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  • AmbrosiaPrime ✭ April 1

    Ambrosia Wrote on April 1st, 2019

    “Funny how we are playing a game which is based on a reality where money is not a factor; and yet there is no doubt that this is a game where money is the main factor. I also noticed a good many fascist comments in the in game chat room which if I am not mistaken is also the opposite of what the vision of Star Trek is meant to be and why we love it so much. Someone enlighten me please.”


    I started this Newbie forum discussion last October, 2018. My Avatar name is rr-RishScot.

    Your comment is one of the most, if not the most accurate comment about this game ever written. In addition, your comment stands out due to its truth of being one of the more sadly ironic as well.

    There exists a tremendous quantity of quality people playing this game. Unfortunately, due to the pursuit of short term greed oriented game traits rather than profitable long term growth game planning, the design of the game brings out the worst of what exists in us all. These ‘tremendous quantity’ of quality people mentioned earlier are people more akin to Star Trek’s philosophy. Sadly, they remain mostly silent against what it is that you see in your observations.

    Gene Roddenberry is rolling around in his grave at the depth (heights) of how this game is dominated by bringing out the worst in us.

    Having 3 Tribbles, 5 first place finishes and numerous top 10 finishes since beginning to play in October 2018, I know first hand how this game is anti-Star Trek. I quit the Ruffrider Fleet 10 days ago due to circumstances and deeds done by my former friend, the Admiral of the fleet who at best is solely amoral. I’m not sure which one created the other. The Chicken (Admiral Ruffrider) or the Egg (The Game).

    My best advice to you is to find something else to do with your time.

    Respectfully yours,

    May 3, 2019

    Post Script

    Anyone can feel free to copy Ruffrider on this missive. As he told a competitor just a few weeks ago while he bragged online that 3 of us Ruffrider’s took away her 1,1,1 Tribble in the last 30 minutes of an event and was taunting her later that she did not have the money the Ruffriders have. I say send it to him. There is no slander libel. Only truth. Besides, I’m the one with the money. I would use it willingly to expose truth.
  • Hello! I am part of a new fleet, and have a question about the Advanced Reclamation Unit. Our Admiral heard the room's bonuses were not very useful. I did try to research on stt.wiki, but did not find out much information about the starbase rooms. What I found, I think is that the Advanced Reclamation rooms bonuses decrease replicator credit cost? Please let me know if this is correct or if the room's bonuses are something different. Thank you.
    "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    prosen wrote: »
    Hello! I am part of a new fleet, and have a question about the Advanced Reclamation Unit. Our Admiral heard the room's bonuses were not very useful. I did try to research on stt.wiki, but did not find out much information about the starbase rooms. What I found, I think is that the Advanced Reclamation rooms bonuses decrease replicator credit cost? Please let me know if this is correct or if the room's bonuses are something different. Thank you.

    Bonuses provided by all starbase rooms can be viewed by going to the starbase screen and scrolling until you find the room in question. Be warned that both the Dynamic and Advanced Reclamation Units only Return a handful of replicator rations...there are no permanent benefits and even the rations you get are limited compared to running a voyage or three.


    The room that reduces replicator credit costs is the Mess Hall. When maxed out, it drops the cost by 10%...not much unless you’re replicating a lot of 3*/4*/5* items. If you are replicating those items (it can sometimes be cheaper than trying to grind for hard-to-find components), the savings really add up for 4* and 5* items - 9,000 and 25,000 credits, respectively, is nothing to sneeze at when credits are hard to come by.

  • Bonuses provided by all starbase rooms can be viewed by going to the starbase screen and scrolling until you find the room in question. Be warned that both the Dynamic and Advanced Reclamation Units only Return a handful of replicator rations...there are no permanent benefits and even the rations you get are limited compared to running a voyage or three.


    The room that reduces replicator credit costs is the Mess Hall. When maxed out, it drops the cost by 10%...not much unless you’re replicating a lot of 3*/4*/5* items. If you are replicating those items (it can sometimes be cheaper than trying to grind for hard-to-find components), the savings really add up for 4* and 5* items - 9,000 and 25,000 credits, respectively, is nothing to sneeze at when credits are hard to come by.

    Thank you for your help Dirk Gunderson. Live Long and Prosper.
    "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • And generally, if your fleet maxes the starbase, most or all of your members will not be thrilled with the few rations you get out the unit.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    prosen wrote: »
    Hello - I would like to know how to make a new post in the Fleet Central to announce fleet openings. thank you!

    I think you need to get a handful of posts and awesomes to get up to 10 points to be able to post new discussions rather than only responses.
  • Paladin 27 wrote: »

    I think you need to get a handful of posts and awesomes to get up to 10 points to be able to post new discussions rather than only responses.

    Thank you Paladin for the tip. Appreciated.
    "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • REGREG ✭✭✭
    I too want to post about free spots in my fleet. We have squadron openings.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    REG wrote: »
    I too want to post about free spots in my fleet. We have squadron openings.

    I recommend that you create a new thread about your fleet, squadron openings and general whatnot here:


    Be prepared to have to "bump up" (update your thread) often, though, as several fleets use that sub-forum for the same reason(s). Good luck! LLAP
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    REG wrote: »
    I will create a thread when I can, currently I only have one badge.

    Then I will “Awesome” all of your posts to help you get another badge, until you are able to do that. ;)

    What is the name of your Fleet, by the way? If it would help you, I will mention y’all in UC & on Discord, as having spots available for players to become Members. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • I have awesomed all of your posts as well. I hope you get over the limit so you can post your fleet ad.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • REGREG ✭✭✭
    Thanks for awesome flagging, still have to wait it seems for some indeterminate time period.
  • REGREG ✭✭✭
    First forum I have had to jump through so many hoops.
  • REG wrote: »
    First forum I have had to jump through so many hoops.

    Unfortunately it's due to significant spam issues in the old forum. It's been almost 100% effective since we moved to the new forum in preventing spambots.
  • REGREG ✭✭✭
    Do you know how long it is before newbies can post new discussions?
  • REG wrote: »
    Do you know how long it is before newbies can post new discussions?

    Hi Reg, I just recently asked the same question (Oct 27). You have to have a certain amount of points on your account and at a certain level.
    "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • REGREG ✭✭✭
    Thanks prosen, did you find out how many?
  • hail, i am a new player and loving the game.
    what impact does a crew members level have in the arena ?
    are all opponents in arena other players (or are some AI) ?
    it seems that i am only able to select other ships to battle against. how does one sit there and wait to be chosen to battle another player?
    thank you for the answers.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    starfox wrote: »
    hail, i am a new player and loving the game.
    what impact does a crew members level have in the arena ?
    are all opponents in arena other players (or are some AI) ?
    it seems that i am only able to select other ships to battle against. how does one sit there and wait to be chosen to battle another player?
    thank you for the answers.

    @starfox , look here for crew ship abilities:


    Practice. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    starfox wrote: »
    hail, i am a new player and loving the game.
    what impact does a crew members level have in the arena ?
    are all opponents in arena other players (or are some AI) ?
    it seems that i am only able to select other ships to battle against. how does one sit there and wait to be chosen to battle another player?
    thank you for the answers.

    As you level crew, one item per tier will increase the crew members ship stats. As you increase fusion, the base value of their ability power goes up.

    The opponets in the arena are all human players, but they are not human-controlled. They all have a simple AI that will trigger abilities as soon as they can. When other players attack you, they will fight your ship with the AI firing your crew. You cannot watch the fight, but when your rank goes down you know you've been hit.
  • starfoxstarfox ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019

    As you level crew, one item per tier will increase the crew members ship stats. As you increase fusion, the base value of their ability power goes up.

    The opponets in the arena are all human players, but they are not human-controlled. They all have a simple AI that will trigger abilities as soon as they can. When other players attack you, they will fight your ship with the AI firing your crew. You cannot watch the fight, but when your rank goes down you know you've been hit.

    about crew level and its importance in arena: what impact does a higher level crew member have? for example, is a level 1, 3star deanna troi equally effective (lol) as a level 100 fffe deanna troi in arena?

    bummer about the battles not being controlled by a human. i kind of felt something was up. now i feel like my long win streaks are simply becos the AI isnt using much strategy :(

    oh, another question! does the game take into consideration the character im assigning to certain slots on a voyage? like if i assigned phlox to the engineering slot. does the characters history on the show matter? stats aside, does the game reward me somehow for putting belanna in engineering becos thats her role on the shows?
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    A FFFE lvl 100 Deanna will have higher activated ability scores, passive bonus, everything than a lvl 1 1-star.

    More important than the stats are the activated abilities themselves. It is generally accepted that Killy and her clones (400% burst at 6 sec) have the most desitable ability.

    Captain and Commander divisions do have optimal crew setups that everyone in the top ranks uses, but in Admiral there is more variability.

    As for Voyages, no there is no bonus for matching a character with their normal assigned position from their respective show, although there is trait bias that draws characters towards ones that reflect their skills. Phlox has Physician which is a common trait for MED slots. Same for Tactician for SEC, Astrophysics for SCI, etc
  • thank you peregrine and odo ! really helped me!
  • an arena question: i know that attack/evasion/accuracy abilities do not stack but how about abilities like + crit bonus? a crew with +1000 crit bonus and a different crew with + 1500 crit bonus active together equals +2500 crit bonus or just the higher of the two?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Zork wrote: »
    Many thanks, Data1001 !

    Yes, well spotted!

    If you fancy some retrogaming, most/all of the Zork series of games are available on Steam (legal) and gog.com (legal and DRM-free). Only the first few games are text based.
    (For the full series, search wikipedia.org for zork. I tried posting a link but this forum is too paranoid to let me yet.)

    My favourite of the series was "Zork: Grand Inquisitor"
    Great sense of humour.

    You might also like "Grim Fandango"

    The Commodore 64 had so many great games! Some of the favorites I’ve ever played. Or is it just that I remember them so fondly because I was a kid and they really weren’t that great? I hope not cuz I sure had fun playing them
  • Good afternoon,
    Some basic newbie questions about the forum here...
    How "old" does your account need to be to be able to make a discussion thread?

    Live long and prosper,
    “Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"~ E.A. Poe
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