It’s Cutthroat Out There

in The Bridge
This is the 4th time I have competed for the top spot in an event and I gotta say it gets ugly out there. I was accused of having automated software. I don’t even own a computer. I play on iPhone. I was accused of having my kids run it while I couldn’t. I only have one kid and she’s 6 months old. I’ve been insulted, told I **tsk tsk** and aren’t worthy of the top spot. People try to get info out of you for their friends so they can tell them what you have. There is even a guy out there who gets info from anyone close to the top and tells everyone else what he found out. I learned this two runs ago so I knew better than to feed his espionage machine. All the top leaders in the event somehow knew what I had when I only told one person. So you see Pallydine, the poker reference I used before was not going too far. It was valid. You gotta hold your cards close and you gotta close yourself off from the rest of the STT world because once you do good, the seedy STT underbelly comes out and tries to bring you down and demoralize you. I still haven’t got that top spot. This was a second place finish and without cheating. EVER. The reason I went for it was because I knew I had the time to put into it this weekend. So good luck to all who give it a shot but be aware that it can get ugly up there. Maybe it’s just me because I’m not in a fleet and thus don’t have friends or a clique.
Forget the haters, you are the real winner. You play your game the way you want to. Let everyone else be their own selves.
Also - for real - join my fleet
I ended up going for it as well since I had the time on Thursday and a backlog of voyage chrons. My goal was to just get top 50 and lucked out and squeaked in at 25 for the top 25 achievement also for a new personal best. I've had friend requests from other fleets before and I just ignore them. in game chat is a mess so I never use it either.
I'm sorry to hear you were harassed for going for it. If any were in Klingon Marauders, please let me know via PM and I will have our leaders talk to them. That is not behavior we condone.
Thank you Frank for putting a positive spin on a second place finish. I’m one of those who feel there’s first and there’s everything else but I do take pride in knowing that was the 4th best point total ever. I just happened to do it when one of the top three did.
I know for sure none of them were Klingon Marauders. I did look at their profiles or whatever you call it to see what fleet they were in.
People can be jerks, especially if it is jealousy driven. Try not to let these things bother you.
I didn’t. In fact it was kinda cool being like the Ty Cobb of the event. You know what though? I feel like despite the sometimes bickering and disagreement that we here on the forum are a sort of fleet with that type of friendship. I got some good support here and I especially want to thank JeanLucKirk for being the coolest guy ever and pulling for me every step of the way. I will do the same for you when you make your run my friend.
Don´t mention it bud, anytime again. Must say Frank phrased it perfectly: You are a real winner - in the game, in this forum and also and especially for real!
Thanks man. For easing a tough loss. I thought I had it.
I totally agree and thank you for the kind words. I can say, playing on iPhone, my wrists are sore, my eyes are blurry, and my brain is mush.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Thank you sir! I did have to pick this event to go for it right? Dumb luck I suppose
Ugh, my eyes are sore just thinking about a second place win using iPhone only! Congratulations, and hope you get #1 next time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
If nothing else, the last few posts should show that you will have a lot of moral support during your next run to the top.
They sure as H€|| do! It makes me wonder how awful they must be in real life if they do this over a Star Trek game. I’ve finished top 10 four times and got this treatment every single time
I started the event with 158,000 chrons. I had to have tapped away for at least 30 hours total.used thousands and thousands of 3* skill boosts. Had just about every item I’ve obtained saved for the last 3 or 4 months. This guy that won, I don’t even know what to say about it. Somehow he had a little more
It was an incredible run and until the end I was not sure if I could get you.
Nevertheless, I'm still having a lot of respect for your way to play STT and hope you'll find your success at # 1 timely.
Ignore the haters and harassers.
Live your life.
Thanks for the amazing event.
wow that's even more than I have. i thank you for this cautionary tale, as someday I will make my run. your story does give me a little pause though as i hate those sorts of interactions.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Dude, it was EPIC!!!! As you saw I don’t save the rewards. I turn them in as I go. You never know. I could oversleep and miss the chance to turn them in, the game could go offline, lots of things could happen. I would’ve had the same point total either way. Again, it was an epic race but in the end, you just had a little more in the tank than I did.
DIdn't know your captain name, but figured it had to be you when someone in my fleet mentioned there was a non-fleet player at the top of the list. I imagine someone from GBP tried to contact you too - but based on the chat I saw, it should have only been for recruiting purposes!
As for your timing... as Frank (I think it was Frank) mentioned in another thread ("where are the winners?") - each week there are hundreds (thousands?) of players thinking about whether this is the week they'll take their shot. The odds are that it's never going to be an easy run.
Congrats to both you and Zuldoran. Heck, congrats to everyone in the rarified air of the leaderboard.