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Do you want in the future Mega Pack to be launched at the beginning of Mega Event?

SonjaSonja ✭✭✭
edited February 2023 in The Bridge
Trill Mega "Refracted" debuted with the possibility of buying mega pack at the beginning of the month (Mega Event). This pack contains all the new crew from throughout the whole mega.
Share your thoughts.
Do you find this as a good idea for future Mega events or not?

Do you want in the future Mega Pack to be launched at the beginning of Mega Event? 60 votes

[KM] WOLF 359Gib - Admiral MarinersThurthoradSennacherib(Set Screen Name)timelines_qSonja 7 votes
JeanLucKirkWaldoMagZombie Squirrel Travis S McClain[SSR]TrollhammerenJean-Luc KenobiSoupKitchen Riker(HGH)ApollocmdrworfTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)Webberoni*Nomad* {PoF}NoblemanDKIshmael MarxMicrohopperBylo Band]§[ Jonathanmr_sparkyBejeesus [Knights of the Saucer Section]EnderW 42 votes
ADM Fletcher [ET]Warrior WilloCommander SinclairWRG BenDScottHewittShy Khan[PFV] GrifterUluruKim_Novak.IIVeterinary PhloxChris [VSA] 11 votes


  • weakinteractionweakinteraction ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    I did make a few pulls and I've found that having some of the cards already has really dampened my enthusiasm for the coming events. I would probably have spent significantly more dil overall on recaps at 390, chasing a 5th star on a fully equipped Joran Sisko, than I felt I could afford trying out this new idea. (I stopped after my first Returning Ezri, the only card I would otherwise have needed to cite.)

    I'm not reflexively against WRG "trying something new" from time to time, but I do hope that their conclusion from this experiment will be that it shouldn't be repeated.
  • SonjaSonja ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    - new crew usuage during entire Mega
    - preparing in advance new crew (level up to 100 etc)
    - depending of luck, getting some copies of new legendary crew can generate new strategies during Mega-> game becomes a bit more interesting, out of the normal routine, repetitive pace like in the past

    - price (650 dill vs 390 dill after Mega Pack)
    - some competitive advantages for those who buys this pack (some of new legendary crew were already immortalized before this pack was live e.g. Joran Sisko-> new crew can be get in advanced from Dabo Wheel)
    - since we have more galaxies events lately + Midweek Objects (4* crew citation as reward), I rarely buy normal events pack because there is a low chance of getting the legendary new crew. Conclusion: I used more dills for this Mega compared to Past Mega which did not offer us the possibility to buy new Mega crew in advance
  • No
    I took a chance on 10 of these "Refracted" pre-cap packs and got exceptionally lucky. I can see several ways in which it benefited me... this time. I bought a few recap packs last year, but only because they were cheap. And honestly, I wasn't concerned with any of the featured crew. I was actually just hopeful that something existing that I wanted might drop. It's rarely the case that I'm even tempted by the pool of 5*s. Only 4 of the 8 4* crew in a given recap pack are new, and 2 of them feature in Galaxy/hybrids. Since campaigns are monthly and mega-events are only bimonthly, I'm better off just using the free 4* citation at the end of campaigns to fully fuse those two new 4*s and saving my dilithium. I'm perfectly content to save it.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    My luck on a gold is abysmal. Four purples are existing, three will be FF through their events, and I'm crunched for space. Getting crew way ahead of their event makes getting them and who I need at the time in difficult. I'll buy a pack or two for Ezri or just drop a cite and freeze her. For more useful purples, I'd have considered, but not with this ratio. It's just bad math.
    Now, if they want to do OEs midweek that would reward these packs throughout the Mega, that would be interesting. That I would definitely do. I might would spend a little dil finishing those. This is too much for too little. The pro rated price is also interesting. It also makes sense. The value of the pool decreases each week.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    No because of -

    - Price. Should be 390. Whether its beginning or ending of mega. If the price discounted weekly after each event end, maybe that would make it more palatable, BUT

    - this strategy could drive the game off the cliff. If event packs, mega packs, etc become available before the event, in other words, if crew that once had to be competed for become temporarily paywalled prior to the competition, you will kill the game.

    The events are all mindless, no thinking, and boring. The only point is the notoriety of finishing high in rank and EARNING the new coveted gold. While i freely admit that the limited and random availability of event exclusive crew through dabo has not hurt competition in the least, this effort of making crew purchasable prior to event starts has a gigantic flaw:

    What is the point of this game if it turns into : “we made a new card, buy a chance at it for 650 dilithium”? That is essentially what this strategy leads to as the relevancy of events will tank when the whales can simply buy the crew they want without the event, and that will eventually lead to the realization that we are buying things for no reason at all. Currently, you can “make up” for a missed event by purchasing the event packs the week after, and hoping to get lucky. The only real point in this is to get the crew that you missed out on, OR to get the crew you will need for the following weeks event that will help you COMPETE for the crew you want to win.

    If you make things like precaps, or their logical next step: pre event packs, you eliminate the already very low appeal of grinding events. And you kill the game.

    I am terrified at the lack of foresight thats going into these decisions. I dont blame the person who came up with the idea, but i do have a lot of questions for the person that approved it.

    The event offers have let you buy the card without competing for years. Weekly event packs have always launched before the event and let you purchase the cards without competing. People going for the highest ranks are doing it for the glory of the rank not for the cards. Unless they're F2P it's much cheaper/easier to buy packs and offers to FF crew than rank high enough to get a 5/5. The only change here is you can buy the crew a couple weeks in advance. But anyone who wanted to buy crew before the event has always been able to buy that crew before the start of the event.
  • No
    AviTrek wrote: »

    The event offers have let you buy the card without competing for years. Weekly event packs have always launched before the event and let you purchase the cards without competing. People going for the highest ranks are doing it for the glory of the rank not for the cards. Unless they're F2P it's much cheaper/easier to buy packs and offers to FF crew than rank high enough to get a 5/5. The only change here is you can buy the crew a couple weeks in advance. But anyone who wanted to buy crew before the event has always been able to buy that crew before the start of the event.

    Yes except the hold card was available AFTER you could win it. Not before.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes except the hold card was available AFTER you could win it. Not before.

    The 4* is available before the event. For the vast majority of the game's life the 5* was the reward in the event where it was the event crew too. So the only way you could use the 5* in the event was to buy the card. And you can still buy the 5* before the event starts.
  • No
    AviTrek wrote: »

    The 4* is available before the event. For the vast majority of the game's life the 5* was the reward in the event where it was the event crew too. So the only way you could use the 5* in the event was to buy the card. And you can still buy the 5* before the event starts.

    You cannot buy the 5* before the event starts unless its in dabo.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭

    You cannot buy the 5* before the event starts unless its in dabo.

    The 5* reward is event crew in the following event. The event pack launches on Wednesday before the event goes live on Thursday. You can buy packs or the dollar offers for me 24 hours before the event launches.
  • No
    AviTrek wrote: »

    The 5* reward is event crew in the following event. The event pack launches on Wednesday before the event goes live on Thursday. You can buy packs or the dollar offers for me 24 hours before the event launches.

    That is what i said in my post.

    What you are missing is that there is no way to buy THIS WEEKS REWARD without it being in dabo, until the event ENDS.

    UNLESS you buy the freshly released pre-caps.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not unless they have a recap pack at the end for 390 dil as well.
    Let’s fly!
  • Maybe
    I think this is a neat experiment. I can understand some of the criticisms being made, but I do hope they'll continue to try different things like this. Some won't stick, others will.

    I'm curious to see how this effects events. If someone is lucky enough to get a legendary they want beforehand, will they fighter harder for a second copy or ease up and let other folks ranks? I don't know.

    For me specifically, I tend to target individual crew, so it's uncommon for me to get mega packs. I decided I'd try a few pulls to get a feel for it and got Sisko, so in this instance I'm pretty happy. (It's funny, I keep forgetting there was a period where he had the beard before he shaved, although there are some great episodes when he did.)
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭

    That is what i said in my post.

    What you are missing is that there is no way to buy THIS WEEKS REWARD without it being in dabo, until the event ENDS.

    UNLESS you buy the freshly released pre-caps.

    Ok, time for a little history lesson.

    When events first launched in 2016, the event rewards were for the event crew. There was no one week offset. Event packs went live on Wednesday letting you buy crew for the event. Then the event launched on Thursday and you could compete for the crew.

    There was NEVER a fundamental principle that you compete for crew before you can buy them.

    Then in October 2018 the 5* reward was shifted by the week. The reason was not so you compete first. The reason was so that players who do compete get a use out of their crew.

    And important to note, the event pack continued to launch on Wednesday before the crew was bonus crew. So you can still always buy the crew before they are bonus crew.

    Sure you could compete first, but the use of the crew was in the following event. If you didn't want to compete and buy the crew you could.

    What people compete for are 1) the bragging rights of the rank and 2) copies of crew for the next event.

    With this change people can buy crew earlier if they want. Or they can not and wait. If they buy the crew early, good for them. They still won't get a use out of the crew until their event.

    If people want to rank in the event when the crew is the reward they are still competing for bragging rights and extra copies of the crew. Competing for bragging rights are the same and having the crew early changes nothing. If you want to compete for extra copies cool, but that's not any different than competing for copies and then buying extra copies afterwards. You still end up with the copies. And the competition for the rank is the same regardless of when you can buy the crew.
  • SonjaSonja ✭✭✭
    I think this is a neat experiment. I can understand some of the criticisms being made, but I do hope they'll continue to try different things like this. Some won't stick, others will.

    I'm curious to see how this effects events. If someone is lucky enough to get a legendary they want beforehand, will they fighter harder for a second copy or ease up and let other folks ranks? I don't know.

    For me specifically, I tend to target individual crew, so it's uncommon for me to get mega packs. I decided I'd try a few pulls to get a feel for it and got Sisko, so in this instance I'm pretty happy. (It's funny, I keep forgetting there was a period where he had the beard before he shaved, although there are some great episodes when he did.)

    I got 1 copy of Audrid Quark from Mega Pack, but I am competing :)
  • No
    I prefer the Mega recap packs, because of the reasonable price.

    Though i understand, that releasing all Mega Crew in advance probably
    gets WRG some room to focus on other stuff during the Mega.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just as an aside to that history lesson, the earliest events only featured one 5* and one 4* crew member. There were then, as now, three copies of the 4* in the solo thresholds. Instead of up to four copies of a second 4* crew, there were up to four copies of... the same 4* that was in thresholds. Rank rewards weren't cumulative, so you had to choose between earning the fourth star from rank rewards, earning up to three superfluous copies of the 4*, or earning a 3/4 from thresholds and an x5 from rank. Many a player opted to tank an event because they either didn't want or didn't believe they could compete enough to earn a 1+/5 but didn't need more than 1 copy of the 4* to go with the three from thresholds. Mind you, crew quarters were far more limited, we had no vault to store immortalized crew, and we had to walk uphill both ways. AND WE LIKED IT.*

    *That's a damn dirty lie. No one liked it.

    There was also an earlier shift to 2 new 4* crew in every event, with one being available in thresholds and another from rank. Aside from packs or purchases, players needed to rank in order to complete both new 4* crew. The change to 1 new & 1 existing 4* crew came much later, even before the changes made to 5* crew available in rank rewards, I believe.
  • No
    AviTrek wrote: »

    Ok, time for a little history lesson.

    When events first launched in 2016, the event rewards were for the event crew. There was no one week offset. Event packs went live on Wednesday letting you buy crew for the event. Then the event launched on Thursday and you could compete for the crew.

    There was NEVER a fundamental principle that you compete for crew before you can buy them.

    Then in October 2018 the 5* reward was shifted by the week. The reason was not so you compete first. The reason was so that players who do compete get a use out of their crew.

    And important to note, the event pack continued to launch on Wednesday before the crew was bonus crew. So you can still always buy the crew before they are bonus crew.

    Sure you could compete first, but the use of the crew was in the following event. If you didn't want to compete and buy the crew you could.

    What people compete for are 1) the bragging rights of the rank and 2) copies of crew for the next event.

    With this change people can buy crew earlier if they want. Or they can not and wait. If they buy the crew early, good for them. They still won't get a use out of the crew until their event.

    If people want to rank in the event when the crew is the reward they are still competing for bragging rights and extra copies of the crew. Competing for bragging rights are the same and having the crew early changes nothing. If you want to compete for extra copies cool, but that's not any different than competing for copies and then buying extra copies afterwards. You still end up with the copies. And the competition for the rank is the same regardless of when you can buy the crew.

    You are just being a contrarian. Who cares about the history lesson, when they went away from that model for a reason.

    Are you arguing that we should just restart the whole cycle of re-doing failed business models?

    What is the point of your post at all?
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭

    You are just being a contrarian. Who cares about the history lesson, when they went away from that model for a reason.

    Are you arguing that we should just restart the whole cycle of re-doing failed business models?

    What is the point of your post at all?

    My point is the game has never had the rule that you have to compete for crew before you buy them. It has always been built around having the option to buy crew. Crew have always been available before the event they mattered for and this change will not send it over the cliff.

    And I'll add now, based on Joe's comment, these changes were designed to increase players competing in the events. While the old recap packs had the effect of encouraging players to skip events and buy packs. So if anything the old packs were the ones sending the game over the cliff of players not competing.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    When mega packs were first introduced, you still could buy crew before the event that never changed.

    With the new change you can now get the mega event special crew before the event . Also you will be able to get some event crew much earlier than you could have before this change.

  • No
    Webberoni wrote: »

    There was also an earlier shift to 2 new 4* crew in every event, with one being available in thresholds and another from rank. Aside from packs or purchases, players needed to rank in order to complete both new 4* crew. The change to 1 new & 1 existing 4* crew came much later, even before the changes made to 5* crew available in rank rewards, I believe.

    Ah, yes! I remember now. It wasn't until "Ghost in the Machine" (20th ever event, 10/28-11/1/16) that we had an existing 4* in the featured crew for a first-run event. There was much debate. I mean, some seriously volatile Sneeches stuff. Lore had been was added in a pack that went on sale 3 May 2016. Having Lore wasn't just a status symbol; there was a node in one mission that pretty much only he could unlock. (It was subsequently changed and I forget what it was.) A lot of players bought packs chasing him. In those days, dilithium was exclusively attainable for real world cash, so we're talking about people paying entirely with actual money here, not just dipping into dilithium stockpiled from campaigns and collection rewards.

    So there was naturally a backlash. Players who'd forked over obscene amounts of cash found it a slap in the face that now all of a sudden, their status symbol could be attained for free by the masses. They swore they'd never spend another penny, and rage quit en masse over this betrayal (for the weekend, anyway). I vaguely recall DB's explanation actually included, "Look, we're running behind and had to plug in something we already had laying around." Meanwhile, many vocal F2P/VIP 0 players saw it as an act of egalitarianism to take Lore out from behind the glass case, and a much needed victory in the Have-Nots' War against the Haves.

    DB, of course, took this feedback to heart and proved it the next week by running "Dictators, Unite!" over the weekend before the 2016 U.S. elections with a featured crew of just one 4*, the existing Mirror K'Ehleyr, and two 5*'s; the existing Frank Hollander and the new Interfaced Barclay.

    And not that it matters, but I took a certain satisfaction as F2P/VIP 0 that I only had crew I'd earned from events. Even though I'd earned my Lores from "Ghost in the Machine", the fact other players could have had him some other way made him feel less legitimate as a trophy so I 86'd the copies I'd attained from the thresholds. I didn't end up getting and completing him until 2020.

    tl;dr This game has always been full of Haves vs. Have Nots, backlashes, and vanity
  • Sulu's HusbandSulu's Husband ✭✭✭✭✭

    You are just being a contrarian. Who cares about the history lesson, when they went away from that model for a reason.

    Are you arguing that we should just restart the whole cycle of re-doing failed business models?

    What is the point of your post at all?

    Are you Princess_Uhura?
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »

    My point is the game has never had the rule that you have to compete for crew before you buy them. It has always been built around having the option to buy crew. Crew have always been available before the event they mattered for and this change will not send it over the cliff.

    And I'll add now, based on Joe's comment, these changes were designed to increase players competing in the events. While the old recap packs had the effect of encouraging players to skip events and buy packs. So if anything the old packs were the ones sending the game over the cliff of players not competing.

    I was already of the opinion that the recap packs were kinda crap, as explained elsewhere. but I'm not sure you 'fix' the game by forcing players into the weekly grind. Surely, everyone benefits if we can all get the crew the way we want to, some by buying them and some by competing for them. If we just force competition we are going to make the competition more difficult and therefore the game less pleasant.

    I think they should have handled this a bit better by just getting rid of the recap packs for a while and explaining that they were at too low a price point and that they believed it was damaging the game. Or just said nothing at all, because I don't think anything said was really going to change minds. Clearly we all want the game to continue and so we do want them to make the right decisions. If the packs were problematic it is right that they go. I definitely think that the packs are more valuable now that they are available before the event and the price should reflect that, but I think this would have felt better if they had been gone for a few months.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »

    Ok, time for a little history lesson.

    When events first launched in 2016, the event rewards were for the event crew. There was no one week offset. Event packs went live on Wednesday letting you buy crew for the event. Then the event launched on Thursday and you could compete for the crew.

    There was NEVER a fundamental principle that you compete for crew before you can buy them.

    Then in October 2018 the 5* reward was shifted by the week. The reason was not so you compete first. The reason was so that players who do compete get a use out of their crew.

    And important to note, the event pack continued to launch on Wednesday before the crew was bonus crew. So you can still always buy the crew before they are bonus crew.

    Sure you could compete first, but the use of the crew was in the following event. If you didn't want to compete and buy the crew you could.

    What people compete for are 1) the bragging rights of the rank and 2) copies of crew for the next event.

    With this change people can buy crew earlier if they want. Or they can not and wait. If they buy the crew early, good for them. They still won't get a use out of the crew until their event.

    If people want to rank in the event when the crew is the reward they are still competing for bragging rights and extra copies of the crew. Competing for bragging rights are the same and having the crew early changes nothing. If you want to compete for extra copies cool, but that's not any different than competing for copies and then buying extra copies afterwards. You still end up with the copies. And the competition for the rank is the same regardless of when you can buy the crew.

    I believe all the Mega Event Crew have the "Trill" Trait and thus actually would be small Bonus outside their specific week. Which certainly does not always apply in a Mega. We've seen Mega Events where the featured Crew do not have the featured Trait and would only be useful their specific week, IIRC.

    So, this Mega happens to be an exception to the general rule. If I am recalling correctly. But, most Megas it totally applies.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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