, and I have 4 more 5* crew at lvl 100 since then as well. Something definitely changed.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I just squeaked by the 8 hour mark ONCE "pre-nerf" without reload w/Dils. I have only been able to get to about 6-1/2 hours since then, and I have 4 more 5* crew at lvl 100 since then as well. Something definitely changed.

    So it's not just me. I've wondered once or twice if I was losing my mind. With a few more in the last two weeks FF/FE 5* crew I'm barely making 7 hours when I was just making 8 hours before.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dinoss wrote: »
    20-35 hrs or more without dil.
    Sorry but I call malarkey on a 20-35 hr voyage with no refreshes.

    Yeah, that's literally impossible.
    10k in your gold stat can land someone to 8 hours, but past that even 10k starts to fail checks.

    So perhaps we can imagine that 20k in a gold stat can do double that: 16 hours. But...there's no combination of any 12 crew which can land 20k in a stat. COM might be the most possible to get close, but even if having 20k in a stat reaches 16 hours theoretically, a 20 hour voyage is still more than a 16 hour voyage by quite a margin.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • I hit the 8 hour dilemma once. I recalled it then so I don't how much further it could have gone with whatever am it had left.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    I recently recalled one at 7hours 14 minutes and there was still about 400 antimatter left.

    I think my record is close to 8 hours. Probably with security as the #1 stat
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Dinoss wrote: »
    20-35 hrs or more without dil.
    Sorry but I call malarkey on a 20-35 hr voyage with no refreshes.

    Yeah, that's literally impossible.
    10k in your gold stat can land someone to 8 hours, but past that even 10k starts to fail checks.

    So perhaps we can imagine that 20k in a gold stat can do double that: 16 hours. But...there's no combination of any 12 crew which can land 20k in a stat. COM might be the most possible to get close, but even if having 20k in a stat reaches 16 hours theoretically, a 20 hour voyage is still more than a 16 hour voyage by quite a margin.

    The problem is, even stacking up to 20k in the primary stat is no guarantee to get much beyond 8 hrs. If you were to stack 100k into the primary/secondary stats, 0 on the "other" stats, and started with 2950 AM (obviously, an impossible task), you'd have an estimated voyage duration of about 6 hours because you'll be failing almost half of all the hazards from the start.

    Even stacking on primary/secondary, you need to keep SOME pace with the "other" stats. In general, you want to shoot for a 3.5 primary : 2.5 secondary : 1 other ratio (since those are the proportions of the Hazard Checks.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    We did that some weeks ago, I'll have to dig it up. Assuming you have all the crew in the game immortalized, you have a maxed Starbase, you have all the 5* ships maxed and you happen to hit the jackpot on the best traits -

    The absolute mathematically best you can hit is 10hrs48mins before it dies.

    To be fair, that would be assuming average rolls for skill selection. The absolute max would be to load up on 1 skill in every slot and have it get lucky and be selected for every skill check. We're probably talking 20,000 possible for that skill. That probably gets you to 16 hours before you fail a hazard. You're probably at 4500 AM at that point. The 4500 earns you another 3:25. So ~19:25 for the mathematical max. But we're talking absolutely perfect RNG. 1/10^249 perfect. It's not going to happen. So Frank's estimate is probably a better threshold, maybe hit a little above 11 with good rolls.
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