Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet (CIDAS V6.0) (Continuum Best/Trait Finder)

Good day to you all!
Some of you might be thinking, oh great, another spreadsheet to maintain! But wait, this one is slightly different! May I introduce...
Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet!
Yes in ten simple steps you can import you datacore csv file and the sheet will analyse the data within and give you detailed results about your crew roster. Unlike the Do Not Airlock list and the Level 100 Crew list this will give you statistics based on your current skills, bonuses included!
CLICK HERE TO GOTO THE SHEET (current version V6.0)
This includes:

This is quite a dense sheet and contains a lot of data, so follow through the guide in the Introduction page then whilst it's processing sit back and let the sheet do it's thing for ten minutes or so. Some people have noted that the Honor page doesn't update, just try closing the sheet and re-opening it and it should refresh. Also use Chrome, Firefox and Opera seem to have problems with Google Sheets
Some users have tried to import stats on mobile/tablet but I wouldn't recommend it. Best to use a computer to do the initial work and then use mobile devices to view the data later.
Using the Potential Crew Updater
This updates your Potential Crew, Images and What If? crew and NOT your datacore import. This is so you can see any new crew that have been added to the game.
Good day to you all!
Some of you might be thinking, oh great, another spreadsheet to maintain! But wait, this one is slightly different! May I introduce...
Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet!
Yes in ten simple steps you can import you datacore csv file and the sheet will analyse the data within and give you detailed results about your crew roster. Unlike the Do Not Airlock list and the Level 100 Crew list this will give you statistics based on your current skills, bonuses included!
CLICK HERE TO GOTO THE SHEET (current version V6.0)
This includes:
- * A breakdown of your stars owned and your current Honor Debt and Chron Debt *New*
- * A list of your crew with their skills and statuses.
- * Lists of your top crew sorted by both Shuttle and Voyage stats
- * Pie Charts and more lists, top variants, top traits!
- * A top 10 list of your best pairs/triplets both for Shuttle and Voyage stats!
- * A trait list showing you all the traits you own and which crew has them!
- * A Voyage Calculator to work out who on your crew give you the biggest boost!
- * Potential Crew, who would be your heaviest hitters should they get cites
- * What If? Add up to three crew you don't have to your roster, see where they fit in!
- * Continuum Best Crew and Trait Finder!

This is quite a dense sheet and contains a lot of data, so follow through the guide in the Introduction page then whilst it's processing sit back and let the sheet do it's thing for ten minutes or so. Some people have noted that the Honor page doesn't update, just try closing the sheet and re-opening it and it should refresh. Also use Chrome, Firefox and Opera seem to have problems with Google Sheets
Some users have tried to import stats on mobile/tablet but I wouldn't recommend it. Best to use a computer to do the initial work and then use mobile devices to view the data later.
Using the Potential Crew Updater
This updates your Potential Crew, Images and What If? crew and NOT your datacore import. This is so you can see any new crew that have been added to the game.
- * Uncheck the button on the "Intro" screen. Now wait a few minutes for the update. Do this too fast and it won't work.
- * Recheck it, wait again for the sheet to reload. You should have all the latest crew stats/image info when the Datacore adds it.
- *Make sure your starbase bonuses are correct! This will only effect potential crew, not your actual roster which already has this in account.
Author Of Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet, Timelines Backend Stats Super Hyper Edition,Captain Idol's Voyage Analysis SheetCome join the Trek Time Wednesday Stream on YouTube at and catch up with old episodes at Join our Discord at
didnt have time to make a cup of tea thou, was still reading thru the intro page guide when it finished processing the data. But I really need a cup of tea now :DD
Just out of interest @kapu did the honor page load up first time?
It is still calculating but I assume that this is correct already:
30 years... ok... let's see how far I get until they shut down the game. But probably this gets worse each non-pre-flashback-week.
/edit: Oh wait... 30 years and 15 months...?
maybe. But I tried to sort the crew list couple of times before checking the honor page so the sheet processed the data couple of times before I looked at the honor. Might be unrelated dunno.
Speaking of sorting, what would be the correct way to point to the pV score column? Using number 15 resulted in sorting by the first column ie the id number instead. (managed to sort by 'DC Vrank' as the next best thing using 9)
Yeh I'm pretty sure I got the code wrong for that. It's mostly guess work. Either that or it's for a planet with bigger seasonal drift and 28 hour days.
15 should work but I tested it on my sheet and does that same thing. Hmm I will look into that one.
the Voyage scores are all on lists on other sheets however.
I might see if I can come up with a dropdown switch for sorting data on that page.
also; sweet sweet honor debt
But... this is AWESOME work, really. Thanks for sharing!
In German it is the 4th option from the top, probably it is the same for all languages:
This kind of exists under Top Crew, which sorts all your Voyagers by their total voyage skill. This accounts for all three skills sets.
Hmmm column B + C do, but they are unsorted stat-wise. The other columns only show the main bases and no pairs or totals. But ok, it was just a suggestion. It is your tool.
Didn't get that menu selection in firefox, worked in chrome.
Oh so would a list of the crew and their voyage stats similar to the L100 Crew chart be more useful. I think I can possibly design that and put it in, shouldn't be too hard (famous last words).
Take that with a grain of salt, I'm 99.996% sure I've done the time calculation wrong...the years should be correct but very sure the months/days are incorrect.
Also it's based on you earning 1300 honor a day which you will probably exceed most days.
So only 34 years maybe?
To be honest I do not know what that looks like, I use a different one with this output:
It can also be sorted by skill on top.
Wow that would be super-cool! Thanks for even trying!
/edit: Sorting and color stuff is not that important. We can always set filters at the top row and sort with it.
Hi, close your browser and reopen it, it should update then.
Looks like another useful tool, look forward to playing around with it!
Nunito baby! It's a beautiful font (also Conditional Formatting with code was a new experience for me, thanks for that)
E.g. my Gary Seven is not levelled yet, still he is #2 in the Gauntlet Top 50 but he is nowhere in the Top 50 Voyagers list even though he would be there quite prominent if he was levelled.
I conclude that the Gauntleteers ranking is drawn from the general ranking ignoring the crew's actual level but the Voyagers' ranking only considers crew which is L100 already, but on the other hand it does not take into account the stars already applied (#2 Sarah Sisko is 2/5 only and currently NOT my second best voyager).
To decide on whom to level (and cite) next it would make more sense to list crew like in the Gauntlet section (ignoring the current level and fusion) for everything, including the "Worst Voyagers" (maybe removing 4* crew there alltogether as they would dominate this section otherwise).
/edit: Adding a star to Honey Bare increased (!) my honor debt from 30y0m to 30y1m. Not that it matters too much at this point