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Datacore update : the Updatening



  • To the datacore team - the enhancement to the citation optimizer is very nice. I like how you can see the crew groupings for each skill pairing. It will be very helpful for me going forward.
  • I've tried the new beta version today. Great work, but the one annoying thing is the automatic localization. I've switched my game to English on purpose, because the German translation is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. And now I go to the new datacore site, and everything is in German without the option to switch to English.

    I could live with it, but it's not nice.
  • An update to my previous suggestion: instead of using the browser language, fetch the language for localization from here.
  • Another idea for Datacore: give us the option to quip crew on some of the screens and test out how that would change things. Especially the gauntlet calculator, voyage calculator and event planner come to my mind
  • Datacore Team: I’ve been using the Voyage Calculator on the beta site to determine my voyage crew. The feature to exclude quipped crew is very helpful, thank you for this! I also like being able to add unowned crew to the citation optimizer to see if it would help improve my crew.
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