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Who would you like to be the Third Anniversary avatar?

The third anniversary of Timelines is almost upon us! For the first and second anniversaries we received Alfadog (poodicorn) and a Targ.

In keeping with the Trek-pets theme of the previous anniversaries, which of these beloved trekimals would you prefer to be the new avatar?


Who would you like to be the Third Anniversary avatar? 134 votes

Spot the Untrainable, conqueror of desks, bane of La Forge
uss_bonaventure[7TW] Poots[KM]Videm[TUFG] SiguardNad Hal[QH] OxmyxGeneral McDucklittlestoatieHungry Dog DDMPaladin 27Draiken78SovinoxOdo Marmarosa[IPA] Markas[TUFG] Captain Zlog=GBP= BearInquisitor Troi-Riker[TFA] CaptainObviousParker RobbinsCapt. Pete Owen 44 votes
Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
ADM Fletcher [ET][DC] PrincipiaAviTrek[DSEF] dax0rCaptain Durf[NDQ] Joker41NAMZombie Squirrel Travis S McClainZann Calcore (ISA)NS111111[TLA]  84wbAuntieA[SJ] Admiral Aki(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]PinkyfirstNilbieI will not blame the player for my mistakesMoogie's Favorite (HGH)ApolloJax2UF 49 votes
Livingston, the Unfeedable
RocpileCommander SinclairSMMTcalNivenFresTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)ProontmuwooBeverleyPicard 9 votes
Spot the Iguana, savior of the Enterprise, mother of kittens
Jim Raynor(10F)GeekgirlRogueAngylNecronjonDirk Gunderson 5 votes
I-Chaya the Big Brave Dog
K Han Solo Ng & Thank4 All DteaKopaceticK[BART'S]captain_yarST_Dreadnought 4 votes
Monster Dog, the Unpettable
HaBlackIshmael Marx5000 Quatloos 3 votes
Maggie, the Kissable
Captain Romar 1 vote
Sluggo, the Creatively Named
McCaptainface[KM] WOLF 359AggeAlternate DaxPompeyMagnusWorfArt 6 votes
Kahn’s Ceti Eel, the Irresistible
KettleKorn[S47] ELiL[GoT] Unsober ShimodaCranky (SC) KarthonTheComedianDispaterJoeSage 2Ivlain 9 votes
Other, the Unspecified
Captain_Who[Deleted User]IronagedaveRiria 4 votes


  • Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    To be completely honest...when i see the B4 card... to me it isnt B4 but spot...because that silly android (i like him, dont get me wrong, but he isnt that smart) wouldnt have those high of stats...BUT spot would...so in my mind we already have Spot in the game. Wish i could use him as an av though...but i want Portos just a smidigen of Swiss cheese more.
  • Other, the Unspecified
    Not really interested in avatars. Give me a card of an animal. "Animals are sentient too" IDIC and all that.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Like there is really a choice!
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's going to be Spot for sure.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Monster Dog, the Unpettable
    If this is actually the list of options DB is considering, then I think it's safe to say it would be Spot or Porthos. Most likely Porthos, since we just got a cat with B-4. But I would love to see Kruge's pet, just 'cause it's ugly and angry and would just amuse me. Plus, I really like Kruge as a villain. But yeah, I don't actually see it happening.
  • Spot the Untrainable, conqueror of desks, bane of La Forge
    Hail, Spot the indestructible, harbinger of histamines, muse of interminable poetry, bearer of a fairly well-developed cognitive array!

  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought it was released. Isn't it Protons ship or something like that?
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought it was released. Isn't it Protons ship or something like that?

    No, that's for whaling your way through the collection.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hugh staring at the fish made me lol, but I think it's gotta be Porthos
  • [DSEF] dax0r[DSEF] dax0r ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    that avatar is the reward for the collection with all the proton characters when you immortalize the new 5* lonzak.

    Deep Space Exploration Fleet - German Casual Fleet
    Created a kingdom. Reached for the wisdom. Failed in becoming a god.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »

    No, that's for whaling your way through the collection.

    Oops, you're right, Amphi. My bad. I guess it's actually the Niners one? Wow, that's confusing.

  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Livingston, the Unfeedable
    I think the lionfish would make a good avatar. I also like both Spots and Sluggo.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kinda doesn't matter to me, I just was awarded the Targ just a few months ago. It will be old news when I get mine.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kahn’s Ceti Eel, the Irresistible
    Spot and Porthos are by far the most popular options so far? That surprised me, I thought people would prefer the more unusual or alien choices.
  • Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese

    yes, it must be, because it's not yet the 3rd anniversary of the game but somehow Frank has it. He's always a week ahead of the rest of us.


    A week only? More like a few years for me as i wont be finishing that collection for a very long time!
  • Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Long live Porthos! Forget those people with overly sensitive senses of smell. Spot the Iguana is my second choice, The Day Barclay's T cells Mutated the Enterprise is my favorite TNG episode.
  • Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Gonna have to side with Porthos. I have three dogs, myself. :)
  • Spot the Untrainable, conqueror of desks, bane of La Forge
    Spot and Porthos are by far the most popular options so far? That surprised me, I thought people would prefer the more unusual or alien choices.

    Cat people vs. Dog people. In the end it doesn't count in the trek universe but we are what we are ;)
  • Cmdr SinclairCmdr Sinclair ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Porthos, defiler of Kreetasan sacred trees, lover of cheese :)
  • Zann Calcore (ISA)Zann Calcore (ISA) ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    By the way, the “monster dog” that Kruge had on his ship was a pet targ. They later redesigned them to look more boar-like and less dog-like.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Porthos is a good boy. I mean, he's a beagle. Beagles are delightful. As a Crohnie, I gotta stick up for him. Stop the digestive shaming and let him have his cheese! It makes him happy. And he should be happy. He's a good boy. (Shut it, Kreetasans.)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Porthos the Smelly, lover of cheese
    Porthos is a good boy. I mean, he's a beagle. Beagles are delightful. As a Crohnie, I gotta stick up for him. Stop the digestive shaming and let him have his cheese! It makes him happy. And he should be happy. He's a good boy. (Shut it, Kreetasans.)

    Let’s fly!
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Other, the Unspecified
    Phlox's Pyrithian Bat ;-P
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spot wins
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • i dont see him yet .i contacted them a few days ago about correcting my registration date, i(i had email proof i registered on jan 7 and they said they corrected it ) but i dont see him today as per email not even grayed out.maybe after reset?anyone get him /her?
  • thanks videm.contacted support again
  • Spot the Untrainable, conqueror of desks, bane of La Forge
    By the way, the “monster dog” that Kruge had on his ship was a pet targ. They later redesigned them to look more boar-like and less dog-like.

    It’s likely the Monster Dog was the inspiration or original conception for the Targ but they are apparently distinct creatures, with the Targ being closer to a boar and the Monster Dog being a “Lizard-Dog.” The most consistent official statement referred to it as “monster dog,” while in the script it was also referred to as “the beast,” and among puppeteers as “Fifi Rebozo.” Fun facts!
    Phlox's Pyrithian Bat ;-P

    I’d considered Phlox’s bat as an option but left it out for the sake of symmetry, sadly. I’d also considered Chief O’brien’s Lycosian tarantula Christina, but left it out because... no. Just... no.
  • Got my spot too.thank you db
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