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Newbie Questions



  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good afternoon,
    Some basic newbie questions about the forum here...
    How "old" does your account need to be to be able to make a discussion thread?

    Live long and prosper,

    You need to get a certain amount of points (which you can see in your profile) from comments and awesomes. I, and someone else, just liked your comment; once you get a few more (I think it's five or six total) you'll rank up enough to post threads.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: ÷ Battleship Yamato, Squad Leader & Fleet Officer; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1575 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • Good afternoon,
    Thank you EnderW, appreciate the answer.

    Well, I'll just have to think of something seriously good to contribute :)

    I have a fair crew now, 85 souls, some good ships and I have established my own little fleet (private) to experiment with and learn about fleets - my next question is on that very topic.

    I have a number of ships but have just received the schematics to build a "bird of prey" - I don't want it in my fleet, can I sell or trade or just dump it for some sort of return?

    Again, many thanks, live long and prosper.
    Adm. T.
    “Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"~ E.A. Poe
  • Hi Captain Turk,

    I lurked on the forum for a while and commented on other people’s posts then asked Shan about posting my own posts and she gave me posting status.

    Your question is not about fleets, it is about your shipyard. You can convert ship schematics into replicator rations in inventory. If you mean the 2* Klingon K’Vort Bird-of-Prey you might want to reconsider as this is currently the best ship in the Commander division of the Arena when crewed with 3* Kang and 3* O’Brien.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been around a long time. Never get rid of schematics unless you already have the ship at max level. The more ships the better. There is no loss from extra ships, and it might help. Plus, we have long wanted ship collections. Maybe some day we will get it. And then, we get bonus, potentially.
  • Why is the message board so cumbersome? I like motivating my fleet with daily messages. the message board is the best way to communicate quickly.
  • Hello,
    Is there a possibility to remove this button,
    Why allways need to click...? :/


    [ ★ 𝕋𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕖𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕕 ★ ]
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    THE DOCTOR wrote: »
    Is there a possibility to remove this button,
    Why allways need to click...? :/


    Unfortunately it is indeed necessary.
  • Good afternoon Captains and Admirals,

    On the subject of "newbie questions" I have a couple more...

    1st) When does a newbie stop being a newbie??? LOL

    No, but seriously,

    When I conduct voyages to gather supplies for inventory etc I get "new" crew members - trouble is that these "new" crew members are crew that I either already have, or are 1 star/ 2 skill characters that I have no use for.

    On the voyages, regardless of vessel or flight crew make up, they are the same "new" crew over, and over, and over... (can't count the number of times I've 'airlocked' Neelix, Wesley and Tarses amongst others)

    When does the selection of "new crew" from voyages change, or, does it remain the same and just keep rotating through the same characters?

    Advice (either way) appreciated as always.
    Live Long and prosper,
    “Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"~ E.A. Poe
  • Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any 1-4* crew member that is in the portal can show up in voyages.

  • When does the selection of "new crew" from voyages change, or, does it remain the same and just keep rotating through the same characters?

    Advice (either way) appreciated as always.
    Live Long and prosper,

    The longer you can voyage, the more the higher-level crew will drop. Once you reach a certain level you will always hit 10 hour voyages. It doesn't guarantee a purple but often there is at least one. As Sven said above, only crew in the portal will drop. However, even in my ancientness of playing STT, I still have some portal purples that drop. For example, still waiting for another Starling to drop.

    All of that crap crew is great for generating honor, which is great in an honor sale. ;)xdmb0fms1j38.jpg
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Hailing frequency open;
    Thank you for the advice Admiral Sven and IPA Markas... now I know what to aim for.
    As you point out Markas, the "lower ranks" do make excellent "honor fodder"

    My thanks again, Live Long and Prosper,
    “Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"~ E.A. Poe
  • KPS wrote: »
    how do you get to level 2 so u can post

    respond to posts on the forums, have people awesome you posts and try and get shan to help you
  • AndrewAndrew ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon,
    Thank you EnderW, appreciate the answer.

    Well, I'll just have to think of something seriously good to contribute :)

    I have a fair crew now, 85 souls, some good ships and I have established my own little fleet (private) to experiment with and learn about fleets - my next question is on that very topic.

    I have a number of ships but have just received the schematics to build a "bird of prey" - I don't want it in my fleet, can I sell or trade or just dump it for some sort of return?

    Again, many thanks, live long and prosper.
    Adm. T.

    This is where I am now. Hence this amazing and totally relevant post. :-)
  • edited April 2023
    The purpose of the level system is to encourage engagement and reward members for their contributions to the community. It can also help to organize discussions by giving users a sense of hierarchy and establishing a sense of trust and authority among more active or experienced members.
  • Newbie question here. Can someone post screenshots of the rewards for the boss battle levels? I’m pretty far away from being able to compete in them and I would like to see what’s in store as far as rewards for the levels, i.e. ultra nightmare, nightmare, brutal, hard, normal, and easy

  • So you can turn unwanted items into replicator rations via 'manifest>inventory>replicator ration icons'. which leads to my question: I was wondering if it was worthwhile to use lower level replicator rations to make bigger ones? I see that one 3* ration gives 37.11% towards a 4* ration and unfortunately I have no other rations after thinking about this so I cant play around and figure it out for myself at the moment... If it just puts the same value into the next level ration it would still be worth while to save and upgrade them but I would like the advice of someone who knows for sure before I do anything as every replicator ration I get is very valuable and I don't want to waste any of their value on experimentation if I don't have to...
  • @Bursa & Lutor I think I understand what you’re asking - I do not see how it would be possible to create higher level rations from the lower ones.
  • ShidoniShidoni ✭✭✭
    As far as I can tell, the only good reason to turn lower-level rations into higher-level ones would be if you're approaching the item limit (32767) on the lower-level ones. Otherwise, all it does is make you waste the extra ration you've packed in if you need less than one full higher-level ration.
  • Bursa & LutorBursa & Lutor ✭✭
    edited November 2023
    I took some time to figure it out. At +0% replicator efficiency these are the numbers for upgrading replicator rations: (** are at +2% replicator efficiency)
    * quality used > * quality to make = % contributed by one ration. # of rations that go into 100%without going over = % that many rations contribute. r % to complete the upgrade without wasting anything

    ~ration upgrades using 0* rations
    0*>1*=50.00%. 2=100.00%. r 0.00%
    0*>2*=17.65%. 5= 88.25%. r11.75%
    0*>3*= 7.50%. 13= 97.50%. r 2.50%
    0*>4*= 2.73%. 36= 98.28%. r 1.72%
    0*>5*= 1.15%. 86= 98.90%. r 1.10%

    ~one 0* item towards making one 0* ration
    starbase= 6.67%

    ~ration upgrades using 1* rations
    1*>2*=35.29%. 2= 70.58%. r29.42%
    1*>3*=15.00%. 6= 90.00%. r10.00%
    1*>4*= 5.45%. 18= 98.10%. r 1.90%
    1*>5*= 2.31%. 43= 99.33%. r 0.67%

    ~one 1* item towards making one 1* ration
    1* schematic= 6.67%
    training= 6.67%
    starbase= 3.33%

    ~ration upgrades using *2 rations
    2*>3*=42.50%. 2= 85.00%. r15.00%
    2*>4*=15.45%. 6= 92.70%. r 7.30%
    2*>5*= 6.54%. 15= 97.62%. r 2.38%

    ~one *2 item towards making one *2 ration
    2* schematic= 3.53%
    boost= 23.53%
    starbase= 1.18%

    ~ration upgrades using 3* rations
    3*>4*=36.36%. 2= 72.72%. r27.28%
    3*>5*=15.70%. 6= 94.20%. r 5.80%

    ~one 3* item towards making one 3* ration
    3* schematic= 2.00%
    component=17.86% **
    training= 2.00%
    boost= 10.00%
    starbase= 0.50%

    very rare/purple
    ~ration upgrades using 4* rations
    4*>5*=42.31%. 2= 84.62%. r 15.38%

    ~one 4* item towards making one 4* ration
    4* schematic= 0.91%
    training= 0.91%
    boost= 22.37%
    starbase= 0.18%

    ~one 5* item towards making one 5* ration
    5* schematic= 0.54%
    component= 7.85% **
    equipment=29.43% **
    training= 0.46%
    boost= 15.70% **
    starbase= 0.08%

  • Hello,

    Joined this game a few months back after getting bored with the repeat the same mission event on Star Trek Online. The game seems to pretty easy too bad the instructions aren't clear on things.

    I am having trouble with getting the free legendary 5 star uniform for Sidney La Forge. She is but 1xp away from 90 but no matter what I have her do she will not get that remaining experience. So how am I suppose to level her to 90 and get the uniform for free.

    Would seem silly to have to replicate it in order to get it since it shows uniform only works on her character.

    What am I not doing that I need to inorder to get the uniform she needs that is an event ending in 4 days. Thank you.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭

    Joined this game a few months back after getting bored with the repeat the same mission event on Star Trek Online. The game seems to pretty easy too bad the instructions aren't clear on things.

    I am having trouble with getting the free legendary 5 star uniform for Sidney La Forge. She is but 1xp away from 90 but no matter what I have her do she will not get that remaining experience. So how am I suppose to level her to 90 and get the uniform for free.

    Would seem silly to have to replicate it in order to get it since it shows uniform only works on her character.

    What am I not doing that I need to inorder to get the uniform she needs that is an event ending in 4 days. Thank you.


    If I understand you correctly, you need experience holoprograms. When you first start, this can be an issue. I remember it taking me a long time. But you will soon get to the point that it isn't an issue. They drop like candy from voyages. They are also common in Gauntlet. The trick of to only advance crew that are useful to you. At some point you will have too many and can level crew at will. For now, choose your battles. If the crew isn't helping, do a different one for now.

    Or if I am misunderstanding, it could be that you have a gold uniform needed at level 81 and level 91. Build the equipment for all the items and then it will let you advance to the last set of equipment. The last set needs a gold uniform, too. You can claim the free one and then equip it.
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