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Expectations for the new Feature

ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
I just wanted to say in response to some others in a thread that has now been closed (with no reason why), that I think putting all your hopes on this new feature is not a good way to approach it.

Do I hope it's great? Absolutely. Do I fear it won't be because it addresses the wrong side of the problem, yes I do.

So my expectations are tempered. And that's fine. No game should be judged on one feature. TP are going to try something and that's good enough for me. Where my attention will be focused is on what they do after the new feature is delivered. No matter how successful the new feature is we are going to consume it in short order and we will need something else to keep the dollars flowing. I hope that this is the lesson that TP has learned. Games-as-service development never stops and pretty pictures can only get you so far.

This is absolutely the most restive I have ever seen the population of this game, and I for one don't want to see a mass walkout of players if the new feature comes in below expectations.

I also understand that this new feature is going to be iterated upon and that's great. But that isn't enough. TP need to be constantly finding new ways for us to use crew to drive our demand for them, so after a deserved break I hope they will get right back to developing the next new feature and will do what is required to deliver it in a more timely manner than this one (not a covid related criticism, I am extending my critique all the way back to Skirmishes as the last major game element added, and really Voyages was the last major important system.)

I know it's ironic that after years of campaigning for a new feature that on the eve of it's release I'm already starting my campaign for the next one and that I am now trying to lower people's expectations for the new one. The reason I spoke up asking for new features many times over the years is because I like the IP, the community and even the game and I don't want to see it fail. So, if TP signal that there is more to come I would urge people to keep an eye on the game going forward and see if things change for the better.

If this new feature is good, I will be hyping it to my RL friends who have left over the years. I really do believe that continued innovation and focus on player enjoyment can grow the player base again.



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    Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree 100%. I don't want to see everyone’s hopes riding on this one feature.

    But I do expect a serious uptick in the attention that is given to the requests of the players once the tp/wrg team can pull some resources off of the feature development.

    This forum only constitutes a thin % of the gaming platform, but most of the people who care enough to post here about it, also have some level of influence/investment in the players that don't visit the forum.

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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll wait and see how badly the two new currencies are monetized, before I evaluate the new feature, at all. If we have to pay a lot to have a chance, I'm not interested. I spend n the game VOLUNTARILY every month. I will not be forced to pay a dime to play.....

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Exactly. I have no clear guess as to what they’ve been working on. There’s no point in speculating and raising expectations to the point that the new feature can’t measure up. Let’s just see what it is and how it works. Give it a minute or even a day to percolate. Who knows? We might actually like it if we give it a chance on its own merits.
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    SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Hope for the best, and keep in mind that any change could go over like a fart in church. Either way, it should be entertaining... ;)
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
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    KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    I just hope its fun. I am trying not to expect too much. I hope it adds a fun new dynamic to the game, that keeps me playing a few minutes longer each day and gives me new things to work towards and personal or game achievements to strive to meet.
    And I agree 100% that a large part of the enjoyment of it will come down to how heavily monetized it is. I dont mind paying to get ahead a little faster, but if I can't get their through game play, I am not interested.
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    CalhounCalhoun ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    I was hoping it would be a new game mode, because I feel that's what the game needs most. Instead it feels like it's a marketplace of some sort. I will be disappointed if that's the case, because that's just not a change that I particularly desire, and it means that the change I do want isn't on the horizon. It’s not something to rant and rave about - if I stop playing, I’ll go quietly. At least if I'm wrong I will be pleasantly surprised.
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    I thought this would be a speculations post :sweat_smile:

    My expectations aren't particularly high, but given that there hasn't been an honor sale (and there might be none for a long time) I'm now looking forward to the new feature instead.

    I hope that it brings at least some of the advantages an honor sale does over the first week(s) after it's implemented:
    1) Anticipation for daily pulls/rewards/activities
    2) Chances to get (new) crew
    3) A need for planning or managing resources

    If it does that, then I'm happy with it. If it doesn't, I won't be upset, but my interest in the game and my need to spend will go down.
    The only things I'm currently hoarding resources for (which is the only reasonable way to deal with resources for everyone who is a long-time player and not a big spender) are a possible honor sale and a possible addition of a crew that I really want to a Tuesday pack. At some point I will have enough honor and dilithium that it won't make sense to purchase campaigns or monthly cards anymore.
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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Long time lurker. Rare poster. Can we step back from negative? The world is a bit nuts, yes. This is an escape, a game based on a future.... all the negativity in the forums, the rock bottom uc has found. I understand. Things are..... so Odd these days. To be polite.

    Lets just all chill.

    I do dig IRL is crazy. plz leave it at the door.

    This game is a good place to just tap and escape............

    I generally agree with this. This thread is off to a decent start though. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep people's expectations at a reasonable level. There does seems to be a problem of players expecting too much sometimes, then getting let down, so they leave the game. I kind of like the approach of keeping expectations reasonable and remembering that there is more coming than just this one feature. Like you, I hope people try to check some of the negativity at the door and keep complaints as objective as possible. So far, I think that's happening here. :)
    Farewell 🖖
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Only one reason to introduce new currencies is to have another way to get crew. With honor currency being introduced we got the honor hall and cool crew like Kahless and Borg Phlox. I am hoping the new currency will allow for the purchase of cool new crew. But things do not have to be crew to be cool. I would love new avatars or ways to change the color scheme of the look of the ships you are using or change the color or font of your words in UC. There are so many things that players would love that would not affect the gameplay at all and thereby there is no worry of unbalancing the game.
    Let’s fly!
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    Thurthorad wrote: »
    No matter how successful the new feature is we are going to consume it in short order and we will need something else to keep the dollars flowing.

    To me this is the potential issue, I've been playing nearly 2 years, initial challenge was cadets and then galaxy missions. They've been finished a long time now and ever since the game has been the repetitive same clicks daily with the very occasional divergence to something a bit more interesting.

    How many cracked through Episode 10 in short order when it introduced? It arrived, was consumed by many in a day or two and ignored ever since, for newer players it at least extended their challenge by a few days or even weeks.

    What ever is coming it needs to engage those that have been around the longest for more than a few days, it needs to be something to work at for months.
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    I hope the new feature is better than Luau Paris was
    ÷Dr. Claire Finn - Admiral of the Battleship Yamato & Founder of both the Battleship Yamato & ISS Yamato
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    MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Two currencies point to crew aquisition, as was mentioned already. This totally would fail the demand for crew employment.

    I have slight hope that it is something different, comparable to merits to be turned into transmissions to actually play with the crew instead of getting more. Very slight hope though.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
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    Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    Oh man, I really hope it's not a marketplace! I'd like something fun and engaging (like voyages) without too much rng (like the gauntlet) to do with my crew. Collecting for the sake of collecting is not for me.

    Something cool (but probably difficult to implement, but then again they've had a lot of time now) would be if all crew got some new quality, that you'd then use in the new game mode. For instance like ship abilities are now in the arena. Say, a defence ability in a new "defend a starbase" mode.
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    I haven't been a big forum user, just using it for event info, but ive been drawn to it since the festive disappointment.
    I would hope we all hope this will be a positive change and there is no point being negative over a few clues but TP doesn't help themselves at times hyping up the behold change. That being said the game has come along way, i remember when people wanted a break from events after they were first introduced.
    My hope is for ways that we can add to our crew and improve what we have for people who dont spend or spend rarely, i know that sounds like the honor system so it will be interesting to see what it is.
    I do have a question though for the people far more knowledgeable, why is content so difficult to add? For example you would imagine a mini event is relatively easy to add, i understand TP wants to make money out of everything, which is why we dont have expeditions anymore but why are changes such a problem?
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perhaps we will get the long awaited Luau Collection

    I actually would like that a lot.
    Let’s fly!
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    W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    The new feature could be anything. Some people are bound to be happy and some driven away. They can't please everyone, but they hype it up like it will.
    I would love to see a market place. Lots of games have them. I use some of them to various degrees. Some folks will rage quit over it.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Long time lurker. Rare poster. Can we step back from negative? The world is a bit nuts, yes. This is an escape, a game based on a future.... all the negativity in the forums, the rock bottom uc has found. I understand. Things are..... so Odd these days. To be polite.

    Lets just all chill.

    I do dig IRL is crazy. plz leave it at the door.

    This game is a good place to just tap and escape............

    I generally agree with this. This thread is off to a decent start though. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep people's expectations at a reasonable level. There does seems to be a problem of players expecting too much sometimes, then getting let down, so they leave the game. I kind of like the approach of keeping expectations reasonable and remembering that there is more coming than just this one feature. Like you, I hope people try to check some of the negativity at the door and keep complaints as objective as possible. So far, I think that's happening here. :)

    I stand corrected. The thread has taken on a decidedly negative tone. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. I'm just trying to decide if this could actually become helpful. Dragging the devs, post after post... maybe people will expect the new feature to be the product of incompetence and not expect much. It's not a view that I hold, but I suppose that's the most positive thing I can say about this thread.
    Farewell 🖖
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    ExanimusExanimus ✭✭✭✭
    Going negative about going negative. Whining about whining. The weirdest thing is probably that most of the random constructive and non-constructive venting would evaporate like a fart in the wind if the troll fanboys stopped antagonizing anyone who says something they don't like.

    I'll throw their advise back at them. If you don't want to see opinions or beliefs you don't agree with, stop reading them. No one forced you to read anything here, it was your choice. Making a new river over every negative communication is no more constructive. What is the point of crying over criticism you don't like? Are you trying to give the impression you think the devs are babies who can't handle negative feedback? If you have something to say that you think will impart perspective, great. If you just stopped by to insult people and leave your own rant about rants, you don't actually have high ground. Few things are more hypocritical.

    My expectations are very low. Any new feature is probably going to just be another way for existing spenders to lighten their pockets. If it's useful for the unwashed masses that will be awesome.

    One small thing I wanted to address in the previous comment. While honor sales certainly benefit people who spend a lot, they are one of the few ways you can feel rewarded for hard work if you can't spend as much as others. A lot of the cash trolls in this game like to frame not spending as if it were only a personal choice. They talk down to everyone and make them feel horrible when they are simply playing within their means. Aside from specials like Paris the game doesn't offer much to players who don't live with the same means as those who dominate it. I don't demand an honor sale. That doesn't mean I don't want one. I'm not going to throw tantrum if TP chooses to eliminate the only effective reward for hard work and saving in favour of a new way for spenders to spend (which is an assumption and may be entirely wrong). It's demoralizing being treated as expendable for failing to bring whatever arbitrary cash metric TP and the deep pockets feel validates the right to play and give feedback on what might feel rewarding. And it feels dismissive when the few ways to feel rewarded are denied or removed, and when spenders try to humiliate people for wanting to be rewarded when they seem to believe spending is the only thing worth rewarding. I don't tell other people how to play or attempt to impose my idea of what makes things fun on others, and it would be nice if others didn't assume I needed to adopt theirs.
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    Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Including the player base as reviewers in beta tests could improve
    1. the content towards better meeting the players' expectations
    2. the quality
    3. communication.

    I have wondered about this. Would it give said beta testers an unfair advantage in terms of advanced knowledge? They would know which resources to hoard on their live accounts. Alternatively, if these things are done transparently so all players see it (minimizing above advantage), then you get players across the spectrum giving feedback, despite only having third-hand or second-hand knowledge at best. Then when the ideas, complaints, and other input are not taken seriously due to this lack of first-hand knowledge, it can disenfranchised a large swath of players.

    I don't know where that balance is between transparency, involvement, and keeping a level playing field. There's just so many times that we read (legitimate) complaints that it appears no one at WRG is play testing this feature or that change before it is rolled out. There's room for improvement. I just don't know where the balance points are or how to achieve a better equilibrium.
    Farewell 🖖
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