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Captain Braxton question

What era in the Trekverse does he belong to?
Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017


  • He's from the Voyager episode 'Relativity' where he is the Captain of the 29th Century Federation timeship USS Relativity.

    Braxton also appears in an earlier Voyager episode called Future's End, but played by a different actor.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Relativity is a great episode. Season 5 Episode 24. It is the episode that Temporal Agent Seven is from. There is someone trying to blow up Voyager and Seven has to travel through time with the help of the 29th century crew of the USS Relativity to find out who and stop them!
    Let’s fly!
  • If you have to ask this kind of question, you don't need to be playing this game and can't call yourself a trek fan.

  • Flemming wrote: »
    U.S.S. Relativity themed MEGA!

    It would be Epic!

    Tie in all the crazy time travel incursions across all of the series.

    Yes let this happen.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    An epic, time-travelling mega, collecting rare specimens not only from across all space, but time as well, essentially mirroring our own player experience... did somebody order a recurring 5* Kivas Fajo???

    I was trying to think of a good recurring character. That's IT!
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    An epic, time-travel-themed mega, collecting rare specimens not only from across space, but time as well, essentially mirroring our own player experience... did somebody order a recurring 5* Kivas Fajo???

    Yassss - from your lips to DB's ears.
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    An epic, time-travel-themed mega, collecting rare specimens not only from across space, but time as well, essentially mirroring our own player experience... did somebody order a recurring 5* Kivas Fajo???

    Now is the time for @SunshineRiker to go mad with power and make this happen. 😁
  • robownage wrote: »

    Yassss - from your lips to DB's ears.

    And out comes for the recurring...wait for it...

    Chancellor Kol :neutral:
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did have to google whether we actually saw the relativity in the episode as I couldn't remember the exterior ever being shown... happily Google says YES!
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    An epic, time-travel-themed mega, collecting rare specimens not only from across space, but time as well, essentially mirroring our own player experience... did somebody order a recurring 5* Kivas Fajo???

    Relativity mega Great!!!! Fajo not great recurrent.
    Maybe more apropriate recurrent could be Henry Stark, or Lt Ducane, 21st century guinan, Mark Twain or Mrs Carmichael from “times arrow”, Yedrin Dax.
  • Flemming wrote: »
    U.S.S. Relativity themed MEGA!

    It would be Epic!

    Tie in all the crazy time travel incursions across all of the series.

    Yeah and we'd have to call the expedition event fatigue temporal psychosis. I'm sure everyone would know how that feels.

    Aside, it's gotta happen.
    Account on it's final tour, soon to be retired!
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    nice @Flemming. I like the inclusion of 19th c Guinan and 20th c Braxton the most
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I forgot to mention, Temporal Agents should be bonus for the entire series.
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  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would be good if we could get Mark Twain too. But I am not picky, I will settle for Samuel Clemens.
    Let’s fly!
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Characters are of course up for grabs, because this was written with zero legal knowledge. But I hope it conveys the story I imagined.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Literally my ONLY gripe is that there seems to be a staggering lack of event crew for your expedition, arguably the event type that requires the most event crew. Otherwise, 10 out of 10, would "Awesome" again.
    Flemming wrote: »
    Cause I was bored at Lunch:


    Week 1: Iconoclasts in the Mist - Faction Event
    Description: The timeline is in disarray, incredible artifacts and cultural icons have gone missing and in turn changing ancient timelines of major civilizations. Factions need help investigating what is happening to cause these temporal disruptions.
    Factions: Klingon, Cardassian, Ferengi
    Featured Crew: 19th Century Guinan (New), Atoz (new), Berlinghoff Rasmussen (existing)
    Guinan senses the problem, Rasmussen is brought in as an expert in time travel larceny, Atoz proves the missing icons and artifacts are gone from temporal record.
    (Epilogue: Kivas Fajo is now stealing artifacts at their point of origin.)

    Week 2: Race to Relativity - Skirmish Event
    Description: To stop Fajo from destroying multiple cultures, Starfleet has deemed it necessary to involve the future timeship Relativity. The problem is, Fajo and other factions are racing to control it first. Our heroes need to skirmish battle past all other challengers to control the U.S.S. Relativity and ultimately stop Fajo from taking her.
    Featured Crew: Nausican Captain (new), 20th Century Braxton (new), Mirror Janeway (existing)
    Ships: 3* - Aeon timeship (new), 4* - U.S.S. Enterprise, 5* - U.S.S. Relativity (New)
    Nausican Captain is a co-antagonist. Mirror Janeway is fighting for herself. 20th Century Braxon is a victim of Fajo's temporal meddling.
    Epilogue (Phase One: Fajo gets the relativity, Phase Two: Heroes take back the Relativity.)

    Week 3: Yesterday for Tomorrow - Galaxy Event/Expedition
    Description: With the Relativity, our heroes must repair what damage Fajo has already caused. Phase one: Retake the artifacts. Phase two: return them to their temporal origins.
    Featured Crew: Richard Galen (new), Gamma Quadrant Vash (new), Silik (existing)
    Get the Exoarchaologists out to fix the damage.

    Week 4: Relativity amoung Thieves - Galaxy Event
    Description: Fajo is still at large, time to assemble the best, spies, smugglers and operatives to finally track down and put an end to this temporal menace!
    Featured Crew: Bell Riots Vin (new), Crewman Daniels (new), Roga Danar (existing)
    Epilogue: The Heroes win.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you have to ask this kind of question, you don't need to be playing this game and can't call yourself a trek fan.

    I feel like I am a pretty stridently dedicated Trek fan and even I can’t remember all of the names and shows.
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Literally my ONLY gripe is that there seems to be a staggering lack of event crew for your expedition, arguably the event type that requires the most event crew. Otherwise, 10 out of 10, would "Awesome" again.

    Perhaps all Picard variants could count for Richard Galen and/or all Q variants for Vash?
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    If you have to ask this kind of question, you don't need to be playing this game and can't call yourself a trek fan.

    Wow, late to the party on this comment but it's a doozy... you're saying that to be a fan of something you have to know EVERYTHING about it no exceptions? Get outta here

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