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It’s Cutthroat Out There



  • edited July 2018
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Hey, I already wrote to you ingame: Congratulations and great respect for your result. It was a pretty tough race and I thought you had some rare stuff left.
    It was an incredible run and until the end I was not sure if I could get you.

    Nevertheless, I'm still having a lot of respect for your way to play STT and hope you'll find your success at # 1 timely.

    Ignore the haters and harassers.
    Live your life.

    Thanks for the amazing event.

    Dude, it was EPIC!!!! As you saw I don’t save the rewards. I turn them in as I go. You never know. I could oversleep and miss the chance to turn them in, the game could go offline, lots of things could happen. I would’ve had the same point total either way. Again, it was an epic race but in the end, you just had a little more in the tank than I did.

    ... and I'm really sorry too. If possible, try to put more focus on bonus crew. I think that was the key point. Our chron-reserves were not far apart.

    Again, thank you for the exciting battle!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was surprised how competitive this event was even just in the top 500. Even getting top 25 is amazing.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Banjo,
    DIdn't know your captain name, but figured it had to be you when someone in my fleet mentioned there was a non-fleet player at the top of the list. I imagine someone from GBP tried to contact you too - but based on the chat I saw, it should have only been for recruiting purposes! ;) We only had 1 guy in the top 100 this time (and he's super-nice), so hopefully none of us were the harassers!

    As for your timing... as Frank (I think it was Frank) mentioned in another thread ("where are the winners?") - each week there are hundreds (thousands?) of players thinking about whether this is the week they'll take their shot. The odds are that it's never going to be an easy run.

    Congrats to both you and Zuldoran. Heck, congrats to everyone in the rarified air of the leaderboard.

    You are right. Timing is everything. I also thought the time was right cuz it was such a weak two stat character. Didn’t think she would be sought after. Now I have an immortalized T’Kuvma twin. Yay.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Hey, I already wrote to you ingame: Congratulations and great respect for your result. It was a pretty tough race and I thought you had some rare stuff left.
    It was an incredible run and until the end I was not sure if I could get you.

    Nevertheless, I'm still having a lot of respect for your way to play STT and hope you'll find your success at # 1 timely.

    Ignore the haters and harassers.
    Live your life.

    Thanks for the amazing event.

    Dude, it was EPIC!!!! As you saw I don’t save the rewards. I turn them in as I go. You never know. I could oversleep and miss the chance to turn them in, the game could go offline, lots of things could happen. I would’ve had the same point total either way. Again, it was an epic race but in the end, you just had a little more in the tank than I did.

    ... and I'm really sorry too. If possible, try to put more focus on bonus crew. I think that was the key point. Our chron-reserves were not far apart.

    Again, thank you for the exciting battle!

    You are correct. I had very weak engineering and science percentages.

  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Hey Banjo,
    DIdn't know your captain name, but figured it had to be you when someone in my fleet mentioned there was a non-fleet player at the top of the list. I imagine someone from GBP tried to contact you too - but based on the chat I saw, it should have only been for recruiting purposes! ;) We only had 1 guy in the top 100 this time (and he's super-nice), so hopefully none of us were the harassers!

    As for your timing... as Frank (I think it was Frank) mentioned in another thread ("where are the winners?") - each week there are hundreds (thousands?) of players thinking about whether this is the week they'll take their shot. The odds are that it's never going to be an easy run.

    Congrats to both you and Zuldoran. Heck, congrats to everyone in the rarified air of the leaderboard.

    You are right. Timing is everything. I also thought the time was right cuz it was such a weak two stat character. Didn’t think she would be sought after. Now I have an immortalized T’Kuvma twin. Yay.

    Always gotta factor in character popularity and art quality. :)
  • Congratulations @Banjo1012 ! Don’t let anything get you down on this great accomplishment!
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad. Run, don't walk, to Quark's Holosuite!

    Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Hey Banjo,
    DIdn't know your captain name, but figured it had to be you when someone in my fleet mentioned there was a non-fleet player at the top of the list. I imagine someone from GBP tried to contact you too - but based on the chat I saw, it should have only been for recruiting purposes! ;) We only had 1 guy in the top 100 this time (and he's super-nice), so hopefully none of us were the harassers!

    As for your timing... as Frank (I think it was Frank) mentioned in another thread ("where are the winners?") - each week there are hundreds (thousands?) of players thinking about whether this is the week they'll take their shot. The odds are that it's never going to be an easy run.

    Congrats to both you and Zuldoran. Heck, congrats to everyone in the rarified air of the leaderboard.

    You are right. Timing is everything. I also thought the time was right cuz it was such a weak two stat character. Didn’t think she would be sought after. Now I have an immortalized T’Kuvma twin. Yay.

    Always gotta factor in character popularity and art quality. :)

    That was a concern, knowing it was Kira and some people quote Wayne in saying “oh yes. She will be mine”.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congratulations @Banjo1012 ! Don’t let anything get you down on this great accomplishment!

    I appreciate that. I admit I was feeling very sour this morning but y’all have really picked me up. I’m glad I created this thread. It’s shoeing how cool and positive many of you are. I thank you all.

  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually I retract the offer to join our fleet.

    You're too nice :D

    He could always join for a week... see how it goes...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually I retract the offer to join our fleet.

    You're too nice :D

    I do feel as if you’re fleet is the elite fleet in the game. Kinda like The Yankees of STT. I feel honored to have been invited. There’s a time for toughness and a time for niceness. I can do both but this thread calls for shouts out of appreciation.

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats, dude! And although I know our recruiting officer has asked you to join us multiple times, I will say, "Stay solo and fly free!" B) I mean, I love my fleet and I can't imagine playing this game without one, but you've obviously got a good thing going as a lone wolf, so you do you, brother.


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭


    Baby, you're too kind.

    My fleet is made up of retired whales and old curmudgeons and a few newer players. We are lucky to remember where we parked each day.
  • I didn't compete in this event (not a galaxy fan myself) and have never gotten top 100 or above but some in my fleet have and I know from their experiences that many people can be very "rude" (for lack of a better word) and definitely cutthroat. Congratulations to you on your accomplishment! I don't post much in the forum but I read everything (guess I'm more of a troll, lol) and was actually looking forward to you coming away with a #1; however, you did not dissapoint. Instead you have proven that tough accomplishments can be achieved in this game and you also prove that it can be done graciously. Seriously, You inspire me. Again, congratulations!
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭


    Baby, you're too kind.

    My fleet is made up of retired whales and old curmudgeons and a few newer players. We are lucky to remember where we parked each day.

    oh, uh, speaking of which, you know how there was a set of keys missing to your NX-01 when I left to join TGE?

    I was doing laundry the other day and I found it... so, should we pass it through the VIP0 accounts?
  • I saw you up there and was tracking it, saw someone else got ahead for a little while then you plowed through. Congrats
  • Congrats!

    Cant believe you would get harassed. I cant fathom the mentality to hate. My two trips into the top 15 in previous events saw none of this, despite my obscure fleet status.

    You stated you started with 158k chronos. Could you please state your chrons at end? Okay by me if you don't want to share that bit of info.

    Question for the rest of the board? how common is this?
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭

    Cant believe you would get harassed. I cant fathom the mentality to hate. My two trips into the top 15 in previous events saw none of this, despite my obscure fleet status.

    You stated you started with 158k chronos. Could you please state your chrons at end? Okay by me if you don't want to share that bit of info.

    Question for the rest of the board? how common is this?

    Really incredibly common. Top 5 get it the worst.

    Random friend requests, messages from people you've never met, vague things about letting other people win.

    I've known several people who went for #1, and it's pretty consistent.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn't compete in this event (not a galaxy fan myself) and have never gotten top 100 or above but some in my fleet have and I know from their experiences that many people can be very "rude" (for lack of a better word) and definitely cutthroat. Congratulations to you on your accomplishment! I don't post much in the forum but I read everything (guess I'm more of a troll, lol) and was actually looking forward to you coming away with a #1; however, you did not dissapoint. Instead you have proven that tough accomplishments can be achieved in this game and you also prove that it can be done graciously. Seriously, You inspire me. Again, congratulations!

    Thanks Doc! Your kind words mean alot to me. And I’m honored you came out of hiding on my behalf.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Congrats, dude! And although I know our recruiting officer has asked you to join us multiple times, I will say, "Stay solo and fly free!" B) I mean, I love my fleet and I can't imagine playing this game without one, but you've obviously got a good thing going as a lone wolf, so you do you, brother.


    I greatly appreciate the respect. It means alot coming from The Godfather of the forum.

  • edited July 2018
    I made it into top 15 once (#11) and experienced no negativity. Must be in the really high ranks or maybe partly because you’re not in a fleet like you said.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Wait, people actually message you and harass you or attempt to be conniving if you're in like the top 10? Wild!

    They sure as H€|| do! It makes me wonder how awful they must be in real life if they do this over a Star Trek game. I’ve finished top 10 four times and got this treatment every single time

    Just report them. I am sure DB doesn't condone this behavior either. We are here to have fun and play a game. Congrats to you and your hard work.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Wait, people actually message you and harass you or attempt to be conniving if you're in like the top 10? Wild!

    They sure as H€|| do! It makes me wonder how awful they must be in real life if they do this over a Star Trek game. I’ve finished top 10 four times and got this treatment every single time

    Just report them. I am sure DB doesn't condone this behavior either. We are here to have fun and play a game. Congrats to you and your hard work.

    Thank you sir. I may do that
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    This is the 4th time I have competed for the top spot in an event and I gotta say it gets ugly out there. I was accused of having automated software. I don’t even own a computer. I play on iPhone. I was accused of having my kids run it while I couldn’t. I only have one kid and she’s 6 months old. I’ve been insulted, told I **Chech'tluth** and aren’t worthy of the top spot. People try to get info out of you for their friends so they can tell them what you have. There is even a guy out there who gets info from anyone close to the top and tells everyone else what he found out. I learned this two runs ago so I knew better than to feed his espionage machine. All the top leaders in the event somehow knew what I had when I only told one person. So you see Pallydine, the poker reference I used before was not going too far. It was valid. You gotta hold your cards close and you gotta close yourself off from the rest of the STT world because once you do good, the seedy STT underbelly comes out and tries to bring you down and demoralize you. I still haven’t got that top spot. This was a second place finish and without cheating. EVER. The reason I went for it was because I knew I had the time to put into it this weekend. So good luck to all who give it a shot but be aware that it can get ugly up there. Maybe it’s just me because I’m not in a fleet and thus don’t have friends or a clique.

    Sorry you had to deal with that. Folks in my fleet were amazed someone so good was not in a fleet and we remarked that the big fleets were probably going hard after you.

    Congrats on your remarkable achievement.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome job! I’m in a big pre-farm mode right now and know it’s such a crap shoot to see who else goes all in for an event like this
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you want to make scores go really nuts, tell fleets they have to compete to see which one you will join :-)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you want to make scores go really nuts, tell fleets they have to compete to see which one you will join :-)

    Woah!! You just blew my mind!

  • [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭

    Cant believe you would get harassed. I cant fathom the mentality to hate. My two trips into the top 15 in previous events saw none of this, despite my obscure fleet status.

    You stated you started with 158k chronos. Could you please state your chrons at end? Okay by me if you don't want to share that bit of info.

    Question for the rest of the board? how common is this?

    Really incredibly common. Top 5 get it the worst.

    Random friend requests, messages from people you've never met, vague things about letting other people win.

    I've known several people who went for #1, and it's pretty consistent.

    Sadly this is very true.

    Accusations of cheating or trying to get intel on how much you have in stock are the most common. But like WhiteClifford said there are some players though that actually have the audacity to ask you to let them win (if you're in 1st) for <insert ridiculous reason here>.

    Par for the course unfortunately.

    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

    For more info on us, check our wiki page:

    GoT Bot server: https://discord.gg/R8QzpjW
    All are welcome to join and use the Bot.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    Cant believe you would get harassed. I cant fathom the mentality to hate. My two trips into the top 15 in previous events saw none of this, despite my obscure fleet status.

    You stated you started with 158k chronos. Could you please state your chrons at end? Okay by me if you don't want to share that bit of info.

    Question for the rest of the board? how common is this?

    Really incredibly common. Top 5 get it the worst.

    Random friend requests, messages from people you've never met, vague things about letting other people win.

    I've known several people who went for #1, and it's pretty consistent.

    Sadly this is very true.

    Accusations of cheating or trying to get intel on how much you have in stock are the most common. But like WhiteClifford said there are some players though that actually have the audacity to ask you to let them win (if you're in 1st) for <insert ridiculous reason here>.

    Par for the course unfortunately.

    I’ve seen it before. I’ve been top 3 three times. Top 10 four. This crap happens every time but this time I had to say something cuz it’s just bogus and people need to get a grip on their minds. I have never had someone ask me to let them win though. If I did I’d be like why on earth would I do that?

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